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14450756 No.14450756 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus Christ Japan...

>> No.14450783
File: 21 KB, 545x403, 1bjlh9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surf and turf burger
Are you all just twiddling your thumbs there in America or something? How did the Japanese think of this first instead of the country who INVENTED hamburgers??

>> No.14450790

This burger looks good to eat.

>> No.14450806

6 scrimps? They must be them little ass farmed gook scrimps that taste like water bread.

>> No.14450808
File: 63 KB, 600x419, 330836062b58f544d161b6f8cd4d9be9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more based japanese creations

>> No.14450814

we only like adding bacon or pulled pork to our fast food burgers

>> No.14450815

Im allergic to shrimp but I'd still try it.

>> No.14450818

you should have seen the windows 95 whopper :o

>> No.14450824

Because crazy burger ideas from corporate chains is copyrighted by Carls Jr.

>> No.14450827
File: 35 KB, 720x406, Natalie Wonder - Mommy Wants To Sit On Her Big Boys Lap - Taboo Tube XXX.mp4_snapshot_02.21_[2020.07.20_12.10.51].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>country who INVENTED hamburgers??
Germany? fucking retard

>> No.14450844

>he thinks hamburgers and frankfurters were invented in hamburg and frankfurt instead of by german immigrants in new york

>> No.14450851

this was an actual burger? oh my god this is a lot

>> No.14450862

They don't even have beef in Germany

>> No.14450884

for all the flak you give to italians and their cuisine, you guys are just as bad when it comes to purity with your recipes
>invented hamburgers because of the "hamburg" in the name
why did i even believe that the US of A can come up with anything with that kind of reasoning

>> No.14450895

literally a google search away, ignant fucks

>> No.14450924
File: 66 KB, 600x600, louis lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, because it contains "Hamburg" in the name, you think you can just guess historical facts? You're wrong!

It's very rare, blue rare just about. I think the marriage of flavors are excellent, the sharp cheese spread, perfect thin toasted bread, ripe tomato, excellent char on the slab of onion on one side cooked with the patty in that vertical gas broiler from the turn of the century, but it's far too rare for me. But the business is still in the family, and it's cool nothing has changed. It's funny they toss you out for asking for ketchup.

>> No.14450936

can't believe you made me google it for you also that looks like shit. it's a toastie, not a burger. learn your breads, fuckhead.

>As versions of the meal have been served for over a century, its origin remains ambiguous.[5] The popular book The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy by Hannah Glasse included a recipe in 1758 as "Hamburgh sausage", which suggested to serve it "roasted with toasted bread under it". A similar snack was also popular in Hamburg by the name "Rundstück warm" ("bread roll warm") in 1869 or earlier,[6] and supposedly eaten by many emigrants on their way to America, but may have contained roasted beefsteak rather than Frikadeller. Hamburg steak is reported to have been served between two pieces of bread on the Hamburg America Line, which began operations in 1847. Each of these may mark the invention of the Hamburger, and explain the name.

>> No.14450953

Daym Drops and his boy said Louis’ Lunch had the worst burger they ever had and Daym knows his burgers

>> No.14450965

>of by german immigrants in new york
Louis Lassen was from Denmark, but the all wursts predate the American Colonies :P

>> No.14450990

german wurst ≠ american frankfurter you absolute smoothbrain

>> No.14451020
File: 39 KB, 244x250, puke_girl-balcony.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she pretending to be the new balcony puke girl?

>> No.14451029

That's because you can't get beef in Germany

>> No.14451036

my waifu

also the op burger looks good af fight me

>> No.14451042

Six whole mini shrimpers?
What does that cost in Japan like $500, does that include radioactive bullshit and pretense?

>> No.14451049

sounds good desu

>> No.14451078

How many times do those sneak attack japs fold those shrimps, like 20000?

>> No.14451081

It's easier for a chain localized to a country where seafood is popular and easy to get fresh but it wouldn't work for places where shrimp are more expensive like the heartlands and these types of chains don't really do local menu items.

>> No.14451092

You can get shrimp for $3 a pound in Kansas you big shitty communist

>> No.14451149

American fast food in Asia almost always bodies the original artifact. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dE0hW8lMQ8

>> No.14451279

Too bad Americans don't care what you think

>> No.14452159

It's the windows 2000 whopper for me

>> No.14452214

if you're ever in japan please make a point to try the ebi filet-o at mcdonalds
its like the regular filet-o fish we have except its a patty made of fried shrimp

it's one of the best fish sandwiches I've had anywhere full stop

>> No.14452305

Sounds cool I'll try it next time I goto Japan

>> No.14452401

I've had it. Not that great, the tartar sauce just overpower everything.

>> No.14452418
File: 98 KB, 809x809, 8527CEB8-A60E-4F30-9735-AA60FD35E46E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless Japan eternal

>> No.14452426

Damn! That thing looks like it would destroy most sumo wrestlers.

>> No.14452473

I'm sure they won't even b carrying it by the time I actually manage 2 go there :/

>> No.14452497

She'd probably destroy my dick as well.

>> No.14453056

what the issue? i had the same thing at a local bar and it was pretty good.

>> No.14453582

But how would you eat it?
I can literally see the shrimp slipping away from the burger by just trying to take a bite.

>> No.14453604

I've had a burger with shrimps too, it was delicious
not any weirder than putting bacen in a burger

>> No.14453608

it's a fast food photo, it probably looks nothing like that IRL and the shrimps are safely tucked away deeper in the bun

>> No.14453653

Much like Italians with their "pizza" Germany may have created it but Americans perfected it. Noone thinks of Germany when they think of hamburgers

>> No.14454939
File: 8 KB, 100x314, CUCUMBER.SODA.PEPSI........jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could serve it with this Japan favorite.

>> No.14455328

>also the op burger looks good af fight me
do not mix seafood with real food, that is a sin. you will go to heck,