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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14479034 No.14479034[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I got too drunk to eat dinner again

>> No.14479035

do something about it

>> No.14479039

When I used to live alone in a trailer I used to do that all the time, one day I drank for a day and a half straight and just didnt eat anything, and had the worst case of gastritis in my life. My advice: keep a box of saltines handy, before you sleep just eat a whole packet and chase them with a gallon of water.

>> No.14479047

Bread works too, but its harder to eat alot of at once.

>> No.14479121

I do this regularly. Will just drink instead of eating because i dint wanna ruin my buzz. youd be amazed how quickly it helps you shed weight

>> No.14479148

Good advice desu, thanks

>> No.14479228

>binge drinking
>losing weight
sure, keep telling yourself that

>> No.14479243

I've always had problems with drinking too much, either binge drinking and getting black out drunk, or drinking every day alone.

Since being mostly stuck at home since March I've managed to turn things around. I now rarely drink alone and drink a lot less when drinking socially. The main things that helped were having alternative things to do when bored (like computer games) and having a list of goals to accomplish each day.

>> No.14479574

Liquid diet proved keeps his cals in check he'll be find

>> No.14479599

i drink anywhere from a fifth to a handle a day and when i see people i have seen in a while they ask me if i've been working out because i have a lot of natural muscle mass and drinking prevents me from eating too much

>> No.14479608
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>tfw got too drunk and ate two dinners

>> No.14479616

>dad starts long meal that will take 4-6 hours
>drinks heavily throughout the whole process
>is so smashed by the time he finishes it that he doesn't even eat it
>can't even cut the meat/prepare the dish because he's so hammered
>passes out and leaves shit everywhere
>doesn't even fully finish the meal half the time
>wakes up the next morning to spoiled food
I'm honestly surprised this man hasn't burned down his house yet.

>> No.14479631

when i used to actually work out i looked fucking scary diesel but i'm amazing how being an alcoholic slob doesn't look all that different

>> No.14479644

i haven't had a fistfight in 10 years and i probably can't run down the street but i can still flip a faggot on his neck in a second

>> No.14479708

That means the alcohol was your dinner.

>> No.14479710

thanks i just pissed my bed

>> No.14479713

Honestly with the hangovers I've had. I'd rather piss my bed then be incapable of anything for 24 hrs lol

>> No.14480008

somehow i went the whole day without eating, then drank a ton of vodka, and then sloppily put together a low fat pasta and couldnt eat very much of it not because i wasnt hungry but because i just didnt feel hungry at all. what is wrong with me

>> No.14480015

i'm... really sorry, anon.

>> No.14480698

Eat before you drink. Or, walk away for ten minutes and you'll soon switch your mind to eating instead of alcohol.

>> No.14480723
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>drank too much and ate dinner
>it came back up an hour or two later

>> No.14481209

I lost 20lb being an alcoholic for a few months. I pretty much stopped eating.

>> No.14481287

how do you guys live like this
I get drunk once and I never drink again for at least 6 months

>> No.14481296

Be thankful you don't have the weakness. You're a normal person. I suggest you avert your eyes when you see these threads from now on

>> No.14481442

i envy you desu. i've probably been sober one day the past 6 months, if that

>> No.14481475


Alcohol has the exact opposite effect on most people.

>> No.14481541

well it all depends on what you usually eat and drink really. if you're a amerifat living off of mcdonalds usually and suddenly decide to spend your day drinking vodka&diet coke then yeah, you'll lose weight for sure

>> No.14481870

If you drank enough to get drunk you probably didn't need the additional dinner calories.

>> No.14481883

Ha, when my dad gets shitfaced he wants to deep fat fry shit and starts boiling gallons of oil on the stovetop.
It's deeply disconcerting but also his fried fish and potatoes are still very fucking tasty despite him getting blind singing-to-himself drunk.

>> No.14481944

I can totally excess on rum, vodka or gin. If I try the same with whiskey, it just fucks up my digestive system.

>> No.14481963

I realized I might be addicted to alcohol when I noticed that hangovers usually lasted 2-3 days, which to me seemed more withdrawal. Just felt shitty and tired until I had another drink, which of course helped.
Sacrifice a week of comfort to get better anon. You don't have to go cold turkey, but yet again, you probably can't have just 2 beers either

>> No.14481980

alcohol kills your appetite. after 5 years ive finally knocked my drinking down to 3 beers at night.

>finally getting REM sleep
>every single night ive dreamed
>probably got 5 years of dream backlog to get thru

>> No.14482010

How do you live like that?

>> No.14482011

Done this a few times at Christmas. I decided to give up Christmas instead of the drink.

>> No.14482014

I always crave sugar and shit food when I drink. I'd probably drink more often if this weren't the case.

>> No.14482708


>> No.14482721


>> No.14482733

post body

>> No.14484129

Five dollars worth of food will ruin fifty dollars worth of a buzz.

>> No.14484147

That's a quick way to develop cirrhosis,

>> No.14484154

I ordered a small dominos buffalo chicken pizza and am getting drunk off of red wine right now.

>> No.14484157

>domino's and red wine
A man of cultured taste, I see.

>> No.14484264

my gameplay is eat right before drinking and have two meals prepped in the fridge. eat one after 5 hours of drinking and the second right when I wake up

>> No.14484303

>rem sleep
mad jealous. with my withdrawls I'm lucky to get that twice a week

>> No.14484317


No, it's a quick way to develop nephritis. Liver failure happens later.

>> No.14484319

I'm getting back on the wagon for a while. Last night I drank a bottle of prosecco followed by half a bottle of vodka.
I woke up late in the guest bedroom. Couldn't remember a thing after starting to drink the vodka.
Weird thing was when I went downstairs I found a fork in my kitchen sink that looked like it had been scraped through butter.
I checked the butter in my fridge and it had lots of fork marks through it.
I couldn't remember a thing. A complete blackout. I'm afraid that I might have done something terrible in this sleepwalking like using the cooker and burning down the house with me in it passed out drunk.

>> No.14484346
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>If only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.14484373

It’s one of the few things I look forward to, and it’s tomorrow. Going to the liquor store on pay day

>> No.14484460

Camo black makes your hair grow back!?

>> No.14484484

Wake In Fright
Trees Lounge
The Lost Weekend

>> No.14485101

most people have shit metabolisms. sucks to be genetically inferior, like you anon, i wouldn't know what thats like.
would be a no shit statement but
was too fuckin stupid to understand that no eating=weight loss, even with alcohol.

>> No.14485105

no muthafuckin shit? i can have a light beer that 6-12 calories and still need go eat dinner. depends on what you're drinking, you silly faggot.

>> No.14485139

>went out for drinks with a girl I've been dating ish for a bit
>4 drinks at a bar
>got a pizza and a bottle of wine
>she wanted to bang
>sent her home, drinking the rest of the bottle she didn't touch

>> No.14485174
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Get Ensure and mix it with your alcohol, drink and feed yourself at the same time.

>> No.14485183
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>no muthafuckin shit?
not welcome on this board nigger

>> No.14485256

Just your pubes.