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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 14 KB, 633x758, NMLkayi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14442990 No.14442990[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>heard McDonalds workers sneer behind my back "It's the 3 mcdoubles guy again"
Fucking wagies, can I get them in trouble for this?

>> No.14443005
File: 7 KB, 240x200, 5ec2cafa59df1a669dd0744bd1928231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any damage to their property under $400 is likely not a felony in your area, depending on where you live and what you decide to do. You could mentally/physically scar them just enough so they don't call the police. Get creative, if it means that much to you. This post is entirely hypothetical and in no way endorses any illicit activity whatsoever.

>> No.14443006

>can I get them in trouble for this?
but if they get in trouble who's going to make the 3 doubles for you? Do you trust a desperation/low staff hire to not fuck up your order?

>> No.14443011

They're literally expendable and some spic will replace them the next day anyway
I want to get back at the faggot who had the nerve to mock me

>> No.14443027

hmm maybe if you put the same effort into cooking your 3 doubles at home as you do to revenge fantasies, you could probably make them much better than what you get a mcD's.

>> No.14443107

shit on the bathroom floor!

>> No.14443115

You could die of a heart attack to get back at them

>> No.14443122

Customer service is extremely important at McDonald's. The staff shouldn't be fired for making fun but they should be disciplined and you should be compensated with a free meal. Go to McDonalds.com and find the customer support lines

>> No.14443124

take a nice big shit in the toilet and smear it all over the walls.

>> No.14443129

this sounds like a good idea
gonna make those wagies clean up those doubles

>> No.14443130

Go to Burger King instead.

>> No.14443135

Order 4 McDoubles next time

>> No.14443136

I've worked a retail environment before and usually people aren't making fun of regulars, they just recognize them and may or may not have inside jokes about them, usually harmless, I'd have the same woman come into the bulk foods store I worked every 5 days and buy a shitload of MCT powder, she was, obviously, referred to as the "MCT woman"

>> No.14443145

Post results, good luck fatty

>> No.14443155

you need to see a psychologist immediately for your paranoid delusions

>> No.14443163

This, or better yet fucking 20.

>> No.14443199

If you really want to, just call the store manager and say some of the staff made rude remarks and comments.

I'm sure they'll comp you with a bag full of french fries.

>> No.14443211

Are you some sort of fucking asshole? Your order is predictable you should be a blessing.

>> No.14443216

Alright anon, here's what you do.

First, order your 3 McDoubles at another McDonald's. They're everywhere. It might take you a bit longer, but it'll be worth it this one time.

Then after you eat those, go to your usual McDonald's. On the way over, cry a bunch. Listen to sad music, mull over how a past love went awry, whatever it takes to get the tears flowing. If possible, keep on crying as you enter the restaurant.

Walk up to the counter. The wagie will probably exchange glances with his co-workers, smirk, and say "Heeeyyyy, look everyone, it's Three McDoubles! Lemme guess, cheif, the usual?" like a big dumb asshole. As you get closer, though, he will see that your eyes are red and puffy. Strange - Three McDoubles is always looking down at his phone, playing some anime gatcha game. What is different today.

"Actually," you mutter, "Just 2 today. My... My fiance passed away, and I don't need the third anymore..." Close your eyes and clench your teeth. The flabbergasted wagie will pause. That one qt3.14 wagie that operates the window will look over, scourning the asshole and looking at you with "you poor sweet thing, maybe I can be his new fiance" eyes. They give you an extra McDouble as a consolation. Enjoy the bonus McDoubles now, or save them for dinner - they reheat great.

The next day in the newspaper, you read that the asshole wagie prick necked himself at the end of his shift last night. Smile to yourself. Maybe you'll order 4 McDoubles today and offer the extra to that cutie at the window. You just never know...

>> No.14443240


>> No.14443273

"Hey it's Three -Mac-Dee!"

>> No.14443515

calm down sweetheart. you're not that fucking important.
if you want to get back at them, then lose some fucking weight, tubby.

>> No.14443550

Get revenge on them by not eating that shit again and getting /fit/ instead

>> No.14443553

Get into shape, turning up, and ordering ten McDoubles WOULD be the best revenge if turnover wasn't so high that there would be nobody who remembers him working there anymore. He needs to do something now.

>> No.14443558

t.amber turd

>> No.14443560


I before e in chief fucking retard

>> No.14443937

What is MCT powder?

>> No.14443954

>I completely understood what you're saying but I'm gonna bitch about it anyways because I'm an asshole like that.

>> No.14444085

Probably won't even affect the person who makes fun of OP, better yet, write mcdouble with the shit.

>> No.14444087


>> No.14444113

You're too chickenshit to do anything anyways.

>> No.14444235

Stop projecting and flip my burgers, pretty boy

>> No.14444282

This, but op would rather expand on doosh bag behavior.

>> No.14444304

I’ve eaten 4 before why the fuck do they act like 3 is such a big deal
One time my friend bought like 30 cheeseburgers and I ate like 8 of them, big fucking whoop, as long as you’re not a lazy retard it’s not that big a deal

>> No.14444313


>buy 30 cheeseburger
>ration them to one a day
>whole month of food for 29.99

>> No.14444878

Rebrand yourself as the guy that won't stop screaming

>> No.14445043
File: 214 KB, 1125x1135, 401F3D58-320C-477D-B1F5-BB8E4CEAFAF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking amateur

>> No.14445206
File: 37 KB, 733x430, burger_king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burger king? More like rape king.

>> No.14445852

IKTF OP, I saw some scrawny, effeminate-looking faggot laughing with his really cute, innocent-looking blonde gf in the grocery yesterday, had to be near them in 2 different aisles and again at the checkout. I had an entire fantasy about cutting the guy's face up with a disposable razor blade and telling the police I did it because they were laughing at me because I hadn't showered in a week or shaved in a month. Anyway I went straight to mickie dickies and got 5 double cheeses instead. Bitch at the counter couldn't stop herself from reacting for a split second, it wasn't exactly making a face but rather her entire body language, just for an instant before ringing it up. How do you work somewhere where fat fucks like me are an everyday occurrence and still be unable to hide your surprise at something like that. I don't think there's much we can do OP, just marvel at the pig feeders who are surprised that pigs are showing up.

>> No.14445873

I had a similar thing happen to me, I hate it when peasants develop familiarity and results in contempt.

>> No.14445885

You sound based.
If you ever get breast implants or start a course of titty skittles, hit me up.

>> No.14445888

I remember back in the early 10s a McDouble cost only $1. My friends and I used to buy 20 at a time and called the event "Whimpledon," a portmanteau of the Popeye character Whimpy and the tennis tournament Wimbledon. I had this fatass friend that weighed 350 lbs that could put away 8 of them easy. I miss those days.

>> No.14445901

You could go inside next time, shit up their restroom, order your 3 McDoubles, then casually say "The bathroom is a mess. You need to clean it." If they give you lip, get the manager to make the other wagie clean it. Make sure he sees you snickering as he humbly gets the mop and bucket.

>> No.14445913

He's telling you to jack off in the McDonalds anon

>> No.14445933 [DELETED] 

you should poo on the mcdoulds floor and play pen and think of them while doing it

>> No.14445935


>> No.14445939

Clean these doubles nigga check em

>> No.14445963

Nah my friend is a dumbass and getting all McDoubles for 1.50 each is cheaper than cheeseburgers for 1.99 or whatever

>> No.14445966

Do you wanna be the fat autistic retard who threw a fit in a McDonalds because the guy behind the counter who makes your fail meal every day remembered you? That's what you wanna do with your day? Sperge out on some unassuming normie because you can't control your eating habits? Just fucking off yourself at this point, jesus christ.

>> No.14445976

I like this one

>> No.14446122

You're probably really fat so you can honestly just eat them

>> No.14446144

Nigga that's what you took away from that?

>> No.14446145

MacSchizotypy, I'm loving it.

>> No.14446152

That is an extremely insulting microaggression. You would be fired for that today, and rightly so.

>> No.14446165

Just one free meal is a bit cheap isn't it, OP should go ahead with some emotional damage story and claim at least 10

>> No.14446183

How do you work at McDonalds and think three mcdoubles is laugh worthy. That's not even a lot of food
>inb4 fatass
I'm 130lb 5'11

>> No.14446193


shut up ketofag your diet is useless after you lose the water weight

>> No.14446197

Oops i meant 230lb

>> No.14446199

The Wendy's employees said they already know what I was going to order the other day. Spicy chicken - no mayo - and 10 piece spicy nuggets. Two for five. I was so ashamed that when I went today I wasted nearly five dollars by getting the Spicy chicken combo instead. I didn't even want the fries or drink. They didn't comment on the change.

>> No.14446223
File: 132 KB, 640x828, 1594750338091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to hear your unquestioning consumption of garbage as been challenged. Maybe go to one of /ck/'s dozens of daily fast food threads to feel better about yourself.
Or maybe, just maybe, reconsider your fucking life choices.

>> No.14446226

>Costs $1.72
>Charges $1.99

>> No.14446234
File: 61 KB, 1024x554, 1594904030658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOW often do you go there?

>> No.14446484

Savoring this kind of attention is what got me unironically fucked in the ass before but thanks.

>> No.14446492

You can't just post that anonymously without expecting us to demand a follow up. Talk about the anal sex, please.

>> No.14446494

Why does this soyjak have such a lame and boring face?

>> No.14446507

>I don't think there's much we can do OP, just marvel at the pig feeders who are surprised that pigs are showing up.

you're like a diabethic , obese Hemingway

>> No.14446522


As degenerate and edgy as this is, imagine judging someone, literally anyone if you work/eat at mcdonalds

>> No.14446578
File: 236 KB, 750x798, 1593598944058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, doesn't make their judgement any less correct.

>> No.14446674

>lists what it doesn't come with


>> No.14446712

microtransaction powder

>> No.14446720


>> No.14446776

you are not as important as you think you are
you're a regular, they make a remark
no one is out to get you

>> No.14446784

Yeah, give them trouble yourself big guy.

>> No.14446790

What? I always order full McMeal with Burger and fries and then add 2 McDoubles if I am still hungry later.
Never has anyone batted an eye at me.
Probably because I am not fat.
Maybe lose some weight OP.

>> No.14446799

Anon, are you baffled by the fact, that when you go to the same restaurant often and always order the same thing, that the employees are gonna start assuming that is what you will get every time?
And you interpret that as some sort of personal attack, instead of the warm familiarity, that is the hallmark of great customer service?
If so, you might wanna seek out a professional to help you with your mental illness.

>> No.14446819

Having worked there, it’s very possible it’s just innocent information transfer. Certain groups show up regularly and eat the same thing every time. Church groups, high school athletes, college athletes, extended family groups, you name it. Maybe it’s changed now, but we did 9 (3 x 3) or 12 (4 x 3) on the clamshell and if you’re going in with 3 mcdoubles, it may simply mean “put down another 9” to compensate for the outgoing patties.

Maybe things have changed, but personally speaking, when you’re working for McDonalds (grill), you are not that worried about the customer, or their habits, or anything, you just want to keep the cooked meat supply ready to go with minimal waste. Whoever the fuck you are and whatever you’re doing isn’t even remotely important, to us it’s just keeping the correct amount of cooked meat on hand.

>> No.14446840

go through the drive thru and order 30 mcdoubles every day at random times
drive off before you get to the first window
eventually they'll catch on and be glad to take your 3 mcdouble order thankful that you stopped terrorizing them.

>> No.14446841
File: 5 KB, 518x192, pq2-heard McDonalds workers sneer behind my back Its the 3 mcdoubles guy again I think you should lose some wieght and try again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14446863

I went to McDonald's today and got 3 McDoubles. I was eating it in my vehicle in the parking lot and listening to an audiobook when I glanced up and saw the McDonald's worker I ordered outside having a cigarette.

She waved at me and I nodded and had to wait 7 minutes before she went back inside and I could eat in comfort again. I don't think that employees should be bothering or even trying to socialize with customers outside of the McDonald's restaurant or drive through, but that is another story.

I went to McDonald's for dinner tonight and got another 3 McDoubles. As I was driving to the second window the same girl was still working. She was acting somewhat obsequious and attempting small talk when she asked, 'why don't you come eat inside instead of in the parking lot where it is cold'.

That really bothered me for many reasons. First of all, I don't want my routine or actions to be tracked by a fast food employee. Secondly, she should not try to tell me how I should live my life. I do not want to eat inside because I find it less comfortable and would much rather be inside my vehicle listening to an audiobook and enjoying myself and my privacy.

Overall, I think it was very unprofessional to bring this up. I should have a clean slate with each drive through visit, not have to get the third degree because I committed some sort of faux pas. Which I don't think I did, because I often see people eating in fast food parking lots. How does she know I am not busy going to work or somewhere in a rush?

How do you feel about eating in your vehicle in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant versus eating inside the restaurant?

>> No.14446869


this mcfanfiction is great

>> No.14446874

They should start calling you Mcchins

>> No.14446944

ask them for a mcchicken instead.

>> No.14446989

>I don't want my routine or actions to be tracked by a fast food employee.
If your routine or actions are able to be easily and accurately tracked by a fast food employee, you have no right to complain about being noticed like a literal elephant in the room except the room is literally the entire outdoors and you're still as noticeable as an elephant.
>get the third degree
kek what a fat bitch

>> No.14447003

Because that's what normally comes on it, they want you to know it won't be on it as requested. That's why it doesnt say anything like "No Lettuce" or "No Tomato"

>> No.14447014

Absolutely based and shitpilled, do this OP then say that there is a little problem in the bathroom while wearing a big smile.

>> No.14447016

You got cornholed, son?

>> No.14447022

I wish I had more friends like you

>> No.14447100

>3 mcdoubles
Is that even a lot? Do you get anything else?

Fries and a drink would get you to around 1500 calories. I guess I don't know your eating habits, but you could order that fairly regularly as long as you have light meals or fast.

I really only eat lunch and dinner, and I never like to eat too much at lunch since I'm working. A 1500 cal dinner is quite normal for me.

There's some days where I could probably push 2000 in a single meal. I just rarely snack or have juice or soda outside of meals so I maintain my weight pretty well.

>> No.14447155

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.14447195

I was going to say your wrong, but I thought about it more. People that work at McDonalds probably see some shit, I respect their opinion.

>> No.14447215

Eating in the parking lot is the only way to go.

The only time eating in the fast food establishment is acceptable is when you are there for breakfast really early in the morning and extremely hungover.

Going into a mcdonalds at 7am, having some hotcakes and hash browns next to a grandma who's already on her 3rd cup of coffee is magnificent.

>> No.14447239

It's called the Value Added Tax.

>> No.14447495

Fuck off wannabe shill, also, McDonald's bus no longer "value"/budget food since every combo meal is $7+

>> No.14447501

not bus

>> No.14447541


3 mcdoubles lol

I'm not even fat and I order 4 minimum. What I do is for every 2 mcdoubles I order 1 small frys so they think I'm buying food for multiple people.

>> No.14447580

they obviously dont know your name, so order a large shake or drink since the shake machine is broken, then get a few paces towards the door, chuck it at the fattest person behind the counter and book it. I had a buddy do this one time when we were really drunk and got some to go drinks at a mcdonalds. we were walking out the door then he suddenly turns around and throws it as hard as he can and it splatters against the wall behind the counter. you could never go back of course, youll likely get away with it, theres no property damage anyway so there wont be an investigation or anything. as long as you run away as soon as you throw it, you basically got away with it already. just do it. thatll teach em to act better than you.

>> No.14447600

its copypasta. Feel free to go back to facebook be a know it all smart alek nigger there.

>> No.14447610

For me it's the two mcdoubles and two mcchickens with a large fry and diet coke.

I add extra onions to the mcdoubles, and sometimes I go no mayo on the mchickens and add sriracha at home.

Never been made fun of for my order because the cashier knows how based it is.

>> No.14447616


I mean he's clearly retarded. What do you think he meant by "bus no longer"?

>> No.14447757

Hey Ronald, when are you adding double McChickens to the menu?

>> No.14447762

You can be a karen and talk to their manager and tell them your concerns. Explain to the manager that the money in your pocket that you use to pay for the food they're making fun of you for eating is exactly where their paychecks come from. If the kid doesn't want your money, then they obviously don't want a job.

>> No.14447771

Since you asked, you can't do anything unless it was constant harassment or revenge porn. And for the revenge porn I think it has to be a woman and her ex boyfriend who lives near her.

The more you know...

>> No.14447826

Jesus you fat disgusting fuck

>> No.14447844

What did the janitor ever do to you? I bet the maintenance guy would have to clean it up. Throw a piss bottle through the drive through window.

>> No.14447874

This never gets old.

>> No.14447885

You were fished in and don’t even know it.

>> No.14447887


>shit in floor/urinal
>go unknown
>an investigation of the mystery turd begins
>hilarity ensues

>throw piss bottle through drive through window
>model and make of car reported
>police come by
>"well, well, well, mr. mc triple it looks like you've really outdone yourself this time"

>> No.14448388

You need to go back to r/cuck

>> No.14448435

stay mad kiddo, my wife gets to bang hot dudes all day long and you don't know the difference between the word is and a bus.

Really makes you think doesn't it.

>> No.14448452

God I would fight in ww2 for a mcds like that...

>> No.14448717


>> No.14448735

Or maybe, they were being friendly to inform their fellow McWorkers, that one of their esteemed regulars is present and deserves the best possible service.

>> No.14449313

I'm actually quite handsome and wagies notice after coming in there after a couple of times.

>> No.14449345

>and a diet coke please!
lmao do fatties really?

>> No.14449811

Good thread, boys. This is why I come here.
Are all fatties addicted to fast food such paranoid psychos, or is it only the ones who post on /ck/? I'm really ugly, and I may sometimes hate myself and resent the disrespect I receive in society, but I guess it doesn't turn as violent and deranged because I don't have to repress the guilt of knowing I'm doing it to myself.

>> No.14449830

>I don't have to repress the guilt of knowing I'm doing it to myself.
Very well put, Anon.

>> No.14450947

I went to bed after all getting all that off my chest but yeah like I said, savored the attention of a fag roommate of my friend's when it was just 2 of us left up. Went along with his gay shit, let him spit in my ass and stick it in there a bit but he stopped soon cause I was just laying there like a corpse. Feel bad more for him than myself, that must have been awkward for him.

That's a net compliment in my book.

>> No.14450967

this post is like seeing an old friend again

>> No.14450986

Good ol three for a fee

>> No.14451085

>shit in floor/urinal

Don't do this. They make the one employee with an extra chromosome clean it up. That's like his only job. He refills the tea and milkshake machine, cleans accumulated trash, and cleans the bathrooms. He sometimes cleans the floor with his own shirt sleeve because he's not all there. You'll be penalising the wrong person.

>> No.14451984

I hope this is a meme and you aren't actually like this.
In my heart, I hope the fat retards I see are just too stupid to understand what they're doing to themselves, not fully conscious of their actions.

>> No.14452479

What a legendary fucking reply. I'm tempted to get this framed. Do you write, anon? You should.

>> No.14452495

I got judged once by a Mac Donald drive thru employee because I forgot to throw away the bag from my previous order, it was resting on the passenger seat of my car. When she saw it she had a little laugh. I have to admit that I lost my temper a bit. I told her that when she'll have a real job with actual responsibilities she'll be able to judge me for not wanting to cook. She acted like she didn't understand.
I don't actually have a job but that's beside the point.

>> No.14452496

That's an actual felony.

>> No.14452532

>In my heart, I hope the fat retards I see are just too stupid to understand what they're doing to themselves, not fully conscious of their actions.
But in reality you're the stupid one not realizing that life is short anyway and that you need to enjoy it. It's your choice to decide how you will enjoy it and judging the choices of other people makes of you the actual immature fool.
I respect fat people as long as it's a conscious choice they make to focus on their passion for food instead of on living 10 or 20 year more as an old man. And I'm not going to judge people on their appearance because I don't know the way they see life.

>> No.14452566

It's a newfag detector retard, go back to plebbit

>> No.14452572

You people are legitimately autistic and I have fucking asperger's.

>> No.14452581

Based schizoposter

>> No.14452586 [DELETED] 

I went to McDonald's today and got a Filet-O-Fish combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. I was eating it in my vehicle in the parking lot and listening to an audiobook when I glanced up and saw the McDonald's worker I ordered outside having a cigarette.

She waved at me and I nodded and had to wait 7 minutes before she went back inside and I could eat in comfort again. I don't think that employees should be bothering or even trying to socialize with customers outside of the McDonald's restaurant or drive through, but that is another story.

I went to McDonald's for dinner tonight and got a McChicken combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. As I was driving to the second window the same girl was still working. She was acting somewhat obsequious and attempting small talk when she asked, 'why don't you come eat inside instead of in the parking lot where it is cold'.

That really bothered me for many reasons. First of all, I don't want my routine or actions to be tracked by a fast food employee. Secondly, she should not try to tell me how I should live my life. I do not want to eat inside because I find it less comfortable and would much rather be inside my vehicle listening to an audiobook and enjoying myself and my privacy.

Overall, I think it was very unprofessional to bring this up. I should have a clean slate with each drive through visit, not have to get the third degree because I committed some sort of faux pas. Which I don't think I did, because I often see people eating in fast food parking lots. How does she know I am not busy going to work or somewhere in a rush?

How do you feel about eating in your vehicle in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant versus eating inside the restaurant?

>> No.14452595

it's odd how common it is for mcdonalds to employ total social outcasts with mental disabilities as cleaners
it's and odd hierarchy where the more charismatic people deal with the customers while literal quasimodos clean up

>> No.14452620

The op said they just called him 3 mcdoubles guy. That's not even an insult. They just know his order.

OP is already self aware of their nastiness and jump to defend themself against any perceived slight, even something as mild as being recognized for your order. Sensitive little baby projecting their shame on others. >>14444304

>> No.14452633

Anon, do you by any chance have Asperger's?

>> No.14452684

Everybody has Asperger here, we're coming here because we're unable to make human connections in real life. If you don't have it maybe you should think about why you're wasting so much time here discussing with actual autists. You can't blame people for having no social life when it's because of something wrong in their brain that they're born with, but if everything is perfectly normal with you then you're probably just not putting enough efforts.

>> No.14452702

I haven't noticed this many self conscious autists on this board. Guess that's what happens in fast food threads.

>> No.14452712

No that's because it's not noticeable just by looking at internet posts you absolute idiot.
Also 99% of the stories in these threads are fakes made by people to laugh at themselves and their social inabilities. They are caricatures and you're not even realizing that, which shows how new you are here.

>> No.14452733
File: 243 KB, 550x578, 1569673887959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are fake, I swear I'm not that pathetic.

>> No.14452744

No they're that pathetic, but that's the point, they're laughing about themselves and what would happen if they had the actual courage to put themselves in situations that involves social contacts. In reality these situations never happen because they don't risk it and stay at home browsing 4chan.
If you're copy half those stories in google they've been posted multiple times already, it's just copy pasting, especially this one >>14447155 and this one >>14446863, they're very famous. For those that don't show up in google, it means the person actually put the effort to invent an original story, but it's the same principle, it's all jokes.
I can't imagine how low IQ you must be to not realize that. I can't remember a time when I was that naive.

>> No.14452756
File: 46 KB, 437x501, 1556928071961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No you see obvious copy pasta means it never happened.

>> No.14452761

None of them happened, you have to be particularly stupid to think that.

>> No.14452764
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>No you see people who are socially inept somehow have the capability in a social manner to reflect at their own ineptitude through humor
>They can't be so stupid and inept to do it and then repeat it without any hint of self reflection
>They are much better than that

>> No.14452783

If it was normal situations to them why would they post these stories here in the first place? These threads are massive bait competitions to catch (You)s from people like you, because it's a social validation in 4chan's world. The only reason these stories are posted it because they know it will provoke reactions from either newfags who have no clue of what is going on, or by other larpers.

>> No.14452793

>If it was normal situations to them why would they post these stories here in the first place
Because they are socially inept. And it's not uncommon for even socially apt people to post their normal doings, have you seen Instagram or Normiebook?
If you really expect me to believe the board that tried to make chicken broth alcohol is smart enough to do this then you are pulling my leg.

>> No.14452808


>> No.14452812

I've been 10 years on this website, believe me the only reason people are posting here is because they're addicted to reactions by other people. They're not posting just to tell about their life on the public internet. Being an autist and being a retard is not the same thing you know?
You for example you sounds more like an actual low IQ retard than an autist.

>> No.14452819

>I've been 10 years on this website
I've been here for longer newfag, if you really believe everyone here is a troll you miss half the fun. And again if what is normal to them gets them reactions, why would they make shit up?
>Being an autist and being a retard is not the same thing you know?
They usually are linked and this board is the lowest IQ board.

>> No.14452833

>And again if what is normal to them gets them reactions, why would they make shit up?
Because actual interactions with autist are the most boring thing in the world. They don't have the nerve to open their mouth and say stupid things like you see in those threads. They just shut their mouth in every situation, suffer internally and go back home. What is in these threads is their fantasies of what would happen if they actually opened their mouth.

>> No.14452846

You already kinda got wrecked by that other guy but I just have to add do you hope alcoholics and everyone else who participates in self-destructive activities for the sake of momentary pleasure is a "meme"? Do you hope everyone who does things you wouldn't do is just either mindless or doing it ironically because it bothers you that fucking much? You sound pretty fucked up yourself friend.

I thought it was so stupid too while I was typing it up but I never get to talk about myself so I went into every semi-relevant detail. Fuck you're not the first person to suggest that but I really don't want to feel compelled to take up something like writing when I don't even bother with basic hygiene.

>> No.14452849

>Because actual interactions with autist are the most boring thing in the world
Not really, usually they are annoying but sometimes just funny.
>They don't have the nerve to open their mouth
Autistic doesn't mean social anxiety. I have met plenty of tists that are chatty in real life. They just don't know that their interactions and reactions are not always acceptable. Nothing brightened my collage days more than the one autists in my class accidentally insulting the class bitch and she couldn't say shit. Also they have the magically ability to make every conversation awkward enough to stop, helped a lot when the teach dragged on his course too much.
Maybe you should learn the difference between anxiety and autism.

>> No.14452854
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Some regulars are weird, I work in a small fast food place and this customer always orders like 4 or 5 small bottles of Oasis on top of whatever food he chose. For the same price, he could go to a shop nearby, get at least double the amount of Oasis and have his food ready when he gets back, but no he want his 5 bottles of Oasis. Why would he do that ?

>> No.14452862

ok dude keep thinking that everything you read here is real.
I guess that's what's makes the charm of this website, so many baiting potential.

>> No.14452874

Yes anon the guy that stole toilets faked it, no we didn't have a guy roast whinnies by electrocuting them, no that man didn't attempt to make chicken broth alcohol.
And never in the comfort of anonymity has someone ever relayed their own awkwardness willingly or unwillingly.
We are all just a bunch of highschool kids starved of attention because our single mom is busy working two jobs and sucking two dicks. And we make up for it by pretending to be retarded because even an insult makes us feel relevant.

>> No.14452988

Point A
>None of them happened

Point B
>Keep thinking everything you read is real

Time: 35 minutes

Comments: You won't find many quicker backpedallers on 4channel than anon here.

>> No.14453014

do they call you "three for free"?

>> No.14453026

Diet coke is better than regular coke, especially when you get it from McDonalds. Only time this isn't true is when you get coke in a glass bottle.

Also a large coke is like 300+ calories. So I'd rather spend that on fries, another sandwich, whatever instead of a drink.

>> No.14453027

They call him 333 after his weight

>> No.14453028

I immediately get happy everytime I see it and text it to random people to get their reactions.

>> No.14453033

Wow what a healthy frame our big boi has. Loud and proud big bois get as many mcdoubles as they want.

>> No.14453039

Cope more deepshit, you can't stand the fact that you've been called out for your naivety.

>> No.14453047

screech loudly at them and demand to see their manager

remember to cry and shake

>> No.14453079

Different poster nigger. But keep backpedaling.

>> No.14453078
File: 55 KB, 1000x700, IMG_20190503_160716(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I respect people destroying their bodies and souls for sticking to their choices

>> No.14453084

Welcome newfriend! Are you prepared to waste the rest of your life here?

>> No.14453098

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.

>> No.14453100

>Different poster
no chance zoom zoom stop lying

>> No.14453109

>If I go full cope maybe they won't notice my desperation.

>> No.14453122

You mean your multiple personalities? Or is it a thing where you attribute yourself a pronoun?

>> No.14453150

>chicken broth alcohol
When the fuck was this? I don’t remember this

>> No.14453209

Lmfao what a fat cunt loser

>> No.14453293

Get a job there, at that specific joint. Make the guy's job a pain in the ass.

>> No.14453389


>> No.14453832

good post
literal faggot

>> No.14453864

Find out what car they drive and release the air from one of their tires.

>> No.14453869

this is your brain on anime

>> No.14453884

I have a little joke that I'm famous for in my McD. After I have finished my meal I go back to the counter and say "Compliments to the chef" and everyone is laughing :)

>> No.14454027

>it's and odd

>> No.14454027,1 [INTERNAL] 

youre a gay rapist lmao.