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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14443894 No.14443894[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do people unironically eat their steak with ketchup?

>> No.14443901

No, I eat steak with my ketchup.

>> No.14443915

Mahomes does

>> No.14443939

>trump lost my vote in 2016 because of the well done steak with ketchup thing
>trump lost my vote in 2020 because of the shilling goya beans thing
Haha, just kidding. Goya beans would have put any other president in prison, but it's like #235246422353252352 on the list of reasons not to vote for Trump in 2020. Fuck off posting /pol/ garbage on the food and cooking board.

>> No.14443943

Depends on how the stake is cooked, over well done then yes and if the stake has very little flavor

>> No.14443945

Why reply with a /pol/ msg then?

>> No.14443948

I don't eat ketchup at all, I think it's gross.

>> No.14443952

I’m voting trump so now your vote is cancelled out. My wife’s son is also voting for him so seethe more

>> No.14443966

there is nothing wrong with msg all evidence against it is propaganda

>> No.14443975

when i was 17 or younger i eat everything with ketchup

>> No.14443981

fuck off you spamming faggot

>> No.14444023

That's interesting but I'm still voting for orange man.

>> No.14444037

Leave it to a degenerate, uneducated red neck to be married to a woman who had a son previously. How many bud lites you drink today after you got home from your blue collar job?

>> No.14444049

>My wife’s son

He’s a cuck folks

>> No.14444054
File: 1.07 MB, 460x186, ego flashback.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes for old times sake, and in memory of when I was a little kid I will pan fry a cheap chuck or pork steak and eat it with salt pepper and ketchup for this feel.

>> No.14444058

I don't see a better alternative

>> No.14444061

Try it before you knock it. John Wayne ate his steaks that way, so did Charlton Heston. Trump really is bringing back America’s golden age, one small step at a time.

>> No.14444062

No one on 4chan actually supports this pathetic failed goon anymore, its all just ironic trolling.

>> No.14444079
File: 1.27 MB, 720x480, Summon The Tards.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14444095

For me, it's the Cornish pasty. My favorite childhood meal. Also roasted acorn squash with butter and brown sugar

>> No.14444104

john wayne smoked a fuck ton and probably couldnt taste a damn thing

>> No.14444121

Wasn't he also a Nazi? Not the leftist Nazi meme, but actually had a ton of memorabilia and whatnot in his home?

>> No.14444149

collecting nazi stuff does not make you a nazi.

>> No.14444164

That'd be true if he had all types of ww2 memorabilia. Or if it was passed down to him from a vet. Don't know if either were the case

>> No.14444220

no it's true no matter what. you can collect nazi stuff and not have nazi beliefs.

>> No.14444252

Let's be honest, you would vote for him, even if he was dancing naked in front of you, slapping you repeatedly and telling you, that you are a stupid cuck for voting for him.
That is the reality of Americans today.

>> No.14444263

>literally anything or anyone
I would vote Osama Bin Laden over Trump at this point.

>> No.14444273

No, there are still plenty of people that are genuinely this stupid.
Also a lot of people now act like they weren't frothing at the mouth with supporting him 4 years ago up until almost recently.
America is pretty much doomed at this point.

>> No.14444288

>>literally anything or anyone
you're literally leaving the field to others, go smoke a joint and have a nap on your smelly couch you faggot.

>> No.14444349

I. Would. Literally. Vote. Bin. Laden. Over. Trump.

Also have sex, incel.

>> No.14444414

Weird fantasy you got there. You think about old men getting naked and dancing a lot?

>> No.14444512

Agreed. To keep it food related, I'd vote for a tuna fish sandwich I forgot about and left on the counter before I'd vote for the Orange Fool.

>> No.14444690

americans aren't people so no.

>> No.14444779

Collecting anything means you have some sort of attachment to it. If someone collects shit like lolis you're probably a pedo

>> No.14444829

I just looked it up and nevermind. He was a "Nazi". Just a conservative fella. SORRY EVERYONE

>> No.14444897

steak sauce is about like ketchup. all these sauces stand up to steak, but also hide steaks natural flavor. chinese do better with steak. just put some pepper on it or something. i like ketchup on meatloaf. cause sometimes i like ketchup. just not on hot dogs, as hot dogs are ALREADY SWEET.

>> No.14444930

Aspies do.
Still voting for him, tho.

>> No.14446327

Reminder that just by marking some circles and putting the paper in a box once every four years you can make half of america SEETHE enough to call you a nazi and send you death threats. Is this what power feels like?

>> No.14446328

>not eating steak blue how will you truly be able to tell if the meat is good?

>> No.14446330
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I'll vote for him even though I think he's a giblet head. I'm moderate-left but my god nothing is more satisfying than far left tears from all the social media I can consume it from. It's like drinking unicorn cum mixed with Icarus' blood.

>> No.14446340

>turkey voting for christmas

>> No.14446344

>turkey voting for christmas
We eat ham on Christmas you fucking inbred islander.

>> No.14446348

>*shoots himself in the foot*
>fuck yeah! take that libs!
Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.14446351

If you really think there will be a major difference in this country whether Trump or Biden are elected, you're a fucking moron.

>> No.14446358

There should be a basic test you have to take to make sure you're at least slightly aware of what's going on in the world before you're allowed to vote in order to filter people like you.

>> No.14446380

You mean like voter ID? Are you trying to keep disadvantaged, oppressed people who are admittedly not very bright from their right to vote? Are you some kind of racist, anon? A fascist even? That's unconstitutional. What is wrong with you?

>> No.14446384

Because the president is just some magic man waving his hands and making all the rules of the land. Countries will pretty much stay on the exact same path they were on, and all that changes is which side's political fanboy's are whining.

>> No.14446390

/pol/ here

>> No.14446392

>Is this what power feels like?
Lol no, you sad little man.

>> No.14446394

Anon, maybe realize that your country can't really take that much more goofing around before utterly collapsing.
I mean, are you honestly willing to turn one of the formerly greatest nations on earth into a literal shit hole just because you thought it was funny on social media?
If so, you should not be allowed to vote.

God fucking damn Americans are stupid. This isn't even funny anymore, just sad.

>> No.14446399

>not exercising your inalienable right to own firearms, at the risk of yourself and others, no matter the consequences
why do you hate freedom?

>> No.14446401

America is, and will forever be, the greatest nation on earth

seethe more, thirdworldie

>> No.14446402

I don't think anything should be allowed to vote if it's just, "well, everyone says you should vote, but i don't really know any of the issues so i'll just vote for whatever party everyone i know votes for". That's basically the other side of the coin of voter suppression, because it's still just a matter of manipulating numbers instead of having informed voters in charge of the democratic process.
>biggest economic collapse in a century, most covid cases of any country in the world, the streets are literally on fire
Yes, everything is fine.

>> No.14446404

Yeah because the dems will save our country. Look at the great work they've been doing recently because some nigger died.

>> No.14446409

Okay minority oppressor.

>> No.14446411

The test would be available in Spanish and braille.

>> No.14446413

i sometimes eat it with mustard, it's ok.

>> No.14446417

The streets are on fire because of what king nigger encouraged. Trump didn't tell a cop in a blue state to strangle a nigger. Trump didn't tell niggers to revolt against whitey.
Everything else would be worse with Biden and you're fucking retarded if you think otherwise.

>> No.14446422

Nigga, Doctors Without Borders is in America trying to help with the kung-flu. That, by definition, makes the u.s. a third world country.

>> No.14446433

Jesus fucking christ. It's been 4 years and you can't keep blaming shit on Obama. You can go back and find hundreds of tweets during the Obama years with Trump saying shit like, "the buck stops here" and, "the manager is always responsible for what happens under his watch". Trump's entire agenda at this point is literally, "increase wealth inequality, get as many people sick as possible, inflame racial tensions". He's not just incompetent; he's actively trying to make all of those problems worse.