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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14462801 No.14462801 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14462809

like playing super smash bros melee and you change your fighters color it doesnt freaking matter which nu-tube chef makes the recipe it's all the same information regurgitated in the last 5 years. just watch chef john and forget about all these nu tubers cmon.

>> No.14462955

Just another youtube cooking channel and this time it's some polack. I do like how Adam got kind of tilted by his video.

>> No.14463002

OP's a fucking faggot homo bitch, those are my thoughts.

>> No.14463531

isnt this guys whole channel about other cooking channels? bascily so and so channel cooked thing wrong this is how to do it

>> No.14463545


>> No.14463547

kek, that entire post adam ragusea made radiated so much rage and insecurity, i respect him even less now

>> No.14463589

I know this guy from tiktok

>> No.14463601

you dont say that here!!!!!!!!

>> No.14463624

No, that's a part of his content, but it's just a cooking channel mainly based around food science or making cooking at home seem easier as most of his recipes and equipment are what 99% of people will have laying around.

>> No.14463669

attention whore, that dabbed on Faguesa and the fat Jap beaner

>> No.14463681

This guy is a leech. His shtick is to put other Youtuber's names in his titles, so he can appear in their suggested feed. If you look, those videos are by far his most successful ones. Will not watch his shit.

>> No.14463682

What the fuck? That's not how you eat a burger.

>> No.14463696

good. I hope he crashes the other faggots whilst he's at it.

>> No.14463723

Well don't you want to hear from 50 different cooking youtubers that the way YOU cook steaks is wrong? Do you actually season the steak and not just the fork? Are you a nazi by any chance?

>> No.14463775

Would fuck so hard. And I'd have sex with the guy, too. Who is he and why should I care (beyond my pervasive desire to put my hoohoodilly in his gingery chacha)?

>> No.14463794
File: 134 KB, 1024x625, Brand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> nu-tube chef
>this is my version of other nu-tube chef
>x but better

always the same faggy shit and name droping

>> No.14463805

I'm starting to realize there is a lack of true industry professionals that also produce content. I might fill that void. No pun intended.

>> No.14463810

cant wait till you tell me how to make something more CRISPY or CHESSIER

>> No.14463821

Youtube launched of beta on December 2005, Chef John's first video was in January 2007 and he has been posting ever since. You can watch whoever you like but Chef John cannot be considered a product of the current youtube environment, he was there almost at the very beginning.

>> No.14463823

The deep frying at home response video. Adam legit had a meltdown in Ethan's comment section and basically wrote a PhD dissertation about why Adam was correct and Ethan was wrong. Adam's argument basically boiled down to my children are always in the way in the kitchen while I'm cooking so you shouldn't deep fry at home either.

>> No.14463831

Cheesier, Cheesier? Naw, I have 15 years in, my chops, basics, and have a varied career. I see a lot of these clowns who aren't worth shit that have a cringe personality making mediocre food and lots of money.

>> No.14463937

>Just another youtube cooking channel
He's apparently college educated, which is, frankly, very hard to believe....in business courses no less.

His photography/video skills are crap, let's just put that out there. His little apartment makes me sad too. If I have to look at that generic rental gray kitchen one more time, just no.

Most of all, though. He's intolerable. I am thinking he could be on the spectrum, and what is with that gay 70's mustache right up into his nostrils covering every millimeter of his upper lip? Redheads don't do facial hair, everyone knows that. Who told him he should do that? Is he covering a scar?

He needs to work on his communication skills and editing. Maybe take an acting class or two to get real critical feedback. He speaks like someone who is learning disabled (sorry no offense) but you can tell someone who doesn't actually read books for pleasure, by which, I mean that he says "really" and "as I was saying" filler four or fives times a sentence.When your litle brain can't buy a synonym? Your vocabuly is shite. You don't write. If he slowed down, hear me Ethan, and sketched out actual impressions and opinions, and put two thoughts together for preparedness before rolling the camera, that would work. Instead, he's likely editing down some horrible trainwreck unorganized (ADD?) monologue that is saying nothing in the first place.
Also, I guess this is his schtick, but he is reviewing then recreating other people who are doing nothing more than reviewing and recreating other people before them, and then seems to be getting bent out of shape when they attack him, when he is actually directly talking to them. To say the least, it's just unoriginal. He's a hack, earnest for views, not earnest for much more than that. He should be getting an education not by watching other hacks, Kenji included.

>> No.14464012

This is the state of the modern entertainment industry. So much stealing and regurgitation. It's encouraged too. Original thinkers are usually at the bottom of the list getting ripped off by people with a following and thus get all the credit that the original thinker created.

>> No.14464027

You'll realize soon enough that it's not about skill but about ripping people off and having a gigantic ego.

>> No.14464080

Is that the actor that plays john in the patriot? Based movie.

>> No.14464098
File: 1.27 MB, 202x196, 2DDCC9B0-F45C-4102-91AB-E68839543700.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely like him. He doesn’t try to force HAHA reddit funny i’m so WITTY type humor on the audience like Afam Ragusea. And he doesn’t heavily shill for SKILLSHARE, GET 30 DAYS FREE WHEN YOU SIGN UP WITH CODE RAGUSEA! And even if he does get sponsored, and starts shilling for Skillshare, Audible or whatever fucking sponsorship deal he gets, I feel like he would be able to memtion it in a casual and non-forced way that won’t immediately make me skip the beginning of the video to avoid hearing about the affiliate link.

He has a neutral and nice sounding cadence of speech (I’m looking at you Chef John.. sorry bud, but I can’t stand your weird off-beat pacing when you talk, it just sounds so heavily scripted and forced... also, you’re way too fat; no wonder you hardly ever show your face in the videos you obese disgusting looking slimy bald hedgehog fat FUCK! Your jawline isn’t even halfway visible for fuck’s sakes!!! Go hop on a treadmill tubby.)

And he’s not an overly preppy tryhard like that Weissman kid with those stupid blonde-brownish curls who looks like a Walmart off-brand Great Value™ version of Blake from Workaholics with glasses. Can’t stand him.

End of rant.

>> No.14464135

Keeps piggy backing off of bigger youtubers without their consent.

>> No.14464244
File: 36 KB, 468x500, 2 Dave Rubin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a pleasant host, and kind of looks/sounds like Dave Rubin's long lost ginger child

>> No.14464288

He'll start doing that when he gets bigger. Same thing as Adam

>> No.14464527

I appreciate he actually tries to make healthier versions of some popular dishes

>> No.14464538

Guys, I'm begging you, is the gif real?

>> No.14464587

shut the fuck up, adam. lol

>> No.14464591

chef john
now him

i am SO tried of white male cooktubers

>> No.14464603

I hate these contrived staged photo with some conceited fag making exaggerated face because he feels uncomfortable in front of a camera despite being an attention whore.

>> No.14464604

he's just gaming the system

>> No.14464608

all those other guys suck but ragusea isn't that bad

>> No.14464632

He’s pretty great imo. I like that his recipes don’t require any special equipment.

>> No.14464645

The only good one in that list is chef John. Ragusea is a retard who thinks he knows better.

>> No.14464654

That’s like only 3 of the videos he’s produced.

>> No.14464663
File: 114 KB, 968x645, 1594983443169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all cooking youtubers are boring and useless unless they have something very interesting and personal to offer. Townsends researches colonial era recipes, and cooks in historically accurate ways with accurate utensils, same with English Heritage but victorian. Orsanarecipes is an actual italian guy, sharing traditional simple recipes.
All the others are just algorythm chasing faggots

>> No.14464668

>very hard to believe....in business courses no less.
apparently he was a senior consultant for deloitte lol

>> No.14464863

Ragusea is the worst one by far. Chef John actually knows what he's talking about.

>> No.14464895

there's no way he's worse than weissman

>> No.14464927

fuck you faggot,also fuck niggers and kikes

>> No.14464934

He is. Weissman at least has some chef chops even if he's incredibly annoying.

>> No.14464939

I never could get into smash bros. I just don’t think it’s realistic those characters would fight each other.

>> No.14464982

Every single video of him has at least one thing in it that was already mentioned in the exact same way by Kenji, or Chef John. No new tips ever

>> No.14465071

>Afam Ragusea

>> No.14465310

btfo of raguguy yea he's based

>> No.14465397

>can only relate via smash bros
>smash bros melee
I bet you reek

>> No.14465411


>> No.14465427

Honestly why not give it a shot? You have a phone so you have a camera. It does not have to have high production value. Post it here and we will meme it up if you are truly worth your salt

>> No.14465483

i've never been one to partake in the "amerimutt" meme, but when i heard the way he pronounced his own name "chlebowski", i was taken aback by how muttified it was. up until that point i thought americans could at least pronounce their own names, even if they didn't speak the language of whatever place they were originally from.

also his grandma has the most annoying accent, what accent is that? sounds like a parody of a new yorker accent like i would here on a sitcom.

>> No.14466060

please for the love of god never post on 4chan or at least /ck/ ever again. these posts physically hurt me and i don't want to ever read anything spawned by your brains ever again

>> No.14466271

You are a special kind of retarded. A lot of peoples pronunciations or spellings were changed upon immigrating to the US back in the day due to lazy fucks at ellis island.

>> No.14466315

>respecting a guy who shills in every single video
I'd much rather prefer him to have a patreon to have his legion of cucks remove the 2 minute ad segments

>> No.14466409

what's special about that

>> No.14466432
File: 69 KB, 688x456, 1507069932080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. us white males need to step down, be humble, and listen to marginalized voices in cooking.

>> No.14466617

Exactly. Subscribe to Gina Young

>> No.14466654
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>> No.14466677

yaass queen, for me, it's BIPOC

>> No.14466959

for all the wypipo don't season they food memes, whenver i see black cooks on youtube, they always use absolutely shit tier ingredients and techniques. and this one barely used seasonings at all.
i guess it could just be poos or asians doing the wypipo can't cook meme, but i'm almost positive i've seen blacks say that sort of stuff too.

>> No.14468479
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 1595548969281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the smash brothers games are shit and people that are seriously invested in them need to die. The same also applies to family guy.

>> No.14468489

boiga heh

>> No.14468617

Hello Ethan!

>> No.14468989

>He's apparently college educated, which is, frankly, very hard to believe....in business courses no less.
business courses are what college football players take because they're retarded but technically still have to be enrolled at the school

even gender studies is more difficult, at least you have to write something original

>> No.14469003

Adam Fagusea detected.

>> No.14469211
File: 71 KB, 647x701, 21BB6832-A202-407A-AC95-B70D47AC36DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off fagusea

>> No.14469641

I Like his Videos. And I also Like Weissmann. /CK/'s opinions are just gay

>> No.14469715

name dropping the channel

>> No.14469801

better than adam but not great