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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 12 KB, 278x182, batchmeals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14452580 No.14452580 [Reply] [Original]

What meal should I cook in batch so it lasts for the weekend that I can take with myself to work.

>> No.14452592

Stew tends to be the easiest for me since I own a crock pot. Buy an italian roll (or bake if you know how) and portion those out too for a simple side, along with some fruit as dessert. Or if you want to switch it up use part of the roll for a sandwich.

>> No.14452615

>hurr, i'm so busy that i don't have time to spend 10 minutes a day preparing a fresh lunch
>b-but i also make so little that i can't afford not to bring in my own food
You should probably eat a bullet. Meal preppers were a mistake.

>> No.14452624

I'm actually cooking the dinner for my girlfriend who's doing 12hour shifts, while I'm working from home. Fuck you.

>> No.14452632

I read this OP like a dozen times and I still don't really know what you're asking. You just want any dish that keeps for two days? That's.. basically all of them.

>> No.14452643

Same anon as the first reply, if she likes salads portion that out. Just keep the dressing in a separate ramekin to avoid the greens becoming a soggy mess. Possibly prep some sun tea or cold brew coffee as well for a drink, just get her to taste those beforehand to see if the batches need to be sweetened or not.

>> No.14452681

Cooking in large batches and eating leftovers actually saves energy time and money. Kill yourself after mum delivers your last meal of tendies.

>> No.14452694

>Or if you want to switch it up
Hi, I'm Sharen, food lover, unreformed chocaholic and full time mother. I run a little blog called "mother day, mother dollar" packed full of awesome ideas to inspire your own projects and adventures. Everything's pastal colours.

>> No.14452705

Meal prep isn't the same as eating leftovers, dum dum.
That's ironic. Most meal preppers are the exact same people who used to eat tendies for every meal but just moved out and got their first job and are now larping as adults. Pretty embarassing, desu.

>> No.14452707
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Sometimes eating the same thing day in day out gets old.

>> No.14452716

It's the same.

>> No.14452732

I'll do some grilled chicken seasoned depending how I feel and some rice or SOMETIMES pasta salad. The only thing is pasta salad gets really oily after like day 3. If you brought the dressing separately itd probably work better. Then some veggies it's really simple

Carb that goes with chicken seasoning
Veggies that go

Or one of my favorites
Ground beef with garlic and ginger as well as normal seasonings, get that brown and add 1/3 mix of water, soy sauce, and brown sugar. Let that thicken, add some frozen veggies. Place over rice in containers.

>> No.14452748

White rice
Scrambled eggs
Grilled chicken breast
Soy Sauce

>> No.14453690

Any stew or soup.

>> No.14454297
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I'm in the exact same situation as you. I usually make meals like grilled chicken with seasoning/special sauce, baked potato or rice, veggies like grilled carrots with sauce, grilled broccoli or salad. I also add a light and fit yogurt as a sort of "dessert". Chicken seasonings can be like chicken w/ italian herbs , chicken w/ sriracha and honey and garlic. You can make a lot of different combinations but they all follow the same formula. As far as salad goes you can basically buy a premade bagged salad and use it for about 3 days. Chicken you can marinate in the fridge and cook it as the week goes on. I usually buy a whole pack of chicken breasts and marinate each separately in one day and then at night just put it in the oven and put together the lunchbox for him. Grilled veggies can keep for a bit and baked potatoes are incredibly easy as well. You can put the chicken, potatoes and veggies in the oven on the same pan and have a full meal for a bit too.