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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14471526 No.14471526 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /ck/, what is the DEFINITIVE best way to cure a hangover? For me, it's a couple ciggies, a bloody mary or two and a fry up.

>> No.14471530

A big plate of hummus and some pita bread

>> No.14471531

don't puss out and never stop drinking. wake up, drink, time to eat? have a drink. goin to sleep? have a drink. woke up? go get a drink. no fuckin' hangovers, no fuckin' problems.

>> No.14471534

based alcoholic.
also, turn into an alcoholic, you'll never have hangovers again

>> No.14471538

The definitive way is to kick the habit for good. Me, I like some vegetable or beef stock, a bit of sharp cheddar, and tomatoes.

>> No.14471540

'cept for 2am-6am, but whats the fuckin' deal, you just wake up at 1:30, get a couple drinks, have 'em, go back to sleep, wake up round 6 in time for the gas station to start sellin and getta fuckin' drink, I mean, come on, why the fuck should you ever have to deal with a hangover when you could just be havin' another drink and not being such a big pussy about it

>> No.14471546

yeah, sobriety is so broke. last time i went sober i went into a paranoid psychosis and took a 6 month psychedelic trip, all free courtesy of my whacked sober brain chemistry. know drink, no problem.

>> No.14471551

Water and sleep. And have another drink in the morning it will help with the alcohol withdrawal.

>> No.14471616

Chicken bullion cubes and boiled water.

>> No.14471649

Based Colonel Tigh

>> No.14471650

Double quarter pounder combo meal from McDonald's, a cup of coffee, and a couple ibuprofen does the job for me

>> No.14471657

something fatty

>> No.14471661

It's not the hangover that gets me so much as the rancid diarrhea shits.

>> No.14471678

steak burrito from chipotle

>> No.14471687
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spicy chicken sandwich from wendys
works every time

>> No.14471689



Before the lockdown I had to wake up an hour earlier for work because I knew I was going to spend at least 30 min on the toilet.

It's been years since I last had a normal shit.

>> No.14471702

What are you drinking senpai? I used to get that when I was on the wine but it hasn't happened since I switched to whiskey

>> No.14471738

Yeah I just stopped getting drunk. I'm tryna get /fit/ rn anyways
Doesn't matter for me. If I get plastered it still happens. Last time I got drunk it was on gin. I can still kill a 6 pack of beer and be fine or split a bottle of wine but if I get drunk I will have the shits without fail.

>> No.14471788

A miso soup

>> No.14471792

alcoholic or normie?

>> No.14471986

Weed, vomit, denny's grand slam

>> No.14471999

having a pyuk and then smoking some CBD

>> No.14472012
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I don't get hangovers so eat shit anon.

>> No.14472032

I always eat a shitton when drinking so I never have this problem. I was going out clubbing and drinking since HS until I was around 25 and never had a bad hangover. Alot of food poisoning though.

>> No.14472099

i'm 23. i've been out clubbing like twice and i fucking hate it.

i'm a U.S Marine btw

>> No.14472127

Light beer erases it instantly for me. Not even shitposting, for some reason it works

>> No.14472203

Raw hering with onions

>> No.14472349

I only eat at the end of the night if I'm drinking cause I'll get tired after and you cant drink more in your sleep

I cant really get drunk in the week anymore thanks to my new job, fucking sucks bros

>> No.14472369

ah you fell for the marines.

dont worry about the hangovers you're fucked for life

>> No.14472390

ANOTHER 16 HR DAY IN THE KITCHEN !!! work through it.

>> No.14472398

>More sleep

>> No.14472408

masturbating always makes my hangover 100x worse. Never waste your precious essence, especially when sick.
If you gotta puke, do it. Don’t fight your body. You always feel better after puking.
Then hydrate, eat a healthy meal, and rest. A good meal and nap always fixes me up.

>> No.14472410

bacon eggs toast n hashbrowns, at least 3 gatorades, a fat shit, a little 5 on 1 and a mid-day nap and you're ready to drink that night again.

>> No.14472413

Coffee ibuprofen and masturbating

>> No.14472425

Any painkillers are damgerous when hungover because your metabolism shuts down, so the painkiller makes your stomach bleed and can lead to painful ulcers.

>> No.14472449

It releases endorphins.

>> No.14472461

Unironically weed. Not always appropriate though.

Water, Tylenol, and eat whatever won't make you nauseous. Usually greasy or unhealthy crap. Not because any dumb old wives tale like "it soaks up the alcohol" but because it's flavorful and will jumpstart your non-existent appetite.

>> No.14472539

>eat fruit (preferably apples/bananas)
>lean protein (tilapia/chicken breast)
>a lot of water
>take a massive shit

>> No.14472563

>alka-sletzer, cold if you can withstand the drowsiness
>monster energy ultra and/or Gatorade with more water

>> No.14472579
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Hangovers are dehydration of the brain, the brain is made of fat. And minor alcohol withdrawl
Chug a litre of water to rehydrate your brain
A beer or two, hair of the dog
Something fatty, bread and butter will even do to repair some of the damage
Something salty to replenish the lost salts from dehydration
A joint is optional

>> No.14472580

Mineral water with a high TDS, that shit sobers me up almost instantly. Pellegrino or higher.

>> No.14472630

That's not a hangover. A real hangover you'll only want water. But you'll also need electrolytes potassium, and eventually vitamin B and other shit.

>> No.14472811

yeah it's sneed as fuck. hoping i'll die in combat desu

>> No.14472838

unironically burger and fries and a gatorade

>> No.14473496

Full english breakfast and black coffee.

>> No.14473506

1. sips of water
2. dont get out of bed until you feel reasonably better
3. smoke weed
4. jack off
5. eat some simple greasy food

>> No.14473522
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This begins whilst drinking.

Take in as much water you can between drinks and limit your intake of sugar.

Upon rising, take a couple aspirin, drink even more water, and in the worst cases, consume something that heavy in carbs, grease and protein - my go to if it's that bad is a cheesesteak sandwich, though don't stuff yourself because you'll then just feel super tired.

Having one of those Emergen-C drinks helps with B12 and vitamins, especially if you include it in the quart of water when you wake up.

Honestly, though, I can polish off a fifth of bourbon and not be hung over so long as I drink enough water, eat and get at least 7 hours of sleep; and then I'll be fine so long as I have some water in the morning.

>> No.14473552

>If you gotta puke, do it. Don’t fight your body. You always feel better after puking.
It just makes me feel better for about a half hour before I have to puke again. Usually it'll happen three times before noon. Eating anything after that makes it worse.

>> No.14473569

for every beer you drink, drink a glass of water.


>> No.14473596
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>the brain is made of fat

Maybe in America it is... lmao

>> No.14473599

The actual best way is preventative; Drink a 1:1 ratio of water to alcohol and you won't have a hangover. Otherwise, really greasy food.

>> No.14473731
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a cannulation kit with a 20g venflon running a 0.9% saline solution drip over 4 hours with added multivitamins and magnesium sulphate, while watching a shitty tv show and sipping a pedialyte

>> No.14473750

4 hours is so long, but this is the correct answer. Should I not have the access to human stuff would an IV kit for say a dog work and I can just use the electrolyte bottles from a feed store provided I made sure everything was the same dilution? Asking for a friend...

>> No.14473779

>Should I not have the access to human stuff would an IV kit for say a dog work

as long as it hasnt been in the dog i dont see why not. They both go in veins which are practically the same, though maybe the needle will be smaller so you won't get a fast drip.

as for the fluids, i dunno. just check the ingredients

>> No.14473784

Yeah I do it for cows on the reg but too big is much worse than too small. I was trying to think of an animal that would have a close size and hypodermic needles they'd sell. They're so weird about selling needles in the U.S. because muh heroin.

>> No.14473788

English breakfast, the world's most alcoholic nation spent centuries perfecting the perfect hangover food.

>> No.14473814

A cold glass of lemon water. That alone usually makes me feel much better, the food doesn't matter.

>> No.14473816

Before sleep drink some isotonic drink. Then if you wake up get sip or two of that, and when you wake up in morning next bottle. Keep your body hydrated and give it ions. To start new day get shot of vodka with milk and kahula, ie. White russian. Or just beer.

>> No.14473823

the worst hangover i had was after drinking nearly a whole bottle of vodka in a depressive episode. after vomiting constantly for a couple hours i ate some melon with a little bit of salt and it went away almost immediately

>> No.14474095

The best formula is to eat before going to sleep, maybe have a slight stomach ache when you wake up but better than odd hunger/nausea when you.first wake up. A glass of water before bed helps. Now one thing that's important is that the next morning you don't get up and chug water because lol instant withdrawal sucks in a big way. Unfortunately it's not the best tasting thing to do but Bananas and pomegranate juice in the early hours of the day preferably before you getup to really do anything else. Weed and ginger ale later on, Gatorade and then eat something greasy before bed. Otherwise you can wind up with a hangover that can last multiple days.

the trick is that Bananas and pomegranate are loaded with potassium/magnesium which your body loses from alcohol. marijuana also depletes potassium or magnesium, not sure which so Google it. Which is why other than a cure for nausea it really doesn't help to smoke right when you get up as some have suggested.

>> No.14474103


>> No.14474466

sour lemonade/ lemon Fanta + shawarma

>> No.14474544

Just drink loads of water and eat an orange before going to sleep. Depending on the amount you drank, maybe force yourself to throw up a couple of times before doing that just for good measure. Then when you wake up too soon in a couple of hours, go take a piss, drink loads more water and go back to sleep. You won't be hangover free but it will be greatly reduced.

>> No.14474549

>paranoid psychosis and took a 6 month psychedelic trip
oh shit i thought it would only last 2 weeks

>> No.14474555


>> No.14474558

Glass of pickle juice or bottle of gatorade followed by a light breakfast. Usually eggs and toast but will go for bacon too if I have any. The trick is to cook the eggs/toast in the bacon grease.

>> No.14474586

Half a tall glass of water, juice of a whole lemon, half a teaspoon salt. Mix it up well, top up with ice.

>> No.14474752

Is pedialyte a meme?

>> No.14474787

just drink more water when you are consuming liquor

>> No.14474796

eat, smoke pot, shit, jerk off, in this order

>> No.14474841

Choosing to eat before smoking pot just means you don't get hangovers. You're playing a character.

>> No.14474869
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gay sex. a cup of noodles. hopefully a foggy morning/day. blow the mailman.
some heavy metal, preferably thrash. Bangers and mash, Ma stokolds. some spotted dick. and maybe another cock or two.

>> No.14474901

not realizing the fun of shitting after the first bong hit of the day makes you look very sad

>> No.14474904

Pedialyte and sleep

>> No.14474906

I've found that a big bag of hard salty jerky (preferably before going to bed) and a gallon of diluted Gatorade up to a quart at a time spread over 6-7 hours (preferably each time you get up to piss) remove the nearly all dizziness and general shit feeling of hangovers, but I still feel kind of slow until I get some good sleep.

>> No.14474909

if you know you're sick enough to puke then your best bet is to just keep drinking as much water as possible. it makes the puke experience much easier and cleaner. you will also have a short window after puking where you won't throw up for a half an hour or so and that will give you an opportunity to get more water in you and hopefully absorb some before you puke again.

>> No.14474915
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If I'm going to have a night of drinking should I eat something easy to digest like plain potatoes beforehand or should I eat something with a bunch of all 3 macros like a bowl of chili? I'm not trying to slow down how drunk I get I just don't want too much sickness or tiredness.

>> No.14474930

you should eat the sperm of your boyfriend you faggot

>> No.14474936

In college it used to be walk over to the fast food texmex place, Salsaritas, and scarf down a plate of nachos drenched in queso, hot salsa, and jalapeños.
All that salt and grease destroyed the hangover

>> No.14474942

eat well. you want fats, salt, all the vitamins and shit you can get from whatever your eating. the alcohol is going to drain whatever you have in your body so it's best to fill yourself up

male sperm is a good choice

>> No.14475117

The only thing that will cure it before time will is more alcohol. If it's really bad you might have to get full on drunk

>> No.14475134

Curing a hangover is the one and only application of weed where I've been like "goddamn that's borderline miraculous"

You won't get anything done, but the nausea and headaches will disappear INSTANTLY

>> No.14475160

Pedialyte, mixed with three times as much water as is called for. Have some food with a good blend of fat, protein, and carbs, too.

>> No.14475170

Stop being a poof