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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 92 KB, 1600x1067, Flag-Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14446726 No.14446726 [Reply] [Original]

¿is this the most overrated cuisine in the face of the earth?

>> No.14446733

I'm convinced it's one ass-blasted Chink making these threads.

>> No.14446737

not to mention almost all of their good food is just stolen and modified chang cuisine

>> No.14446739

didi mao

>> No.14446740
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>> No.14446743

Definitely ately a korean with an inferiority complex

>> No.14446752

Most definitely. At very least it's the worst Asian cuisine. Basically everything good about it (tempura, ramen) was borrowed from Europeans and other Asians, while their original food is spoiled beans and white rice. White rice is shit in general, it's basically empty calories and it also removes calcium from your bones.

>> No.14446758

yes. and fags who watch anime and worship japs are gay

>> No.14446759

dunno what you're talking about, i just came to /ck/ for the first time in months after eating some overpriced mediocre japanese food
im not saying its bad, its just overrated af

>> No.14446764

Pretty much.
Most Jap food is highly derivative or exceedingly bland or both.
Notable exceptions:

The rest is just a worse version of other countries' food or simply bland and shitty.
But these three are actually good.

>> No.14446766

Is that an egg? Never seen one like that before

>> No.14446791

>ass-blasted Chink from /int/

>> No.14446800

Covid Tourists sure do worry about ratings.

>> No.14446917
File: 363 KB, 1280x854, DSC09724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese cuisine is one of the various dishes of different countries in the world.
And various dishes of the world interact with each other and change in different countries. Dishes from different countries change and become assimilated with the land.
ramen. Omelette rice. Sukiyaki. Tempura. Curry and rice. They are not traditional Japanese dishes.
But they are assimilated with Japan.
And Japanese cuisine is loved by countries other than Japan and is changing in that area.
And that changed style creates the image of Japanese cuisine.
The Japanese food eaten by Japanese people may differ from the general image of Japanese food.

>> No.14446921

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.14446973

The fuck did you do

>> No.14447001
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Your opinion is filled with bad faith and prejudice.
But you have the freedom to be malicious and prejudicial.
So I will not persuade you.
I just state my thoughts.

>> No.14447019

sure thing zainichi

>> No.14447047
File: 640 KB, 1280x854, DSC09025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The general Japanese are not obsessed with Japanese food.
Japanese chefs are particular about Japanese food.
French chefs are particular about French cuisine.
Chinese chefs are particular about Chinese cuisine.
Indian chefs are particular about Indian food.
The chef of the set meal shop is particular about delicious food.
Japan has most of the world's cuisine, and its boundaries are ambiguous.

>> No.14447052

This website has Peter pan syndrome for everything japanese but yes their cuisine is highly overrated. Ramen slaps tho

>> No.14447090
File: 18 KB, 718x533, ac60848f97651575d815f3a20fc07cba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often do you eat sushi?
This is an example of a questionnaire survey for Japanese people.

At least once a week. 6.3%
About 2-3 times a month. 21.6%
About once a month. 37.2%
About half a year. 21.0%.
About once a year. 4.5%
Less than that. 5.2%.
I don't eat sushi. 4.2%.

>> No.14447188

literally any country can have strawberries and fruit and fish lol

>> No.14447228


>their curry is just watered soup
anon i dont really understand, but japanese curry isnt supposed to be water.

>> No.14447332

I know you did this on purpose to be fancy.
It's not fancy, it's idiotic and pretentious.

>> No.14447377
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The average Japanese doesn't care where the dish originated.
In Japan, there are Chinese foods not found in China.
Japan has pasta dishes that Italy does not have.
Tempura is said to be from Portugal, but I have never seen the original dish.
NIKUJAGA is said to be the prototype of Irish stew. I have never seen an Irish stew.
Japanese people love Japanese style curry. However, there are many Indian restaurants in Japan and the Japanese also love Indian curry.
Japanese daily food is stateless.
Therefore, if you are asked what typical Japanese food is, answer SUSHI.
Many of the dishes that Japanese people usually eat are foreign dishes that have changed to Japanese style.
There are also traditional "kaiseki dishes" in Japan.
However, the average Japanese eats kaiseki dishes less often than sushi.

>> No.14447412
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Google Translation.
Pointing out terms does not reflect your thoughts.
What do you see, what you think, what you eat, what kind of food you like.
What do you want to express

>> No.14447420

That you tried to make some sort of poetic scheme with your post but it falls flat. I know you did it on purpose. You thought about that shit.

>> No.14447424

Very very bland. Seems like the only spice they use is salt.

>> No.14447429

Japanese are the white men of Asia.

>> No.14447436

I rove ching chong nip nip ping pong food arr the same

>> No.14447449

There is NOTHING better than sitting in a tiny Japanese joint, splitting an okonomiyaki with a qt3.14gf, and having a pork katsu don for your main, as the waitress attempts to communicate with you, and the chef in the kitchen sings when the order is up. Peak /comfy/

>> No.14447454

>n Japan, there are Chinese foods not found in China.

such as...?

>> No.14447462
File: 953 KB, 1600x1068, DSC09381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TORUKO_RAISU. Turkish rice.
Spaghetti Napolitan. Pasta with tomato ketchup flavor not found in Italy.
Curry and rice.
Tonkatsu or chicken cutlet.
This assortment of three dishes is called TORUKO_RAISU.
There are various reasons for that. There is no dogma n.

>> No.14447496

instant noodles were invented by a japanese dude

>> No.14447513

Raw fish on rice is great and so is mochi.

>> No.14447569
File: 656 KB, 1600x1068, DSC09406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your statement doesn't have your thoughts.
Empty words with no contents.

>> No.14447579


"oooh you cannot understandru the complexity of plain white rice with your western american tongue that has been ruined by your impure food!"

>> No.14447599

holy fucking cringe my dude, stop watching anime

>> No.14447618

No, it's Spanish cuisine.

>> No.14447642
File: 432 KB, 1280x853, IMG_2354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Hiyashi_Cyuuka originated in Japan.
The meaning is "chilled Chinese."
A dish of shredded ingredients on chilled Chinese noodles.
I hear that cold dishes are not liked in China.
Japan is hot in summer. The dish of chilled Chinese noodles sprinkled with sour soup was prepared.

>> No.14447654
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>their curry is just watered soup
I think this is CoCo-Ichibanya's fault.
It's a famous chain restaurant in Japan, so you go to eat there thinking it's the best.
And I'm going home to regret it.

>> No.14447665

Unadon (Unagi Don) is really good for breakfast, its not often done right but when it is its damn good.

>> No.14447727
File: 374 KB, 1280x849, R0030646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like "CoCo-Ichibanya" either.

I liked the curry in the highway parking area.
Small curry topped with croquettes. It was just right to eat lightly.
However, in recent years, the shops in the parking area have been greatly improved, and such small menus have been reduced.

>> No.14447875

What's that

>> No.14447881

If you're obese, maybe.

>> No.14447925

馬鹿外人, weeb-wannabe です

>> No.14448566

>assblasts half of /ck/
Yeah I'm thinking based

>> No.14448986
File: 127 KB, 680x574, c7442d998e52e03500ec22fc737c68c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weebs hate when people criticise their tasteless raw fish

>> No.14449219

Actually, rice cultivation came to Japan from southeast Asia. The Japanese are masters of taking foreign influences and adapting them to service their needs.

>> No.14449227
File: 378 KB, 1280x854, DSC04475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teppan_Naporitan. Iron plate Napolitan.
Frying pan. Ketchup pasta. An egg poured from the surrounding area.
Food from the Nagoya area. Many foods in the Nagoya area are strange to residents in other areas. However, they are surprisingly delicious.
Teppan_Naporitan is also very rare in Tokyo.

>> No.14449338

Wanna know how I know you live in flyover land?

>> No.14449438

I'm looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (that's Japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (that's Japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (Korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i don't want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)

>> No.14449458

the best dessert I had in my life was some custard filled mochi at a stall near Fushimi Inari Shrine

>> No.14449464


>Shitting on CoCoIchi

I'll fucking fight you.

>> No.14449476

No, that's Mexican;all authentic beaner food is bland overspiced poverty food.

>> No.14449479

That's not Mexico

>> No.14449554

soy sauce

now you can make almost 95% of Japanese dishes

>> No.14449802
File: 199 KB, 1873x694, LunchBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about searching for "Amazon.co.jp"?
"Lunch Box" "弁当箱" "Lunch box Cute" "弁当箱 可愛い" "曲げわっぱ"

>> No.14449820

it's only overrated if you have a complete misunderstanding of what makes Jap food good and think it's anything like American sushi or cup noodle

>> No.14450171


Jelly chink

I like jap food, all the things with rice and matcha, might be overated but Chinese food is also overated.

>> No.14450199
File: 272 KB, 386x356, Screen_Shot_2020-07-20_at_6.31.54_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French, not because it's bad, but for the sheer amount of doucheyness

>> No.14450200


You sir have %0 TASTE

Its popular because is one of the best

>> No.14450260
File: 286 KB, 1160x691, 1579014122197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taste folded 1000 times

>> No.14450323

Germany, Japan and Taiwan are pretty based

>> No.14450370

How is drink so much worse than food? You'd have to go to a pretty high end restaurant to compete with decent quality liquor, and you'd never achieve the same availability.

>animals are worse than exercise

>> No.14451452
File: 514 KB, 1280x854, DSC09808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had lunch today at a curry shop in Shinjuku.
740 JPY.

>> No.14451582

I'd say so. Teppanyaki specifically leaves me with a sulphuric aftertaste and a case of the shits.

>> No.14451614

It has to be

>> No.14451722

That looks like something what 5 year old me would have created. Looks very comfy, would like to eat!

>> No.14452202
File: 172 KB, 650x975, liangmian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hear that cold dishes are not liked in China.
There's a whole class of chinese dishes called "liang cai", or "cold dishes". They're mostly small side dishes. Cold noodles are "liang mian", and it isn't too hard to find some recipes served up with stuff like shredded cucumber and bean sprouts. That particular combination of ingredients might be a more Japanese variation on the idea, but it's not so uncommon in some parts of China. They are maybe not so popular like peking duck and lanzhou la mian, but it's not "not found in China".

>> No.14452286

inb4 that japanese website guy translates this thread

>> No.14452326 [DELETED] 
File: 378 KB, 847x1280, R0027335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your advice.
Really. Most hors d'oeuvres are not hot.
I had the wrong preconception. My eyes were cloudy.

But still, I think it is Japan's origin to make Chinese noodles cold.
Use water to cool the iron. An environment where a large amount of safe water can be used in urban areas. It has always been in Japan.
Therefore, in Japan, there were zaru soba and zaru udon noodles that used Japanese style iron for a long time.

>> No.14452350
File: 378 KB, 847x1280, R0027335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your advice.
Really. Most hors d'oeuvres are not hot.
I had the wrong preconception. My eyes were cloudy.

But still, I think it is Japan's origin to make Chinese noodles cold.
Use water to cool the noodles. Safe water. It has always been in Japan.
Therefore, Japan has traditionally had non-hot Japanese-style noodles. Zaru soba and zaru udon.

>> No.14452359
File: 1.08 MB, 2146x1935, F6BA6134-0F57-42FD-AC2E-601D4472FE18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s good.
I made ramen yesterday, turned out pretty well.
Pic related- before I added the broth

>> No.14452370

No, it's probably the best. I spent a week there and had the best food of my life. But for an American palette used to processed cheese and corn syrup, i could see how they would not appreciate the simplicity and elegance of Japanese cuisine.

>> No.14452376


>> No.14452378

Did you take a pic with your DS?
Also, that does not look like Ramen.
There is rice in there.

>> No.14452392

japanese cuisine doesnt interest me for the most part because there's a huge focus on beef and pork it feels like and i dont eat either of those. all the seafood dishes seem cool though and ramen is a based meal that i like to make all the time. i'd say there's a lot more regional cuisines out there much worse than japan

>> No.14452406
File: 70 KB, 640x455, DBD840BC-94A4-4B5A-AACD-556894BA3EBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for stale /ck/ bait
Lurk moar, newfag.

>> No.14452414

Just remember that a fat chink is a chunk

>> No.14452501

>An egg poured from the surrounding area.
What did they mean by this

>> No.14452518

Indian is the most overrated. It’s not bad but nothing else approaches how overrated it is

>> No.14452569
File: 705 KB, 1400x1050, P1011200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thin omelet spreads on the top of the frying pan and below the pasta.

The photo is a slightly simplified version of Teppan_Naporitan.
It has changed in regions other than Nagoya.
This covers the Napolitan spaghetti with an omelet.
This is also very delicious.
In Oarai City, Ibaraki Prefecture.

>> No.14453030
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x920, omu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That dish reminded me of something.
Tomorrow I'm going to shop and make this dish.

>> No.14453094

I don't ever see people fanboying or obsessing over india food
are you british or something

>> No.14453137
File: 23 KB, 393x325, 1376856842586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this some epic new troll?

>> No.14453141

¿What gives?

>> No.14453184
File: 16 KB, 283x282, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tempura is said to be from Portugal, but I have never seen the original dish.
Tempura is a Japanese word to describe the dish.
Almost every country that's been visited, conquered by Spain, or Portugal has a variant.

>> No.14453199

>peixinhos da horta
The funny thing is that the Japanese name is more "known", so a lot of countries started calling their versions " tempura" despite having the dish in their country before Japan.
Japanese cuisine is world known, because of America btw, and it's popularity is mostly due to American interaction.

>> No.14453205
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>> No.14453207

So because america is filled with a bunch of Weebs everyone thinks japan invented tempura?

>> No.14453235

The Japanese finished what was unfinished.

>> No.14453238

No Japanese food, and Japanese terms are more popular, because Americans had a lot of interaction with Japan, and the Japanese never corrected them (why would they have to, especially since origin of food, and food history rarely comes up between the server, and customer).

>> No.14453279

you sound upset

>> No.14453338

>can't appreciate good sushi
Honestly I feel bad for you

>> No.14453417

octopus is pretty kino

>> No.14453429

As much as I want to love Japanese food, I can't. Outside of Ramen and Okonomiyaki most of the food has the same flavor. It's not bad by no means but it isn't isn't on my bucket list when I think of foods to try out. Why is Japanese food taste the same?

>> No.14453436


>> No.14453444

But they have, and always had ramen in China.

>> No.14453462

Octopi are smart, you monster.

>> No.14453484
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>> No.14453490

not smart enough to not get their asses eaten

>> No.14453493
File: 166 KB, 800x1400, octopus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the two best octopus dishes

>> No.14453505
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>> No.14453528
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iberians do it better

>> No.14453562

>These are the two best octopus dishes
>these overly made crap
Tako is best to eat it raw, as sashimi.
That's why you are forever a weeb, because you have no taste buds.

>> No.14453590

that looks delicious, redpill me

>> No.14453745
File: 130 KB, 640x480, ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spanish food?
Did they drizzle the boiled octopus with olive oil, paprika powder and salt?
It's so dark for olive oil that it looks like there's still some other seasoning in it?
I think it's easy to make, so I'll try to copy it.
Instead of boiling it, sprinkle some sake on it, steam it and add soy sauce instead of salt.

I'm going to make two different kinds and compare them.

>> No.14453763
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I'm tired of eating sashimi, so I like it a little rare.
A few types of soy sauce other than ponzu are not enough.

>> No.14453796

For me it's French cuisine, the food that I'll never have enough money to try.

>> No.14454524
File: 531 KB, 400x400, 110399709_2501135576844084_1015998749888314178_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not living in a city with 5 different sushi bars lol

btw if you pay more than £4 a piece you're being conned by the name over the door, best sushi I ever had was £60 a head including drinks

>> No.14455346

Raw fish is pretty tasty, especially with soy sauce

>> No.14455359

That would be Italian

>> No.14455366

Like I care that octopi are smart, I enjoy cutting them while their alive

>> No.14455402

Do they fold their crap 50000 times and believe their own bullshit??

>> No.14455422

I havent seen that pasta in ages

>> No.14455803

fuck up

>> No.14455974

I had sex with a Japanese woman once.

>> No.14456000


>> No.14456833
File: 535 KB, 1280x1023, R0014672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your instruction.
In Japan, Tempura is said to be based on Portuguese "TENPERO".
I didn't know what "TENPERO" was.
The language was wrongly handed down in a different country.
It was a Portuguese version of Fritters !

>> No.14456893
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It is a show window of a curry stand.
I always wonder which curry to eat.

>> No.14457500
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>> No.14457683
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Breads like this are still sometimes sold at Japanese bakeries.

>> No.14457848

Some Japanese food are fine. I don't get how people can like sushi though, it's literally just raw seafood slapped on top of rice. Taste like shit too.

>> No.14457883

Anaemic and hyper-processed. Japanese food can be nauseating.

>> No.14457926
File: 310 KB, 1152x2048, 2Jef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised they're in business for this price in Shinjuku.

>> No.14458063

It's not really overrated in Japan. There they still see Chinese cooking as the pinnacle of cuisine and the best Japanese chefs train in Chinese cooking just like western chefs train in French cooking.

It is only westerners and weaboos that suck off Japanese food as the most delicate and perfect food in the world

>> No.14458158
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>Not a single mention of Matsuya

>> No.14458238
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galician style octopus
its simply boiled, then cut and then you pour olive oil, salt and red pepper on it
usually served with boiled potatoes on a traditional wood plate
portuguese people also have some octopus dishes but i never tried them

>> No.14458253
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Japanese people often eat a set menu called teishoku.

>> No.14458324
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>> No.14458477

It is a misconception that Chinese food is the best.
It is certainly one of the highest peaks.
Some chefs have mastered one thing, while others have applied the methods of Chinese cuisine to Japanese cuisine.
And, of course, there are chefs who take food from French and Italian cuisine and apply it to Japanese cuisine.

>> No.14458508
File: 86 KB, 1075x549, don.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuya, Yoshinoya, Sukiya, Nakau
What's your favorite part?
I like Nakau, which has udon noodles too.

>> No.14458581
File: 494 KB, 1280x850, R0037897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The octopus is delicious, but the Squid are also delicious.

>> No.14458636

fuck you, cocoichi's is great

>> No.14458674

Looks like some poo in the loo type took a dump on a plate is selling to californians.

>> No.14458872
File: 171 KB, 680x496, Katsuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CoCo-Ichibanya is a less impressive curry that eliminates individuality and reduces the number of people who don't like it.
If that's not enough, you're asking me to order a pork cutlet with toppings?

If that's the case, I'll go eat this katsudon with half the money I'm paying for CoCo-Ichibanya.

>> No.14459739

>weeb on japs food
>still fat enough to choose a fast food restaurant
It's shit so no one mentioned it.
That is basically mcdonalds which sells rice, noodles and soup instead of burgers.
Even a weeb would be disgusted by you braindead fatty.

>> No.14459747

Yes, after Italian

>> No.14461018

no spices

>> No.14461021
File: 701 KB, 1280x1280, R0015670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese people like buckwheat noodles.
Foreigners don't like much?

>> No.14461037
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>> No.14461754

>retard antiweeb getting blown the fuck out by some jap using google translate

>> No.14461760

Chinaman here, we have something like that but as far as I know its not very popular like you said.

>> No.14461810

sloppa shit neatly organized is still a sloppa. also the wasteful plastic bits makes it even worse

>> No.14461841

this sounds gay, but go to japan. American japanese food is only scratching the surface. Try the shit they have there, I dont think it's over rated

>> No.14462067
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>> No.14462174

I would say USA. But looking at their food, none of it actually comes from the USA. USA basically had two indigenous ingredients to start with.

>> No.14462693

In recent years, I think that the diet of China has changed dramatically.
A privately run Chinese restaurant has lost its store in an urban area of China. They are open in Japan.
The number of delicious Chinese restaurants has increased in Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture. It has become a hot topic in Japan.

>> No.14462705
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I've found what Japanese cuisine excels at is comfort food. Chicken katsu curry is not fancy, it's so simple that it's as far from fancy as you an get. But is is something you never regret eating, it's one of those "that hit the spot" meals.

>> No.14462713

Yeah but squids are dumb as shit so if intelligence factor is your issue there's an easy substitute

>> No.14462718

3 ingredients. Turkeys, potatoes, and tomatoes are all native to the western hemisphere.

>> No.14462741

looks bretty gud to me. What makes you think they're anywhere near as trashy as taco bell and mcd's?

>> No.14462772
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Ethnic food may not be understood by others.
In the West, spices were needed to eat old meat.
It wasn't necessary in Japan.
In Japan, spices are for adding stimulation.
The taste of the ingredients. Dashi. syouyu. miso. mirin.
The taste they produce is complex and delicate. However, some people find the less stimulating to be tasteless.
Neither is better. Neither is inferior. It's a cultural difference.

>> No.14462788

dont forget any peppers, any capsicum and squashes like pumpkins, there are a lot really.

>> No.14462918

the "¿" confirms its a spic tho

>> No.14463166
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IKAYAKI deserves to be more famous.
Many Japanese don't even know it exists.

>> No.14463235

Well, pigs are too.

>> No.14463244

idk why so many foreigners fetichize italian food when iberian and french cuisine is just as rich but they just write it off

>> No.14463260

A lot of Chinese food I find pretty gross.

>> No.14463366
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Chicken katsu...

>> No.14464612

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.14464620

Japanese food taste the same

>> No.14464636

>japanese food is overrated
>only talks about sushi, maybe ramen
These people should try some actual japanese food

>> No.14464650
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>> No.14464652

japanese curry sucks
98% of the protein dishes use the same soy sauce, sake, ginger , dashi marinade. sometimes miso

>> No.14464711

Alright, now whats the main?

>> No.14464806


>> No.14465408

Italian for sure

>> No.14465433


>> No.14465516

what else is overrated?
I feel brazilian and peruvian food is underrated
Iberian and arab food might be a bit underrated too

>> No.14467121
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The Japanese don't understand either.
It is a chaotic mixture of Japanese, Western and Chinese.

Ramen is Chinese.
Spaghetti Napolitan is Western food.
The hamburger is American.
Egg-covered rice is Japanese food.
Croquette and minced pork are Western food.
Omelet rice is also Western food.
Tempura soba is Japanese food.
Japanese people do not know whether katsudon or oyakodon is Japanese or Western.

There are many distinct international restaurants.
Japanese people also love such international dishes.
However, most popular foods are hybrid dishes that have lost their home country.
Japanese home cooking is either Japanese or hybrid.
Youshoku (Western food) seems to be considered a part of Japanese food abroad.
However, the Japanese hesitate to classify Yousyoku as part of Japanese food.

>> No.14467193
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I don't know that either. grass
Japanese local food. There are really many.

Some of the home cooked foods common in Japan are rarely found in restaurants.
The picture is of squid and potato. Squid dishes that are rarely mentioned because they are so common to the Japanese.

>> No.14467255

I don't know if it's popular enough to be considered overrated, but Indian "food" is absolute garbage.

>> No.14467264

Spic hate thread. Ignore and sage.

>> No.14467308

I lost a few testosterones just looking at that picture.

>> No.14467551

how did pick anything but the ones with tonkatsu in them? that stuff is like crack cocaine

>> No.14468033

Mexican food underrated in /ck/

>> No.14468036
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Tonkatsu is attractive.
But I couldn't choose Tonkatsu.
Because I want to eat the strongest version not only tonkatsu.
It was short of my hunger.

>> No.14468046

Peruvian food is basically a poor mans Mexican with more potato dishes

>> No.14468057

>he doesn't like takoyaki

>> No.14468650

No, nip food is edible. Overrated 'cuisine' is stuff that is inedible poison like chinese/arab/african/indian 'food'.

>> No.14468679
File: 616 KB, 2048x1536, Hangaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a home-style dish (Osōzai) that the Japanese are very familiar with.
Such home cooking is not often served in restaurants.
It's in a Spanish bar-like restaurant called Koryouriya
You can also find them in supermarkets.

This is a Japanese only secret, lol

>> No.14468704

Good post Daniel-san

>> No.14468706

I don't think 'overrated' applies in the same way to these cuisines. With Japanese food, the food a Westerner might eat at a Japanese restaurant is very close in quality to that found in Japan. With Chinese/Indian food though it's radically different.

I don't think you can say those cuisines are overrated because the cuisine is technically different (American-Chinese, British-Indian) but with Japanese you can definitely make the claim.

>> No.14468715
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> With Japanese food, the food a Westerner might eat at a Japanese restaurant is very close in quality to that found in Japan
Not true. I spent about 2 minutes thinking up a post to disagree with you, but this is more efficient: have you ever been to Japan, China, or India respectively?

>> No.14468744

Based Kunreisiki romanisation anon.

>> No.14468785
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>> No.14468821

I've been to all, Japan I've spent over three months there since 2012. The food we get here in the UK (assuming it's not some fake Chinese place pretending to be Japanese, of which there are a lot) is basically identical to Japanese food in Japan.

No doubt that Japanese food is better than authentic Indian and Chinese overall, but it's certainly the most overrated compared to other authentic worldwide cuisines in my opinion - likely due in part to the whole weaboo culture over the past couple of decades.

>> No.14468829
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I wouldn't say Japanese food is overrated, per se. They do a great job of making quality and tasty stuff. I've never had a bad meal in Japan.

The problem is that it lacks variety. Fruits, greens and veggies are practically absent from japanese meals. And that includes their assimilated foreign-origin versions of dishes. My body started feeling sapped from the lack of vitamins that I was using those vitamin gel packets from the konbini.

It quickly gets tiresome eating nothing but eggs rice salty broth and pork or deep fried stuff, and the flavor profiles don't vary much.
I say this as a weeb myself. I've spent all week plowing thru old episodes of Lucky Star and Densha Otoko

>> No.14468986
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I'm not sure if this is the right thread, but Jap food is the topic so I thought I might ask.
Has anyone ever tried frozen Takoyaki balls before? Were they good? I don't expect them to be as good as fresh ones, but did you feel like they held up? I'm planning to buy some tomorrow cause I have some free time, and I'm not entirely sure how to prepare them. I've looked it up and I'm not sure if its worth the effort to fry them in a pan or oven-bake them again or if a Microwave is good enough.

>> No.14469027

Listen here you flyover ESL tranny motherfucker. You should try more of what the cuisine offers before coming to a complete decision, you boneheaded retard.

>> No.14469034

The supermarket time sale is great.
It's wonderfully inexpensive and tastes reasonable.
It seems that there are many Chinese bento boxes. There is also a pork kimchi bowl. Oh, we also have spaghetti and gratin. Boiled bamboo shoots are wonderful.
Part of Japanese eating habits. World cuisine mixes.
This is also a face of everyday life in Japan.

>> No.14469824
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Birthday service for karaoke house.

>> No.14470171
File: 145 KB, 675x380, comidaperuana1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think its way different
peruvians had japanese inmigrants so they have amazing fusion food

>> No.14470192

>had japanese inmigrants
So did Mexico and you can see it in the Northern Seafood cuisine. Peruvian cuisine is good when you compare it to it's neighbors because South American food sucks in general

>> No.14470977
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not even remotely

>> No.14471110

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