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14472556 No.14472556 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone and their mother say Ben and Jerry's ice cream is amazing?

Even here in Norway people say it's good so i tried pic related to give it a chance, but fuck me it's not even disappointing, it's just flat out not good.
Did i just pick the wrong flavors? The only half-decent one was the caramel one, but i'd be amazed if they somehow managed to fuck that up.

Which flavor is your favorite?

>> No.14472566
File: 69 KB, 374x479, phish-food-detail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ate them when they were a new thing back in the early 10's, this is my favorite. i also really like the font of the description, idk, it just looks good to me.

>> No.14472571
File: 59 KB, 374x479, 1234523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its the superior jam band Cherry Garcia

>> No.14472592 [DELETED] 

It used to be the best option Americans had for variety, taste, and quality. Then we had a sort of ice cream hipster explosion, and other brands like Blue Bell and Tillamook started expanding.

Despite their BS, Ben and Jerry started cutting costs the usual way by cheaping out on ingredient quality and replacing things. Quality went down, calories went up. The only real reason to buy them now is novelty, they do still admittedly have pretty unique flavors, for better or worse.

>> No.14472600

Because they hate Trump.

>> No.14472601
File: 70 KB, 374x479, chubby-hubby-detail-open-2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It used to be the best option Americans had for variety, taste, and quality. Then we had a sort of ice cream hipster explosion, and other brands like Blue Bell and Tillamook started expanding.

Despite their BS, Ben and Jerry started cutting costs the usual way by cheaping out on ingredient quality and replacing things. Quality went down, calories went up. The only real reason to buy them now is novelty, they do still admittedly have pretty unique flavors, for better or worse.

Chubby Hubby is my personal favorite though I haven't bought one in years. I love Malt flavor and even now its hard to find anything like that.

>> No.14472700

They hate white people, why would any white person buy their ice cream? Bunch of dirty old hippie fucktards

>> No.14472707

7/11 has Malt Crunch ice cream, thank me later

>> No.14472713

B&J is good, I used to like Americone Dream, Chunky Monkey, and Peanut Butter Cup.

Haven't bought any B&J in probably 10 years because the ice cream isn't more tasty than the company is faggy

>> No.14472715
File: 10 KB, 280x280, FF59AEE9-B8BC-4A66-A16E-4957853908B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do people think of pic related?

>> No.14472720

I have never had anything Ben and Jerry's.
What are two flavors of theirs that a must tries?

>> No.14472734

The ice cream itself is pretty low quality, it's watered down and then thickened up with carrageenan and guar gum. People mainly just like it for all the extra shit they mix into it, but you're better off just buying a good quality ice cream and adding your own toppings if you want.

>> No.14472777

Cherry Garcia and whatever else catches your eye.

>> No.14472781

Me too man, me too

>> No.14472782

Fuck off zoomer. They’ve been popular since the late 80s at least.

>> No.14472783

>Unilever hates Americans and uses Ben and Jerry's for money laundering while pretending it's some fucking hippies making ice cream when it's really a chemical supply chain company

>> No.14472808

i was talking about the pints being available in grocery stores

>> No.14472869

I think chubby hubby is their best seller

>> No.14472887

good ice cream brands:
>Haagen Dazs
>Blue Bell
>talenti ('gelato')
>local creameries

bad ice cream brands:
>blue bunny
>ben and jerry's
>halo top
>turkey hill

anything not mentioned is either average or too niche

>> No.14472980

Lmao, pints have been widely available in the grocery since at least ~2000.

>> No.14472991

The entire world is biased towards Vermonters.

>> No.14472993


>> No.14473023

you got me. i only really noticed them myself around the 10's though.

>> No.14473030

>phish food (invented in ‘90s)
>eating it when it was ‘new in the ‘10s’
Leave it to a zoomer tripfag to say something unbelievably retarded

>> No.14473042

Anything owned by Nestle, and 7/11 (Japanese company so it is kind of japanese ice cream)

>> No.14473046

Give it a rest anon, he said he was mistaken

>> No.14473061

You sound like one of the people who are addicted to being butthurt.
And I'm not saying that as a being a smart ass.
You're one of those people who thinks his self worth is elevated when he can turn his nose up to things most people like.

>> No.14473132

Thrifty mint n chip and strawberry were the two main ice creams of my childhood. Then Rite Aid bought the place out.

>> No.14474184
File: 65 KB, 374x479, vanilla-caramel-fudge-detail-open-2019[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of their ice cream has chunks in it. look for the ones that don't have chunks.

>> No.14474200

You only think it's bad because you had to pay 400 NOK for a single bucket.

>> No.14474218
File: 150 KB, 198x328, 1459856488923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They brought back Baked Alaska this year and I was very happy

Then I tried it an realised it was nostalgia talking, the flavour tastes like shit.

>> No.14474222

It's not amazing, but I wouldn't have thought of it as bad. It's still probably like top 20% of shit you can get at Wal-Mart though. Their thing is that they shove way more shit (nuts, chocolate pieces, etc) into their product than most. There's other good ones out there, but they'll jew you on the advertised mix ins to cut cost.

How is Turkey Hill bad, it's one of the better brands? I know there's an Olde Time ice cream shop where I vacation that has been featured on all sorts of like Food Network type shit, and they use it as their ice cream.

>> No.14474255

Ice creme is mediocre, it's because they put alot of sweets in it that people like it. I think all of them are almost the same, just different combinations of the things chocolate, cookie, peanut, caramel, fudge and some more. All of them, always the same things. I bought it, sometimes I thought it was good, but more of a sweet than ice cream. Other times I couldn't even finish it. I think they should have some more fruit flavors, I think there's a new one with peach and not too much of all that stuff they put in it. I want to try that one, I'm sure it would be my favorite. Man I love ice cream

>> No.14474263


>> No.14474266

He's probably not american. In my country they started market it around 10 years ago, before that they were hard to find

>> No.14474270

That one is overly sweet, isn't it?

>> No.14474272

>"Abloo bloo trump bad capitalism bad #resist"
>parent company made 50 billion dollars

I don't care for the ice cream, it's nice but whatever. But it's amazing how they've managed to convince 19 year olds that they can say fuck you to trump by buying a $5 tub of sugar.

>> No.14474329

>half baked
>karamel sutra
>netflix and chill'd

Got I hate you millennials so FUCKING much.

>> No.14474332

norwayfag here, it's pretty alright. too many stores store it wrong though, resulting in ice crystals.
all in all, it's not the best, but it's certainly not bad. if I'm being honest, sørlandsis is superior.

>> No.14474344

There was a really good Bloomberg article on this the other week, actually. If you guys are interested I can see if I can borrow a friend's subscription to copy/paste it here.

>> No.14474349

Only if it agrees with my opinion.

>> No.14474372

More or less. It's about how they basically have a whole PC team set up to make sure their message is perfectly on the mark and how these other companies tried and failed spectacularly to make a statement while Ben & Jerry's did it without a problem.

It's a bit of a read but actually a really good article, especially if you've ever been interested in the behind the scenes of these emotional ("emotional") messages by corporations. Very interesting to see how there's so much work that goes into making a message seem raw and straight from the heart when it's really straight from a 20 person brainstorming session.


>> No.14474420

I didn't have them until after the Unilever buy out. They were awful, but I'd heard they were better before then. Although, since I hate ice cream with chunks of shit in there, I likely wouldn't have much liked it either way. More monkey, less chunky, thanks.

>> No.14474496

>no LGBT+ flavors aside from the gay marriage ones
Cancel Ben&Jerry's.

>> No.14474546
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I think the half-baked should switch spots with the netflix & chilli'd

>> No.14474571
File: 82 KB, 612x570, Ben-Jerrys-Ron-Burgundy.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the absolute GOAT.

>> No.14475017

Ben and Jerrys is reserved only for my most self loathing days. I can eat an entire pint to myself in one go... though it has been years since I haven't split a pint.....
I save myself the trouble and buy just regular ice cream quarts. They last me longer and I actually end up eating less calories from them as I find them more satiating than the ice creams with a shitton of non ice cream crap in it. When I want ice cream, I want ice cream, not a hot mess.

>> No.14475068

I think they taste pretty great, I don't buy them any more though because the kikes Ben (((Chohen))) and Jerry (((Greenfield))) decided ice cream of all things was a good vehicle to ram their politics into your face, weird as fuck.

>> No.14475092
File: 44 KB, 828x501, 1594835148705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14475210

ben and jerrys is shit.
only soyboys and redditfaggots buy that shit because the company is full on lips to black dick SJW.
so buy the shit and put in your own ice cream and save 90%

>> No.14475216

white spotted

>> No.14475230

why not sell your computer and have these conversations in your head? would be much cheaper

>> No.14475331
File: 468 KB, 1536x2048, 1564644227853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the ben and jerry simp
sorry, tonight show is not a flavor
no some ben & jerry exec thought of it all
cherry ice cream, ok faggot
you mean commies are marketing to other commies via capitalism?
ok you mentally ill faggot bitch, its fuckin ice cream. ice cream, sit down and shut the fuck up simp

>> No.14475356

Is this a political compass?

>> No.14475469

>Very interesting to see how there's so much work that goes into making a message seem raw and straight from the heart when it's really straight from a 20 person brainstorming session.
It's kind of assumed that any message sent out by a company or figurehead was put together by a peer group, theirs is just better than other companies. No one should be surprised by this.

>> No.14475868
File: 63 KB, 374x479, 46F3E391-38E9-49B8-AE65-D2D1EAE9B404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so fucking good bros

>> No.14475911

In 4 resist

>> No.14475941

God damn it my Rema 1000 doesnt have this one

>> No.14475950

Literally just look up who owns Ben & Jerry's

>> No.14475957

>blue bell

Enjoy dying after eating the blandest tasting ice cream in existance

>> No.14475958

edys is disgusting

>> No.14475966

I agree, I've never had good B&Js. Store brand ice cream is better which is really sad.

I assume it gets freezer burned on those trucks or something

>> No.14475968

This is the reason for ben & jerrys existance, does any other ice creams have cheesecake flavor?

>> No.14475999

I ate an entire pint of Chocolate fudge brownie for dinner today while I'm contemplating suicide.

>> No.14476136

Ben and Jerry's is absolute shit compared to Norwegian ice cream. The only people who care about it are young girls who saw it on some American tv-show or whatever.

>> No.14476168
File: 92 KB, 936x492, 06e51cca-8eed-4470-8b73-81d94e3a6138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there's cheesecake factory ice cream, which oddly ive only ever seen at this one janky corner mart near me. But its all cheesecake flavors. Ive only had the key lime pie cheesecake one, it were good i guess. And actually significantly lower cal than ben and jerry. Somehow.

>> No.14477249

hagen daaz strawberry cheese cake is better

>> No.14477254

who opens these sized containers of ice cream and only eats like half and puts it back?

these little fuckers are 1200 calories

>> No.14477261

Peanut butter cup is best flavor

>> No.14477291

ben and jerry's hates white people, do not buy from them


>> No.14477348

Are these the four you bought? Seriously some of the worst flavors they have.
Ben and Jerry's is weird; it's like 1/3 great, 1/3 very good, and 1/3 total shit.
I recommend chubby hubby or any of their fruit flavors.

>> No.14478409

their peanut butter flavor was pretty good
and now you guys are making me want to try the cheesecake one, shit

>> No.14478443
File: 31 KB, 474x315, American Hippies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no way man we're like totally hippies

>> No.14478454

I wish any other ice cream company would make a phish food