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14469811 No.14469811 [Reply] [Original]

Will cannabis infused cuisine be a large industry if/when cannabis is federally legalized? Would you as a chef/owner be open to adding cannabis infused items to your menus?

>> No.14469819

What is the weed infusing with in ramen? It has to bond to fat in order to be absorbed.

>> No.14469826
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There is fat in ramen.

I would assume whatever oil they're using is infused with THC.

>> No.14469828

>It has to bond to fat in order to be absorbed
BHO does not. Learn to science fucktard.

>> No.14469844

I don't imagine any self respecting chef would make it a big offering on their menu - maybe they'd offer an infused dessert or drink but not an entree.

>> No.14469851

To be honest, unless you're using tiny amounts of THC, i can't imagine wanting an entree infused either.

An aperitif or digestif that is infused, or as you said, an infused dessert item seems the most appropriate.

>> No.14469854

>Will cannabis infused cuisine be a large industry if/when cannabis is federally legalized?
Fucking duh it will

>> No.14469879

No because most people understand that it's a drug largely used by losers and bums. And while not every person who smokes weed is a loser/bum most people will not publicly advertise the consumption of it because of that negative association. And rightly so.

>> No.14469900


confound those low functioning degenerates

>> No.14469918

Maybe in the mid-west and south. But California already has some fairly high end cannabis infused restaurants operating.

I can certainly see it becoming a "thing" in most major metro areas of the US where it's legal at least.

>> No.14469926

Yeah I could definitely see it taking off, especially in more liberal/gentrified areas. I make garlic and herb cannabutter chicken myself sometimes, tasty stuff. Although I think edible cannabis is best in a dessert form and I think that's what it would be limited to in most restaurants that used cannabis in their cooking. Definitely couldn't see menus consisting of 100% cannabis infused food but definitely some section of a restaurant's menu.
I honestly just want legalized shrooms or magic truffles like in Amsterdam

>> No.14470091

Idk it'll probably be available but idk if it'll explode in popularity. Cannabis infused food can be good, but it's never made better by the cannabis. I can't imagine any dish where cannabis actually improves the flavor

>> No.14470108

Part of that surely is also because true master class chefs haven't really been keen on experimenting with an illegal ingredient.

>> No.14470212

Yeah let me get a fentanyl cheeseburger with a side of methamphetamine fries and a indica infused milkshake

>> No.14470239

Yeah nah i wouldn't trust anyone but myself to get the dosage correct
Don't wanna get into some 18 hour thought loops because some underpaid, overworked schmuck can't tell the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon

>> No.14470248

weed "culture" is all the proof you need that consuming cannabis turns your brain into mush

>> No.14470250
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Marijuana is the most disgusting flavor. It tastes and smells like burning rubber. I tolerate it in candy, brownies, cookies, etc. because the sweetness and richness of desserts covers it up pretty well. But in "real" food? Entrees, like a ribeye steak served with a herb/cannabis butter sauce, or lobster with pot butter? Absolutely revolting.

>> No.14470260

It tastes delicious actually.

>> No.14470261

that's like saying frat/LEO culture is all the proof you need that alcohol turns you into a mindless wife beating rapist. I mean it's true, but it's a broad brush, there are people who can handle alcohol, and pieces of shit that drink in excess and beat their wife and kids. Yet i'm not given a dirty look if i go out and grab some drinks with dinner, it's totally socially acceptable and high end restaurants enjoy creating drink pairings for their entrees. Why not the same with cannabis?

>> No.14470269

There was a whole series that touched on the culinary aspect of cannabis consumption. I forgot what it was called but it's out there with some basic Google searching.

>> No.14470272

It pairs with ginger rather well.

>> No.14470274

that's gotta taste nasty though

>> No.14470279

I'm calling the police on all of you

>> No.14470284

If you don't smoke cannabis, it smells disgusting. If you smoke it, no other smell can compare. Consumption is a bit more of an acquired taste.

>> No.14470286

because cannabis turns your brain into mush

>> No.14470289


>> No.14470293

so does alcohol.

It's called self control. Some people have it, others don't.

>> No.14470297

again you're just proving my point

>> No.14470300

Depends on the person in my experience new. If you're unmotivated it makes you extremely lazy. I don't smoke it anymore though for different reasons.

>> No.14470302

>heh, if i say he's proving my point then that means i win the argument
wow, you really did it, you won. Congrats.


>> No.14470303

weird, maybe you might have just been filtered cause you're a tastelet. it's always made foods taste better because it has a very strong earthy flavor.

>> No.14470304
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>> No.14470305

if you know anyone who consumes cannabis regularly it becomes obvious they are mentally deficient

>> No.14470310

dude how come, we uh, don't have like people doing crack cocaine in an upscale environment? it's all the same right, all drugs are like cool, it's just about self-control?

>> No.14470311

Again, depends on the individual.

>> No.14470316

so i guess it's just people who are not very bright to begin with who consume cannabis and not the other way around?

>> No.14470317

If you think alcohol vs weed is a dumb comparison, you're right, because alcohol is WAYYYY worse than cannabis.

The comparison between crack cocaine and marijuana is even fucking more hilarious.

Wanna know how I can tell you have ZERO experience with weed? Because you think it's somehow more of a "drug" than alcohol.

Weed chills you out and relaxes you in a normal sensible dose for someone who smokes daily.

Only retards try and get SUPER baked 24/7, that just isn't what most smokers do.

>> No.14470323

ok buddy you are right weed is cool and safe you obviously have the experience and are not a little retarded faggot repeating the same unfounded arguments

>> No.14470324

No, because it can dull a bright individual. It's all on the person. I don't smoke it anymore but when I did it made me the opposite of lazy. The problem was other things.

>> No.14470339
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more experience than you clearly.

>> No.14470340

Most top chefs like Ramsay and Marco do lots of drugs, so yeah.

>> No.14470345

and you are clearly mushbrained

>> No.14470346

is that earwax?

>> No.14470351

>It tastes and smells like burning rubber.
it seems to depend on strain. Some smell minty, fresh and herbal, but occasionally you smell some that are like burning moldy socks
Hopefully if it's legalized the dog corpse/sock strains go extinct

>> No.14470358

It's practically legal where I'm at and those smelly ones are still available.

>> No.14470364

well it's not like that shit is done overnight, it would be over the course of 10-20 years more than likely.

>> No.14470383


not that guy, but the world practically runs on drugs. top CEOs, investment bankers, and proframmers do coke and meth because it dramatically increases the workloads they can handle, and the more trendy types in big cities microdose psilocybin and lsd because it helps them to come up with more creative solutions. something like 1/3 of every american is on prescription medication for pain, depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc. and there are likely millions if not billions of people who are functioning alcoholics who drink to deal with stress.

in this kind of environment, singling out marijuana and saying it's harmful is sort of like trying to shame people for wearing the color red.

>> No.14470392

Makes you wonder what's the real issue here. Drugs or the ridiculous expectations that are required to be met for those who are superficial and materialistic.

>> No.14470405

criticizing marijuana for being harmful to the psyche doesn't mean you can't also criticize all the other bullshit you listed

>> No.14470408

>to the psyche
I agree with that. I'm not the poster you quoted btw.

>> No.14470411


>Drugs or the ridiculous expectations that are required to be met for those who are superficial and materialistic.

people have been working hard and taking drugs since before we evolved into homo sapiens. it's not a societal issue, life is not easy.

>> No.14470418

pretending it turns your brain to mush is retarded though.

At least in the tech industry, most people smoke pot regularly and do psychedelics occasionally. Some of them partake in amphetamines to increase productivity, but it's not nearly as ubiquitous as pot usage is.

>> No.14470419

Examples? Not doubting you, just genuinely curious. Cocaine leaf perhaps?

>> No.14470440

yeah it's totally made up, proven to be perfectly safe.

>> No.14470448

the tech industry is filled with mushbrains

>> No.14470453

Again fuck head, no one is saying it does NOTHING, what they're saying is it doesn't just instantly turn your brain to mush, you don't become some mouth breathing 70 IQ retard.

And being as closed minded and retarded as you're being is why it's almost impossible to do proper scientific study on the effects of cannabis on the human brain.

Maybe just MAYBE if we had real fucking funding for cannabis research, we'd actually know something instead of having a handful of tiny studies that suggest things that may or may not be substantiated by a wider more informed experiment.

at least they'll be earning more than your pristine non-mush brain does.

>> No.14470457

>at least they'll be earning more than your pristine non-mush brain does
Not that guy but there's more to life than money.

>> No.14470460


>> No.14470464

Is that binary representation for how many brain cells pot smokers have?

>> No.14470465

he's think's he's deep because he gets super smoked out and every retarded thought seems super important to him

>> No.14470472

This. There are hedge fund jocks who smoke a ton of weed outside of work because it's the only way they can stand the brutal hours and they do plenty of morally questionable work

>> No.14470474


you're allowed your opinion, but the fact that you opened your argument on an anti-marijuana stance and not an anti-drug stance is telling of your bias towards marijuana. unless you refuse to drink coffee, take tylenol/ibuprofen, cold medicine, drink tea, etc, then you can't say you're being logically consistent.


this video shows lemurs in the wild who lick toxic millipedes for their intoxicating effects. while not an ancient example, it shows you that drug use is not just limine to humans. there are untold amounts of discovered and undiscovered substances that proto-humans probably used. one we know of certain is alcohol, because it is . produced naturally as a byproduct of fermented fruits. humans have been using alcohol at least since we evolved into primates.

>> No.14470475


forgot the link:


>> No.14470477
File: 144 KB, 800x687, FCBEF145-0788-4BAE-AF99-A00F2A10E2BF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learn to science fucktard

>> No.14470479

how high are you right now mushbrain? this thread is about cannabis cuisine

>> No.14470515
File: 33 KB, 163x240, C7B2E512-27DD-489C-99E4-431277318ED0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord here we go again with the underageb& losers who project qualities of people they don’t like irl who smoke weed onto anonymous people on the internet. Daily reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with smoking weed, and it will become federally legal in your lifetime and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

>> No.14470525

>Daily reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with smoking weed
Yes there is. There's withdrawal, there's potential psychological troubles, depending on the form of consumption there's potential health issues. Maybe not as exaggerated as some posters have made in here but don't fool yourself.

>> No.14470537

If I want to smoke weed on my own property I should be allowed to. None of the reasons you provided justify it being schedule 1. The same is true for powerful opiates yet they are cheaper than candy and schedule 2.

>> No.14470542

Of course. Some states already allow that. I'm saying something else though.

>> No.14470544

>underageb& losers

>> No.14470548

My mistake, losers of all age groups.

>> No.14470585

this is all proven to happen only in schizophrenics, and schizophrenics were proven to be lying to get attention on purpose

>> No.14470601


>> No.14470615

Most edibles in my experience range from disgusting to tolerable. Just buy capsules and take them with food that actually tastes good.

>> No.14470625

Well 4chan obviously has a predominance of schizos so I guess it makes sense there would be plenty of tee-totallers

>> No.14470638

Yes. Thank you for proving my point eloquently.

>> No.14470649

Good one! Children’s Tylenol is just as bad I read on fox news a kid got addicted an OD’d. This was in liberal commiefornia where parents just let their kids do whatever. That’s why I only give my child hydroxychloroquine just like our great president.

>> No.14470657

Do you know what a non-polar solvent is anon?

>> No.14470690

no its pot resin, you can smoke it and its concentrated
ramsay has literally paid for his chefs to go to rehab cause he hates the coke trend in the profession
doesnt even like smoking cause hurts your sense of taste and smell
so congrats, you posting about shit you have no clue on

>> No.14471572
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>try and get SUPER baked 24/7
>that just isn't what most smokers do

>> No.14471588

Imagine being a 19 year old

>> No.14471766

>t. pseudoscience flat earther

>> No.14471791

Depending on what temp ita cooked at, what kind of product your use, i.e. terms, kief, flower, you can achieve different flavors. The subtle nutty taste can be really good in certain dishes. When you get gastronomical with it, it can be quite astounding

>> No.14471848

not a huge industry, mostly cuz it's easy enough for people to do themselves.
it is difficult to master though, balancing temperatures and cooking times just right to get the highest rate of extraction.
ultimately, everything's infused one of 3 ways.
infused into butter
infused into high fat cream
or infused into oil.

>> No.14472180

>there's more to life than money
And without money you will experience none of it. Enjoy being homeless.

>> No.14472185

There's more to experience than what this world has to offer.

>> No.14472191

Then kys and go experience the rest of reality.

>> No.14472488

I just don't see a reason to cook some elaborate meal to get stoned when you can more easily have a piece of chocolate or candy that does there same shit. Dosing seems dicey with something like ramen.

>> No.14473138

I'd imagine in confectionaries only, I can't see the taste pairing well with much besides chocolate - with which it pairs well

>> No.14473145

That's not how it works.

>> No.14473362
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There is literally not. Everything you personally can experience is "what this world has to offer". Your 2 dimensional stonerisms might sounds cool as a tweet or a stick and poke tattoo, but everything you can experience is within this reality. I hope to God youre a troll because the idea that people like you have equal democratic value in my society to myself makes me want to fucking AR15 a fucking government building.

>> No.14473368

just loot and burn down a dispensary

>> No.14473405

is that a keyblade

>> No.14474189

>you know what will make this food better? If I got intoxicated while eating it


>> No.14475165

no the fat is just a solvent so you dont have to eat the plant material. youre fucking dumb dude.

>> No.14475516

Californian shouldn't be what the rest of the United States strive to be like

>> No.14475517

Would be nice if other states could try to strive for a decent GDP like cali.

>> No.14475655

why do straight edge faggots always pull this dumb shit

>> No.14475668

I don't smoke weed anymore. Haven't in quite some time. I stand by what I said, there's more to experience than what the world has to offer. Good luck finding it.

>> No.14475675

Dont ignore the fact that it is trashy and you are a faggot, if youre gonna get "intoxicated" (bitch) then do it properly dont be some bug man faggot nigger pussy bitch retard dumb ooga booga stupid whore.

>> No.14475685
