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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14485354 No.14485354[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14485723

He is a sweet boy don't you dare bully him.

>> No.14485917

I dont understand how anyone can stand this boring fuck and the way he speaks

>> No.14485920

Who is this 4chan?

>> No.14485921

he hates trump so hes not 4chan approved.

>> No.14485923

This is gonna suck

>> No.14485929

Because people want to know his recipes step by step, not jerk off to his personality.

>> No.14485935

i hate trump too, this is /ck/ not /pol/

>> No.14485995

well it’s a good thing he’s 4channel-approved

>> No.14486010

Pretty sure /pol/ hates trump too at this point. The only reason people still support him is they would rather have him than a dem, but the second a charismatic conservative candidate with a hard stance on immigration comes up, every conservative will be able to finally say it out loud: trump is an absolute moron with no idea of how to translate his ideas into policy, and even die hard trumpers see it

>> No.14486033

you should watch all chef john videos at 50% speed
he sounds so drunk and it's a real treat

>> No.14486054

An elite chef

>> No.14486159

I want to see his take on the Orange Fool.

>> No.14486172

I don't know about Trump but there are several signs that guarantee he's one of the most conservative youtube chefs around. Hints are very subtle though, he's not dumb enough to risk anything.

>> No.14486212

Go back to your containment board

>> No.14486217

Yeah can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhh NIGGER

>> No.14486221

redpilled, but cringe

>> No.14486223

and that's a good thing

>> No.14486234

>Pretty sure /pol/ hates trump too
speak for yourself nigger

>> No.14486256
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>the least interesting food personality mentioned us
Im going back to sleep

>> No.14486308

You're either a /ptg/ poster or a troll. Trump ideas aren't the question, it's his competence. And clearly he isn't the right guy to show actual results instead of just words.

>> No.14486372

Actual /pol/tard here and not some fucking 2016 redditor. Always hated Trump because he's literally yet another Israel's little errand boy and I was for Ron Paul. Still better than Hillary who I'm sure would have started ww3 by now though.

>> No.14486388

I like his videos but hate his cadence.

>> No.14486623

>Always hated Trump because he's literally yet another Israel's little errand boy
This was known AFTER he got elected so....nice try trumpanze

>> No.14486624
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>Pretty sure /pol/ hates trump too at this point.

>> No.14486638

>hate circumsized cock sucking president Trump
>still have fondness looking back at the antics of candidate Trump

>> No.14486657
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>> No.14486660

because i watch his videos o cook new recipes not to watch an asshole chop vegetables and talk for 20 minuttes

>> No.14486715

>watching recipes for entertainment
hes literally perfect, doesn't have shitty 2 minute introductions and other stupid clips for entertainment. Just straight to the recipe explaining all steps perfectly well and a lot of variety.

>> No.14487497

Pretty sure he specifically stated he won't bring politics into his channel though. Sounds pretty based to me.

>> No.14487544

Let it go

>> No.14487581

<3 chef john very straightforward and a massive cutie

>> No.14487605


If you hate Trump then you are a true patriot and respect democracy. Also he lives near San Francisco, what the fuck did you expect? He’s not from rural Mississippi and Michelle isn’t his sister.

>> No.14487611

This. It's slower, but way more entertaining.

>> No.14487641

Holy shit that's hilarious, thanks anon

>> No.14487660
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>makes ONE video like 3 years ago very vaguely maybe alluding to trump
>/ck/ never lets him off

>chef john
>incessantly rants about trump 24/7 on twitter
>/ck/ forgives him


>> No.14487669

Take a look at his Twitter and you'll change your mind. He's clearly TDS.

>> No.14487675

Maybe because most people here don’t use Twitter, Twitter user.

>> No.14487709

i hate trumo because he is a jewish stooge

>> No.14487716


>> No.14487750

Obsolute retarded voice

>> No.14487796

The ideas are the important thing. Trump was always just the first step to fixing this country, and the job wouldn't be finished until hardcore nationalism was dominant. But you have to start somewhere, and Trump has popularized the ideas that are the foundation of hardcore nationalism arguably more than anyone in American history.

But he's also been a good president in spite of his flaws. Nobody in US history has done more to improve government policy from the time he took office to 3.5 years later than President Trump. Remember the record number of conservative judge appointments, the slashing of immigration by 1.1 million people per year, increasing funding to ICE, CBP, and the border, the tax cuts for everyone, better trade deals, tariffs, reduction of American military action around the world with the lack of new wars and troop pull outs, more energy production, slashing funding to globalist organizations and causes, killing the Obamacare mandate, cutting total worldwide foreign aid, reestablishing law and order, dealing with the China virus, pushing back against social media censorship, investigating Obamagate, increasing space program funding, and also shining a bright light on the danger of globalism, fake globalist media lies, the crimes of globalist pawns, and highlighting ideas that put Americans first.

Considering the state of our government's policy in 2016, Trump has done a massive amount to improve things, and should be appreciated for that, and the foundation he's laying for stronger nationalist politicians in the future, regardless of his flaws. We need more people better than Trump, but if we get them, it's because of what Trump started.

>> No.14487891
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Pol has hated Trump since 2017 when he bombed Syria and swallowed not inches of Netanyahu's dick. Trump is the biggest kikesucker on the planet and is owned by his billionaire financier Sheldon Adelson, a Jew rat Zionist casino magnate.

Only kike shills from the JIDF and true shabbos Goyim love Trump. Real pol hates likes, niggers, trannies, and jannies and that includes the Donald fucking cancer traitor Zog loving Trump and his kike daughter Jael Kushner.

>> No.14487898

/pol/ hates Drumpf for supporting israel and being generally retarded

>> No.14488093

Imagine being this disconnected from politics but still thinking that you have a meaningful opinion about anything. Name me one person who is any way better off now because of Trump’s presidency. I mean actually better off, not just sitting smugly in their living room because their tax dollars are going to the military instead of going to help people. I swear trump supporters literally read all these memes but never realized that the point of memes was THEY ARE JOKES. Supporting Trump is the peak of cringe.

>> No.14488558

>not just sitting smugly in their living room because their tax dollars are going to the military instead of going to help people
Nigger I've literally gotten neetbux with a letter from the president despite being employed at an admittedly shitty and low wage job. Sure it's mass produced, but what the hell are you going on about? And he's been the only president to keep our military out of a mass overseas boots-on-ground arab jihadi safari war since the mid 1990's. The middle east has been stabilizing, relative to it's normal shit-for-brains mudhuttery. Are you being obtuse on purpose? You'd better not be.
>Supporting Trump is the peak of cringe
Are you fucking retarded? How dead is your finger on the pulse of the gestalt to say this? Sure, he's not perfect. Do you even remember how bad 2015 was? Western civilization was and has been crumbling. A stronger foundation is needed, and this one is structurally flawed. Too soft in some places and too hard in others.
I can't know this for certain, but you seem to got the brain of a lemming to me. Changing opinion to whatever seems popular without knowing why you believe the things you do. Read some more classical philosophy and history books, it'll do your mind and soul good.

>> No.14489037

used to watch because it was funny the way he speaks and now i don't even notice it and have become cayenne pilled

>> No.14489181

I love Trump but if you hate/boycott people over opinions they hold that they don't shove down your throat, maybe you're the problem.

>> No.14490387

cope and seethe

>> No.14490520

Little does he know /ck/ is only 60% food discussion. Everything else is threads specifically made to beat a dead horse into the fucking underground.
>Muh Mchicken
>Muh Seared Bite
>Muh Mexican WebM's

>> No.14490619


>> No.14490748

ok trooner

>> No.14490873

Nobody on /pol/ gives a fuck about sand niggers other than shills

>> No.14490899

because he shows the recipe instead of himself and doesn't fuck around telling people about inane shit nobody wants to hear

>> No.14490905

Chef John is a good boy leave him alone.

>> No.14490906

This is the literal toddler who watches youtube celebrities.

>> No.14490912

his tone is obnoxious but hes a tremendous chef, and has taught me a lot of recipes Ive never heard of

>> No.14491145

Why do you hate him?

>> No.14491163


>> No.14491221

thats why i watch him at 2x speed. Also skip the intro sometimes

>> No.14491228

/pol/ abandoned Trump after 2017 when it was clear he was a deep state Israeli lobby shill.

>> No.14491253

Townsends is a liar while chef john is a jew and 100% of those hate trump so theres no surprises there.

>> No.14491303

Trump isn't conservative. Hating Trump doesn't mean you aren't conservative. Mitt Romney hates Trump.

>> No.14492195

>other than shills
there is no one who isn't a shill

>> No.14492240

he's a jew so that's a given

>> No.14492301

He lives in San Francisco.

>> No.14492304
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wiiiiith cucking! That's right, today we're going to humiliate a certain colonial reenactor by giving his wife the olllll' tappa tappa.

Alright we're going to start off by him prepping me while she undresses and I move on to sucking her tits. He insists on a condom and puts it on for me, which I take off.

Now it's time to reach for, that's right, the butter! I find this to make anal much easier, but that step is up to you. You are after all the Marlon Brando, of butt-fucking that one ho'. After a few minutes of plowing you'll be done! Oh and don't worry, someone else is there to clean up the mess. Like the saying goes the cucks don't fight.

And that's it, colonial tradition brought into the modern age. Hope you try it yourself sometime and as always, enjoy~

>> No.14493141

Like how we shouldnt bring up politics in non /pol/ ?? Wish /ck/ could be based like john

>> No.14493300

>No shake of cayenne on her ass

Fake and gay

>> No.14493407
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>> No.14493411
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>> No.14493413
File: 107 KB, 750x245, 7472FC5E-2A1B-440F-B0B6-38BB15E958E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White trash Americucks btfo

>> No.14493430
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>> No.14493953

the only people who like trump are his brain dead cultist base

>> No.14493966

You are the Cardi B of your double chicken tea

>> No.14494109

If you watch Chef John at half speed it sounds like he's drunk


>> No.14494130

You can be conservative and dislike Trump.

>> No.14494146

Wasn't it obvious?

>> No.14494342

>HE WAS A GOOD PRESIDENT BECAUSE <things only rightoids and larpers would find to be good>
Yeah ok

>> No.14494388

Stale copypasta m8

>> No.14494396

This is unironically why I stopped liking him. Also he's a jew.

>> No.14494400

>worst economic collapse in history
>worst covid numbers of any country in the world
>the streets are literally on fire
Yes, everything is fine.

>> No.14494401

I remember the thread someone pointed this out, the example they posted was Bob’s Kebabs. That’s probably the one to watch.