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File: 47 KB, 334x532, waitress-himouto-umaru-chan-123819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14479651 No.14479651[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you ask a waitress out ?

>> No.14479654

That’s rape so you don’t.

>> No.14479658

Wait for her until her closing shift ends, follow her as she walks a couple of blocks from the shop. Rush up to her and then rapidly pour out your heart to her. When she turns you down because yoy seen like a rapist just go ahead and rape her, then you can tell her "guess you're mt girlfriend now" and lock her in your basement.

>> No.14479660

Tip her 50% and leave your phone number on the check.

>> No.14479666

>"What do you think is good?"
>"What would you suggest?"

Ask her name as soon as you arrive and then use it constantly. Then before leaving give her your card and tell her she's beautiful.

>> No.14479668

doesn't matter because she's going to go to the kitchen and tell all the staff about the creepy loser that just asked for her number and then fuck a line cook in the backseat of their car after closing.

>> No.14479686

Dont bother unless youre really really good-looking.

>> No.14479688

ask her dad if you can

>> No.14479694

Follow her into the restroom and grab her by the pussy

>> No.14479704
File: 254 KB, 1024x680, 1588156677829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't. She's there to get a paycheck, not to get hit on by a weirdo who goes on 4chan. Trying to meet her outside of work would be artificial and stalkery, she would recognize you and assume the worst. Just be friendly if you patronize the place often and don't tip too much or she'll think you're expecting something from her.

>> No.14479731

Attractive waitresses get hit on 24/7 and successful ones flirt with retards for more tipbux. Don't ask her out unless you want to be laughed out of the restaurant.

>> No.14479736

Step 1 - Don't be autistic like OP

>> No.14479737

What up bitch?

>> No.14479739


>> No.14479749

>brainwashed by the norm
yeah. i go to work for the paycheck too, but would love if at least once in these past two years someone, just one girl my age range, would stick around and try to flirt with me who isn't married, a guy, or some fat girl who knows I've been drinking on the job.

i'm so fucking lonely. alone. family, friends, love, friendship, nothing. no one.
after 6-7 years it's starting to physically hurt.

>> No.14479756

She has had hundreds of desperate fuckers do this if she has worked at the same place for a long enough time. If she isn't giving you her number she doesn't want you and you'll just embarrass yourself and become another joke the entire crew laughs about.

>> No.14479763

Im the same way as far as the feelings of loneliness. Im starting to become bitter.

>> No.14479820

"What time do you get off"

>> No.14479847

get a job at the restaurant and be the grungiest, least charismatic dishpit dipshit in the building
never fails
also have drugs

>> No.14479856

this. also make sure that you talk as much shit about everyone as often as possible. the drug thing is very, very important, though. prioritize that.

>> No.14479864

basically use the dishwashing job as a cover up for selling drugs

>> No.14479865

>anime autist
>asking anyone out

lol no

>> No.14479866

Whores like that are fucking worthless though

>> No.14479869

Would a quality women ever aspire to be a waitress, though? Hrmm. What a conundrum.

>> No.14479884

Good people end up in shitty places, but its pointless arguing about this.

>> No.14479901

They could be employed as factory workers, but without flirtation from tips from thirsty assholes, they aren't able to make as much money. It's far easier to put on an act and shake their ass as servers.

>> No.14479911

you don't

>> No.14479955

we have a casanova here ladies and gentlemen

>> No.14480006

>provides list of disqualifying reasons to not want a girl hitting on him e.g. fat ,old, male, married
>doesn't realize he is on every girl's list

>> No.14480039
File: 329 KB, 979x1125, diagnosis_nonce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh good God am I lonely
>A woman could literally reach out to me (for toilet paper) while I'm shitting on the toilet and I'd cry tears of joy because I'm that desperate for any human contact
>It pains me so much that I will now proceed post about it on my favorite Jamaican professional bobsled rallycross agora
>What do you mean regular well-socialized people aren't so desperate for displays of human affection they don't want to mix it into their work life?
>Are you brainwashed or something?

>> No.14480140

You meet her at a party and establish mutual interest in one another, then propose getting to know one another better in a quieter setting. You don't know what her job is before you meet her, btw.

>> No.14480144

Not a waitress but my friend asked a starbucks cashier out with a note with his number written on it that said "text/call me if you're interested". They ended up dating for awhile.

>> No.14480146

>Tfw homeless linecook living and fucking in your car

>> No.14480152

Check these digits, mate

>> No.14480156

>What can I get you today Sir?

>> No.14480157

Only ever tried it once but it worked so I guess I got lucky. When she came by with the bill I told her she was very pretty and asked if she wanted to grab coffee sometime. Ended up walking out with her number on the receipt and the goofiest smile on my face.

>> No.14480171
File: 3.22 MB, 4032x3024, 20190525_160826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy an 8ball of cocaine
>do a line in the restaurant while she's looking
>when she comes back to the table offer her cocaine after her shift is up
>come back when shift is up
>do some coke
>get your dick sucked

>> No.14480275

this except u do know she is a waitress before hand, u stalk her to the party, and u lead on that u met her by chance

>> No.14480289

>not fucking fatties

you fucked up playa

>> No.14480467

>not fucking fatties that work at restaurants so they'll bring you free food + pussy

>> No.14480473

Slap me those digits babe

>> No.14480568


>> No.14480591

>How do you ask a waitress out ?
They're not prostitutes or a dating pool. They're being nice for tips and to keep their job. Don't mistake that for something else. Someone who looks pretty doesn't want to be hit on because they look good. They're a whole package of qualities, not meat. So make sure you are asking them out on some mutual connection or interest.
That said, if you are a regular at some diner and someone has gotten to you know you and vice versa, through enough actual chatter about personal interests? Maybe you can you start the date talk in an outside of work offer in a way that doesn't make them awkward for you to ever come back there when they turn you down. Book signing of someone you both follow, extra concert ticket though that's not down now, watching some sports event, something kind of neutral. If you really do enjoy talking to each other and there's never enough time, try going in at the end of their shift (if not the end of the night of course), and see if they are eager to overstay or if they rush on home.

>> No.14480593

whip out your dick and helicopter it to display dominance over the entire restaraunt

>> No.14480600

based and incelpilled

>> No.14480632

sage advice

>> No.14480639

These faggots are stupid. The bottom line is to just ask, but dont lose your shit if rejected. If you never ask you will never know, but this is a classic 4chan thread of loneliness and dispair because of social anxiety. Ask or you will never know.

>> No.14480650

Cringe. You don't harass people while they work

>> No.14480653

This is much more effective than trying to hit on them at work. If you've never met them before in any context all you're doing is making them uncomfortable at their job. Last job I bartended at it was super common to happen.

And for the love of god don't try to get their coworkers to help be your wingman. It's cringey as hell.

>> No.14480662

You are litterally a dumb fuck. Get over your bullshit perceptions. Fucking listen to the smiths you coward faggot. https://youtu.be/zoo9Vu1a9bU

>> No.14480671

shuffle up to her, and in an out of breath kind of way mumble some gibberish at her while looking straight down at the ground. works every time

>> No.14480678

ok roastie there's rules around here, post your tits IMMEDIATELY

>> No.14480683

female hands typed this post

>> No.14480692

you can't
the nature of a waitress is putting the customer in a position of power
she is OBLIGATED to be nice to you. that is what she is paid for.
she's not interested in your or any of her dipshit customers.

>> No.14480703

You don't. Let her work in peace.

>> No.14480707

And those hands won't milk your cock, incel.

>> No.14480754

I can send you a picture of my nuts, cunt

>> No.14480772

Fucking bitch. You are discouraging people from asking, thats not harassment.

>> No.14480813

>no Highpoint
asking people(women so I guess not people) out at work is all but impossible, but if you do then do it when your leaving(fast exit when she says no). I wouldn't do it unless she was showing interest and on top of that was making it clear that she was interested in me(she's a waitress she gets a bigger tip if she gives you a boner). On top of that, some girls are retarded and don't understand that giving a guy any attention at all can be seen as giving attention to him. Realistically the least creepy thing to do would near the end of your time there if you're talking to the waitress ask if she wants a to grab a coffee/see a movie somewhere. NOTE: you are only allowed to interact with women if you are attractive.

>> No.14480864

Waitresses are nice because they want tips, not a date. Are you seriously so starved for female attention that you think the waitress wants anything to do with you?

>> No.14480870

What would you do if she says yes? I bet that's where your plan starts falling apart.

>> No.14480890

Yeah dude never propose a question because of stupid workplace formalities. The worst she could say is no, thats it. You fucking cowards if you never try you never fucking know.

>> No.14480893
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>> No.14480950

Did you even read the post you quoted or are you just shitting out of your brain on autopilot?

>> No.14480959

All i heard was the repeated echoing of your dumb fuck opinion

>> No.14480962

Anyone who thinks asking a waitress out is a good idea is probably on autopilot 24/7

>> No.14481002
File: 34 KB, 600x531, 1571048701850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuh based?

>> No.14481023
File: 15 KB, 391x150, 85C4E755-5436-4AE0-AF6B-D6CE386E867B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When she comes to take your order or refill your drink or whatever stand up straight and grab her by the shoulder and loudly say “WILL YOU BE MY GEE EFF” and she will have no choice but to say yes lest she look like a jerk infront of the restaurant.

>> No.14481032

>give her your card


>> No.14481064


>> No.14481288


I've worked at restaurants and I've never seen a guy asking a waitress out that worked out.

On the other hand, I've done it and it worked once but I was a regular at the place and we knew the same people so it wasn't completely out of nowhere. She was a crazy bitch and I regret it though.

It's all bullshit who gives a fuck

>> No.14481308

Be over 6'4 and have a 9/10 face. This is the bare minimum for getting even the fatties to give you their number in 2020.

>> No.14481451

>order a meal that's too much to eat
>waitress comes over
>"sir, would you like to take anything to go?"
This is when you say "yeah bitch I'd like a piece of that ass." Trust me, bro, it's foolproof.

>> No.14481452

>I've worked at restaurants and I've never seen a guy asking a waitress out that worked out.
Because I'm being nice because I want tips, not because I want a date, and especially not with someone who's so starved for attention that he misinterprets basic human decency as something more.

>> No.14481456

Few years ago when I was ordering a Burger at mcds I cought a worker looking at me like twice, didn't made much of I was pretty insecure at the time, but when she was walking around the place I noticed her looking some more, and later she came up and starting doing something work related next to me and started saying something to me about her work/the day, I nodded, finished the Burger and left. She was rather cute and slim, but had dyed hair. Still KHHV to this day, only time in my life where a stranger girl tried to initiate convo.

>> No.14481474

heaven forbid you autistic fucks actually make a move to fix it rather than daydreaming about the day (read: never) somebody else will solve this problem for you.

>> No.14481579

Just because someone's asking you out doesn't mean they think you made a move, it means they just like you a little and want to get to know you better. Get over yourself, your flirt game isn't that good

>> No.14481607

"Don't ask a waitress out" is high quality, not creepy advice.

However, if you're full on smitten, just be a good person, be a regular, let her (and the rest of the staff) see that you're not a total creeper.

Has worked.

>> No.14481745

Wait until you see her on a night out then after she passed out bring her back to your apartment
When she wakes up make sure to have a bowl of hardboiled eggs to offer her and don't let her leave until she has eaten well

>> No.14481752

Make it so she doesn't have to do anything to reject you.
"I know this is weird, but I won't be able to live with myself if I don't do it. Here's my number. I think you're beautiful and if you ever want to go out to dinner with me just give it a call."
Now don't go back to this restaurant for a year.

>> No.14481774

Based and cakepilled.

>> No.14482154

Anime website.

>> No.14482210
File: 28 KB, 400x255, Katana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Japan, waitresses are always equipped with KATANA, so they can't play pranks on you.