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File: 1.18 MB, 4860x2734, Five-Guys-startet-Frhstcks-Men-in-UK-22516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14480113 No.14480113 [Reply] [Original]

Five Guys is expanding their network in Germany.
As a German fag who has never had it, I would like you to recommend me items off their menu that I have to try first visit.

>> No.14480116

It's not a huge menu. Burger, hot dog, fries, milkshakes. That's it.

>> No.14480121

What seriously?
This is very unusual for any fast food chain I have ever been to.

>> No.14480123

Little bacon cheeseburger
Little cajun fries
A milkshake

>> No.14480129

Yes. Simplicity.

>> No.14480133

It's just a hamburger. Calm down. There's no special secret that Americans know about cheeseburgers. But I will tell you that Germans fucking love Tex Mex and can't replicate it to save their lives.

>> No.14480135

It's basically just In-N-Out except worse and more expensive

>> No.14480136

Get ready to overpay for a mediocre burger.
Also, you can the small fries. Thats like a large fry at other places.

>> No.14480172

>t-there's no secret burger tech haha

>> No.14480179

The main appeal is that the menu is simple but also you can customize your burger with a lot of different choices.

>> No.14480183

Get ready to pay an absurd price for a burger that is only marginally better than other fastfood burgers.

>> No.14480185

I could make a better version of everything in this picture, fuck fast food lol

>> No.14480206
File: 67 KB, 500x630, smug-looking-anime-girls-with-condescending-looks-on-their-faces-3629203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't know the burger secret

>> No.14480237

It's significantly better than fast food burgers, but it's not even in the same category, it's fast casual, not fast food. That said, I still argue that 5 guys is probably a waste of time because it's the same price as most good local burger restaurants here in the US. It's probably a good representation of a pretty decent US burger oversees though because even though burgers aren't complicated, very few places outside of the US make good burgers.

>> No.14480245

Directions to the nearest McDonald's

>> No.14480257


>anime posting

>> No.14480262

Can you make it within your lunch break?
If not, that is a moot point.
People don't go to fast food places because they want a nice meal, but because they want to eat right then.

But congrats on being able to make a sandwich anon.

>> No.14480270

There really are no good burger places in Germany.
Even in big cities, with supposedly "high end" burger restaurants, they still serve you crappy burgers.
I don't know why it's so hard to use a non frozen beef patty.

>> No.14480272

Nothing because they suck. How are they still in business? I dont see anyone going there to eat. Is it a money laundering front?

>> No.14480285
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>Five Guys is now going to ruin Germany

>> No.14480288
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>american """"""""""food""""""""""

>> No.14480292
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>american """"""""""education""""""""""

>> No.14480294
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>american """"""""""workers rights""""""""""

>> No.14480295

Five Guys fucking sucks. Get a shake with every mix-in and call it a day.

>> No.14480297
File: 30 KB, 995x223, 1568590449056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american """"""""""healthcare""""""""""

>> No.14480301

>low IQ, uneducated and proudly ignorant
>refusing or too stupid to use the metric system
>can't properly speak, spell and apply English grammar rules
>insanely high student debt
>no worker protection laws (cancel culture)
>most people are living from paycheck to paycheck
>having to have two jobs to survive
>having to tip waiters
>old people unable to retire and need to continue working
>homeless people
>morbidly obese
>unironically sharting
>terrible healthcare and insurance system (get injured and drown in debt)
>ignorance of COVID-19
>highest STD rates among "first world" countries
>circumcision of baby penises
>pledge of allegiance each day
>indoctrinated and arrogant (Murrican exceptionalism)
>Hollywood propaganda
>worshipping celebrities
>censoring swear words or natural nudity on TV while having world's biggest porn industry
>broken two-party system beyond repair
>citizens afraid of the government and vice versa
>corrupt and easily bribed politicians
>undisclosed financing of politicians (bribery)
>military state, swallowing dozens of billions dollars each year
>always at war (thank you for your service)
>controlled by big corporations
>worshipping big corporations
>abuse of rights and privacy invasion by CIA, NSA, etc.
>torturing whistleblowers and other "political enemies"
>insane obsession of guns/rifles (wild west mentality)
>several school shootings each day
>deep racism everywhere
>gangs and high crime rates
>police brutality
>highest incarceration rate by far
>actual nazi problem
>close to a civil war
>climate change deniers
>broken infrastructure / terrible public transportation
>greed for oil, gas and coal energy (+fracking)
>wasteful and inefficient
>drought due to corporate greed
shartistan is the worst country on earth

>> No.14480304

>Be American
>wake up at 7:30AM
>Eat 4 donuts and an entire box of sugar brand sugar cereal for breakfast despite being 25
>shart (or wait until walmart trip later) and shower (every 3 days). '
>Brush teeth with fluoride and lead toothpaste
>get in car that has a $300 a month payment
>drive to wage slave job
>Make sure to drink an entire 2 liter on the 30 minute drive.
>Get to work
>Free donuts and coffee
>4 hours into work, you get a break
>15 minutes? I can make it to McDonalds!
>"Yeah, I'll have 5 big macs, a large fry and a Diet coke and a Salad, I am eating healthy"
>Consume it all in one gasp
>Return to work.
>You are late, Mr. ShekelShoah will doc your pay!
>Time for a 2PM snack
>3 slim jims and 2 cans of Diet Dr. Pepper.
>5PM, quitting time.
>Better stop at the drive through, I don't wanna cook!
>Hi, I'll take 6 Doritos locos tacos, 3 nacho fries and diet pepsi.
>Time to do some shopping.
>Better go to wally world.
>Arrive in parking lot
>Dump all the garbage in the parking lot.
>"Welcome to walmart"
>Cleanup on aisle 10!
>Go to food section
>Fill my cart with delicious snacks
>Hohos, twinkies, frosted flakes, a 48 pack of Diet Dr. Thunder.
>Not a veggie in sight.
>Check out
>Cashier sharts as we both shart in mart.
>Arrive home
>Time for second din din
>Microwave tendies
>The entire pack of tendies
>And a diet coke.
>Have an entire gallon of ice cream for desert.
>Go to bed at 8PM because Dr. Shekelstien says I need to come in early!

>> No.14480308 [DELETED] 

amerikkkans created the coronavirus

First, there were the Military Olympics in October in Wuhan (18 – 27 October 2019), where about 200 American soldiers participated; the first cases of 2019-nCoV fever were discovered about two weeks later – two weeks is the average gestation period from infection to outbreak.

Second, there was Event 201, on October 18, 2019, at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in Baltimore, Maryland, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (WEF – the corporatocracy representing Big Weapons, Big Pharma and Big Money), and the John Hopkins Institute. The theme was simulating a High-Level Pandemic Exercise – and yes, the simulation produced 65 million deaths. Just a couple of weeks before the first COVID-19 victims were identified. Curiously, in their defense the sponsors of Event 201, now say,
“We are not now predicting that the nCoV-2019 (which was also used as the name of the simulation) outbreak will kill 65 million people. Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus, the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.”

And third – the timing, hitting China right on their most important Holiday, the Lunar New Year, when people are traveling, uniting with family and friends, when there are usually huge festivities with lots of people – an event of celebrating happiness – all cut short by the outbreak that put Wuhan and portions of Hubei Province, and a total of about 50 million Chinese in quarantine; and more – no shopping, no exchange of presents, no celebrations – a huge economic loss

>> No.14480317

>stick in the mud who has a problem with everything

>> No.14480351
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x720, 1525741535525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have thought Germany would have had an at least semi-competent burger scene. Granted it's like 100+ years ago, but the hamburger is based of the hamburg steak. Is a dish like that still popular over there?


>> No.14480355

Their burger, faggot

>> No.14480359

I remember they opening in Berlin but they got BTFO by Burgermeister.

>> No.14480365

German Hamburgers suck

>> No.14480387

Interesting theory.

>> No.14480389

Kill yourself Chang

>> No.14480397
File: 37 KB, 394x350, 1519583013672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kill yourself Chang

>> No.14480402

Hans, my friend...just avoid being overhyped. Most people you will find who say five guys sucks are people who were hyped too hard. Someone told them to prepare for the greatest burger they've ever tasted and they got their hopes up, paid a hefty sum and we're left feeling deflated. In reality, a five guys burger is pretty good. It's much better than fast food like McDonalds or Burger King, but its much much more expensive. It isn't a life changing experience, but it's tasty. The best thing they have is actually their vanilla milkshakes. If you get a burger get a bacon cheeseburger.

>> No.14480417

That's pretty much it. It just seems like most people stopped going to "hole in the wall" places so shit like 5 guys seems awesome compared to fast food. Their burger is pretty much the same as you'd get at a greasy spoon type place for half the price.

>> No.14480424

cajun fries + funny bacon milkshakes
that's it

>> No.14480429

cool pasta, chang

>> No.14480432
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burgerista is the superior german burger chain
free refill homemade lemonade & ice tea, freshly ground steak-tier beef, selfmade buns.

>> No.14480486


>> No.14480491
File: 3.46 MB, 377x372, 1520895231013.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rent free

>> No.14480502

not enough kebab and fecal matter for ya?

>> No.14480503

do they plan to have a shop at Goerlitz or at least at Dresden? I'd love to try them and Polan won't have any 5guys shop in the near future.

>> No.14480526
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>> No.14480527
File: 51 KB, 306x573, article-2520883-19FD5CAD00000578-397_306x573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14480539

You realize that over 9000 athletes from all over the world participated at those Olympics, right? This means that it's just as likely, in your conspiracy, that this virus originated from any of the other 140 nations that participated.

>> No.14480545

Complete BS, I have lived in like 5 different cities by now and they all had good burger joints.

Also I went to the German 5 guys in FFM and it was a huge disappointment,and expensive as well.

>> No.14480547

We're supposedly getting them in Australia as well.

>> No.14480559

This thread is shit, all these anngry 'europeons' are halarius

>> No.14480560

We prefer the term "halal"

>> No.14480616
File: 72 KB, 562x657, 1574713465124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread is shit, all these anngry 'europeons' are halarius

>> No.14480622
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>> No.14480627
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>> No.14480630
File: 87 KB, 640x757, 1595813030166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american waiters/waitresses DON'T get paid minimum wage

>> No.14480648
File: 22 KB, 700x525, fragile wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

american niggas be like
>honey don't lean on the wall or else you'll put a hole in it

>> No.14480654

What an entitled cunt

>> No.14480660
File: 48 KB, 567x448, 1574124074184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Toilet States
>Latrine Country
>Urinal States of Poomerica
>Outhouse Land
>Gent's room Fats
>Restroom Mutts
>Washroom Ogres
>Men's room Goblins
>Potty Land Of Shitmerica
>Cesspool Troglodytes
>Diaper States
>Perro Caca Americana
>Bathroom Shart
>W.C. aka US
>Diarrhea States of Fatmerica
>Turd World Shithole
>Odorfull Shitstates of PeePoomerica
>Soiled Fats of Muttistan
>Crap Sharts
>Sharty Marty
>Ameripiss Shithole
>Feces States

>> No.14480663

I don't love america or anything, but this is some high level seethe posting if I've ever seen it.

>> No.14480665
File: 78 KB, 800x382, 6a00d83451c75869e20191042c080a970c-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're able to customize it pretty freely, but yeah the menu itself is very small. The portion sizes are pretty generous so opt for the little burger for your first time. Definitely suggest the cajun fries.

>> No.14480668

>Be American
>get shot

>> No.14480669

>I don't love america

>> No.14480672

Jesus man, take advantage of some of that free shitty mental health care you shithole people mumble on about.

>> No.14480681

>take advantage of some of that free shitty mental health care

>> No.14480682

get a cheeseburger and get lots of toppings
and get cajun fries

>> No.14480766

I don't think you know what a good burger is you retard kraut faggot.

>> No.14480770

What about Poonited States of FartSmellica

>> No.14480808

Also German fag here. Do you know which cities it will have locations in?

>> No.14480863

Guck doch einfach auf der Webseite

>> No.14481069
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more embarrassing than the kid who did a school presentation about bronies

>> No.14482186

The picture will not look like that OP. The wrapper around the bun and burger will flatten it all pretty tightly. The "cup" of fries in the US goes into a brown paper bag, and it topped out with about 100-150% more fries than will actually fit into that cup, nearly completely filling the bag. The fries are the superstar! They are skin-on and fresh cut (not frozen), so they are double fried right there in house.

Order a double burger (they're thin), all the toppings you want. You can get grilled onions, mushrooms, jalapenos, green peppers, relish, A1, probably it's all there, and I think all but the bacon is free. These burgers are cooked on a griddle, not too thin, but not getting a double is like being a child's size, because of thinness.

Large fries but split them with 2-3 people and the price and size will make more sense. The cup of fries will come in a big brown paper bag to absorb oil. Tear bag open right away at your table to let the steam out and to dip your fries. In the US? We're not that big on the mayo with fries trend, but it's offered. You can get your fries cajun salt seasoned, don't worry it's not really hot, or regular. The cajun salt is delicious but might be applied kind of heavy handed. Should have malt vinegar and other condiments offered.

I've never ordered their milkshake. But, I think other than soda and hot dogs, that's the whole entire menu, 4 things. Maybe there is something for vegan, who knows? Salted roasted in the shell peanuts are "help yourself" by the box in the lobby with some empty containers to fill and munch on at your table while your burger is being cooked (all well done). It's certainly not a place for peanut allergy people to walk into.

>> No.14482247

They opened one here a year or two ago. Overpriced, fries were pretty good, burger was like they decided to dip the whole thing into the peanut oil after assembling it. Milkshake nothing special. Don't bother.

>> No.14482254

Little cheeseburger all the way, hold the mayo, add jalapeños and hot sauce. Medium fries, Cajun style, drizzled with the malt vinegar.

>> No.14482255

Expel all american companies from your borders.

>> No.14482257

If you start saving now, you may be able to afford something on the menu when it arrives there.

>> No.14482261

I've had burgers in a few countries, the only one to come close is Mexico in Oaxaca and df

>> No.14482279

In-N-Out definitely has the expedited and cheap niche in the burger industry down to a science. But I would be remiss if you were to downplay the same combination offered at Five Guys being better tasting overall
1:Bacon Burger (with the works)
2:regular Cajun fries (they pack a cup full of em and dump the same size into the bag itself. You will not need ketchup for them
3:Vanilla milkshake with whipped cream. Dip the cajun fries in this and experience heaven.
>protip: Eat this only as an indulgence and when you haven't eaten for a while.

>> No.14482285

the usa is a cancer. Rally your community and protest/picket all american owned businesses.

>> No.14482382

Keep it simple and effective. I like that formula. It's how small businesses should start out and apparently it kept working for them so why not.

>> No.14482393


Get the smallest burger and be prepared to be very dissappointed by the fries.

Also it's all greasy as shit.

>> No.14482397

Bong here. It's pretty expensive for what it is. The chips are nice. The hotdogs are pretty meh. I'd stick with the burgers, the bacon is worth adding imo, decent stuff.

>> No.14482628

fucking retarded cunt they have
hamburger with cheese
hamburger with cheese and bacon
hot dog

>> No.14483314

fucking based

>> No.14483320

are all americans this gullible and stupid? seems like they are.

>> No.14483326

when i had it, it wasn't anything special enough to justify the price. it's alright, just get a burger with the toppings of your choice and fries. not much else.