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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 211 KB, 908x1600, $(KGrHqV,!lMFIOOF548PBSFnIcHUww__60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14481455 No.14481455 [Reply] [Original]

Can't believe I fell for this fucking meme

>> No.14481461

How is it a meme? It's pretty cheap and good, I like it personally.

>> No.14481493
File: 6 KB, 205x205, 1314195896534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you buy a fucking container of it? it's like 2 bucks a jar. you aren't poor are you?

>> No.14481508

It's just kind of bland, honestly. Just oil and a little bit of spiciness. The way I've seen people talk about it, I figured it'd be some ground breaking condiment that would boost the flavor of all kinds of foods.

>> No.14481513

Seriously, it's cheap and at least I like it. It's not like you fell for the parallelogram cast iron pan

>> No.14481515

It was 4 dollars where I got it. Definitely not worth the price.

>> No.14481564
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I like it but it really has a chemical taste that I can't place so I try not to eat it alot. Trader Joe's has a version but it tastes too much like onions while I prefer the taste of garlic more. The closest I can get is the Japanese but it's lacking in heat since the Japanese can't handle chilies. My all time favorite is the one from the Chinese restaurant but they seemed to have changed the recipe. :/

>> No.14481600
File: 593 KB, 640x640, A245F11F-33EB-4DCB-BEE9-498B83E53C06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this stuff instead. It’ll set your asshole on fire.

>> No.14481609

It sucks it tastes like rancid fishy soybean oil

>> No.14481617

>4 dollars is enough to make me sperg online
>not because my miserable life is so devoid of adventure and excitement shitposting on ck is the only form og human interaction i have left
>no, it's the 4 dollars
are you 10 years old? if i lost 4 dollars today i would have no idea because it's just 4 fucking dollars

>> No.14481622

>try it
>tastes like rancid gutter oil with a lingering chemical burn that you can actively feel causing you cancer as you swallow it, no spice really and one serving is like 99% your RDI for fats
Wow /ck/ picks a Chinese winner again!

>> No.14481724

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.14481739

This stuff is really good.

>> No.14481811
File: 225 KB, 300x300, 1580113641020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone say hot oiyal?

>> No.14481816

This condiment is literally not a meme. It's like having a jar of mayonnaise in your fridge, occasionally use it.

>> No.14481818
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>> No.14481820
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one does not just occasionally use mayonnaise

>> No.14482007

My nigga

>> No.14482022

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.14482068

You're Chinese food?

>> No.14482090

The irony is the area around Wuhan, with some of the grossest unsanitary meat markets, also has fucking amazing vegetarian noodle dishes.

>> No.14482096
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>> No.14482166

some of us
-w o r k-
for our money

>> No.14482224

yeah, and? your lemonade stand doesn't count as -w o r k-, timmy. if you have a real job, one that requires you to possess an actual skill set, 4$ just isn't a big deal.
And let me get one thing clear: either you
>feel 4$ is a lot of money. In this case, you should be cautious what you spend it on (aka not chili flakes)
>feel 4$ isn't a lot of money. In which case you can spend it on frivolous, useless shit, but don't complain about it like you actually lost something
don't expect me to pity someone that spends the money he is too poor to spend, or cries "scam!" when the 2 dollar shit he bought doesn't live up to his expectations

>> No.14482233 [DELETED] 

shut up kissless neet

>> No.14482235

what is it with you spicefags and your buttholes?

>> No.14482260 [DELETED] 

some of us dont have leathery assholes from years of stretching

>> No.14482263

What's the matter? Didn't expect to get btfo'd so hard? I'm sure you can afford a better comeback. Oh no wait, apparently you can't afford anything!

>> No.14482273 [DELETED] 

i was btfo'd?

>> No.14482296

>hurr durr nearly universal condiment is a meme
>hurrrr salt is a meme
fucking brainlet

>> No.14482328

>I like it but it really has a chemical taste that I can't place so I try not to eat it alot.

Thats the Sichuan pepper corn, it competes to bind to the same never that capsaicin does, making things less spicy.
it does, however have its own flavor

>> No.14482453
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>> No.14482533
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Why not try this product?

>> No.14482551

>lingering chemical burn
Wouldn't that be the known ingredient of the szechuan peppercorn?

I like this Langanma, but I try not to to kill my GI lining since I take Aleve daily, and will not put it on everything, or every meal like people do with some of their homemade sauces. I do love it alongside rice.

I had a Libyan-Italian-Jewish boss in my youth (USA). He was a well traveled epicure. His wife gardened, and grew some kind of (possibly Aleppo?) pepper he would can and then share with us in the office like had no name for it and wouldn't discuss it, like it was some smuggled pepper he has been growing since his childhood, lol, but he would make batches of chili paste garlic oil. It was dried and crunchy. This was about 50% garlic and 50% chiles in olive oil, zero spices so wasn't a harissa, and bring jars into the office. You could feel the capsaicin warm you like heroin quickly coursing through your veins like you had just taken a sip of alcohol after coming in from the snow. It was crack addictive, in other words, amazing as a condiment or just with some fresh crusty bread as a dip or spread. We usually just had some with our capuccino mid-morning, because you needed that milk to halt the burn.

>> No.14482590

Nice copypasta

>> No.14482768

No, I actually have Sichuan peppers. I know about its numbing effects.

Couldn't find it in the local Japanese stores.

>> No.14482785

>he doesn't make his own chilli crisp

it's literally just deep fried onion, garlic, and chilli with a bit of msg, salt, sugar, and Szechuan peppercorns for flavour.

if you wanna make it really tasty, caramelise the onions before turning up the heat to get it crispy and add some deep fried whole chillies and small chunks of tofu. fucking delicious!

>> No.14482807


Your local Asian grocer accepts Good Boy Points?

>> No.14484022

Stale pasta.

>> No.14484391

mouthlets in this threat holy shit

>> No.14484402

it's just a fucking condiment dipshit

>> No.14484410

It tastes like old MDMA mixed in the cheapest bottled hot oil you can get. And I get real whole Sichuan peppercorns to cook with so I know what they taste like and it isn’t this shit.

>> No.14484416


Yep. It sucks the big one. I have a giant jar that I've used twice. Its overly oniony and oily as fuck. And I'm someone who loves onion.

>> No.14484427

Does old MDMA taste different than fresh MDMA?

>> No.14484430


OP doesn't know what he is talking about. MDMA smells/tastes nothing like this shit lol. If you want to compare it to something, it smells like anise and tastes like a 9 volt battery.

>> No.14484432

It's actually the MSG. I'm a chink so I know what it tastes like kek

Lao Gan Ma is OK for a supermarket brand chili sauce.
Restaurants that make their own chili sauce usually have better ones though.

>> No.14484458

>he’s never had old (that’s the keyword) MDMA

>> No.14484461

True. I took some a month ago and thats the way I'd describe it I guess for fresh stuff.

That said, mdma is a miracle drug and everyone should take it once in their life.

>> No.14485365

get cancer soon

>> No.14486044
File: 102 KB, 720x720, sichuan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll have to buy the ingredients at the Chinese supermarket and make your own!

The difference between Japanese style and Chinese style is
The inclusion of ground pork.
Finally, add sesame oil to flavor it.


>> No.14486744
File: 2.61 MB, 2340x4160, IMG-20200730-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Been using it in some more stuff and it's definitely grown on me a bit. Pic related.

Probably won't buy another bottle though, but I'll probably try making my own.

>> No.14486755
File: 92 KB, 800x800, Peanuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care for the basic version either but the peanuts in chili oil on some homemade noodles make my dick so fucking hard

>> No.14487759

Yeah, I think this stuff except spicier would be the perfect chili oil for me. Maybe I should try just adding a bunch of spicy chili powder to it myself.

>> No.14487781

Actually, is this >>14482533 basically the spicier version of this >>14481564 plus sichuan peppercorns? I might give it a shot then.