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14449730 No.14449730 [Reply] [Original]

>ruins your chili

>> No.14449738

What are you even getting at here?

>> No.14449739
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if it's a stew with meat and beans it's chili con carne

>> No.14449764

wait, why, what happened?

>> No.14450125

It's not chili without beef meat, fag.

>> No.14450177

t. cooklet

>> No.14450184


>> No.14450186

agree, thyme does not belong in chili

>> No.14450187


>> No.14450194
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>elevates your chili

>> No.14450937

Who the fuck eats chili with rosemary and juniper berries?

>> No.14450941

meat goes in chili. if you don't think so kys. you prob don't put a bay leaf or a can of ro-tel chili fixn's either, you stupid fag.

>> No.14450977

ruins is harsh but cubed pork or cheap steak is better.

>> No.14451561
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dark red kidney beans, is there anything better?

>> No.14451585

Ground beef is fine, if you can't make a good chili with it, it's because you can't cook for shit...like most chili competitors, backyard grillers, and "pitmasters".

>> No.14451713

I have made chilli with ground meat, shredded meat, meat cubes, etc. And I still prefer ground meat. The texture is much nicer.

>> No.14452023
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The embodiment of sand

>> No.14452036

Wtf even goes into a chili besides beef and beans
Literally what else is there I don't understand it as a food especially when WITHOUT beans, it's basically a bowl of brown nothing

>> No.14452038


>> No.14452049

Cumin is the most primary universal ingredient, apart from maybe chili powder.

>> No.14452222

grind your meat coarser, idiot.

>> No.14452229
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>> No.14452234


All chili is basically just a combination of these ingredients

Whatever peppers you got laying around
Whatever other hipster bullshit you want to put in your chili to make it "the best ever"

>> No.14452238


I also forgot, you need a liquid to turn it into a proper sloppa. Beef broth, tomato sauce, whatever.

>> No.14452249

Mix cubed meat with ground beef for a hardy and relatively cheap meal. Just add the ground beef (and beans) many hours later after the tough, cheap rump roast has cooked down sufficiently.

>> No.14452253

I use ground venison and cubed beef in my chili along with 12 different kinds of chilis. Reminder that if you use chili powder you are automatically a pleb and your chili is shit.

>> No.14452267

Why do you actually need 12 different kinds of chili peppers? No one will notice any difference in taste. Being a heavily spiced dish, the most notable flavor will derive from the amount of cumin that you use.

>> No.14452280
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>> No.14452289
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>> No.14452292

To add to this post, many people will either utilize a smokey flavor in order to differentiate their dish from other chili recipes. Some use smoked chipotle peppers and others are simply lazy so they dump a bunch of liquid smoke in their chili or use smoked sausage. Using a million other chili peppers is pointless since each one doesn't enough flavor profile on their own to warrant their use in such a highly spiced recipe.

>> No.14452312

this. ground beef in chili or spaghetti is just weird to me. i usually leave most of the meat at the bottom of the bowl when im done and have to think about how an animal died for nothing.

>> No.14452374
File: 92 KB, 909x1300, hot-chili-pepper-with-fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like my chili hot. as a matter of fact i like my chili so god damn hot
that you can cook a hog's ass in a spoonful.
when a workin man such as myself wants a little hot fixin, i reach for
that bottle of momma's god damn hot chili.
smooth tender chunks with chili beans filled with momma's hot bastard
bacon bits, and drizzled with just the right amount of thick savory sauce,
drippin with noodle nuggets and teaxs tough onions.
mmmm mmmm that's hot, god damn hot.
ask for it by name.

>> No.14452613

Don't shitpost on my board in a quality thread

>> No.14452651

This is a good question, i don't know what the fuck chili is, it seems to have no standard ingredients

even >>14452234 is really fucking vague, two of those ingredients you don't add in huge quantities so it sounds like it comes out being just onion soup

>> No.14452708
File: 36 KB, 500x500, SpendWithPennies-The-Best-Chili-Recipe-21-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ruins your sea bass*

>> No.14452722


>> No.14452724

Maybe it was your lack of cooking abilities that ruined the chilli?

>> No.14452725

Meat and spiced gravy.
There are lots of combinations.

Think of it as Texas Curry.

>> No.14452728

Thats not thyme.

>> No.14453036

You can't elevate something with one of its essential ingredients. Beans are a requirement of chili, otherwise it's just meat sauce.

>> No.14453061

This. I don't get why people keep calling their spaghetti sauce anything else but that.

>> No.14453065

You can have chili without beans. If your chili tastes like pasta sauce with beans in it you are fuckin up bud.

>> No.14453075

What's the difference between bean-less chili and a spicy Bolognese sauce?

>> No.14453090

Well with chilli there’s cum in there

>> No.14453119

the animal died for flavor, and whats wasted at the bottom of *your* bowl is your stupidity. kys, anon, if you feel some1 wronged the animal (it was you).

>> No.14453132
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>> No.14453136

Where to begin

Type of peppers used, type of spices, meat mixture, veggies used, wine etc.

I mean they are definitely similar they're both meat sauces, but should taste very different. Then there is also texas style chili which is beef cubes instead of ground, and Cincinnati chili which has a very distinctive taste.

Chili Ingredients
>Cumin, coriander, serano or other green fresh chilis, ancho chilis, chile de arbol, chipotle, cinnamon, mexican oregano, onion, garlic, tomatoes, Cincinnati usually adds a good amount of chocolate

You wouldn't necessarily use all those peppers, but you get the idea a lot of smoked chilis and/or fresh green chili peppers. Also typically all beef.

Italian Ragu/Bolognese
>Onions, carrots, celery, garlic, italian parsley, italian oregano, deglaze with white or red wine, olive oil, pork fat/pancetta, maybe lemon, parmesan, tomatoes

Usually a mixture of beef and pork, or lamb, or boar. As you can see similar process, and some of the same ingredients, but very different flavor profiles.

>> No.14453142

Fuck I forgot the cum

>> No.14453146
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>*elevates your chili*

>> No.14453154

Don't know why I never thought of using coriander for chili, I'll have to try that next time. Though I made chili just last night so not sure when that will be.
>Mexican oregano
Never heard of this. I hope I can find this somewhere.

>> No.14453157

chili sin carne is best chili
meat is just filler

>> No.14453164

beans, it has to have beans
it's not fucking chili if it doesn't have beans

>> No.14453178

I honestly just use whatever oregano I have on hand cuz I'm lazy and don't want to have two types of an herb that's very similar.

But if you wanted to get technical there are differences between mexican and italian oregano.

Also I would highly recommend you try making chili with chipotle peppers packed in adobo. It's a very strong taste, so you only need a bit. But it's very good, especially if you do a texas style chili.

>> No.14453188

I mean, basically

>> No.14453294

More like chili ruins my raw beef tartare

>> No.14453437

I'll put that on the list too. Thanks

>> No.14455025

Who's having raw chili?

>> No.14455109

Juniper and rosemary? Yeah, they're definitely unorthodox.

>> No.14455125

I generally prefer cubed pork butt. Cubed chuck is also good (or both) but ground meat is fine.

>> No.14455193 [DELETED] 
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>muhh cubed meat muhhh no beans muhhhh chili only sauce



>> No.14456395


>> No.14456411

I've never made a chili with pork in it but it sounds pretty good

>> No.14456419

Beans are an affront to any good pot of chili ever made in the 21st century. Prove me wrong, you can't. They feel and taste like filler in the mouth. They're only purpose is to fill space if you don't have meat. This was a problem 200 years ago, but it's not now, yet somehow the dish hasn't managed to evolve past its roots.

>> No.14456433 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14456442

>Cincinnati usually adds a good amount of chocolate
is... is it good?

>> No.14456453

Not really. I made Cincinnati style chili before and it was different but not as good.

>> No.14456468

I'm from cinci. It doesn't use chocolate but cocoa powder. It's not good. "normal" chili is far, far better. Even the mccormick's chili mix makes for better chili.

Cinci chili is more like a condiment.

>> No.14456471

About what I expected.

>> No.14456693

pork and veal is the chad combination

>> No.14456741
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imagine a food that's literally named "chili with meat" and tastelets still struggle with the idea of putting chilis in it. I can't count the number of shitty recipes that only have like a tablespoon of powder for like 2 gallons of "chili."

>> No.14458974

i cant be fucking bothered cutting steak into cubes fuck that it isnt worth it

>> No.14459039

>2 teaspoons cumin
Needs way more than that for such a large pot desu

>> No.14459048

Cocoa powder is amazing in chili

>> No.14459075

Based chili poster. I made me a big ol pot last week and feasted for a week.

>> No.14459199

I hate ground beef so much

>> No.14460653

What does he mean by drain fat? in the method he describes ground beef but in the ingredients he says chunks?
>Californian chilli powder
>gebhart chilli powder
>hot new mexico chilli powder
>can of tomato sauce
Wtf are these? it's all gobbledigook

>> No.14460688 [DELETED] 
File: 306 KB, 1500x1125, 20160106-beans-vicky-wasik-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when it's not chili anymore

>> No.14460698

Beans 100% belong in chili, seethe more, non-bean fags

>> No.14460705 [DELETED] 

>shitpost gets ignored by real chili makers

>> No.14460709

I agree, my man. beans and tomatoes belong in chili, not beef.

>> No.14460717

beans are life. I eat them every day. no exceptions. I am literally made of beans.

>> No.14460728
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fttf, wake up cowboys. Chili con carne is made with beef chunks.
Did you thing they rode around with ground beef.. Yiihaaa

>> No.14461153

I don't know what you're trying to say to me but don't @ me again.

>> No.14462233

imagine their farts haha