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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14465785 No.14465785 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Euros shit on McDonald's so much? It's quick, cheap food, it's not intended to be a gourmet meal. I don't personally eat it more than a few times a year, but sometimes you're working on a project or something and you just need to eat whatever and it's fine in a pinch.

>> No.14465786
File: 108 KB, 1024x612, 323422ge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it tastes like shit, it doesnt stop hunger, its filled with garbage and its made by niggers.
thats why for me its the Mettbrötchen which is superior in every possible way.

>> No.14465787

Younger Euro's seem to love American fast food, or copies of it if they are cheaper.I agree its fine a few times a month perhaps, but for many in the US it is a fast cheap option for food without having to cook, so people rely on it too much, like every day, or multiples meas per day. The soda and nasty cooking oil is probably doing the most damage.

>> No.14465788

Based, I haven't been to a US embassy in ages.

>> No.14465789

this looks super tasty

>> No.14465790

McDonalds taste like shit. Just because you're American doesn't mean you have to defend every American brand.

>> No.14465791


It's neither cheap nor quick in Europe.

>> No.14465792

> Memeflag
Fuck you Amerifat, post BMI

>> No.14465793

Loos very boring, I'd rather have Mcdonalds.

>> No.14465794

McD's does not taste terrible when compared with other fast food, it's average at worst and better tasting than Jack in the Box. It's a little bland tasting nowadays because every other fast food chain seems to be stepping up with crazier/spicier/etc menu items and McD's continues with its boring menu which hasnt changed in years

>> No.14465795

Maybe because there is cheaper and better quality quick food 100 feet in every direction around McDonald’s?
It’s really fucking bad, m8

>> No.14465796

It's not cheap. I can get better meals for less. But I still have McDonald's every now and then, I lift bro, so I need the protein from 20 chicken mcnuggets, no sauce tho.

>> No.14465797

It's mediocre at worst.
Most of them just do it because "Fun to troll le septics" or some shit.

>> No.14465798

The taste and quality of McDonalds food varies a tonne between countries though. It looks the same, but has vastly different ingredients and relative wages (making more motivated workers).

I like Swedish McDonalds, but American McDonalds was awful as fuck.

>> No.14465799
File: 225 KB, 463x805, 7D5134DE-98EF-4DB0-9215-31342E1BCF61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating more than one meal a day In the current year

>> No.14465800

its raw pork with fresh cut onions its delicious
arent you guys eating monkeys?

>> No.14465801

You don't need to be rude mohammed.

>> No.14465802

is that served at fast food places or do people make it at home mostly?

>> No.14465803

That meal in pic related where I live costs eight dollars.
How is that cheap?

>> No.14465804

you can buy it fresh from the local butcher
I'm not a mohammed, sandniggers dont eat raw pork.

>> No.14465805

They're bitter they have to pay for ketchup.

>> No.14465806

In Brazil McDonalds is expensive and people still love it kek

>> No.14465807

wait,you dont pay 30ct/pack for ketchup?

>> No.14465808

i dunno those euros are gay, mcdonald is good.

>> No.14465809


this. i went to one in France and every device in the kitchen was beeping away, employees running around confused, 30 ppl waiting for their >€12 mobile order, a complete mcfuckin disaster

>> No.14465810

McD's meals are pricey nowadays, same with most fast food meals. After tax you are paying $8-10 for a burger, fries and drink. But many places have value meals now, e.g. smaller burger, small fires and small drink for $3-$5 plus tax. Or they will be sneaky and sell you 2 burgers for $5 but then a soda drink costs $2.50 lol. That soda is addictive

>> No.14465811


>> No.14465812
File: 30 KB, 480x505, 69966033_135311691061107_5454619950662549504_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish the hamburgers looked like in pic related, i'd go get it

>> No.14465813

Simply put, there is no need for McDonald's in Europe, most countries already have their own burger joints, which make much better burgers than McDonald's

>> No.14465814
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>eating raw meat

>> No.14465815

I honestly wish there was a law against advertising food in a away that looks NOTHING like the product. maybe they'd improve the assembly process so stuff looks good too.

>> No.14465816

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.14465817
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Not gonna lie, I can't remember the last time I ate at mcdonald's. Maybe I got a meal a few years ago?

>> No.14465818


yeah nah it's way cheaper to just buy stuff from the supermarket and make my own burgers

>> No.14465819

>his nigger intestines cant handle white food

>> No.14465820
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Way better

>> No.14465821
File: 1.44 MB, 1616x3264, IMG_20190225_115957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mcdonalds is too expensive. A little sorry ass Big Mac cost 5 euros. A Döner Kebab cost 3.50. Currywurst with french fries 5.

I have to eat like 4 Big Macs to get full. That's 20 euros. The average salary is like 10 euro per hour. So you have to work 2 hours just to get full. That's a joke.

>> No.14465822

I usually just get the burgers. No fries, no soda. Big Macs.

>> No.14465823

Sorry Adolf I cook my snails.

>> No.14465824

a Döner is made by shitskins who dont have a concept of personal hygiene.

>> No.14465825
File: 221 KB, 960x684, chartoftheday_13729_mcdonald_s_restaurants_and_employees_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do Euros shit on McDonald's so much?

>> No.14465826

>McChicken sauce
you mean fucking mayonaise

>> No.14465827 [DELETED] 

Die meisten Dönerbuden sehen um einiges sauberer aus als deutsche Restaurants und Kneipen die von fetten alten Wolfgangs und Hannelores geführt werden und wo seit den 70ern nichts mehr investiert wurde. Du Incel.

>> No.14465828
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>laughs in american
They only pay for sauce packets in poor areas.

>> No.14465829

what the hell, is that two fingers?

>> No.14465830

I can’t eat it without it completely wrecking my insides. It’s not real food.

>> No.14465831

I haven't seen this copypasta in years.

>> No.14465832

protein doesnt help you
protein kills your kidneys and other vitals
hence fast food makes ppl sick

>> No.14465833

literally McDonalds spambot lmao
the state of /pol/ in 2020

>> No.14465834

Okay, Francoise.
We all know Youre a snail licking faggot

>> No.14465835

Its not that cheap anymore they raised prices. I guess its still cheaper than other places. But yeah fast food is made to be cheap and quick. Not some over priced hipster cafe where you wait 20 minutes. Its basically a step up from convenience store slop but its not meant to be fine dining.

>> No.14465836

>Dönerbuden sehen um einiges sauberer aus
they are manned with shitskins and shitskins have no understanding what hygiene is.

>> No.14465837

at least in the UK it's because Gregg's is clearly the superior option.

>> No.14465838
File: 2.66 MB, 3229x3024, trumptrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One time I used hot water and ketchup to make "tomato soup" at mcdonalds. A lady saw me and bought me a borger

>> No.14465839


>> No.14465840 [DELETED] 

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.14465841


>> No.14465842

Doesn't mcdonalds have insane amounts of onions on their burgers?

>> No.14465843

i meant onions

jannies really are worthless, remove these retarded filters, who finds these funny

>> No.14465844

>I don't personally eat it more than a few times a year,
Dammed by faint praise.

>> No.14465845

Fucking kek for 20 fucking nuggets it cost ~11 euros
For half of it i can have a kebab and the same prize a big pizza

>> No.14465846


autistic fucking jannies

>> No.14465847

zog burger

>> No.14465848

Euro McDonalds is shit.
Without the sweet sweet chemical flavor enhancers we allow for in the US it is absolute shit.

>> No.14465849
File: 22 KB, 320x275, eIPfNGDbHsYFPFU-800x450-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, tis the Hot 'n Spicy McChicken, the King of the Fast Food Jungle

>> No.14465850

I shit on mcdonalds since they removed the double cheeseburger from our £1 menu

>> No.14465851

Wow thats kinda sad anon

>> No.14465852

Moving here and finding out that they jew you and make you pay for ketchup and every other condiment was depressing. No free refills, no ice in your cup just barely cool soda that will be lukewarm before you finish your burger, no chocolate shakes...made me wanna McFuckin'kill'myself.

>> No.14465853

maybe its because i work a more physical job but i dont understand how people can eat trash food like mcd's for lunch/breakfast at work. it sits in my stomach like a lead weight and makes me feel like shit

>> No.14465854
File: 73 KB, 500x499, 1496158287688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14465855

Usually I'll order two H&S McChicken and two McDoubles no pickle with a large order of fries for $8.30

>> No.14465856
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1595715382910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no ketchup
>no ice
>no free refills
>more expensive than US McD's
Euros are fucked

>> No.14465857

They got rid of their pretty good salads, so now it's all hyper processed poison.

>> No.14465858
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>Remember what they took from you

>> No.14465859

At least there are barely any niggers here...so that's a perk.

>> No.14465860

People are supposed to eat real food. Eating american chimical hamburgers are snack when you are drunk nothing else. Why cant ameritrash eat normal food for lunch? But thats just my opinion. I have a russians murican POW and i will shoot thd prey but literally torture the merican.

>> No.14465861

I've heard this a lot and have made it a point to get a Big Mac in different countries when I travel. I've done it maybe 4-5 times and found that this isn't really true. The only difference is the local menu items but a Big Mac is pretty much always the same everywhere.

Also Max Burger sucks btw

>> No.14465862

for me it's the wendy's 4 for 4 jbc
anything else is a jewish scam

>> No.14465863

McDonalds is ok in White small towns, shit in black staffed cities

>> No.14465864

>no ice in your cup just barely cool soda that will be lukewarm before you finish your burger
In america they fill the entire cup with ice so your soda gets all watered down and gross by the time you finish your burger

>> No.14465865

that's good though because the soda is literally poison. they are saving your life. based American fast food chain ice policy

>> No.14465866
File: 60 KB, 1070x520, 20200718_205504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonalds is having those for a limited time here right now.
Too bad they are 1050kcal.

>> No.14465867

Whence the free refills which negate that. There are no free refills here. Or anywhere in europe. I know it's what makes burgers fat asses but free refills are a part of my vibrant culture. I'm off to square dance now.

>> No.14465868

No it's bullshit it's fucking soda I know it's not healthy, if I'm going to order it in the first place I want to be able to enjoy it

>> No.14465869

Ok, turkcel.

>> No.14465870

>muh calories
>muh arbitrary number obtained from burning it
calories don't tell you anything about the nutrients other than just the raw amount of nutrients and fats.
people that whine about calorie counts are insufferable

>> No.14465871

We will offer you free big macs if you come close to our trebches ot what we call "running graves'. Thank god Russians are defending amerimutts backs.

>> No.14465872

In America you fill your own cup.

>> No.14465873

Rather than burger and fries from McD that won't sate my hunger and tastes bland as fuck, I could get a gyros pita from my local greek takeaway. Costs pretty much the same but is vastly superior in all regards.

>> No.14465874

>the free refills
Honestly I can't remember the last time I ate inside of a fast food restaurant so I didn't really think about that
But if you're going inside to eat you can control how much ice goes in the drink because you're the one who dispenses it

>> No.14465875

Not at the drive-through you don't

>> No.14465876

You used to fill your own cup, now they do it for you because covid, and no free refills either anymore, you cant dine in. Sure you could chug the drink like a huge retard and ask for a refill before you leave, but aside from that, our basic rights to free refills are in jeopardy

>> No.14465877

Enjoy your trichinosis you fucking trashy euromutt

>> No.14465878

I knew it was familiar for some reason, I thought I was going mad

>> No.14465879


its not cheap its not fast, and it tastes like cardboard. Idk about murica, but here we can get better food for that price. Wich is actual food.

>> No.14465880

Now it's pretty much obligatory to have a coupon print in hands if you don't want to pay over 50 bolsos

>> No.14465881

Well at the drive-thru you can always tell them "no ice" but if you want a specific amount of ice that might be trickier.

>> No.14465882

aussies shit on american food,

which is funny given;
this country literally fucking worships mc donalds and takes pride in regularly eating food that is even more shit than maccas...

like sausage rolls, meat pies, chiko rolls and others disgusting crap where even the 'meat' inside is a paste made that is 80% flour and starch.

>> No.14465883

Every other hamburgers restaurant I've been to (fast food or otherwise) is much better than McDonald's, that's why it's shit.

>> No.14465884

mcdonalds is where all the diversity happens in yurop

>> No.14465885

because quality varies in different locations

>> No.14465891

Wow yuropoors are racist

>> No.14465903

Everyone who isn't bitter loves America

>> No.14465906

I'll end up eating there twice a year at most. And only for a double QP with cheese. Everything else is ass and the Big Mac is 80% bread and lettuce.

Also based mod sending a bunch of /pol/lacks to shit up /ck/

>> No.14465908

>a few times a month

>> No.14465914

It tastes like inoffenstive nothing. Can't complain, but can't really enjoy it either when it think about all the ways it could be better if it has some actual juicy meat.

>> No.14465918

>Die meisten Dönerbuden sehen um einiges sauberer aus als deutsche Restaurants und Kneipen d

>> No.14465926

You know, in first-world countries we do mandatory screening for trichinosis.

>> No.14465949


>> No.14465956

Ketchup is free in UK.
Ice is free and widely available.
Free refills don’t exist though.

>> No.14465966

in my travels for business I've had the opportunity to visit McD's in most of Central Europe
>Italy - 6/10
>Slovenia - 7/10
>Croatia - 8/10
>Hungary - 3/10 (gypsies in the kitchen made my stomach turn, I don't get how Americans can bare the thought of niggers handling their food)
>Austria - 7/10
>Czech - 1/10 absolute dogshit wouldn't even feed it to a kike
>Germany (Munich) - 8/10; Germany (Dresden) - 10/10

>> No.14465972

>few times a year
ftfy fatass

>> No.14466058

Because McDonalds is neither cheap nor good, the only decent thing there is the chicken sandwiches and fries.

>> No.14466090

I don't get that at all. The fries are the absolute worst in the industry.

>> No.14466141

Unironically this. If America was so shit....why do people move there?

>> No.14466167

Weird. My adblocker didn't seem to pick this one up.

>> No.14466206

Same, thin, flaccid lackluster cardboard strips
Big mac also sucks

>> No.14466921

mcdonalds in China is lit. They have hot wings

>> No.14466935

what the fuck is wrong with its color
also what the fuck cheese are they using, fucking pepperjack cheese?

>> No.14466942


best nugs in the industry tho

>> No.14468600

>i have to eat like 4 big macs to get full

jfc amerilards disgust me.

>> No.14468645

>sometimes you're working on a project or something and you just need to eat whatever and it's fine in a pinch.
sure it's fine, but it's neither super cheap, nor all that tasty
I'd rather get something from a local fast food place than from a chain like mcdonald's - every city has some actually good burger places and for price to taste ratio you can't really beat a kebab

>> No.14468767

...and a burger isn't? Have you even been to McD's in Europe? 90% of the staff are Turks, so you get the same shit, but more expensive. Buy döner instead.

>> No.14469814

because we have döner inshallah

>> No.14469856

eurocucks love mcdonalds

>> No.14469979

a kebab from a local place will taste better and be like 2x cheaper unless there is some special deal at McDonalds
it's probably even slightly less unhealthy because of all the veggies

>> No.14470027
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as American I think the food is terrible and you should go to the grocery store or at least a more up-scale restaurant. not gourmet at all. shit-tier food is fast food.

>> No.14470336

You can get kebap for half the price, pasta for 2/3, rotisserie chicken + a nice salad for 2/3, pizza for the same price etc.

You can also get burgers that are significantly better for little more. I've heard that it's piss cheap in the states but here it really isnt