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14472800 No.14472800 [Reply] [Original]

>try my parents wine like twice as a kid
>remember it very sweet
>never really touch it again
>most of my rebellious teenage drinking was beer and vodka
>turn 21
>decide to give wine another shot
>haven't tasted it in years
>try this
>it's bitter and not at all how I remember wine tasting
What gives? Did my taste buds change? Do people genuinely enjoy bitter grape juice or is this just a shit brand? Is most wine even supposed to be sweet or did my parents just buy shit wine?

>> No.14472819

Not necessarily. You probably drank your parents port wine (which is traditionally a dessert wine and quite sweet).

>> No.14472820

Wine can range from completely "dry" meaning no sweetness at all, to almost as sweet as fresh grape juice. Red wine has more tannins which are bitter so if you had a dry red wine it might seem overwhelming if you aren't expecting it. Try white wine if you want something less bitter. Both dry and sweet wines can be high or low quality.

>> No.14472831
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> rebellious teenage
Meme concept by shit people to absolve themselves of responsiblity. If you were a rebellious teenager, I can guarantee you're a piece of shit adult.

>> No.14472840

when did gigachad become gigafag

>> No.14472842

some wines especially white are sweet, some wines like cabernets are full of bitter tannins

>> No.14472843

He didn't.

>> No.14472892

Being rebellious doesn't mean you have no concept of responsibility and that you're a bad person. Being rebellious can even be a good thing if people are trying to force you to do something that's wrong just because it's commonly accepted. Doesn't seem like you're a great person if you jump into random discussions to judge someone you really don't know and try to tell them how awful they are, you're just going around trying to sow discord.

>> No.14472992

more likely muscato

>> No.14473008

god, you finger lakes cux are unbelieveable

>> No.14473433

>do people genuinely enjoy bitter grape juice
I used to love white and milk chocolate when I was younger. Now it's too sweet for me and I like dark better.
I used to hate coffee when I was younger. Tried it again when I was older, it's pretty darn great, even without cream/sugar. Some bitter teas I like too.
I don't dislike sugar; I still love sugar as much as the next Amurican. It's just that too of it is simply that - too much. Same thing with bitterness. Turmeric is kinda disgusting. I will never like bitter melon. Too much bitter is too much. Balance is what makes things taste good.

>> No.14473525

Nothing really guarantees the quality of a wine. Even expensive stuff is frequently undrinkably shit.
Every new bottle you try is a gamble. If you're really into wine you'll keep gambling, but when you find a winner you buy a case or two (because next years version of the same bottle is a new gamble).

If I had to guess, price seems to be fairly dependent on the estimate of how well a wine will age as made on day one. Which is mostly guesswork.
That and brand name, but you'd be a sucker to stick with a brand given the variance in quality over relatively short spans of time.

I imagine the wine you got is all tannins, no wood complexity, no fruit. You get flops like that often-ish.

>> No.14473789
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Imagine shilling a ~$20 2016 red blend

>> No.14473817

Did you read the OP? the wine is so bad that he's giving up on wine.

>> No.14473829

Yeah, could have been that one too. Either way OP there are a lot of good wines you can try. There is rarely ever a good reason to spend more than $25 on a bottle though. Most people (even self-proclaimed wine connoisseurs) can't tell the difference between a cheap or expensive bottle of wine. The fraudulent wine market is actually a thriving enterprise. Look into the case of Rudy Kurniawan and how he scammed millionaires and billionaires. Interesting stuff.

>> No.14473929

Well yeah, parents typically buy shit wine. I should know it... i sell the shit in the summer and winter.
i don't care much for two types of people; those who request a whole list of random, higher end wines at the drive-thru window; then the one's who drink stuff that can be packaged at $15 for 5L's worth.

There's still stuff I don't know about wine, even beer, and even bourbon, as the beer guy at our store - in Kentucky no less. But holy shit does it other me when people don't even have half a clue what they're even putting in their mouths.
OP, find a place that sells those little 187mL single bottles of wine - it's the cheap stuff. You may be able to find canned and little juice-box size wines, but they can be a little more expensive. Find a wine that best suits your tastes, red to white. Then start pairing your wines with meals to compliment the complexity an upper end wine has to offer.
>you shouldn't be drinking shitty wine just because you an afford it
>that's no better than getting drunk on shitty alcohol because you need the extra cash

>> No.14473945
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>> No.14473947 [DELETED] 
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> Never drank wine before turning 21
You mean a trailer trash retard Who never went to a nice dinner eating a nice steak and a good glass of wine or went to eat some good fresh sea food with a nice glass of white fresh wine. You`re a fucking Loser, probably live in a shit condo. Sage and kill yourself

>> No.14473948

>cheap or expensive bottle of wine
I don't know why people proliferate this nonsense. Everyone, even untrained plebs, can tell cheap from expensive wine in blind taste tests.
The scandal is that sommeliers can't blindly identify wines, and they rate the same wine differently when presented it at different times in the same competition. Mostly because after like 10-20 wines your palate is blown the fuck out even when spitting and rinsing.

>> No.14473951 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14473954

Actually they can't. I would not have said that if there were not actual studies to back up that claim https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_wine_tasting#Color_bias the conlusions of 3 are right there and there are more.

Very few people truly know their wine.

>> No.14474435

>remember it very sweet
All we know from this post is that your parents used to drink garbage.

>> No.14474473
File: 41 KB, 572x719, nnnnnnnnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cab is too bitter for him

maybe what your parents had was grape drank

>> No.14474492

op's parents were black

>> No.14475506

>French wine
There's your problem. Try some Spanish wine. It's cheaper and typically sweeter.

>> No.14476682

Those pics of him were always gigafag. They are the equivallent of instathots posting pics of themselves with tons of makeup, with just the right lightening, filters and angle to make them appear much better than they really are.

Manchildren insecure of their own masculinity likes to use the pic fantasizing that their retarded opinions somehow makes them a "gigachad".