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14467994 No.14467994 [Reply] [Original]

He can’t keep getting away with it!

>> No.14468021

>On May 4th, 2018, Gorske ate his 30,000th Big Mac

>> No.14468027

Is it possible to learn this power?

>> No.14468029

That’s the standard haircut all retarded were required people to have. Literally every retard had this cut until like 10 years ago.

>> No.14468037


>> No.14468045

>30k bigmacs
>0.5 whoppers

>> No.14468066

I wonder how this guy reacted to McDonalds closing cause of the chinese flu. Although from what I heard he had a few hundred big macs frozen for an occasion just like that.

>> No.14468194

Greatest career statistics ever.

>> No.14468417
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I had my first Big Mac in 15 years a few days ago, and I have to admit it was absolutely delicious. I hate most McDonald's, but that Mac was perfect. I'm thinking about going back and having several more.

>> No.14468511

Not from a Jedi...

>> No.14468552

How do you survive this on a daily basis?

>> No.14468592

Absolute legend for eating absolute garbage food with no regard, but an absolute retard for not eating all the other much better junk food out there

>> No.14469805

>all retarded were required people to have
speaking from experience I see

>> No.14469890

He was tested for cholesterol and the numbers came back fine. He doesn't eat fries or drink soda.

>> No.14470685

Turns out it's just a sandwich and that it's the excessive side of carbs with the ridiculous mark up margin that get you, who knew?

>> No.14470709

There's suprisingly little shit in a big mac
The pattys are 100% beef
The bread is just bread
The cheese is shit
The garnish is just veg

The sauce is just a glorified TID

>> No.14470724

Last time I was shredded I was eating 4x4's from in n out in a regular basis as my post workout meal. It's great if you can skip the fry and soda gainz goblins. I sub for unsweet tea.

>> No.14470822

He's American, they stayed open here and only closed the dining room, I'm sure he's just been going through the drive-through

>> No.14470848

>Chinese flu
You mean covid-19?

>> No.14470858

No. COVID-19 isn't classified as a flu, retard.

>> No.14470911

What's the Chinese flu?

>> No.14471383

No idea

>> No.14471421

its when you all get out of the car and change places at a red light

>> No.14471508

That's because their impact helmets prevented them from getting the scissors any higher

>> No.14471517

Best post of the hour

>> No.14471524

I like McDonald's yet I've never even tried a Big Mac in all the 30 years I've been alive. Is it that good bro

>> No.14472846

Shanghai Shivers

>> No.14472858

McDonalds didn't close in the US because COVID 19 is fake news designed to cost people their jobs and livelihoods. This is one reason I have a ton of stock in McDonalds still.

>> No.14472896

he doesnt get the fries or soda
he snacks on fruit and vegetables for the rest of the day, actually pretty based diet

>> No.14473464
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imagine living in a hell that you created for yourself

>> No.14473689
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>a big mac is about $6 or 7 just for the burger
>he's eaten at least 25,000 of them
cunt's spent $150,000 on fucking burgers.

>> No.14473721

The Wuhan Death Coof.

>> No.14473745

Actually, he drinks nothing but soda. No fries though

>> No.14473966
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Better than spending the same amount of money eating what you do.

>> No.14473984
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>engadine maccas

>> No.14473989

>>a big mac is about $6 or 7 just for the burger
wat? they're $3.99 here and if you have the app you can frequently get them like 30% off

>> No.14474036

Kung Flu Pandemic starring Jack Black

>> No.14475586

Double cheeseburger >> big mac

This guy made 30.000 mistakes

>> No.14475623

He obviously going for the late '60s look from his youth.

>> No.14475654

They can be either be shit or absolutely amazing. The last thing I had from McD's back in march was a Big Mac and it was a good one.

>> No.14475658

I thought he was wearing socks and sandals for a sec, then realised his feet are just really really white.

>> No.14475674

Aren't they often 2 for $5?

>> No.14476861

this isn't possible, eating 3 a day without failure every single day it would take 22.8 years

>> No.14476887

He's been at it since 1972 and claims they 90% of his solid food intake

>> No.14476888

He claims the Big Mac constitutes 90-95% of his total solid food intake

>> No.14476902

On May 17, 2011, Gorske ate his 25,000th Big Mac at his favorite McDonald's restaurant in Fond du Lac.[7] On his birthdays, he puts candles in a Big Mac like a cake, and when Christmas time comes around, he treats himself to more Big Macs while his family has more traditional Christmas food. He claims that since he ate his first Big Mac, there have only been eight separate days in which he did not eat a single Big Mac. One of these days was the day his mother died, and he did not eat a Big Mac to respect her request.[2] Other days included a "Snow Day" when McDonald's was unable to open due to snow, a Thanksgiving, days he was traveling and could not find a McDonald's, and various days Gorske had to stay at work past midnight. Gorske has since started keeping an "emergency stash" of Big Macs in his freezer for emergencies and snow days.[8] Gorske commented in 2008 that his obsessive–compulsive disorder is what fuels his love of Big Macs, noting he also records when and where he eats his Big Macs in a notebook that he always carries, and that he has kept every burger receipt in a box.

mental health is no joke people

>> No.14476912

Yes. Original poster is just a cunt

>> No.14476913

Lmfao. It's sad but do funny how he embraces it too

>> No.14477568

The Chinese sneeze

>> No.14478199

Reminder that a McDouble is basically the same thing without the sauce and third bun thing and they used to be $1 each.
All those years you were paying a 300% markup for basically some fucked up tartar sauce and for 33% more empty white bread. My first job was McDonalds, it's the exact same ingredients as a McDouble with some of the veggies swapped out, just that extra bread disc and a splash of snowflake sauce.
Reminder somehow a double cheeseburger used to be worth like twice a McDouble because of literally one extra slice of American cheese.
Reminder that now the McDouble is somehow more expensive than a double cheeseburger, you literally pay them to leave a slice of cheese off.
Read the menu or pay the retard toll.

>> No.14478618

https://youtu.be/U6umfRzbVDY One large meal a day instead of multiple smaller ones is a good strategy apparently

>> No.14478740
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>eating all those carbs
I'm more of a eggs, bacon, and protein shake of a guy. The whole point of a good diet is to break the junk food habit

Cole's a fucking retard

>> No.14480305

You sound somebody's cheap dad. It's the same thing son, they're just ripping us off! The Big Mac has a different taste entirely.

>> No.14480309 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14481429


>> No.14481528

why does this pic that was taken in 2011 look like it was taken in 1991