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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 449 KB, 625x695, x0kfu75dcw751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14471696 No.14471696 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14471798

why does this person's body look like that?

>> No.14471800

stop shilling yourself here adam, no one here can stand you

>> No.14471888

It is confusing to me as well

>> No.14471915

Because American cultural supremacy set the world back a hundred years. Not talking about Teflon either, but simple sheet steel.

Europe abandoned cast iron when sheet steel came around and they still had a couple brain cells ... but America and the ongoing retardation of the population dragged us back.

>> No.14471930
File: 1.27 MB, 202x196, 1595779902854.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because, fuck you, I like it, Adam. I'm not going to write a graduate thesis and present it before a thesis committee or the wojack posters to prove a point, either.

>> No.14471969
File: 42 KB, 400x400, ethanLOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Lodge cast iron pan.
I only use it when I'm DEEP FRYING AT HOME.

>> No.14471998

I just got to ask, for any poster that isn't Adam, is this worth watching? I only watched the first few seconds amounting to less than a minute.

>> No.14472163
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>> No.14472215

Oh shit my boy is lookin YOKED, my man gettin' BEEFED, goddamn boy eatin and liftin HEAVY obviously, I can't wait til he's HUGE and he comes here and beats everyone up for talking all that shit.

>> No.14472227

wtf is that real?

>> No.14472237

weird bloating it looks like...there's no shoulders no vasculature no definition...it's like someone pumped his arms and tits full of liquid

>> No.14472245

God, I HATE this fuck. Fuckin eyes too close together, Peggy Hill lookin wife retard soy nigger. UGH.

>> No.14472255

I'm not going to watch 14 minutes of this simpering faggot.
Somebody with the tolerance please post the tldw.

>> No.14472258

>Somebody with the tolerance please post the tldw.
Why do you even care?

>> No.14472261

I want to be angry, but not TOO angry.

>> No.14472273

go outside and enjoy nature with a partner, it's healthy

>> No.14472284

I know he is very insecure about his skills and thus always replies to serious criticism in a very immature manner. What else pisses him off? Oddly I do not think that being called a C U C K affects him at all.

>> No.14472289

why bother making 'educational' videos if you arent even confident about your skills? so many cases, sad

>> No.14472295

Based and redpilled, I too will continue to use cast iron and not give a single fuck.

>> No.14472296


>> No.14472308
File: 85 KB, 900x1201, 3453463792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone notice that Adam, at some point, has picked up the habit of sharply inhaling through his teeth at the beginning/end of sentences? makes a little hiss noise. kinda makes his vids unbearable once you focus on it.

pic unrelated.

>> No.14472332

> he actually says F-W-I-W out loud in the video

jesus christ

>> No.14472339

>with a partner
how much would a prostitute charge for this? no sexual activity, just a night of camping. dont think i could find a partner otherwise

>> No.14472341

post tits

>> No.14472346

the liquid inflation look is sometimes steroids.

>> No.14472350

Who is this hottie??

>> No.14472356

i get it now, it IS steroids, he/she is ftm!

>> No.14472357

so he's even more like a female? yikes

>> No.14472361

christopher owens

>> No.14472564

would actually look good if he cut

>> No.14472597

as i was looking at this gif i heard a cat screeching outside. not only is this fucking cat capable of movements that a cat should not be capable of but it also has reality warping powers too. what the fuck man.

>> No.14472605

He literally shilled cast iron like a year ago

>> No.14472647

Teflon is poison

>> No.14472669

He's the embodiment of slave morality. You can tell that behind his cringey little "you do you!" shit and starting his plebbit comments with "friend, ...", there's real contempt hiding. He speaks this way because he's terrified of confrontation and has no idea how to handle disagreement. It's quite evident that he genuinely thinks he's the shit, but he's just too much of a coward and a mental weakling to face any critique head-on and honourably. That's why he hedges with these weasely little phrases, why he pre-empts all possible criticism with a pre-written and pinned FAQ, and why he saw the need to make that bizarre and incoherent video on why he refuses to use metric conversions.

So it doesn't surprise me that he's prone to the occasional outburst of impotent anger in his comments section from time to time -- he clearly has an ego and a measure of masculine rage, but has never learnt what to do with them, and has spent his life being afraid of any kind of self-affirmation. Why, for example, did he overreact with such vitriol to this relatively benign comment about ceramic stoves? Why does he get so upset over a very gentle quip about the narration? Because that's the kind of language in which Adam would himself codify his criticism. He interprets the slightest of gibes as full-frontal attacks because that's the way he'd make a criticism. Simple, honest and straightforward language is not for him; he lacks the courage to be direct.

As other anons have said, all of this has probably been reinforced/cemented by his having been a professor, where he's been able to go mostly unchallenged in his little fiefdom for years. Now he's suddenly exposed to the internet, where everyone is way harsher, and more importantly, don't need to please him to pass a class. I guess he's struggling to adapt a bit.

>> No.14472676

based pasta. This has probably kept Adam up for multiple nights

>> No.14472678

Aren’t all “Italian Americans” cut?

>> No.14472702


>> No.14472746

have you guys never seen a curlbro before
just join a gym

>> No.14472751

that's selfcare

>> No.14472758

Wops are a cancer that need to go back

>> No.14472767


>> No.14472812


this article made me change to steel/ glass/ cast iron.

love cast iron, the amount of iron in your food from the googling i've done is minimal

i dont season it at all, just keep using it and it gets better, scrape it out and use it again, i dont rly clean it every time, but when i do it's really not that hard fellas.

take the iron pill lads!

>> No.14472818

umm - they likely wont go to the woods with you anon, they are afraid you will murder them lol.

jesus i'm sad for you bro

>> No.14472959

Is he swole or fat?

>> No.14472964

>love cast iron, the amount of iron in your food from the googling i've done is minimal
There's actually nothing wrong with ingesting iron from the minuscule amounts that come from cast iron
Some people purposefully put iron objects into their food just to make sure they aren't anemic

>> No.14472974

>is this internet cooking show worth watching?

>> No.14472987

The amount of maintenance a cast iron pan needs is totally overblown. I use mine to sear meat a couple times a mont and I have had no problems with the seasoning. I just use hot water to clean it and sometimes use a metal spachula to scrape off hard to clean stuff.
I never had to apply oil after cleaning or anything fancy.
The problem with the $20 cast iron pans now is the surface is really rough and the factory seasoning is bad. When I bought mine years ago I had to take some time to sand down the surface and apply a few layers of seasoning in the oven. But since then I have never had to do any more maintenance than a normal pan.

>> No.14473006

Omg Adam's stacked. You think he's been working out or is he just naturally beefy. tfw imagining those meaty pythons encircling me in a warm hug.

>> No.14473031

Literally 80% of this guys videos can be summed up into “I’m just too lazy to do it properly’”

>> No.14473048

I have this same body type. Do people consider this fat?

>> No.14473058

I see cast iron used in restaurants all the time. It's a bit of a meme, but hey, I won't shit on it. It's also better for particular things like large outdoors pans and the like.

>> No.14473069

this guy looks like he has some kind of gland or hormone disorder causing edema and fluid retention

>> No.14473137
File: 2.14 MB, 4032x1960, 20200508_183038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really despise this faggoy ever since he did that video about how Taco Bell is evil cultural appropriating devil food because the founder...

Implimented the recipe he was taught in Mexico as part of his business. And then went on to say that Taco Bell is stealing from Mexico by...

Doing different recipes from the ones in Mexico.

He even had this Professor of mexican culture come on. She kept trying to say she didn't mind Americans eating Burritos but Adam kept editing those bits out.

TL/DR he's a woke middle class faggot excersising his privilege to moralise to poor people.

>> No.14473359

reddit phenotype

>> No.14473367


>> No.14473411

>"waaah I can't put it in the dishwasher"
>"waaah I have zero patience"
x14 minutes

>> No.14473428

I'll never get tired of this pasta.

>> No.14473430

>"i'll put on a tiny bit of oil"
>fucking just pours a whole heap in
jesus christ what a moron

>> No.14473492

Bro we were just a bunch of dumb cowboys and farmers that accidentally made one of the best empires on Earth you didnt have to listen to us

>> No.14473571 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14473586 [DELETED] 

rolling for gas and cast iron

>> No.14473621

No, he's an insufferable cunt. I think he's a failed writer for some fake news or sjw rag. Very annoying and very effeminate.

>> No.14473634
File: 115 KB, 1300x857, fry em up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck do you want adam I'm cooking

>> No.14474024

I just want him to hug me and make me feel warm and safe. Make me feel like nothing bad could possibly happen when I'm in his arms.

>> No.14474037


>> No.14474076
File: 48 KB, 506x675, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cast iron is based and the only way i like to pan fry most things. i still break out the stainless steel for certain dishes, but jesus fuck this thing is good, especially for dishes like chickie parm where i can transfer from the stove top to the oven instantly. fuck adam.

pic related, it's my c'iron

>> No.14474091

nothing sears a steak better

>> No.14474116


I completely do not give a shit about a single thing this guy has to say.

>> No.14474120

When I was or so there was that ugly girl at school, like she was known for her ugliness, but a few years later she started putting tons of make up and dressing like a slut, it was painful seeing her trying so hard, when I look at Adam I always think of this.

>> No.14474132

>A curlbro usually doesn't know anything about fitness and his goal isn't to develop an aesthetically pleasing body but rather just grow big 'disco muscles, bro!' to impress 'da chixx, brah!'.
Yeah as opposed to us true body builders who absolutely do not care about visuals.
It just looks like insecure people projecting on what they perceived as lesser than them.

>> No.14474136

holy shit the strawman and meta projecting is insane in this post

is that you adam?

>> No.14474165

A point that I did not know was that if you don't use a cast iron pan frequently, the oil you used to prevent rust will go rancid, and it will eventually rust regardless. Older generations didn't have this problem because they were forced to use them on the regular. I've been cooking two meals a day for the last 10 years or so but even I have pans I don't use that often.

He also points out that seasoning is still relatively obscure, there are lots of question unanswered like what exact procedures are best, ideal temperature, potential health risks, etc, as lots of research on the subject are still proprietary.

Bright side is you can actually use dishwashing liquid on them, lye was the problem but modern products don't have it apparently.

>> No.14474176

>and why im on the fence about it
Looks like he's getting more moderate/centrist after being roasted so hard over his deepfry video.

>> No.14474180

if your using an oil that goes rancid to season a cast iron you're fucking up

also coating the pan after you're done is retarded and superfluous. he dumped a tablespoon into that pan and wasted 90 percent of it in the rag. dab the towel and coat in an extremely thin layer, then heat it on the stove until it starts smoking lightly. wipe out the smoked oil and thats it.

you don't even have to do it every single time, but for the love of god don't use harsh soaps on it. an un-soaped sponge and hot water work fine with shit that isn't gunked on the pan.

>> No.14474183
File: 77 KB, 932x703, OzOOVbp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was irritating.

>> No.14474219

>coat in an extremely thin layer, then heat it on the stove until it starts smoking lightly. wipe out the smoked oil and thats it.
Honestly it looks like so much maintenance, tricky one at that, not to mention it's not the only thing you have to look at, like having to wash it immediately after cooking, when my stainless steel is still intact after years of use, abuse and neglect. I'm pretty sure "my grandkids will use it" as cast iron enthusiasts like to say. Teflon must be used with care too but it's mostly about things not to do rather than doing, so I feel golden with my current combination, not to mention my precious stainless steel pressure cooker that I use every day.

>> No.14474228

Because I'm a better cook than you.

>> No.14474239

I'd be willing to bet that in Japan such a thing exists.

>> No.14474258

When I did parkour, exercises were about developping strength, I've seen things you wouldn't believe, but nobody looked swole like that, they were absolutely all very thin. The funny thing is that next to us where we trained there was this group of what is apparently called curlbros, they'd do mostly pull-ups and had big arms. I think my group kind of pitied them.

>> No.14474274

Oh hello Ethan, readied up that contrarian vid yet ?

>> No.14474287

>i can transfer from the stove top to the oven
You can do that with anything else nowadays, handles have caught up to that practice by being made in an appropriate material or can outright be removed in a second.

>> No.14474315

if you can't take 2 minutes to care for you cookware i guess you can go the lazy route, but cast iron is incredibly versatile and a useful tool. every decent cook should have at least 1 cast iron pan for convenience.

>> No.14474336

Dont get inbetween a numale white guy and his game of thrones, funko pop, and cast iron skillet. Jesus fuck if I hear one more guy talk about his steak he cook on cast iron.

>> No.14474356

I tried and failed when I was 25 or so, maybe I should try again now that I'm a bit less retarded. Food had a quite strong iron taste and rusted regardless of my efforts. But no way I'm seasoning a pan in my small flat, I feel like this ideally should be done outside given the smell, the way smoke seems to adhere to walls and to everything really, multiplied by the number of times you should ideally season the pan before it can have a proper non stick coat.

>> No.14474365

i would encourage you to try again, there's not another type of cookware you can perfectly sear a steak, bake a pizza, deep fry, and have a non-stick coating with at the same time. when you season it don't let it smoke heavily and the smell won't be a problem. cook high fat meats like bacon/deep fry with it when it's new and the seasoning will build faster.

>> No.14474373

cast iron isnt fucking non stick. all the dicking around and scraping you have to do. white people have no culture so they obsess over fucking cast iron

>> No.14474381

The more I get exposed to these soy looking fuck "youtubers" the more I fuckin despise them.

>> No.14474382

The pizza baking part is the most interesting I think, because ovens lack the necessary heat for a proper pizza, starting in a pan solves that basically, and I guess you don't have to pre heat the oven for one fucking hour either.

>> No.14474414

it's pretty close if you aren't a complete retard, not sure why race has anything to do with this.

>> No.14474418

The first known use of cast iron cookware was during the Han Dynasty in China, around 220 A.D."

>> No.14474433

There is surely another sad lonely person in your locale.
A bottle of whiskey and a long evening of watching a campfire have been the basis of many enduring friendships.

>> No.14474443

i just bought one 2 months ago
aside from the fact that i cant swing one around and flip things
also other people wont fucking clean it, and it infuriates me

>> No.14474503

this guy looks like a swollen jon oliver and it disgusts me more

>> No.14474570

For me, it's carbon steel, the best kind of frying pan.

>> No.14474623

Something I read back in the day is that modern cast iron pans are made thicker and heavier than before because modern ways to heat pans cause them to warp somehow. The one I used was so heavy I couldn't consider sauteeing, flipping things in it which was quite the downside.

>> No.14474638
File: 50 KB, 640x1138, 80BC606A-CAC7-41A8-91F7-84C5ECC82423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the best one.

>> No.14474755

Hahaha hahaha is this fucking real
The journalism professor shows his true nature

>> No.14474758

He looks like if john oliver went to the gym.

>> No.14474761

>having been a professor
This limp bag of cum was a PROFESSOR?

>> No.14474763

It’s real,, but pretty sure he deleted it

>> No.14474767

Honestly worries me that guys like him might grade my essays

>> No.14474793

I thought this video was alright. He's interviewed a company that makes cast iron pans, so was a little informative. It's made me want to buy one - didn't realise you could get them for so cheap and desu didn't realise maintenance was that easy. People here make cast iron sound like such a chore sometimes.

Video is best just listened to and not watched. Can't stand his face. How does a guy so outwardly homosexual / potentially ftm trans manage to court a woman and have children with her? Weird.

>> No.14474811

>fuck you you elitist fuck, some people can't afford to have a gas stove
>hehe didn't you know that my top of the line ceramic stove beats your shitty outdated gas stove

>> No.14474816

finally someone with some common sense

>> No.14474918

wait for someone post the gap tooth pic of his wife and you'll understand

>> No.14474953

Why does /ck/ hate Ragusea?

It makes no sense. He advocates cheap, no frills tools, and making food from scratch using cheap ingredients accessible to all. I'm not saying that we should suck his dick but he hates the soccer mom food culture that /ck/ hates.

Someone please explain the h8

>> No.14474961

he's an insecure bitch and at the same time he's a know it all elitist. It's quite intolerable for most people

>> No.14474964

He does some weightlifting but he really likes to eat

>> No.14474966

He's popular.

>> No.14474969

Holy seethe

>> No.14474973

Eh I don't hate him, I even sort of enjoy his videos, I just kinda hate his narration style and his stupid fucking face. But the content itself is alright, so I watch him.
I completely get why some people can't stand him, though.
Oh, some of his videos are borderline McMuttster level of retardation - such as his fucking retarded video on metric units in cooking. A few simple arguments crush his whole narrative there, but he's lucky to not be challenged on them.

>> No.14474985

Ugh, please stop posting this greasy unshaven guy daily. Those arms are freaking me out now. Is he taking female hormones? Something other than being crosseyed is going wrong with this guy and it hurts my eyes.

Basic hygiene, Dude. Get your wife to cut your hair. Shave. Take a bath.

>> No.14475003

it's himself posting these threads, i'm nearly convinced of this

>> No.14475028


>> No.14475070

A shit, I just googled her. All she needs to do is pay for some braces (I had to get my whole mouth sorted out, cost only about £5k). She's too good for him

>> No.14475077

fuck off ragusea, we're not explaining ourselves to you

>> No.14475107

It's kinda hilarious how he argues along 3 vectors just to make sure he's "right" with at least one argument. Guy seriously has a fragile ego kek

>> No.14475171

no you fuck off, he's /ourguy/

>> No.14475185

I just watched his metric video after a few of you mentioned. I get the point he's making, that as he lives in the US it's easier to use US measurements as that's how most things are sold. Where we can get 500g of pasta he has better access to a pound of pasta. Why did he need to make a whole 15 minute video on it? And how hard is it to just adjust the recipe a bit so it still works but is in easier measurements for him?

>> No.14475225

>Why did he need to make a whole 15 minute video on it?
Let's not pretend we're blind to the fact that as for many other youtubers, heavily relying on tribal/contrarian/controversial value is a thing, it's guaranteed "liveliness".
I can easily tell when a video is uninspired and Adam just felt like throwing people against each other over anything possible just to keep views and comments afloat.
I still feel like he genuinely has some interest tackling deep rooted, empirical but still false knowledge, but there's also clickbait.

>> No.14475248

It’s not a fucking point, tho. American recipes jump on increments of 1/4 pound at least, just because strictly a pound is like 454g, you can just say 450g. Or 400. Or 500. It doesn’t really matter. It’s still more precise than american units, even when rounding heavily.
He’s retarded tho, as all americans are

>> No.14475249

That fag literally told people that you shouldn't deep fry at home.

>> No.14475255

Yes, it was "journalism". He had a rate your professor page too.

>> No.14475258

Look at how he clasps his hands like a condescending wine aunt lmao

>> No.14475266

Lmfao. Lad needs needs to like idk unfuck his mind bro. That's some mentally ill shit right there.

>> No.14475269

Go suck your boyfriend's dick you faggy eurotrash

>> No.14475277

All he said was that frying at home is fine, but not to expect to get results that a commerial kitchen would have, because battered food should be fried with enough space in the vessel to not constantly bump into each other and end up in a big clump

>> No.14475289

american here. I measure every thing in grams on a digital scale that cost $20 because the math is easier for dividing your servings for your macro nutrients since even in America we measure protein and carbs in grams. Plus fractions are a lot easier when you're not converting from eighths so i can just do it in my head instead of breaking out the calculator every time.

Grams>oz. Oz are worthless.

>> No.14475302
File: 318 KB, 1197x1718, Deep frying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food cooked at home won't have the same quality as food cooked in a commercial kitchen with thousands of dollars of equipment

What a fucking revelation, Dirty Rag!

>> No.14475313
File: 73 KB, 1200x630, 1594694291148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Nate

>> No.14475318

Has anyone ever read that essay of his? Honest question

>> No.14475320

Honestly Ethan's response is even longer and feels equally retarded ego wise.

>> No.14475328

imagine being this pathetic that you cant take the L and have to write all of this text and still lose the argument

>> No.14475340
File: 1.54 MB, 1800x686, Screen_Shot_2020-07-26_at_6.26.09_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mad he called Americans retarded

>> No.14475345

He's was a journalism professor so of course he's used to writing walls of text that can be summarized in one paragraph.

>> No.14475362
File: 8 KB, 246x200, 1593468093212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mad that my fellow Americans make us look stupid.

>> No.14475426

He is the impersonation of plebbit, and he spouts sjw nonsense while making ok but non impressive food.

>> No.14475463

It really isn't a point when talking about cooking but can be a point when talking about baking imo. I wouldn't convert from grams to cups for baking because you'll probably get some difficult-to-measure volumes. But then I wouldn't look up a metric recipe when I can only measure in imperial. The recipe he looked up for shepherd's pie is the most retarded thing he could be using in this video - you can eyeball everything in that recipe if you have just a bit of experience cooking things. It's just a meat pie topped with creamy mashed potatoes.

>> No.14475738

why the hell does my cat not do that??

>> No.14475779

Why you guys haye on ragusea? He comes off as smug but he wears it on his sleeve at least.

Ethan chebloskiesaizj gives off a much more malicious energy

>> No.14475827

Boohooo you have to put the bare minimum of maintenance into your equipment. Fucking retard.

>> No.14475837

This, I got used to Adam's personality but once I realized Ethan's schtick there was no going back to his channel, this guy can burn.

>> No.14475839

>Honestly it looks like so much maintenance, tricky one at that, not to mention it's not the only thing you have to look at, like having to wash it immediately after cooking, when my stainless steel is still intact after years of use, abuse and neglect. I'm pretty sure "my grandkids will use it" as cast iron enthusiasts like to say. Teflon must be used with care too but it's mostly about things not to do rather than doing, so I feel golden with my current combination, not to mention my precious stainless steel pressure cooker that I use every day.

i use cast iron every day and i dont do that shit @ all - just using the pan is seasoning it.

it's nothing but people online who are obsessed with doing it perfectly make it seem like such a process

>> No.14475850

whats his sztick

>> No.14475870

>would actually look good if he cut
Oh, I don't think so. He's got a Mark Weins/Adam Schiff pencil neck. This kind of person looks inherently unhealthy. How does one work on biceps til they look like a fat woman or overly slopey traps but you see their entire trachea visible under paperthin neck skin? Just eww, like a holocaust victim?

Can I just say he needs to get offline for a while. He's getting psychotic.

>> No.14475877

>love cast iron, the amount of iron in your food from the googling i've done is minimal
>i dont season it at all, just keep using it and it gets better, scrape it out and use it again, i dont rly clean it every time, but when i do it's really not that hard fellas.
>take the iron pill lads!
The iron is not minimal....for men. Women menstruate, so not too much iron build up. For men, it's going to contribute to heart disease.

>> No.14475889

>I have this same body type. Do people consider this fat?
He's fat where it's considered bad, upper body and torso (near your heart). This is sometimes called "Apple" shaped. Waist down is considered less dangerous but can indicate a circulation problem when "Pear" shaped.

>> No.14475893

What if i am both pear and apple shaped? I'm slim

>> No.14475897

ppl are just jelly of your naturally thick biceps king

>> No.14475906

´me too but im fat. fuck

>> No.14475914

All in all Adam doesn't strike me as anything more than a nagging wife, but that fucking dude over there, I'm not even sure how to put it, it isn't a realm I happily delve into, his "remastered" videos, the way he talks, his gaze, that fucking wall of text he made for Adam's stupid comment, all under the guise of such false sympatheticness and civilness I'm forgetting a lot but I absolutely don't want to look at his face or channel ever again and I'm actively trying to forget his personality., you'll have to try and investigate, look at it through my prism.

>> No.14475929

>his gaze

Truly menacing, i have a feeling he has a dark secret, or even multiple dark secrets

He's also a leech, from his "this youtuber's food but better series" to his "own" recipes 90% of which he steals from kenji and maybe changes one ingredient to claim it as his own and make it " better"

>> No.14475933

>calls himself a man
>doesn't bleed from bareknuckle boxing bears more than a woman menstruates

>> No.14475947

That's just because you're not lifting enough weights. I tear my body down every damn day. I need every macro and micro nutrient I can get my hands on.

>> No.14475969

It's food, you don't need much precision.

>> No.14475980

My theory is that when you're a youtuber, you have to sell a bit of your soul and make quite dishonest things to succeed, like clickbaits, big dick moves, contrarianism etc, anytime I watch a youtuber I eventually see how he copes with this, Ethan's the kind of guy to fully embrace it, adding to the thing even.

>> No.14476021

skiny nek

>> No.14476044

I like it.

>> No.14476067

I never cared for cast iron but now i think it's fucking retarded. First you got to season it by literally burning oil in it, which creates toxins. Then after cooking you got to rub oil in it again, which is going to oxidized by the next time you use it.

>> No.14476108

Why does nobody question this ? It's only intuitive to be worried about burnt oil that has been there for possibly decades in some cases.
Apparently you shouldn't be reusing frying oil too much because of acrylamids, any chance it may include the polymerized oil on a pan as well ?

>> No.14476127

Right? He's so fucking grotesque.

>> No.14476166

This is what happens when you replace the cutting phase of your routine with more bulking.

>> No.14476198

He's made some fantastic videos (like his "Why You Should Grow Your Own Tomatoes") but the more he's become popular the more elitist he's become. It used to be "Hey this is what I prefer to do, here's my methods to how I do it, if you happen to try it and like my method then cool!", now it's, "Yeah, I do XYZ methods to cook, but let me give you asinine reasons to why you shouldn't cook in some other particular way, because I actually put research and time into bringing you this information! Therefore, I'm right, and people listened to me before so why wouldn't I be right this time again?"

>> No.14476208

Of course it would, considering Ethan literally made an entire video to prove that you can confidently, and competently, deep fry at home if you so wished. Ethan wouldn't have needed to make just as long winded of a post if Fagusea stayed in his lane and just accepted that people like to do shit differently and in their own way, much like he does.

>> No.14476212

You guys are retarded

>> No.14476292

>muh ethnic sloppa shit =/= culture
ok carlos

>> No.14476313

I've never season mine I just cook with em constantly and use a little bit of soap and water to clean also never have to deal with rust this guy seems dumb

>> No.14476590

He literally says in the video that if you cook with it all the time then rust is not an issue and maintenance is simple.

>> No.14476633

Yeah I stopped watching this dude like a minute in. He seems like a faggot

>> No.14476640


>> No.14476668

Ethan coulda made a video about frying at hone without mentioning Ragusea at all, but then he couldnt ride on his algorithm coattails

Ethan is a roach that needs to be stomped

>> No.14476683

I bet you fapped to more tranny porn than him, you fucking faggot.

>> No.14476953

Not everyone beats off to trannys

>> No.14476993

didn't realize till now that he used 3 twice

>> No.14477423

nah adam is skinny fat, he should lift hard and then cut

>> No.14477435

/ck/ - Food & Psychoanalysis

>> No.14477465

Women like cast iron because many women have iron deficiency but it is liable to fuck up a man’s iron levels.

>> No.14477470

why is this thread allowed to stay up?

>> No.14477498

I don’t need to watch this video (and i wont) to know its based.

>> No.14477560
File: 3.54 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20200309_112604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adam's coq au vin recipe was pretty good though

>> No.14477572

i doubt it.

>> No.14477591

looks like shit

>> No.14477674
File: 443 KB, 1080x1792, IMG_20200729_003757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're mean

>> No.14477679

He only seems to get mad when people actually critique him for something. Simply insulting him does not illicit a response.

>> No.14477693

yes i am, deal with it, adam

>> No.14477823

Since his face isn't doesn't look fat, i'm guessing he does lift/exercise but has a bunch of fat on top of his muscles making him looks really bloated.

>> No.14477902

Question: is cast iron worth it if you only have an electrical range?

>> No.14477918

is that your cat?

>> No.14477942

I've always said that name-calling is useless unless it's true and you have a complex. So, by going with that, he knows exactly what his problems are but refuses to accept them.

>> No.14477948

>yo, I know its 0030h, but I need you to tell me if my coq au vin was good

>> No.14477951

These could be literally any two people LARPing or a straight up photoshop. Try again.

>> No.14477964

Timestamps are incorrect for Ragusea's timezone. Nice try, though.

>> No.14477988

He lifts, but doesn't diet. Are you really such a fatass that you've never heard of muscles?

>> No.14478025

i think you must be fucking obese, because that doesn't look like muscles

>> No.14478040

I have, he actually ends up agreeing with Ethan that you should deep fry if you want to deep fry. He also clarifies his original position, and then talks about a few minor points. /ck/ has the reading comprehension of a toddler though so to posters here it just comes off as seethe
Also, bear in mind that this image is a response to a video, which must have had a script much longer than Adam's comment here. If Adam is seething, Ethan is too

>> No.14478048

>If Adam is seething, Ethan is too
yeah they are both immense faggots that's why it's hilarious

>> No.14478052

I bought cast iron to get rid of my other pans.

>> No.14478065

if youre willing to put in the time to take care of the pan then yes

>> No.14478116

It's mentioned in the video, the answer is yes because cast iron retains it's temperature better, and many electric surfaces cycle on and off, meaning your pan heat stays even while it cycles.

>> No.14478128

or you could get a decent carbon steel pan

>> No.14478161

Which is also covered in the video, it's the trade off of more expense vs. easier care/maintenance. I didn't make the video, I cook mostly on a cold rolled steel griddle, not on a pan so I have no horse in this race aside from I use cast iron while camping for obvious reasons.

>> No.14478162

You can do that with stainless steel, too, but cast iron seems to cook savory things better but bake certain things worse. Cornbread is good in cast iron but yorkshire pudding did better in the stainless steel.

>> No.14478175

I think this guy is just piggy backing on Adam's success.

>> No.14478182

cant stand the fuckers face, what exactly is the positive side of carbon steel? I use both and i find carbon steel infinitely superior to cast iron. Maybe because i use a high powered induction stovetop

>> No.14478189

Adam's success is due to the Youtube algorithm not because he's a good cook.

>> No.14478198

I like him, if he does a 15min video you wont even know that time went by. Dont listen to the ppl on here.
>if it's not a pizza or fast food thread its trash

>> No.14478204

>As other anons have said, all of this has probably been reinforced/cemented by his having been a professor, where he's been able to go mostly unchallenged in his little fiefdom for years. Now he's suddenly exposed to the internet, where everyone is way harsher, and more importantly, don't need to please him to pass a class. I guess he's struggling to adapt a bit.
It took some hunting, but this is his former Dept at that University.
Go down to "Meet the Staff" which consists of 8 people that are not instructors in any way, and you'll this Dept consists of 3 people, two actual professors with some Endownment funding that put them there, a one single Asst Professor who is "visiting" like Adam was as well. A visiting assistant professor has no clout or would go unchallenged. Quit this job for more money? I doubt he was actually paid. He was a Journalist in residence....they gave him a cubical/desk space to use to establish an address, that's what that means. Assistant and Visiting? This guy didn't generate income for him and leaving a University job in 2020 when your Dept is less than 8 people total is low risk for covid, and you'd be working from home anyway, what fool would quit a job he didn't have to actually show up to do?

Just another butthurt person with exaggerations about his resume. No one in academia would call themselves "a professor" in a bio or a sound byte in writing if they didn't have the title to back it up. It's like saying you're a "doctor" when you're a P.A....dishonorable and misleading. You earn your rank and until then, you're so and so, but you aren't Professor so and so until you're at that rank.

>> No.14478214

1m+ subs..

>> No.14478221

cringing with babish has nearly 7.5 million subs..

>> No.14478225

>When I did parkour
>I've seen things you wouldn't believe
I discovered my first video about parkour after watching Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. I was mesmerized too!

>> No.14478226

he's strong without looking like a faggot

>> No.14478234

Instead of looking like a faggot, he just looks like a ftm beefed up tranny.

>> No.14478244

I live in england so iron would rust here due to the humidity

>> No.14478248

not if you coat it in oil

>> No.14478265

I'd have to use it constantly though and that would require reorganising what I eat how I cook everything
pointless change

>> No.14478275

I live in flanders, same humidity as bongland. I use carbon steel de buyer pans, they never rusted on me before. What do you cook with then? Stainless?

>> No.14478284

Hi adam


>> No.14478293

>What do you cook with then? Stainless?
I do have a ceramic cast iron pot for stews and braising
but just getting a normal cast iron pan just seems unnecessary for me

>> No.14478296

yeah in that case, stick what works for you

>> No.14478306

Why are you still watching that soy boi beta cuck?

>> No.14478316

creatine bloat

>> No.14478327

alright but why is elitism a bad thing when he does it but based when /ck/ does it

>> No.14478328

You mean soychad alpha? He does not give two shits

>> No.14478332

i don't think you've ever been around actually strong men

>> No.14478340

lol did you see his little butthurt essay?

>> No.14478341

because /ck/ doesnt have millions of followers, because /ck/ isnt a single person who bans everyone who disagrees, because adam is just an insecure faggot

>> No.14478449

I live in Georgia, USA, a very humid region and have no problem. While cast irons like Lodge are fine out of the box for use and non-stick properties, you'll have a much easier handle on it if you sand it down (60, 80, and 100 grit sandpaper) and season it several times with lard. Mine is smooth now and can't harbor moisture as easily. The one I cleaned then seasoned once out of the box with vegetable oil was fine and no rust but patchy in appearance and the one I did nothing to ended up with rust after several uses. Don't trust them right out of the box. Give the pan at least one seasoning.

>> No.14478453

>I live in Georgia, USA

OK, Adam

>> No.14478483

imagine having to grind down your cast iron shitlet and season it a million times. Either get stainless or carbon steel

>> No.14478499

You don't have to. You can just season it once out of the box, but the one I left alone rusted. It's fine now and would have also been fine with only sanding the rusted spot and seasoning it. But if you would like to ensure your pan is completely fuck up proof and easier to clean and dry, you can sand it down. I use almost only stainless steel, but I have two 5 inch cast irons I use for cornbread, sourdough dutch babies, yorkshire pudding, mini pies, and searing small filets.

>> No.14478523

i have one cast iron i never use because it's useless. I mostly use carbon steel or stainless. Those are easy as shit to wash and they fry shit up like a dream. I dont see the niche for cast iron when you have high output gas or induction stovetops

>> No.14478570

Cast irons get a nice even crust on stuff like the foods that I mentioned but aren't completely necessary if you don't want them. I've used my stainless steel half quart "cocotte" pots side by side for the same foods, and they come out okay but not as good. The stuff in the stainless tends to overcook, toughen, or burn since it heats through faster, but you might be able to combat that with a sheet pan underneath or a sheet pan with some water in it. I got the cast irons to experiment with and was happy enough with them to try sanding the rusted one to see what kind of results I get. I just got a convection oven, so it will be interesting to see how things work out in it.

>> No.14478587

Also, at one point I had a 12 inch cast iron skillet that was a pain to deal with due to the size and my inexperience. If it were to rust, it would have been a lot to deal with for something that I didn't know how to use. Eventually I'll likely get a larger cast iron and have no problem taking care of it.

>> No.14478608

He has fat covering up his muscles, so he's not lean enough. Most of the fat is spread around his arms and upper body. His jaw is probably much more defined, even though it looks like he's thin in the face and already has a good jawline.

>> No.14478628

Don't need to, Skeet: I memorized the prices, and did the tax and change in my head!

>> No.14478629

my carbon steel pans get superb crusts on whatever i try to sear too. I dont see the need for a cast iron. I have a AEG induction stovetop that has a lot of output. I work in a mediocre steak restaurant, my grill at work hardly compares to what i can do at home, sadly. And the head chef is obviously too stubborn to admit it

>> No.14478680

Why are gymrats so bitchy?

>> No.14478798

it does not look like fat it looks like some kind of fluid buildup

>> No.14478812

No not really. To sum it up cast iron is cheaper and easier to shape compared to other pans

>> No.14480300

Damn that's some butthurt

>> No.14480344
File: 65 KB, 1024x988, F38F7C2D-3022-4B3A-9D03-AE218FD2467F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>War and Peace length comment
>reply: "ur dumb"


>> No.14480358


>> No.14480409

The positive side is that multi ply stamped steel pans are every bit as good as cast iron, and less of a pain in the ass to maintain. The downside is that that cost about 5 times more.

>> No.14480428

Cast iron's for poorfags confirmed.

>> No.14480453

Watch his pan pizza video.