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14472788 No.14472788 [Reply] [Original]

Is mochi a scam or is it particularly good?

Thinking of trying some green tea mochi since it's on sale but the normal price seems ridiculous, $7 for a box of 6 little bitesized pieces

>> No.14472790

That's not mochi. That's ice cream with a tiny layer of mochi wrapped around it.

>> No.14472792

Look, I don't want any trouble. I'm just curious if there's a reason for it being so expensive aside from it being relatively exotic

>> No.14472796

I hate the texture, but some people love it. You can probably get a box at an Asian supermarket for 4-5 dollars. Worth a try just for the hell of it.

>> No.14472806

It's basically like a small ice cream ball with a flavorless gummy wrapper.

Real kind of meh novelty item.

>> No.14472807

That's what I was thinking and it's on sale for about that much.

>> No.14472809

I like it. Try it.

I love trying new things and ales are the best time to try something you normally wouldn't

>> No.14472810
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>look, i don't want any trouble
Well, you came to the wrong neighborhood, partner.

>> No.14472816

Its expensive because it's exotic. It isn't expensive at all in Japan, where it also isn't exotic. You can get mochi ice cream at 2 for ¥100 in any convenience store.
And it isn't that good, either.

>> No.14472827

You know what, I will get it.

Now, if you kind gentlemen would like to carry on talking about mochi, you go right ahead. I'll catch you on the flip side.

>> No.14472841

If you're not buying it from a specialty shop, then don't bother.

>> No.14472848

imo, mochi ice cream blows ass
subpar ice cream with chewed bubblegum texture frozen mochi
fresh mochi however is the fucking tits and worth it

>> No.14472856

I'm a big fan of it, it's a good bite-size bit of ice cream

>> No.14472915

is the boxed stuff representative or is fresh stuff better? I tried a box from the asian market and tried one and shared two with friends and then threw out the rest of the box

>> No.14472968

Tastes pretty good. Overpriced as hell for what it is.

>> No.14472985

I tried a couple flavors at Wegman's
I did not like it. The texture was unpleasant. For $7 try it and find out for yourself.

>> No.14472996

If you make your own you control the flavor, but if you just want to taste it to see what it's like, just buy boxed stuff
I promise you, you will not somehow mistakenly think that all mochi is bad if you get the 1 specific brand of mochi that happens to be gross

>> No.14473004
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man, the green tea is my favorite

>> No.14473074

Most mochi ice cream in the west (or where I live) is a rip-off even if it tastes good. Too little actual mochi. Buy it once just to tryit then either find other kinds of mochi or just buy ice cream.

>> No.14473103

Come back when you're done and tell us what you think

>> No.14473122

Mochi is a nice snack but it's overpriced as hell in the states.
I wouldn't say it's worth it as a regular thing but for a first time you can't go wrong.

>> No.14473976

I love those shits but I love all sweetened green tea stuff.

>> No.14474064

Just make your own. Cook rice and hammer it with a mallet (or put it in a kneader) until all texture is lost, then form balls from it.
If you want fancy stuff, fill the balls or add some flavor to the rice.

>> No.14474073

Mochi is made out of bean paiste, disgusto

>> No.14474083

mochi ice cream is better than regular mochi hun
sorry to break it to you

>> No.14474144

It's good. Overpriced for what it is because it's from Japan and you don't live in Japan. But it's a fun way to eat an ice cream snack treat thing. What's the worst that happens? You pay $7 for a product worth $3? You gonna be on your deathbed wishing you didn't know what mochi was and still had an extra $4 in your wallet?

>> No.14474160
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Ice cream mochi is a meme and you may as well just buy normal ice cream since the mochi is super thin and does nothing to make it any better.

better to have mochi either by itself, grilled lightly, in a soup, or as daifuku where its got anko or fruit or whatever in it, but in a smaller quantity than there usually is in the ice cream version.

>> No.14474166

Fresh is better if you're going to eat it by itself, but you really should put it with other things.

>> No.14474197

>eat mochi in Japan
>almost suffocate on it
What the fuck bros

>> No.14474227

mochi ice cream is dreadful, who the fuck want to bite into ice cream?

>> No.14474265

chew your food faggot.

>> No.14474351

sorry about your eroded enamel, friend

>> No.14474397
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Mochi itself just tastes of rice so it's always flavored in some way. I do enjoy the chewiness of mochi so I'd get the far cheaper taiwanese/chinese version sold as street food. It's just chunks of plain mochi coated with crushed nuts and sugar.

>> No.14474430

Mochi is just smashed glutionus rice. You can do it yourself. It doesn't taste much anything in itself. I put them in ramen.

>> No.14475139

god damnit you faggots stop referring to mochi ice cream as just mochi

>> No.14475397

Its really easy to make (even in restaurants the chefs make the mochi using the microwave) and its not worth the price in stores by a longshot
If you aren't particularly craving ice cream I'd recommend that you try traditional daifuku, which is mochi wrapped around a sweetened azuki bean paste not unlike marzipan.

>> No.14475408

tell me about those mochi bricks that you heat up
I tried it the other day and thought it was kind of shit, the outside got hard and it reminded me of mochi that sat out and got dry.

>> No.14475530

It's shit, just like matcha and most asian "desserts"

>> No.14475547

European and french desserts are top tier for sure but theres a place for the asian stuff too

>> No.14475556

>its not value sized for American lards.

>> No.14475568
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>> No.14475573

Mochi ice cream is literally full of cream and sugar though.

>> No.14475607

I don’t like mochi. I just tolerate it because my Asian gf likes it.

>> No.14475635

>tfw sensitive teeth
>tfw i'll never experience the simple pleasure of biting into a little ice cream dumpling

>> No.14475639

jackie chan typed this post

>> No.14475717

Green tea is so dull it makes vanilla taste like a tropical explosion.

This. This whole fucking thread reminds me of my 60 year old home ec teacher who called "soy sauce" just "soy", or my friend's dad who called PC video games "Nintendo"

>> No.14475745

I once tried some daifuku mochi filled with durian cream.
Taste was quite OK, but the smell reminded me of a dumpster filled with rotting vegetables.

>> No.14475748

mochi = / = mochi ice cream

>> No.14475755

The dumpster smell is obviously the durian and not the mochi

>> No.14475771

Yes, I know, I had some durian cream cookies previously, and my room smelled like a stale cabbage fart when I opened the pack.
Still, I would actually buy those durian daifuku again, if I could find them. I like torturing myself like that.

>> No.14475782

Yes, but OP posted a picture of mochi ice cream. A lot of people here don't seem to acknowledge a difference, so given OP's image I'm going to assume people are talking about mochi ice cream unless they specify otherwise.

>> No.14475984

>I don't chew my noms it's your fault be me or stay silent.

>> No.14476418
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Awfully Scarey pic, Anon.

>> No.14476661

> You gonna be on your deathbed wishing you didn't know what mochi was and still had an extra $4 in your wallet?
Haha, good point

>> No.14476666

> who the fuck want to bite into ice cream?
How else do you eat ice cream? Melting it down and drinking it?

>> No.14476687

That's mochi ice cream, and it's good. It's a few bites of ice cream wrapped in a chewy rice dough and dusted with powder (rice flour?). It has interesting textures, and all the flavors I've tried were good. They cost more money for less ice cream, but it's good for people who can control themselves with portions. These are not good for people who want to eat a pint of ice cream or 6 cookies in one sitting.

>> No.14476715
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>flyovers talk about the shitty icecream knockoff as if it were real mochi
>will never experience excellent mochi from either Japan or a Japanese owned bakery

>> No.14476746

Only the fresh or frozen ones are worth getting. The longlife boxed ones are disgusting.

>> No.14476760

Does that orange mochi taste like an orange?

>> No.14476778

no. they are usually filled with either red or white sweet bean paste. they are both pretty accessible but white seems to be preferred by non-Japanese.

it isn't super-sweet but very nice tea snack or something to present to guests

>> No.14476784


>> No.14476932

[OP here]

It's not as strongly flavored as the color had me think it would be. I like it, though. The outer coating reminds me of a more gummy marshmallow. It tastes like ice cream wrapped in Peeps. Interesting.

>> No.14477414

Damn, I ate all 6 and now I've got the jitters. I didn't realize they were caffeinated. It's like a strong cup of coffee flowing through me now

>> No.14477559

The gummy isn't for flavor, it's for texture you fucking pleb. The chewiness combined with the green tea flavor tastes AMAZING

>> No.14477567

Mochi is bland. Not saying it's good, or bad, but it's bland.

>> No.14477586

>better to have mochi either by itself, grilled lightly, in a soup
absolutely decadent and mouth-watering

>> No.14477660

Well, it seems my culinary odyssey has come to an end. The mochi ice cream was nice, sure. But looking back at this thread, I realize that the true mochi was the friends I made along the way. Thanks guys, I love you

>> No.14477766

for those who'd like orange mochi though they do have them in japan. You can find them prepackaged at specialty stores. ihad one: Orange flavored mochi filled with cream and at the very center, orange jelly. Really good.
Theres the traditional stuff, and the modern stuff. Then theres the american verisons...

>> No.14477778

It's exotic and a pain in the ass to make yourself. You're 75% paying for the novelty of comfortably ethnic ice cream.

>> No.14478222

fuuuuck I never realized how easy it is to make
I love this shit, but it makes me mad to pay $$$ shitty Chinese boxes of industrial mochi
brb I'm gonna hammer my rice like a wrinkled Jap grandma

>> No.14478347
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Remember not to choke op

>> No.14478468

Mochi is wonderful. Ice cream mochi is for plebs. Order yourself some of the hard mochi bars you boil to soften and make daifuku mochi filled with Anko, or skewer that shit and make Mitarashi dango. If you're really hardcore, order Jap short grain sweet rice and a mochi maker and make it fresh. If you're a full blown weeb, order the rice and mash it into mochi yourself.

>> No.14478480

>mochi maker
What does this do that steaming and kneading the rice yourself doesn't?

>> No.14478500
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>lightly grilled mochi
This with a sweet and salty dip is great
Saves you the trouble. I was implying he could opt to put on a jockstrap and use a wooden mallet hammer the fuck out of the rice until it has the consistency of mochi with his bro who's also wearing a jockstrap.