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File: 56 KB, 800x534, 800px-Detalle_de_los_Sesos_de_Cordero-Brains_of_Lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14461558 No.14461558 [Reply] [Original]

How best cook these? And would they make me smarter?
The brain, like most other internal organs, or offal, can serve as nourishment. Brains used for nourishment include those of pigs, squirrels, rabbits, horses, cattle, monkeys, chickens, fish, lamb and goats. In many cultures, different types of brain are considered a delicacy.

>> No.14461564

blend them together with raw eggs, add onions, salt, parsley and pepper and make omelettes

>> No.14461575

Seems like egg would be done+brains still raw or uncooked.

>> No.14461594
File: 11 KB, 375x250, zombie-eating-brains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must... eat... brains!

>> No.14461600

Shove up your ass until room temperature

>> No.14461601

Dude no not human!

>> No.14461609

They're zombies, they wont know any difference.

>> No.14461703

Probably sliced like a half inch thick and then pan fried with butter would be pretty good. Salt and pepper for the seasoning. Damn it sounds good just thinking about it.

>> No.14461710

What is this? Some tribal African voodoo bullshit?

>> No.14462813

>Eating brains
Enjoy the shakes

>> No.14462841

>how to get prions

>> No.14462850

poach em.

>> No.14462857

No matter how you cook them you risk prions

>> No.14462883

>Year of our Lord 2020
>eating brains when prions are a thing
Even eating them just once is enough to doom yourself to a horrifying death.

>> No.14462901

enjoy your brain rot

>> No.14462950

I'm thinking deep fry +cut the bullshit there perfectly safe dip shits.

>> No.14462956

wait, can you even get prions from a lamb? I thought it was only from humans and a few omnivores

>> No.14462983

No dont listen to the retards.

Fortunately for me, and aspiring brain eaters everywhere, there's absolutely no evidence to suggest that eating goat or lamb brains will give you "Mad Cow," or any other prion-related disease for that matter

>> No.14463011

theres a bunch of animals it can transfer from but sheep isn't one of them supposedly
cattle are confirmed, squirrels are confirmed, deer are still unconfirmed
even if there isn't evidence for sheep though, no real reason to go out of your way to eat the brains
we over produce and then dumpster so much regular meat, no need to eat the sketchier organs

honestly though it'll just be tossed into the ground lamb to balance out those fat ratios so lmao good luck avoiding it

>> No.14463050

>no real reason to go out of your way to eat the brains
I mean it could be tasty
I've never had it but it seems to be well-liked in some cuisines

>> No.14463191

What do brains taste like?

>> No.14463315

salty coins

>> No.14463327

Tasty veal

>> No.14463334

What is the texture of stir fried brain? It is crispy?
Can I roll brain pieces in flour to make them crispy?
Does high heat will kill the possible parasites inside?

>> No.14463382

Farm animals don't get prion disease unless they're fed protein supplements derived from other animals.
Though this is basically more agro-industrial bullshit. Ruminants shouldn't be fed protein supplements in the first place. They only do it so they can bulk them up faster.

>> No.14463802

t. reddit or pop sci fags.
Prions are extraordinarily rare, occurence might be 1 in 10 million lambs and it's even rarer for that protein to bind and replicate within the body, making their existence a nonissue as it is not going to be communicable by human dietary consumption. Zoonotic prion diseases require a shit tier body unable to catalyze deamination of aberrant proteins. If you get prion disease, you already had a shit body and shit brain to begin with. I've been eating pork brain for 10 years now (not one instance of prion disease).

Let's see what you get for brains

>$1.50 a pound
>as rich in DHA as salmon
>most food dense source of PS in existence
>other phospholipids
>good source of neuropeptides

The cheapest and most nutritious organ of any animal. Humans have been eating brains for tens of thousands of years and would eat them first thing following the hunt. There are thousands of cracked animal skulls near early hominid settlements proving our ancestors at brain and were smarter because of it.

>> No.14464893

>eating brains makes you smarter
So that explains why you seem to view cavemen as role models.

>> No.14464896

>eating brain
Sv3rige, please go

>> No.14464920

You are a fucking savage and no good will come from eating brains.

>> No.14465154
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Brain sandwich,s are good you have deep fry them.

>> No.14465217
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>> No.14465571

Fry them

>> No.14465614

If there was any sort of risk to eating brain the government would ban selling it, but theres no evidence for it so eat away.

>> No.14466156

>da gubmint knows best
bad advice and misplaced trust
different countries have different regulations, you can still buy cow brain in many countries (even ones that aren't complete shitholes) despite the direct link between cattle brains and CJD

>> No.14466318

yes because they stopped checking for mad cows disease

>> No.14466380

What causes CJD wise guy?

>> No.14466414

Where is the best place to get brain meat and other offal? I know some supermarkets do beef/lamb liver and heart

>> No.14466486

Bruh the UK government doesn't let you donate blood if you were alive and ate meat during the outbreak in the 90's

The UK is also preparing for around 2030-2040 a huge wave of the vCJD as the incubation is around 40-50 years. You'll see many grandparents and parents get super dementia for a few months before they die, it's tragic and it's not even a question of if it will happen, it's when.

>> No.14466505

Sporadic CJD - it happens completely out of the blue, not unlike getting cancer or alzheimers or something like that with no family history and no causes

fCJD - You inherited it from your family

vCJD - You consumed something from an animal that that had a spongiform encephalopathy-causing prion in it (brains, muscle tissue, organs, milk, etc)

>> No.14466518

>Farm animals don't get prion disease unless they're fed protein supplements derived from other animals.

Farm animals, like humans, can develop prion diseases on their own. And those that are developed on their own in cattle are just as dangerous and transmissible to humans.

>> No.14466524

>I've been eating pork brain for 10 years now (not one instance of prion disease).

Prion diseases generally take decades before symptoms show up.

>> No.14466528

Lovely reddit snark and yes, they were smarter than we are as the absence of technology and immediate threats to survival forces only the smartest and strongest to survive.

>> No.14466615

worse yet, plants can take on prions from infected animals, both their urine and corpses
infected grazing lands could reinfect new animals for decades, but this also means humans can get infected by just about anything we eat if an infected deer collapses in a corn field

>> No.14466692

Heat doesn't destroy prions. They aren't alive, but rather proteins that self replicate. It takes several hours at 900 F to denature them.

>> No.14466711

>he doesn't know prion infections don't show symptoms for decades

>> No.14466738

Yeah that's basically the issue that Deer and Elk hunters and eaters have had in the past decade or so.

Deer with Chronic Wasting Disease (a prion disease) goes to a field, poops, the prions stay in the soil, another healthy deer comes and grazes the grass in that now infected field, and catches the prion disease, and spreads it anew.

Short of incinerating a prion in a special industrial furnace, nothing will remove the prion from the soil and the field. Chemical treatments, layering with new soil, etc.

I wouldn't ever eat deer again (last time I did was a delicious venison in 2013). Some deer with the disease exhibit obvious symptoms, but in the interest of greed and negligence, can you really guarantee that some dickbag hunter or company who buys deer will ALWAYS make sure to not introduce that infected deer to the human food chain?

And what's worse, there are tests for the disease in deer, and we have found that some deer that test positive for it exhibit no symptoms at all.

Stay the fuck away from deer or other game meats from here on out. The disease is running rampant in the upper midwest, but pretty much every single state has found positives for it in deer.

>> No.14466883

I mean I'm still gonna eat the occasional wild game despite the risks, but minimizing neurological tissue consumption isn't a super difficult thing to do
like the guy who got it from eating squirrel brains was probably eating a fucking lot of squirrel brains
I think the most reasonable balance is to think of it in the same way we do mercury in fish, you can't really avoid it entirely but lowering consumption of higher risk items is preferable
so no pork spine soup and brain burgers for me, but bear sausages and deer ribs are definitely still on the menu

I'd never get deer from a guy I didn't trust but that test thing you mentioned is pretty concerning still. CWD hasn't been found in my province yet but thats not to say migrating deer from quebec got the message to stay on that side of the border

>> No.14466945

>been eating pork brain for 10 years now
I can tell

>> No.14466986

>but minimizing neurological tissue consumption isn't a super difficult thing to do

some tests on deer muscle tissue still show evidence of the prions in them.

i mean we still have no idea on if humans can get this disease because we have no cases, but macaque monkeys have been tested after given infected deer meat and they end up getting the prion disease. not a good omen for humans.

>> No.14467115

I'm a five time Russian roulette champion and I haven't died yet, I'm immortal.

>> No.14467135
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I still feel like the risks would be much less for muscle tissue but theres been tests where hamsters get it from infected insects so who knows just how much transfer potential there is between species
I could see it being very possible to have sheep infect plants through urine that infect cattle that infect happymeals that infects 4chan with fast food posters

it's interesting to think about how every ingredient in a burger could be infected with prions right down to the mayo and ketchup

>> No.14467166

im reading this thread and think back to the one time in my life that i had venison at a restaurant in 2015 and freaking out because colorado is a major hotspot for Chronic Wasting prion disease.

>> No.14467174

i should add that i live in colorado and the restaurant was in colorado

>> No.14467195

Mad cow disease and rabies.

>> No.14467214

Why the fuck would anyone eat brains knowing the possibility of fucking you up majorly?

>> No.14467248
File: 418 KB, 1056x765, chris benoit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're beaners or chinks who put that shit in tacos and dumplings

i ate at a taco place in Los Angeles, really popular in their Grand Central Market. I had my friend order food from there while I went to a Chinese place in the market where I ordered food from. I ate their carnitas tacos which were really good. After we ate, we walked past the taco joint and I looked at the menu and all the meats they offered, and I saw they offer cow brains as an option, and cow head meat as another option.


I went to the bathroom and forced myself to vomit up my meal in the toilet.

Am I about to place my faith in some retarded, overworked, and corner-cutting beaners to have their own segregated tools and utensils and cooking stations JUST for the brains and head meat to eliminate cross-contamination? In a food stand in the middle of a super popular and crowded food market?


I would criminalize any sale of head or brain meat if I had the power to do so.

>> No.14467581

tastest gooodd

>> No.14468359

this post was typed by shaking hands

>> No.14468363

bro the animal had a brain in it when it died, which had same blood and fluid circulating through it as rest of the body
I must request that you stop being such a pussy
Cabeza is great, I don't like to eat brain though. but just because it's at the same restaurant is no reason to VOMIT

>> No.14468365
File: 694 KB, 634x422, 1593809899244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen eating brains is disgusting and literal degenerate cave man tier shit but
>cow head meat
This fag doesn't into barbacoa? Absolutely and unequivocally filtered.

>> No.14468439

head meat definitely has the highest chance of brain tissue or CNS juices staying on it

i really wouldn't eat that shit mean

>> No.14468446

So cook the brains first whaddaya want from me

>> No.14468455

My reservations with eating brain come from it just being gross, looking gross, probably tasting gross and having some semblance of dignity and respect to not crack the skull of whatever poor animal that's feeding me just to slurp up whatever is left of their "soul" or whatever. Any residual juices or specs of brain that somehow make it into the meat is just collateral damage.

>> No.14468460

my dad is white and ate pork brains growing up

>> No.14468462


Prions somehow became a stupid american food meme like washing chicken. There is literally zero chance of getting the disease, even if you are horfing down cow brains(the only one that could even POSSIBLY carry prions) raw.

>> No.14468481

okay but its not an issue of "feeling bad" about eating brain, it's that prion diseases are pretty much exclusively in brain and CNS tissue so you are really risking your own life by eating brain or any meat that touches it (ie head or barbacoa meat)

>> No.14468510


>> No.14468516

Well it's a risk I'm willing to take.
No, fag. It's degenerate, gay and retarded to eat brains. Continue to eat brains all you want and I'll continue to make fun of your insectoid like ways.

>> No.14468518

1. Only if it's a bad brain
2. Not if you cook them (are raw)
Go back to your meme YouTube videos

>> No.14468526

>he is going to cry on the internet while I keep eating good food

What a deal.

>> No.14468529

brains are actually good af, my mother used to de-membrane them, bread them with egg,flour,crumb combo, deep fry them. they were the perfect hangover cure, a piece of brain on like whole wheat or rye bread with tartar sauce and a pickle or two. its supposed to be kind of healthy too, as its very pure tissue

>> No.14468536
File: 34 KB, 409x750, f427b6d4a3a0e0bb17109fca7687ad0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy I was just here to defend head meat you bugs can have all the brains to yourselves.

>> No.14469012

This, not even a prion but there is absolutely no WAY you will ever get affected by one, if one were inside your body its not even likely that we would do anything.