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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 163 KB, 638x750, fuck vegans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14467649 No.14467649 [Reply] [Original]

Promoting a nutritionally deficient, highly restrictive diet and lifestyle. They also shame others for not being able to afford it, when it cost 3 to 4 times as much as normal food.
Vegans also keep feeding their children and carnivore pet their garbage, intentionally killing them.

>> No.14467659
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vegans will try to defend this

>> No.14467668

Let people live man. There are always crazy fucks who are going to take things to the extreme but most vegans just eat their food and shut up. I’m one of those btw. I don’t go around preaching a vegan diet and all that shit. If you wanna eat meat that’s your choice. Let me eat my beans and drink my almond milk in peace.

>> No.14467676
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A bald man made this post

>> No.14467677

>Let people live man
Clearly those parents didn't

>> No.14467689

they will likely come up with an excuse for why those babies did not thrive on a vegan diet that does not blame the diet itself

>> No.14467695

Vegans are mentally ill

>> No.14467701

My son is 1 and half years old and he is vegan, we feed him a mixture of essential oils, skim soy milk, gelatine powder, hempseed oil, and dandelion tea. He is growing fine he hasnt had to go to the doctor since he was born

>> No.14467706

They are literally the extreme case... This site has way too many autistic people on it who lack the capability to understand nuance and accept the internet is not a real reflection of the world outside their bedroom.

>> No.14467710

fruit, rice milk, potatoes and tofu have all the minerals and vitamins a baby needs, vegan diets don't have anything to do with thinning bones or no teeth. My son never had teeth

>> No.14467714

>My son never had teeth
I'm assuming he still doesn't.

>> No.14467715

>4chan iz srs bizness
Okay vegan

>> No.14467721

Carnists are the ones who are mentally ill. Vegan children grow up to be smarter and more intelligent then carnist children who are obese and malnourished. We are responsible people who feed our children food from the earth while you pigs feed your little piglets any garbage a big corporation shits out to you. I have a masters degree and I am better and more saner then you will ever be.

>> No.14467727

cool story bro

>> No.14467728

thats asides the point, his vegan diet is better for him than anything a carnist feeds their child like breast milk and chicken nuggets that have a bunch of toxins and chemicals in them, my child only eat natural food

>> No.14467733

>there are always crazy fucks who are going to take things to the extreme

Vegan diet by definition is extreme, because it is so restrictive. Also unscientific, and dangerous. Humans are omnivores. Feeding a vegan diet to helpless children should be a crime.
And instead of facing the facts you're trying to rationalize the issues away. You're literally enabling these extremists. Shame on you

>> No.14467742

Threads against veganism need to be banned. Most people on /ck/ are vegans so this is not welcoming for new users. We need to band together to stop the OP from posting libel and slander against good vegan people.

>> No.14467749
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>> No.14467751

I'm a holistic natural scientist myself and I study the benefits of plants and vegetables for the human body and they are better than any meat source. look it up yourself, the data is there

>> No.14467758


>> No.14467762

>I'm a holistic natural scientist
You're a larping faggot who's one step above white chicks who call themselves druids

>> No.14467763

That toddler was proven to be going through dangerous meat withdrawals because the poor girl's grandparents were feeding her meat and it was making her sick. Her vegan diet was purging her body of unnatural chemicals and toxins from the meats.

>> No.14467765

If humans do not reject meat, the Galactic Federation of Light Beings will refuse to help us and everyone on Earth will die. Is that burger really worth it?

>> No.14467769

I'm not a druid I'm a wiccan retard

>> No.14467770

Veganism is the natural diet of humans, carnists have perverted their souls with the tainted meats of trillions of tortured souls. Carnists are evil incarnate and they need to be stopped.

>> No.14467781

That explains why you're so stupid
Say that to your forefathers and ancestors

>> No.14467783

Who said I would feed my kid a vegan diet? Lol

I’m a vegan because my digestive system is shit so when I eat meat and dairy I get constipated really bad or get the runs. I’ve found eating a plant based diet to stop those problems for me. I have plenty of energy. If you wanna eat meats like I said that’s cool. Idk how you got the impression I support that bs.

>> No.14467802

Good, you shouldn't.Children's health should be more important than ideology.

>> No.14467805

What about tortured plants? Plants are energy beings too

>> No.14467806

Reminder that he lost all this hair when he was vegan.

>> No.14467820


>> No.14467821
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Nah he's retarded and a genelet, you regurgitate his retardation because you're following a retard.

>> No.14467824

But actually yah.

>> No.14467839

You're following a retard

>> No.14467942

>I have a masters degree
yeah a masters degree in being fucking retarded lmao

>> No.14468010

The vegan lifestyle just isn't for everyone and that's fine. Just let them die like the animals they would have eaten otherwise. Weed them out early like that carnist baby, no sympathy.

>> No.14468024

>He is growing fine he hasnt had to go to the doctor since he was born

and soon he never will again

>> No.14468144

>gelatine powder
You know what gelatin is right?

>> No.14468314

>breast milk

wait wtf even that wasn't enough? do babies really need meat to live? then why aren't there mass baby deaths in places where people are vegetarian for religious reasons?

>> No.14468340

I imagine that a vegan's breast milk has all the nutritional makeup of a glass of water

>> No.14468345
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>that's aside the point

>> No.14468418

it's vegan gelatin. this shit is so annoying with the sticklers. damned if you do damned if you don't. if you say vegan gelatin people whine that you have to label everything vegan. just assume it's vegan if a vegan is eating it.

>> No.14468423

since when did meat have lead in it?

>> No.14468434
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>> No.14468466

>when it cost 3 to 4 times as much as normal food.
Ever heard of beans?

>> No.14468566

>Vegan children grow up to be smarter and more intelligent then carnist children
>Vegan children grow up
Not that one.

>> No.14468585

those things that go in chili?

>> No.14468968

Fucking lel.

>> No.14469001


jesus christ that food looks horrible...I weep for future generations

>7 kinds
>for me?
>its gotta be liver-bacon.

>> No.14469041

More like Floridians/Americans are the worst. Basic education isn't due to what you eat but where you are raised

>> No.14469057

Do you not see how fucking happy tat baby is?

>> No.14469072

>They also shame others for not being able to afford it, when it cost 3 to 4 times as much as normal food.

It really does not but it is a key feature to being able to differentiate between a genuine vegan and a virtue-signalling one. The virtue signalling one will stick to ridiculous hipster/fad foods that cost so much more (by virtue of being 'vegan') and have stupid soundbite company names like 'graze'.

>> No.14469076

>I’m one of those btw.

How do you know whether someone is a vegan - don't worry they will tell you.

>> No.14469079


Babies need real food from about 6 months.

>> No.14469089


In Ireland a midwife comes to the house at certain intervals for the first 18 months to make sure you're not doing retarded shit like this.

Sweden always gets held in the media as this shining example of a great place for families.

>> No.14469093
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>> No.14469390

Several years ago, my country banned vegan meals at school. Vegetarian meals are common, but vegan meals don't exist. When I was a kid, though, you could just choose not to eat the cheese-based or egg-based course or not eat the cheese on your fruit plate. idfk how the meals work now since I no longer live in my home country and my kiddo takes (took? Quarantine) leftovers to school for lunch. It'd be fucked up if the kids are forced to eat omelettes or something. Like I said, when I was a kid, we had a choice to not eat any courses we disliked or to trade them with another kid for a different course. EG, some kid doesn't like the rice course so he trades his rice with another kid who doesn't like the fish course. Something like that.
Anyway, kids weren't allowed to bring their own meals when I was a kid back home. Coupled with the ban on vegan school meals, this just about guaranteed that no child could be vegan. Last year, however, a bunch of lazy piece of shit parents sued. See, part of the way school meals worked was that parents either rotated going to the school to help prepare meals for all students or paid into the school's kitty to pay for those meals. These parents would rather their kids eat an unhealthy diet than a proven healthy traditional diet, supposedly because they lack the time and money. The out of pocket cost, however, is actually cheaper if you pay for the school meals v buying your own nutrionally identical meal for your kid. Basically, the parents wanted the right to feed their kids like shit since they're feeding them nutritionally deficient diets. Shit like simple sandwiches and stuff like that. While we're not as bad as they are yet, we're definitely following in the footsteps of the Brits and the Americans. In 18 years, we're going to see a huge jump in diet-related illnesses, mark my fucking words.

>> No.14469420
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>> No.14469543
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>they eat only raw fruits and vegetables
Do they not cook anything? Do they just spend their entire days munching on raw carrots and plums for nourishment like a fucking orangutan?

>> No.14469565

Yes I have seen people like this, they have to eat so much too that they buy produce wholesale like a grocery store.

>> No.14469569

should've used tempeh instead of tofu and a more nutritionally-sound plant milk like soy milk or hemp milk. also depends on what fruit, like some avocados would've helped, and some things like walnuts for omega-3s could've helped too. also some protein-rich veggies like peas, actual rice, lentils... maybe some whole grain bread like ezekiel bread too.

>> No.14469598

Whatever you say carnist.

>> No.14469605

>asides the point
Further proof veganism stunts brain function.

>> No.14469612

They're allowed to put whatever the fuck they want into their bodies, but they should not be allowed to make decisions that can so negatively impact the nutrition and lives of children until they're old enough to make said decisions themselves

>> No.14469622

Vegan progeny must not survive. Simple as.

>> No.14469633
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One can of that product from the 60s could have saved that babby life

>> No.14469640

So you actually become vegan... because you lost your hair... and thought veganism would repair it? Is that really the level of education of an adult in the USA in 2020? wtf.

>> No.14469664

The fewer kids they have the better. Future generations don't need the burden of their retard genes.

>> No.14469676
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why do anti-vegans always continue to act just as edgy and illogical as ever? feels like every single one is the exact same person with no distinguishable traits whatsoever. peak 'take government information without a grain of salt and pretend to care about nutrition when I like mcdonalds hamburgers but secretly I'm just really mad at vegans and grasping at every straw to prove them wrong even if my logic is shoddy'.

>> No.14469817
File: 547 KB, 593x602, Don_McNeill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% meat
>Beef, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Liver, Heart, Liver-and-Bacon
Made for babies, by babies, from babies.

>> No.14469833
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>> No.14469847

you can probably raise a kid on a vegan diet if you're not a fucking idiot. however, most people are idiots and the diet's vulnerabilities (deficiencies in certain vitamins, low protein, etc.) make that fact clear. it also doesn't help that new age weirdos are attracted to veganism and will try their raw fruitarian shit or whatever.

>> No.14469853

White people vegans are fake as fuck. They're fucking full of shit.

>> No.14469858

Remember the government owns your baby, you own nothing.

>> No.14469859

I mean lets get real vegans are libtards and libtards are pro death penalty (for babies) so they probably murdered their kid on purpose

>> No.14469863

>White people vegans are fake as fuck. They're fucking full of shit.

i just love it when some white cunt starts blabbing about her vegan virtues and how we should all be better people like her. makes me want to rape the bitch until she bloody.

>> No.14469871

how come i never actually hear whining from vegans but i hear an incessant roar of whining about vegans and about vegans supposedly being preachy?

>> No.14469886

>how come i never actually hear whining from vegans
are you fucking stupid? all vegans do is fucking whine about their foods and what other people fucking eat.

fuck you false flag white cunt

>> No.14469897

i have never heard a vegan whining, certainly not without whining provocation. but i've heard a lot of whining about vegans

>> No.14469901
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>> No.14469902

Veganism = The upper-middle class bored white kid with no purpose in life disease.

>> No.14469906

why are you using white as a pejorative?

>> No.14469908

that's a woman

>> No.14469911

>Veganism = The upper-middle class bored white kid with no purpose in life disease.
too true

>> No.14469912

1 point for making me reply.

Try harder, cunt.

>> No.14469914

why do you force your dietary habits on your child who is unable to consent?

children need a ton of protein for brain development and strong bones and teeth. You are literally making him mentally and physically damaged just so you can feel better about yourself. This is legit child abuse.

>> No.14469917

You'd circ your kids.

>> No.14469919

that, is your average vegan

>> No.14469920

>children need a ton of protein for brain development and strong bones and teeth. You are literally making him mentally and physically damaged just so you can feel better about yourself. This is legit child abuse.
Veganism is an exercise in white vanity. They don't actually give a shit about the kids health.

>> No.14469921

>how come i never actually hear whining from vegans
because the vegans' voices are too weak to carry very far

>> No.14469924

sorry, im not american

and anyway, circ rates are going down in USA.

>> No.14469928

Not all vegans are idiots

>4channer commits suicide
>therefore all 4channers commit suicide

While I wish this were true it isn’t, although maybe you can make an exception for us

>> No.14469929

Veganism is a privileged. I grew up in a commie shit hole before our family immigrated. Our family starved and barely had enough to eat. We don't give a shit what we eat as long as we won't starve. These vegans never knew what it's like to actually starve to the point of passing out yet they have the gall to complain about rights and wrongs of eating different things for the sake of morality.

>> No.14469934

that particular one is a ftm tranny

>> No.14469936

hmmm...text....image...it’s on the internet...

Ok I believe it

>> No.14469937

i don't see the connection

>> No.14469938
File: 36 KB, 480x304, 64e3740b7f22f3270d90fa46260da3c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are lying or suffer from extreme confirmation bias

>> No.14469941

should be easy to go to /ck/ or /pol/ or whatever and pick out some threads started to whine about meat-eaters, yeah? oh wait, they don't exist

>> No.14469944

I mean he is kinda right in that if you have no food at all you're probably not going to split hairs about what you eat. What he's saying doesn't really address any arguments vegans make however.

>> No.14469962

but we aren't in a situation where we have no food. we have a market that satisfies demand. if someone doesn't want to (directly, knowingly) fund an industry that subjects animals to stressful and aberrant lives under battery conditions, then why is this bad?

>> No.14469970

There have been many on this board in the last 5 years.
Before that they were not tolerated

>> No.14469972

i haven't seen any in 15 years

>> No.14470005
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>> No.14470052

>t. makes impossible burger threads

>> No.14470678

exactly, the average vegan

>> No.14470726

Then you have been willfully ignorant

>> No.14470735

I've been vegan for three years and I'm still fatter than one of my non-vegan friends

>> No.14470771

Hope you get hit by a mack truck you colossal faggot.

>> No.14470797

He lookdes like a pedo

>> No.14470803

That one avocado is his meal for the day.

>> No.14470813

poor baby :( it's totally fine if an adult wants to go vegan but leave babies and pets out of it man

>> No.14471027
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>holistic natural scientist

>> No.14471070

I have never met a healthy vegan irl. I dont even mean super skinny either, they all eat fucking garbage but theyre healthier for eating a bag if chips while i eat some salami

>> No.14471137

>wait wtf even that wasn't enough?

Obviously if the mom is on a vegan diet, breast milk won't contain nutrients the mom isn't getting through her diet.

>do babies really need meat to live?

they need proteins, calcium, B12 and all kinds of things vegans aren't getting in sufficient quantity.

>> No.14471138

>Carnists are evil incarnate
Wild animals can eat meat but Humans can't eat meat???

>> No.14471160

Thats fair

>> No.14471188

Are most of the people eating wild animals? No? No? No? So your point is retarded.

>> No.14471240

>No? No? No?
There's a point where pretending to be retarded shifts into actually being retarded.

>> No.14471276

>Let people live man
tell that to the dead baby

>> No.14471287

more likely than you think

>> No.14471292

No it's not. Try to eat only local foodstuffs for a year and tell me that. You can't.

>> No.14471316


>> No.14471340

>The couple say they are vegan and eat only raw fruits and vegetables
Every time, it's the raw fruitarian weirdos being used to represent everyone with a vegan diet

>> No.14471348

>carbs are fattening!
>but if you only eat carbs, you'll die of starvation!

>> No.14471362 [DELETED] 

>The socio-economic status of Indian Muslims is, on average, considerably lower than that of
upper caste Hindus. Muslims have higher fertility and shorter birth spacing and are a minority group that, it has been argued, have poorer access to public goods. They nevertheless exhibit substantially higher child survival rates, and have done for decades.
>In Bhalotra et al. (forthcoming), we show that Muslim women in India are taller, have
higher Body Mass Index (BMI), and are more likely to have a non-vegetarian diet than
their Hindu counterparts. We also show that each of these factors is associated with
improved survival chances for children.
>Source: http://ftp.iza.org/dp4009.pdf

>> No.14471375

>The socio-economic status of Indian Muslims is, on average, considerably lower than that of upper caste Hindus. Muslims have higher fertility and shorter birth spacing and are a minority group that, it has been argued, have poorer access to public goods. They nevertheless exhibit substantially higher child survival rates, and have done for decades.
>In Bhalotra et al. (forthcoming), we show that Muslim women in India are taller, have higher Body Mass Index (BMI), and are more likely to have a non-vegetarian diet than their Hindu counterparts. We also show that each of these factors is associated with improved survival chances for children.
>Source: http://ftp.iza.org/dp4009.pdf

>> No.14471653

beans don't have all the essential amino acids

>> No.14471685

Yes they do. The only common protein that doesn't have all essential amino acids, ironically, is an animal protein, gelatin.

>> No.14471699

No they don't

>> No.14471815

Non dairy formula is pretty scientific.

Regardless whether vegans apply it, science can make natural diets irrelevant. Non vegans have a habit of using non scientific "natural" ways to feed infants too. Raw goat milk was a hype for a while, a lot of those babies ended up in hospital too. If you can't breastfeed, just use unnatural formula ... better than any other natural non alternative.

>> No.14471819

>thats asides the point

>> No.14471860

>then why aren't there mass baby deaths in places where people are vegetarian for religious reasons?
Not vegan, obviously! If you at least eat eggs and dairy products you will be getting a lot of the nutrients a vegan has no access to. You need to take that into consideration that many of these cultures also have very high death rates amongst children, so take that with a large dose of salt.

Also, there is absolutely no reason to deprive yourself from animal products, that is downright retarded and therefore veganism should be considered a mental disease and treated accodingly through intensive medical care and dietary re-education.

>> No.14471954
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>I'm a holistic natural scientist myself

>> No.14472455

As a vegan parent of three foster children who are also vegan I would like to say that these news stories are bullshit made up by carnists to slander us. My children CHOSE to be vegans after I explained to them that the meat industry is an animal holocaust and ever since then they have lost dozens of pounds and they have never been healthier. I give them home made vitamins made with natural herbs and spices I grow in our coop.

>> No.14472468
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Why do people on this board intentionally pretend to be mentally deficient militant vegans

What's the play here

>> No.14472478

I'm a vegan and I accidentally ate impossible meat which I found out isn't vegan and ever since then my life is on a downwards spiral. I can't look myself in the eyes in the mirror knowing that I broke my oath.

>> No.14472930

You are a sick, demented, mentally ill person and a horrible fucking parent!
Your children did not choose shit, you BRAINWASHED little children to believe your retarded ideology! You should never have adopted any children, and should have your children taken away by child services!

>> No.14472936
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>holistic natural scientist

lel that's some top b8 m8

>> No.14473955
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>> No.14474082

For the same reason why /v/ is filled with people pretending to pretend to pretend to be a strawman of someone they don't like.

>> No.14474088

>19 month old
lmao that's not even 2 years old
All the 1 year olds I've seen subsist on a diet of mushy fruits and vegetables. Never seen a 1 year old eat beef.
There's clearly something else there.

and no I don't think a vegan diet is healthy, but a baby diet is naturally vegan after weaning, at least until they get teeth.

>> No.14474113

>wait wtf even that wasn't enough? do babies really need meat to live? then why aren't there mass baby deaths in places where people are vegetarian for religious reasons?
it's trash sensationalism.
of course a baby doesn't die from not eating meat. Nobody dies from abstaining meat.

What probably happened here is a delusional mom thought she could still produce high quality breast milk 18 months in. She wasn't, but she was a fucking white middle class suburbanite so facts don't matter. Therefore the baby was getting rice, potatoes, and a dwindling supply of milk that was probably lower protein to begin with. You don't get protein you starve, simple.

>> No.14474127

because omnivores make up 99% of the population, so reality doesn't matter

it's similar to how ledditors claim that china is censoring their website because a single chinese company owns a .00005% stake in the website or some shit like that

and this is the part where a fellow omnivore calls me a vegan shill

>> No.14474131

Vegans don't exist, it's just a bunch of online trolls.