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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14447230 No.14447230[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14447236

nobody wants your fat ass mouth breathing all over the delicious produce. cover your acne stubbled ugly face you selfish obese fuck.

>> No.14447247

what? I need words man
that's how communication works

>> No.14447248

I don't see the problem.

>> No.14447271

Range ban when

>> No.14447362

Range bans are why jannies need to be replaced by a competent ai

>> No.14447368


>> No.14447386


>> No.14447484

>Arrow pointing toward me
>Sign saying "wrong side"
>Go down any way

>> No.14447752

Do americans really have to have signs pointing to where to go instead of using common sense and courtesy

>> No.14447782

>take off mask in spice aisle for a second to sniff a bag of basil
>aisle monitor spots me and drags me to the deli
>slices my finger off and says it’s a warning
I fucking hate those faggots

>> No.14447792

I dont really follow the arrows unless there are a ton of people, but wearing a mask isnt a very big deal, i actually forget im wearing it sometimes.

>> No.14447804

Seriously why are there so many mouth breathers

>> No.14447808


>> No.14447811
File: 7 KB, 195x258, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The American mindset is too individualistic to deal with pandemics.
On the plus side, there were far too many Americans in the face of this planet and its nice to see thousands of them slowly suffocating to death with a tube rammed down their throat.

>> No.14447813

What is it with these fucking white women Karens?

White women are the fucking worst.

>> No.14447833

Follow the arrows, anon. Why’s it so hard to be a little considerate? I hate people who think the rules don’t apply to them.

>> No.14447837
File: 97 KB, 620x372, White Trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White women are the fucking worst.
can confirm

>> No.14447846

Yeah I genuinely forget theyre there but I'm wearing a mask so they can suck it desu

>> No.14447847

Post nose

>> No.14447883

>my clothes aren't my consent

That's actually true, though.

>> No.14447886

sorry but you CANNOT force me to wear a mask

i refuse

>> No.14447890

You're forgetting that the USA is retarded.

>> No.14447897

US army bases have had these for ages. On base, it actually keeps people moving in an orderly fashion (military likes this). We also had these great line setups for cashiers, you stood at a que until the screen told you what lane was free.

>> No.14447899

Can you stop being a faggot and stop baiting?

>> No.14447904

It's a city ordinance where I an for the next 30 days, they can or you have to leave. The punishment is only a warning and then a 50 dollar ticket the 2nd time, but the police can still eject you from the store

Of course absolutely no minimum wagie is gonna go through that kind of trouble

>> No.14447913

>hur durr u r troll

1st it will be masks "for your well being"
then it will be mandatory chipping "for your well being"
then being herded into camps "for your well being"


>> No.14447920
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>> No.14447919

Yeah just passed for my entire state. I might finally invest in a reusable mask. Hides my ugly ass face at least

>> No.14447927

slippery slope retard

>> No.14447928

I like it but I can't help but think maybe this is a good ass time to be doing crimes
>Can wear a mask and gloves everywhere any nobody bats an eye
>Everyone is mad at cops and cops are afraid to respond to calls and shit

>> No.14447930

>mandatory chipping

Listen retard, you already have tabs on you 24/7 from your phone, why would anyone need to chip you?

>> No.14447938

Mark of the beast already exists you fucking retard. Social security number. Credit score. All that.

>> No.14447940

It's funny because the Free Market (PBUH) has already been low-key microchipping employees or a few years now... To say nothing of people getting herded into camps...

>> No.14447956

wait, so you are okay with SOME people being herded into camps, but not people that look like you? so you're a racist.

also, my mom died of covid and had a breathing tube down her throat for a month and a half before her organs gave out. so i hope your "freedom" is worth the lives of others.

>> No.14447962

I mean, they document our funds even. What the fuck do people think they're actually hiding from the government?

>> No.14447964

>people die sometimes
ya big whoop

>> No.14447970

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.14447971

At least she didn't have to be around to see you post this

>> No.14447972

woah, lotta things to unpack in this post. you okay bud?

>> No.14447979

I work in a grocery store, and this directional shopping shit is actively self-defeating. People shop at different speeds, so they end up piling up, clogging the aisle, and stepping over each other. When people could move freely, they did better self-organizing and maintaining safe distance from one another. All it takes is one old lady with her buggy parked sideways looking at the ingredients of every can of Hormel tamales to totally remove the possibility of social distancing for everyone else.

>> No.14447985

No she didn't, don't lie about things like that for internet points.

>> No.14447991

look, i know you're overweight, and probably have high blood pressure. i also know you're a virgin, and will die of covid never knowing the touch of a woman. im not trying to reason with you, im just pointing out what a fucking mouth breathing loser you are. i hope you catch it, i hope you suffer, and i hope you realize in your last breath what a fucking tool you were in life.

>> No.14447999
File: 21 KB, 852x480, projecting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy yikes

>> No.14448006

Based Wuhan virus.
Cleansing the world from weakness.

>> No.14448011

Ok boomer.

>> No.14448015

she did. and this isn't reddit you fucking loser. there are no points. go back 2 fucking imgur, 9gag, reddit, facebook, wherever you think you get points from the internet.

>> No.14448020

And my mom fucked Abraham Lincoln

>> No.14448022

I also work in a grocery store and agree with that. It gets especially bad when the day stockers are filling shelves and it just congests the aisle even more. It's just not feasible to maintain social distancing when half the people ignore the rules in the first place. Masks are mandatory in our store too but we literally have no authority to enforce it besides asking.

>> No.14448050

fuck man, the amount of safefagging you're doing in this thread is commendable, but go to sleep. nobody thinks you're cool or smart. this isn't /pol/. you aren't teaching anyone. you are sitting in your panties with your hand on your chin chuckling to yourself about what a funny guy you are.

>> No.14448053

what's safefagging?

>> No.14448055

If you haven’t figured out how to get your groceries delivered instead of dealing with the average Ameritards at the store, then you are an Ameritrad.

>> No.14448059

Take your meds schizo

>> No.14448061

Using a condom when you take it in the ass

>> No.14448064
File: 973 KB, 927x907, 0C4A0030-B17C-4A5E-8956-F6E53B8E2883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a neat thread.

>> No.14448065

a typo, dipshit. YOU WON. pat yourself on the back, and watch some porn about fucking your sister!

>> No.14448071

this is a neat post anon

>> No.14448074

eat cock, baby dick.

>> No.14448077

china will be the big winner in this corona bullshit

they already have it kinda under control and now all the investments are already starting to flow back into china because they will be the 1st market to emerge from this pandemic and that is all that matters

usa is obviously shitting itself nonstop with no end in sight

there is huge money to be made and megainvestors only care about ROI and profits and not morality or "justice"

>> No.14448078

One upvote for you my good sir

>> No.14448083

why do you want to safefag your sister, anon?

>> No.14448088

a typo?
were you trying to type samefag?
f and m aren't even the same hand
how is this a typo?

>> No.14448096

nice reddit spacing there, boy.

>> No.14448108

stale pasta, chang

>> No.14448117

holy shit, wtf! you are the same exact fag in this whole thread! whoa you are a fucking loser.

>> No.14448145

kek i only got two

>> No.14448147

the dubs are all me btw

>> No.14448157

one dub is me you big liar

>> No.14448170

okay bro.

>> No.14448173


>> No.14448174


>> No.14448189

consideration means so much from negroes going around punching old ladies, GTFO out of Dodge!

>> No.14448190

I got food to-go and some guy walked in right past the 3 signs that said MASK REQUIRED with no mask on and tried to order. The girl behind the counter said he needed a masked to be served. He then left and drove off.
Do people think they're just magically exempt from a global pandemic or what?

>> No.14448196

>Why’s it so hard to be a little considerate
That's the point, there's nothing to be considerate when it's just one or two people who don't care.

>> No.14448197

At least in NY there's no legislative thing that requires that, of course a private buisness can.

>> No.14448198

American entitlement, stubbornness, arrogance and ignorance. America might but a powerful and popular country but boy oh boy are their average citizens idiots.

>> No.14448200

Imagine not seeing how every tragedy used by the government literally is a slippery slope into tyranny.

>> No.14448201

he should have coughed on all those people

>> No.14448203

Some stupid ass governer or mayor can try to dictate that mask wearing bullshit, that's there is no law passed the legistlature that requires there and therefore it's not enforcable.

>> No.14448209

I'm pretty sure that's considered assault, I wouldn't recommend doing that.

>> No.14448214

i hope you're that kid who hangs out in his room at holidays and comes out, holding his plate with arms like a t-rex. when food is ready, says some shitty racist joke and then retreats to their room before they can get any backlash. you probably have chest problems from your posture is so shitty. god i hope you yelled at your mom in quarantine for not picking up the right frozen meal.

>> No.14448216

Any mask wearing bullshit would be thrown out in court.

>> No.14448217

>Federal police force being dispatched to major cities and loading people into unmarked vans

Where did all of those fat white men who walk around with guns and claim to love democracy and the constitution go?

>> No.14448220

Didn't that bullshit go out in the 1970s with flying saucers and lizard people?

>> No.14448222

>still projecting

>> No.14448227

Went out with negroes with the big ass afros and hair picks.

>> No.14448233

It’s a private business you fucking retard, do you have anything inside of your skull? A private business is entitled to make that call, ITS THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS. sHOw mE tHe LaW!!! If the government were to force business to let idiots like you in without a mask then that would be actual tyranny

>> No.14448236

He’s pretty based to have gotten a random stranger to whine about it on the internet.

>> No.14448237

>That absolute unit on the left

>> No.14448240

they passed a law where i live

>> No.14448241

Negro shitheads such as you just cant take getting called out on your bullshit.

>> No.14448242


An actual samefag

>> No.14448245

Where is that?

>> No.14448246

That's what I wrote in the first place, a private buisness can do that, but if no law is passed it can't be enforced in public.

>> No.14448248

you're mad because it's true. you skulky little loser.

>> No.14448249

>making an observation of a real life occurrence is now "whining"
Ok buddy

>> No.14448250

Where do you live or are you too scared to specify?

>> No.14448253

You’re not making any sense and should stop drinking because it’s damaging you further

>> No.14448254

Literally saw these in the UK too, not an exclusively American thing.
Rent free.

>> No.14448259

I'm the one not making sense am I.
You're the one specifying laws that dont exist.

>> No.14448263

He’s too much of a little bitch

>> No.14448265

leaf land

>> No.14448267

I have one way signs at work and not a soul respects them. Whatever. However they don't enforce the mask mandate. I'm about to call corporate on my own job.

>> No.14448268

no u r mad
lmaoing at ur dead mom rn

>> No.14448269

I actually think you’re replying to the wrong person. Either way you’re incomprehensible and incompetent.

>> No.14448273

Do it, do the right thing anon.

>> No.14448274

>not understanding what federal law enforcement is

Back to kindergarten with you

>> No.14448279

the only rules that apply to me are the ones that I decide to listen to, if I disagree with a nu-cuck rule, I dont follow it

>> No.14448281

the fuck u just say to me

>> No.14448282
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I’ve purposefully used the same mask since April to spite the mandate.

>> No.14448284

Sorry, the nazi secret police. Is that better? Sorry I don’t drool over learning about gun men

>> No.14448288

Be precise if you're capable, you're one making shit up out of your ass, not me. Legislatures make laws, not morons such as you.

>> No.14448289
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>> No.14448292


>edgy joker man

>> No.14448296

are you such a fucking loser that you have to continue to bombard your own thread with your own shit opinion because people disagree with you? imagine being such an insecure piece of shit that strangers on the internet threaten you. you should honestly consider suicide, because things are never going to go up from this point in your life.

>> No.14448297

The coronavirus pandemic can be over tomorrow if we just kill all old people and obese fucks. You can't refute this.

>> No.14448299

It’s not often that I think someone on here is this stupid, way to go. Follow the breadcrumb trail little boy.

>> No.14448300

>it doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, i respect the rules!!
you'd fit right in with the Stasi, Red Guard, and Gestapo - a good little bootlicker to the end

>> No.14448304

Normal people are affected negatively too, you just make things up in your head and truly believe them. This is called being delusional.

>> No.14448306
File: 57 KB, 812x589, Screenshot_2020-07-23 ck - - Food Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek schizo

>> No.14448310

Yet again you're incorrect and incapable of following a thread. I didn't start this thread, you claimed that I did but then again you're full of shit.
Can you ever get anything correct?

>> No.14448316

How is wearing a mask or following sanitary procedures for 30 mins while you’re in the grocery store that much of an injustice and an inconvenience to you? You must live a pathetic and boring life if this is what you choose to rise up against. Kys loser

>> No.14448327


>> No.14448330

are you gonna pretend like you cant edit that shit? do you know that computers exist?

>> No.14448331

When was the last time that you made more than minimum wage? You goosestepping freak.

>> No.14448339

>t. morbidly obese

>> No.14448342

Because it’s retarded and doesn’t make sense. Plastic gloves would actually make sense and be less intrusive, but they don’t force those because the mask gives the better illusion of safety.

>> No.14448343

Every authoritarian movement begins by grabbing on to whatever power it can

>> No.14448344


>> No.14448351

ya but why would i do that?
it's easy just to take a quick screen shot and laugh at the schizo guy crying about samefag conspiracies

>> No.14448353


>> No.14448355

Why not wear goggles as well? Isn't that some kind of vector Victor?

>> No.14448356

Arrows in supermarkets are new because corona. However, lots of large facilities (nuclear plants, military bases) will have floor tape that leads to and from important locations so you don’t have signs everywhere or new people pulling someone over six times a day to ask how to get to whatever building.

>> No.14448363

One doesn't get into those places without a bunch of clearances, could be DoD, DoE, whatever.

>> No.14448367

... that's just getting in, not having access to anything.

>> No.14448368

HAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit, do you actually believe that? is your IQ under 80? was the presidents dementia testing "real super hard" for you too?

>> No.14448370

i actually agree with you but i still wear a mask because i don't want to be the guy crying about and not doing masks
if it start getting more egregious i'll probably put up a stink

>> No.14448372

Probably. Should also have everyone wear those isolation bubbles just to be completely safe.
Only at the grocery store and public places though. Wouldn’t want to infringe on your freedoms.

>> No.14448376

>t 81 iq

>> No.14448379

What's the most offensive thing I could put on a face mask? I was just thinking of getting one that says "FUCK" in big bold letters.
Actually a Trump 2020 mask would trigger a lot of people as well

>> No.14448384

Wasn't the first movie from John Travolta?
The Boy In the Bubble?

>> No.14448392
File: 23 KB, 342x350, 165835801_hillary_clinton_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14448396

Maybe a raven named Midnight?

>> No.14448397

a vagina with a tongue in it

>> No.14448398


>must own da libs, Facebook tells me to

>> No.14448399

Okay? Still helps to have floor tape instead of some guy who has only been there for a couple days asking for directions constantly.

>> No.14448406

Never saw it, but the wiki plot summary sounds spot on.

>> No.14448409

Is that social distancing bullshit, that's shown to be pretty useful, like masks. Follow the money with those, always follow the money.

>> No.14448414

Its likely downloadable

>> No.14448419

a photo-realistic picture of your actual face.

>> No.14448420

If you’re in healthcare they do make you wear goggles, because you have to examine patients not wearing masks.

>> No.14448431

bullshit unless dealing with negroes

>> No.14448433

all that money in homemade masks? YEAH, ITS BIG MASK THATS THE TICKET!

>> No.14448437

>imagine being this desperate to piss people off because you have nothing better to do

You will die with a lot of regrets, then again you might be too stupid to know any better

>> No.14448446


>> No.14448453

man, you sound like such a shitty little rich kid. how old are you? your parents gonna take you to turks and caicos?

>> No.14448459

I dunno why everyone’s getting butthurt, I love doing things like this. I have to wear masks for work sometimes so I’d write stupid shit on them like ‘hello’ or ‘Smile!’ Writing fuck sounds funny, not really offensive. I bought cloth masks for fishing before all this went down so I got one with a skull-face below the nose, I like using that one. Someone said that was insensitive but who gives a shit, it’s a pandemic. You can’t deny death so you may as well laugh with it.

>> No.14448460

>Local nignog pandering mayor governors and police forces let people loot and riot for weeks now.
>private business started using mayors and/or up and leaving the cities.
>looters now start attacking undefended public building
>feds come in and begin arresting Marxist agitators who they have had files on since the antifa discord started up, now they have evidence to send these fucks to big boy pound me in the ass prison.
Yea no thank you, patriots were never gonna come in and save your shit hole cities from impotent murderous pet niggers. Have fun.

>> No.14448461

why are you posting your most recent amazon purchase?

>> No.14448465

Suing mayors*

>> No.14448467

It isn’t social distancing in bases and nuke plants and shit it is fore directions. Bases make you walk on a specific side because discipline and shit, but in a plant you can walk on whichever side of a hallway you want and nobody will give a shit.

>> No.14448470

>Marxist as an insult

Wow that red scare tactic really hurt you Americans huh?

>> No.14448476

because the sanitary procedures are bullshit and they aren't proven to be effective at all, I can't wear a mask because it hurts my nose and fogs up my glasses, making me unable to see, and a risk to other shoppers
suck my dick

>> No.14448485

Look at all these fucking loser dipshits crying that nobody wants to wear a muzzle. You babies need a face diaper?

>> No.14448486

I bet you picked up the can in half life 2, pussy.

>> No.14448488

you are a retarded brain dead piece of shit id you think other people actually want to pay for your ride in life
Marxists and communists should be shot, because they are nothing but social parasites

>> No.14448489

No but my state mandated that we have to wear face diapers

>> No.14448490


>> No.14448491

If local and state PD refuses to handle riots and defend private(ik you commies don't think this should exist) and public property. Your local and state police refuse to report to scenes of crimes and allow shit like CHAZ to pop up resulting in multiple people shot dead. Wtf do you think feds are going to do just give huge cities over RAZ and some bald black tranny chanting BLMBLMBLM? maybe don't burn down cities in huge hoards on camera and you won't get vanned.

>> No.14448493

I'd still be getting piss on me, just not any that's very visible. And I'd definitely have urine particles on me, just like how face nappies dont block aerosolized particles making them completely fucking worthless

>> No.14448502

The police aren't an extortion racket you fucking retard. Maybe you should be worried about the human lives they're butchering than some trannies fucking kneeling over your statue you fucking loser. People get vanned regardless of what they're doing, preemptively as they even admit

>> No.14448506

>I can't wear a mask because it hurts my nose and fogs up my glasses,
So, wear it wrong under the nose. It's half protection. The glasses is a big problem. I don't think anyone has solved it yet. You'll see even Fauci has contacts on exclusively now.

>> No.14448510

how do you not see that you are a government shill, and a bootlicker? i honestly do not understand, is it dunning-kruger?

>> No.14448511


Aren't we still not supposed to touch our faces, dipshit? Fuck off, fascist

>> No.14448512

Yea Marxism is a retarded violent ideology and just so happens to be what the violent thugs self describe as. Btw the feds know the bigger players in your cringe fake revolution movement and these arrests right now are the tip of the iceberg. You had not part in all that damage did you anon?

>> No.14448523

I wear a bandanna around my face if I have to go inside where a mask is required, it doesn't fog up my glasses and breathing is pretty easy since it's open on the bottom

>> No.14448530

I bet you think Antifa is an organization

>> No.14448534

Ok listen up if you break the multiple laws people being caught(and charged with, some are being released within hours if they were simply wrong place wrong time ) but if your mayors and governors WONT stomp down on riots while they destroy private and public buildings the FEDS must get involved it's literally there job. I know you might not like that but you're on camera commiting federal offenses so get vanned faggot.

>> No.14448540

Not like how the President and those he hires break laws all of the time though right?

>> No.14448541

What the fuck is your? Get a grip you fucking retard. Pigs dont discriminate "lawbreakers" or otherwise. And you clearly don't want them to. Go eat some lead you fat fuck.

>> No.14448545

Literally is but the police just have most of the conspirators mapped on the wall somewhere and your buddies are gonna rat you all out to avoid a 20 year sentence. Antifa is a semi organized left wing terrorist group this has been known for years and just recently officially classified. Have fun with that. Maybe just don't commit crimes and attack people/buildings for Lenin and che or some shit

>> No.14448546

do you HONESTLY not understand that you shouldn't touch your face AFTER you have been outside and touched shit? its not "dont touch your face in your own home" it's "dont touch for face while you're out because you can catch or spread the virus... do you seriously not understand that?

>> No.14448548

You are so brainwashed by right wing propaganda it’s sad.

>> No.14448551

but where do i kneel and kiss nigger boots

>> No.14448552

Imagine being afraid to touch your own face

>> No.14448560

"Lawbreakers" lmao. Yea retard sects of blm and antifa work together to commit acts of terrorism and organize/antagonize riots. The federal police are not only arresting people in the act but they have a list on a lot them.

>> No.14448564

>he actually believes all of this

>> No.14448571

do it, make a video and fucking do it. go out and touch everything and have people cough into your hands and then fucking huff and lick it. then post over two weeks your results. i want to see it.

>> No.14448578

Coronavirus is a liberal hoax designed to hurt Trump’s economy and his chances of re-election. Don’t fall for it; it’s unconstitutional to be asked to wear a mask and anyone arrested/fined for noncompliance is a leftist false flag.

>> No.14448585

KEK, put your money where your mouth is.

>> No.14448586

Not wanting to live in a Marxist communist country and thinking that people breaking laws and rioting should charged makes me "brainwashed by the right"
Stop larping a Bolshevik Revolution retard because all you're gonna do is turn cities like Minneapolis into new Detroit's where everyone leaves, wallmart and McDonald's(now with bullet proof glass) buy everything up and you become a laughing stock shit hole. Or continue the nonsense, it's funny and I give 0 ducks what happens to the rat utopia experiments known as cities.

>> No.14448589

oh great....another /pol/ thread on a cooking board....

*sigh*...you idiots can’t just stay in your containment board can you

>> No.14448593

contract it, and show us what a hoax it is.

>> No.14448594

Terrorized by a bunch of trannies kneeling or some graffiti. Get fucking hanged, loser

>> No.14448602

You're a braindead retard who thinks liberals kneeling is Marxism.

>> No.14448604

"Breaking laws" is vague and could possibly be based.

>> No.14448605
File: 142 KB, 690x362, 1590851749129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can find the videos yourself. You can read BLMs mission statement and antifa goals for yourself. If you agree with all that no one cares. Just don't kill people and rally together 600 nogs to burn down stores :)

>> No.14448607

I have it, no joke like I’m actually in bed sick with it as we speak....the worst of it came last night when my temp spoke to 101 degrees F...morons like you are spreading misinformation and fearmongering, it’s not even as bad as having the stomach bug, quit being such a scared little pussy faggot

>> No.14448614

Links, cite your sources.

>> No.14448623

Ah yes, the old “it’s out there you just have to find it, I swear it exists” argument

>> No.14448628


This is why no one takes you virgins seriously. Detached from material reality

>> No.14448632

>antifa goals

You mean....anti fascism...? Fascism good...? Fox News says antifa bad though....trump say...antifa bad...... Alex Jones pretend to be antifa and burn homeless stuff...maybe Alex Jones actually Antifa..?

>> No.14448633

>tfw I know people unironically believe this
Being American was a mistake.

>> No.14448640

wow, look at this larp. his role play is live action y'all. prove to me right now that you actually have it and are "fine".

>> No.14448643

Yes, good little goy. Listen to mainstream media.

>> No.14448647

Based Karenposter. Please have sex, OP.

>> No.14448656

It is a hoax though let's be fair

>> No.14448657

I don’t have a way of proving I have it you absolute fucking fag, I went to a test site and they swabbed positive after I was showing physical symptoms, this was Monday morning....they didn’t send me home with the test kit so idk what you propose I should do to “prove it”, but I have a normal temp now and am starting to feel better

>> No.14448678

Either bait or room temp IQ

>> No.14448680

no, but honestly, you have acne, you have a shitbeard, and you refuse to wear a mask, please just do us all a favor and kill yourself. we deserve it, you have been a burden on society for a long time. i KNOW you feel it, you probably sit in your unfurnished room in your moms house, (or maybe its got some stuff from your childhood... like a trophy or some shit). and you hate that no girls want to date you, or even talk to you, (i know its sad, BUT DEATH IS COMING). just end it. steal some pills and booze from your mom, i know she is sick of you too. or take your dads gun, (i know you both have gun opinions!) and just blast your head out! just do it for the rest of humanity, please?

>> No.14448681

swallow glass

>> No.14448686

no one wants to pay for your college degree or guarantee you a job after you graduate
no one. you are delusional.

>> No.14448688

excuse me, but what if we WANT to spread the virus as an extension of our freedom?
the strong shall overcome and the weak shall perish, i want to make sure of that.
I want to make sure more fat fucks die this season

>> No.14448692

Don't not wear a mask out of some childish contrarianism because some assholes are pushy about it.

>> No.14448694

I want more people to die so I'm not wearing a mask. bill gates said this planet is overpopulated

>> No.14448697

>the strong shall overcome and the weak shall perish, i want to make sure of that.

>> No.14448698

dude, just try to die already. have you actually tried slitting your wrists? it's supposed to feel warm and euphoric. just try to kill yourself once, if you don't like it, we'll all be here to support your next attempt.

>> No.14448699

You don’t pay attention to politics and where the government spends taxpayer money. If you did instead of spewing your weightless opinions online like you’ve figured it all out you would have a better understanding and a better opinion.

>> No.14448704

Most people are genuinely unaware of signs. They're simple incapable if noticing the world around them, or lack the curiosity to read new words that are put up on a wall.

>> No.14448707

start wearing a klan hood and when people ask you why you're wearing that tell them you vote democrat

>> No.14448711

oh wow, you're so hard and edgy. i bet all the kids in your moms daycare really look up to you, and don't make fun of you at all.

>> No.14448716
File: 117 KB, 1024x679, 1595289927299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh course a communist is telling me to slit my wrists.
I'll get right on it chang foo poo poo zhu!
so I should support an ideology that wants even more control of my life and money? make perfect sense zing bao winnie poo
I have family from east Germany and Hungary, and we will NEVER support your Marxist beliefs and i cant wait until killing communists is in vogue again

>> No.14448719
File: 9 KB, 250x238, BB142DC6-A53F-483F-8E6C-B4EA9C1F2B6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh course a communist is telling me to slit my wrists.
>I'll get right on it chang foo poo poo zhu!

>> No.14448724

i don't go to daycare retard, you really huwt my feewingss :((
I will say it again: I hope I get covid and every other person on the planet gets it too so we can see what side everyone is on, weak or strong?

>> No.14448725

sometimes I whisper shit into peoples ears who pass me while avoiding the isle arrows. Or I just cough. have had 3 hostile encounters from that.

>> No.14448732
File: 3.16 MB, 2000x2619, 1595178439123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post didn't mention jews, try again, you are a weak shill, poo poo ching Chong zhu

>> No.14448742

>no commies in my country, how dare you support a different style of societal power structure that tries to break the tradition of extreme inequality and injustice for the working class

This is exactly how big capitalism wants you to feel, you’re just susceptible to hyper American propaganda and “patriotism” Enjoy living your life letting your government telling you how to feel and what to believe

>> No.14448748

I unironically like blacked videos....yes, I am a white American

>> No.14448749

I hope all you anti-maskers aren't being hypocrites by wearing seatbelts or wearing clothes in public.

>> No.14448751
File: 332 KB, 1015x1493, 20200723_150223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

communism is terrible and I've had several family members live under communism and they all hated it.
you are brainwasbed, you think "real communism" hasn't been tried yet, because you're a pathetic brainwashed shill.

tell me, in this picture, which one is you?

>> No.14448754

Great retort, retard. STAY THE F HOME!!!

>> No.14448755

communism = socialism + capitalism
it is the worst of both worlds the literal worst thing u can do for ur country

>> No.14448757

Doesn't work. Jannies and mods have been trying to range ban me for years. I think at this point my entire city is range banned.

>> No.14448760

Telling others they consume propaganda while they themselves buy into their own propaganda is so fucking pretentious.

>> No.14448765

Who gives a shit? What? They don't like not being able to own slaves? I live under capitalism and see people suffer every fucking day
>you think "real communism
Because it hasn't. And you'd know that if you knew what communism was, which you clearly don't

>> No.14448770
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>> No.14448776

You have not proof and all of your arguments are liquid. A modern variation of socialism/communism would be the best thing for the world. Enjoy being a serf to your lords you feudal pleb. You can only regurgitate arguments you’ve heard before and shine the reflection of long term government programming. Reagan is smiling in his grave.

>> No.14448777

>Yikes look at all those white supremacists going around toting their guns, compensating much? :)

>> No.14448781
File: 195 KB, 1064x1471, 20200723_150723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

answer my question retard, this isn't your college debate class. you look stupid as fuck right now zipperhead

>> No.14448786

no government would be the best thing unironically
natural order, so retards like u can be killed on site

>> No.14448788

>visual pollution fucking everywhere saying "buy this! buy that!"
>boomer is enraged and confused that young people learned how to tune this shit out

>> No.14448791

What gibberish is this? Every single western nation, including USA, incorporates socialism with capitalism.

>> No.14448793
File: 117 KB, 768x768, 1595328079995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is so fucking retarded. Especially the MAGA crowd.

>> No.14448798
File: 267 KB, 900x1200, 6E0CE0C0-B117-4393-951E-5548D345B606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay keyboard warrior

>> No.14448800
File: 122 KB, 960x540, 2263605-548142_4034301069548_542508476_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have no idea how immense the suffering was in Europe or communist Asia years ago. communism has nothing to do with slaves, except that it MAKES people slaves, you are forced to work in their factories or else. theres no freedom, no homesteading, only city dwelling slaves.

>> No.14448809

lol cope. I'm rich and beautiful zipperhead

>> No.14448810

>this argument again

>> No.14448811

I'm sorry your mom died, anon.

>> No.14448815

incorporating both does not make it an extremist ideaology combining the two, like communism

>> No.14448816

Prove it because nobody believes you

>> No.14448824

refute it again since you've heard it so many times, it should be easy for you zipperhead ching chang flu
why did you let a hospital experiment on your mother instead of letting her die naturally?

>> No.14448825

Argentina has them and also 125+ days of quarantine.

>> No.14448829

prove communism is good, because nobody believes you
support your ideology, go on, im listening zipperhead

>> No.14448847

Communism is good because it levels the playing field for the under-privileged...you should want that since you’re familiar with watching your peers succeed in life and you’re stuck in either
a.) low wagecuck job with a shitty apartment and no social leisure

b.) your parents house with no job collecting checks from the welfare system like a nigger

>> No.14448865

how does it "level the playing field"
what game are we playing and where is the field?

>> No.14448869


>> No.14448871

>he doesn’t know about the globocorp game we are all a part of whether you want to be or not

>> No.14448883

Adding zipperhead to every post just makes you look somehow more stupid and alone than you already are

>> No.14448887

describe it in detail, I know about it, which is why I dont support communism
I'm still waiting for any genuine answer or anything worthwhile from you
communism does not end the globohomo corporations, only the removal of governments, so no man will have a place to hide and enforce "superiority"
I bet you'd love to be a communist officer so you can police all your middleschool bullies and feel better about yourself
imagine how cruel communism is to people who literally just want to live in the countryside, away from all cities and city faggots

>> No.14448898

ok zipperhead, I'm going to keep calling you zipperhead until you post a timestamped picture of your eyes, i know theyre probably ugly and slanted, so thats why I call you zipperhead.
you're either a chink or some college Mexican, both are extremely pathetic, gordo zipperhead

>> No.14448900

At least 80% of people ignore the arrows. In any given aisle, majority of people are going the "wrong" way.

>> No.14448904


Zipperhead isn’t even a slang for Chinese people in the first place, WW2 American soldiers used it to describe Japanese and later Vietnam/Korean American soldiers used it to describe Vietnamese/Korean enemies as a slang term

Just shows you how stupid Americans are, they can’t even use their own slang correctly

>> No.14448910

>It's a city ordinance where I an for the next 30 days
>30 days
They will extend it for years.
This is what you get for not dragging your politicians from their mansions and hanging them back in March.

>> No.14448911

do I look like a ww2 soldier to you, zipperhead?

>> No.14448912

Confirmed mouth breather

>> No.14448913

the mouth breathers are literally the one still walking the streets wearing masks lmao. you absolute fucking drone

>> No.14448916

>imagine how cruel communism is to people who literally just want to live in the countryside, away from all cities and city faggots
I don’t have to as well as most other Americans that don’t have live in shitHOLE flyover states, those people are irrelevant to me and my cohorts

>> No.14448919

Spotted the 17 year old who thinks he’s figured out life

>> No.14448929

countryside living is the epitome of escaping the globohomo game, so you don't know anything besides low quality shitposts and bait, sorry zipperhead.
I think I heard your mom calling for you, your bat soup is ready

>> No.14448942

Yeah, people's opinions can change.

>> No.14448947
File: 386 KB, 2500x1000, tank-man-photo-featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do I look like a ww2 soldier to you, zipperhead?
nigger used to be used by slave owners towards slaves, funny how words change!

>> No.14448959

Well it’s not, you fucking retard, it was created when Americans would run over Japanese/Vietnamese/Korean soldiers with the Willy’s Jeeps that were issued by the US Army during wartime

You are so fucking retarded it’s not even funny

>> No.14448963


>> No.14448969

God, imagine having your loved ones and elderly die because you lack the simple respect to wear a mask in public and social distance....oh well...guess that’s what happens when you let an orange retard run your country

>> No.14448970

>60 GORILLION!!!!!!!!

And Putin has pee tapes on Trump. Get real you fucking retard

>> No.14448975

You are quite literally worse than hitler. Please giant leap forward off a bridge, you pinko cunt.

>> No.14448984

Communists killed Nazis

Hitler killed himself

>> No.14448987

Do you want me to start running over slanteyes in my tank so I can use the word appropriately, zipperhead?
surely you prefer me using it from my computer right zipperhead?

>> No.14448989

Not the first cult to become a death cult.

>> No.14448996

Deflecting 101

>> No.14448998

your loved one died because theyre a weak sack of shit, and your grandparents died because theyre fucking old
not because of some stranger not wearing a face diaper, grow up

>> No.14449002

When did so many brain dead chapo trannies infest this board?

>> No.14449004

oh yeah i forgot people die because someone didn't stay 60 gorilla feet apart and wear a diaper over their face which doesn't even work nor is recommended by any major health body

>> No.14449012

>mfw there are thousands of recognized right wing terrorist groups but only 1 or 2 left wing ones

>> No.14449019
File: 29 KB, 600x800, 1595077676052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>W-What? They say masks dont work and are purely symbolic only recommended for symptomatic people? MUZZLE YOURSELF ANYWAYS!!!

>> No.14449021

Lol you’re so mad because every statement you made was shit and shown to be shit

>> No.14449022

Why can’t grandma stay home asshole?

>> No.14449028

Tell this to every other 1st world country that now has it under control

>> No.14449031

I thought people not wanting to wear masks was a meme xD

>> No.14449033

>communists killed nazis
Ya and about another 50+ million people in general.

>> No.14449038

She does. She just happens to get locked in there with other sick fucks denied urgent medical care because of a nonexistent surge, thanks to Governor Whitler and Cuomo. Oh! And she misses her cancer and cardiovascular screenings because they're "elective" too! Have fun!

>> No.14449039

So edgy and kewl! Epic style!

>> No.14449040

>>W-What? They say masks dont work
Who said that.
>and are purely symbolic only recommended for symptomatic people? MUZZLE YOURSELF
Imagine being this brain dead.

>Don't put a bandage on your cut! It's a way to mark yourself as being different!

>> No.14449045
File: 31 KB, 972x358, 20200719_222546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has what under control? The nasty Korean cold? Bravo!!! Only had to kill hundreds of thousands of others!!

>> No.14449046

>she does
Alright cool, no masks required now. Glad we agree on that.

>> No.14449051

Trump got elected. 20% of America really is this retarded.

>> No.14449058

Experts. Every single health body and body of research says they're symbolic. Literally what was said before the lockdowns.
>Imagine being this brain dead.
Daaaw.. babby need his face diaper?
>>Don't put a bandage on your cut! It's a way to mark yourself as being different!
What a retarded fucking analogy. Has your brain been deprived of oxygen under your fucking muzzle you retard?

>> No.14449060

Only europoors could be such pacified cucks to willingly wear a mask just because some government big brother official told them to.

>> No.14449065

>20% of America really is this retarded
>only 20%
I’ve got some bad news for you anon

>> No.14449066

>imagine being okay with those numbers

You fucking cucks sobbed for 10 years after the twin towers fell and killed 2000 people, then you went to war.

>> No.14449072

And now we get to enjoy going out in public again with little to no restrictions because we have the IQ high enough to follow simple instructions....you disgusting mongrels should try it sometime

>> No.14449073 [DELETED] 

shut up zipperhead, every post u makes singles u out more as a retarded slant eye bug man, okay zipperhead?

>> No.14449079

The hardcore anti-mask Karens is definitely under 20%. People who actively still support Trump is 20% at most, and that's being generous.

>> No.14449080
File: 31 KB, 300x300, 1578552743675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 hours
>300+ posts
>for a dumb soijak bait thread
wow, i can see the quality of posts on this site is indeed VERY important

>> No.14449082

>comparing a global pandemic to a targeted terrorist attack
do europeans really?

>> No.14449083

imagine believing this

>> No.14449090

The Japanese were smart enough to do it without being told. Europeans are smart enough to do it after being informed. Americans just aren't smart enough to comprehend there being more to the world than the individual. Generations of navel gazing has produced an attitude that selfishness is the most important human right.

>> No.14449094

I'm here to call dirty communist chinks zipperheads and thats it

>> No.14449097


>> No.14449104

Dude, get off your high horse

This site is only fun when shitposts are allowed to run their course like this, quit being such a fucking faggot and go back to your /tea/drinker or hot sauce thread

>> No.14449106

Lmao keep coping when over half of Europe still has a mask mandate. You willingly gobble government cock and ask for seconds.

>> No.14449110

>300+ posts
But only 76 unique posters.
More than half of the posts are one panicfag reeing that anyone dislikes the muzzle mandate.

>> No.14449116

shut the FUCK up you goddamn /pol/tard...no one is a “panicfag” just because they want to try and keep as little people from gettting it as possible

>> No.14449120

It was 3000 Americans dead, and we’ve killed over 2 million brown people. Still not enough.

>> No.14449124

The end doesn’t care about the means, the result is the same.

>> No.14449133

2700, and cry about it.

>> No.14449135

You’re an idiot if you think the us’s covid problem is because of individualism and not just being an obese unhealthy country overall.

>> No.14449144


>> No.14449149
File: 123 KB, 866x1068, 20200717_213557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look. The "smart" countries dont do shit. Muzzles do NOTHING

>> No.14449156

Being obese and unhealthy will kill you if you get covid-19, but it doesn't make you more likely to get infected. You're the idiot here.

>> No.14449157

American’s fares way more about 2700 dead wage cucks than 100,000. Do you need people to read a menu for you when you go out to eat?

>> No.14449171

He has a better rack than the trannies in the pic.

>> No.14449172

you are literally going against nature. shame on you.

>> No.14449191

she died because of the breathing tube

>> No.14449248

I love how fake stories like this one are what people hear and without question think is the status quo for everyone who contracts it

Fucking kill yourself you kike globocommie shill

>> No.14449265

Still no relevance to your muzzle advocacy

>> No.14449325

This whole COVID thing is going to die as soon as Trump gets reelected. Liberals always press retarded issues until they lose every November

>> No.14449367

>down 20 points in August
Oh definitely my guy

>> No.14449378


>> No.14449394


>> No.14449402

>he already forgot

>> No.14449407

The caravans gave them the House

>> No.14449498


>> No.14449672

yes it does because obese people have suppressed immune systems in the first place.

>> No.14449763

Caravans of Millions of Mexicans was a FIGURATIVE threat of what may happen if the Wall funding wasn't granted. Thankfully, libcucks eventually gave in, paid up and the huge fucking wall Trump built is keeping us safe