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14440241 No.14440241 [Reply] [Original]

Have we reached a consensus on the impossible/beyond meat? I was really looking forward towards making this my go-to meat when it hit grocery stores but it is far too prohibitively expensive. One pound of it costs almost $10 which is insane, I can buy one pound of ground beef for $5, $9 if I want good quality. I'm not a vegan or vegetarian but I am an environmentalist and I saw this meat as alternative to cut down on our consumption of beef. It tastes good honestly, it not quite like beef but it's so close compared to the previous garbage vegans were putting out previously. But their prices have not changed at all, and at this price point I cannot justify switching over.

>> No.14440244

>but I am an environmentalist
i bet you anything that this shit cost more on the enviroment to make then feeding some cows some grass

>> No.14440256

It's healthy to decrease consumption of meat in general, so just treat meat and Impossible as a luxury item that you buy whenever you feel like cooking and splurging in junk food.
At least that's how I justify buying impossible about once a week at that price point.

>> No.14440281

Growing plants, processing said plants.... Yeah I know. But there really isn't much you could do about that. Animal husbandry on the other hand, it's very destructive to the environment, both directly and indirectly not to mention animal cruelty but I won't get into that. Creating the impossible meat will be detrimental to the environment but at least least it's a step closer to something less harmful.
I can't treat it as a luxury when it doesn't really taste like meat, it's good but not that good.

>> No.14440290

Beyond is down to $1/burger at Costco

>> No.14440300

Meat isn't unhealthy junk food. Most people have bad dietsvin general but meat isn't much of the issue with that.

>> No.14440307

For what size burger? Last I checked there it was still about $8/lb while regular ground beef was $3/lb.

>> No.14440437

The price halved about a month ago.

>> No.14440539

Maybe for chicken, but when it comes to cows, they live their lives easy to get fat that the fat cells infiltrate their muscles and we call that "prime beef" and it's just filled with saturated fats.
Kings used to hunt for their meats, and most were from lean animals.

>> No.14440697

i get your point, but beef production creates absurdly more environmental impact than any of these meme foods do.
if you were compare it by single cow to all the bullshit it takes to make this faux meat, it would be comparable, but as it stands commercial beef is insane.

>> No.14440701

anon what is your goal in all this?
are you trying to replace meat in an effort to eventually change your diet to exclude meat?

>> No.14440726

I love meat but it's unsustainable in the long term. What I want, is to have artificial meat that will replace meat for the poor man's diet. Vegans are schizoids but vegetarians have the right idea and I think we should build up on that by minimizing the amount of meat we consume. I wish for one day when we leave meat to be a luxury item similarly to how treat other fancy foods.

>> No.14440735

The price point, plastic waste, and mountains of saturated coconut fat really don't justify it being a good meat replacement. Then again, I actually enjoy tofu and boca chickenless chicken patties, so I'll probably just stick with those. On top of that, I don't actually think beyond meat tastes good at all. It's got a very artificial, nearly cat food flavored taste to it that I find very off putting. I'm sure if I slapped enough cheese on them I wouldn't care, but that's also defeating the purpose.

Also the meme that meat animals are abused is readily proven false unless you're a land whale who only eats fast foods that get their meats from producers outside of America. The meat industry in America isn't what it was in the 50s, and most of them have gotten rid of most if not all of these unsavory aspects in recent years.

>> No.14440743

Too much processing. I don't trust it.

>> No.14440746

i respect that. have you started looking into tofu/tempeh recipes? other vegan/vegetarian alternatives? I've definitely tried cutting the meat slowly out of my diet but i have trouble finding really good vegetarian meals. nothing hits the same way. any tips?

also whatever happened to the synthesized shit meat? honestly, why not start re-marketing that as the radical 'recycled' meat alternative?

>> No.14440762

>Animal husbandry on the other hand, it's very destructive to the environment
No it isn't.

>> No.14440766

Vegan propagandist

>> No.14441126

I had a Beyond Burger about three weeks ago. I had gas and pain in my right abdomen, and had 7 shits the next day, the last of which was bloody.


>> No.14441151

kill yourself faggot

>> No.14441158

you'd be an environmentalist if you ate humans

>> No.14441224

I bet you fly way more than me. Try starting to cut down on your vacations instead of eating overpriced over processed slop that'll definitely give you cancer

>> No.14441822
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Real environmentalists produce their own food and support local, regenerative agriculture.

But then you'd realize in order to improve the health of the soil we have been depleting for decades with industrial "farming" we need animals and their natural behaviors and manure in order to increase the organic matter and water retention in the soil.

Plants take from the soil. Animals (behaving naturally living outdoors) give back what was taken. Humans don't graze and our shit ends up god knows where.

Veganisim doesn't help shit. And eating more processed food with more ingredients means more raw materials being flewn/shipped in from all over the world. Just support a local farmer and start a fucking garden.

>> No.14441829

Even commercial beef that's grain finished will spend 80% of its life on natural rangeland where they are a normal part of the ecosystem.

>> No.14441838


>> No.14441866
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Joel Salatin is the best! I hope him and his army of fucking happy, land healing chickens destroy the vegan movement. Leaving only the irrational, eating disordered psychopath social media influencers and their dwindling followers to sterilize themselves to extinction.


>> No.14441886
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>> No.14441891

I don't hate it, but it's too cost prohibitive to buy. I can get groud beef way cheaper than I can get that shit.

I like the taste/texture though. Just don't desire to pay a premium for it.

>> No.14441894

>I love meat but it's unsustainable in the long term

This is simply incorrect, you've been badly misinformed

Beef isn't sustainable for crowded places like India and China where demand outstrips available land, it is perfectly sustainable in well run ecosystems where the soil is improved and immigration is controlled.

As for the global warming argument, its completely unnecessary to stop eating meat to get to net zero, it IS necessary to make good power choices, like Nuclear or various renewables based on location.

The givernment/industrial complex would love for the consumer to be on the hook for driving cars and eating meat, but the reality is it is on them to make better decisions and stop being cowards.

>> No.14441957

This. 100%

>> No.14441964
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>> No.14441996

I made a pretty good tasting bean burger but it wouldn't grill. In fact it was like mashed potatoes when I tried to flip it. It was primarily bean mash so I'm not surprised.

Would adding agar agar firm it up into a steakette?

>> No.14442238

It’s loaded with estrogen. One Impossible Burger has more estrogen than an entire month’s supply of HRT tranner pills.

>> No.14442280

>Plants take from the soil
This is extremely false. The energy we care about from plants comes from the sun and air. It's possible and in many cases easier to farm in a way that replinishes topsoil and relies less on fertilizer. Livestock CAN be constructive (NA's rich soil was built by bison over thr course of centuries and quickly fucked over by bad farming) but it's not necessary. Right now most livestock is not contributing to topsoil health, and most agriculture isn't either.

>> No.14442314

You don't know what you're talking about. A plant takes everything it needs to live from the soil. What WE need from the plant has nothing to do with what the plant NEEDS to live.

>> No.14442316

He calls the site ShadBASED for a reason.

>> No.14442338

The human population problem, spawned by capitalism, is the real issue anon. You should be bioengineering a sterilization virus to cull our breeding and bring us back down under a billion.

>> No.14442646

if you actually believe this, you are literally a naive gullible idiot. Complete fucking myth, actually look up how 97 Percent of beef cattle are actually raised.

>> No.14442830

>Beyond Burger Value pack at retailers nationwide bringing the price of a Beyond Burger down to an incredible $1.60 per patty
>The “limited edition Cookout Classic” pack will be carried by Target and Walmart along with many other “select retailers” across the United States.
>limited edition

>> No.14443431

Congrats on being able to read

>> No.14443533
File: 144 KB, 873x655, 20200719_124927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhm, no. Plants need WAY more than sun and air. What do you think fertilizer is for?
At the rate our conventional, animal-free monocrop farming is going, we have about 60 harvests left before our next famine.

We need to get the animals out of the CAFOs and back on the croplands, instead of growing the crops to feed animals we can just have the animals on the croplands. But you have to get through the ethanol lobbyists and oil barons who have subsidized the shit out of corn and other industrial crops.

Nature has a perfect system and we shitted all over it with greed and consumerism. The way I see it I better go back to the land and hustle or else I'm fucked when this system inevitably fails.

>> No.14444130

Impossible meat is the best. Add the fixings to it like lime and it tastes like meat

>> No.14444177

I simply don't trust whatever processing must be done to the plant matter. I'm suspicious that there will be a rash of illnesses/cancers related to its consumption in a few years time.

>> No.14445486

impossible beef
>meat-like taste and texture
>made of soy
beyond beef
>horrible cloying aftertaste
>made of pea protein

If I could obtain impossible beef I would buy it occasionally. Right now my main source of plant protein is dough that I make from regular flour and pure pea protein. I use a ratio of 22:3 so for every 25g total, 3g of pea protein.

>> No.14445496

How much processed food are you prepared to eat, grass fed meat is good for you,fake shit isn't.

>> No.14445975

No you're wrong. Even conventional cattle who are grain finished will spend most of their lives on some type of pasture, then get sold to a finishing company like Harris ranch at about a 1 1/2 to 2 years old and then spend 6 months on a feed lot getting "finished".

>> No.14446154

It makes it seem like the price drop is only temporary.

>> No.14446160


>> No.14446835
File: 37 KB, 792x612, grassfed-beef-carbon-storage-infographic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this guy is right. You can't raise a cow on that much grain. Feedlots are pretty shit and cows get really sick off of their grain diet, they only can push the cow on grain because of preventative antibiotics and growth hormones allowing them to grow quickly and for them to not drop dead from their acidosis inducing diet.

It's essentially the equivalent of taking a 13 year old and feeding them nothing but unlimited chocolate bars and soda until they are 18. It's not good for their health and will make them fat quick.

Grass finished is the way to go.

>> No.14447165
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>that fake news propaganda image
Didn't read a single word you typed after seeing how retarded your image was.

>> No.14447243
File: 290 KB, 816x612, herds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real news: gigantic faggot scared that ruminants that live on their natural diet may not be what's destroying the earth, doesn't want to accept that maybe massive factories burning trillions of gallons of oil and fossil fuel isn't exactly doing our environment any favors.

>> No.14447287

Not to mention the clouds of pesticides they hose it all down with. They think that our pesticides and the byproducts of them when they break down are slowly poisoning entire swathes of the ecosphere. Bees were just the csnary in the coal mine, entire ecosystems of benificial organisms required for agriculture to operate are teetering on collapse. Thinking a plant based diet makes you any easier on the environment is delusional.
> b-b-but mine are organic!

Congrats. Where's it come from? odds are you burned gallons of diesel used for transporting it thousands of miles to your plate. Also a lot of "organic" companies are pretty fuckin sketchy in thier practices and its even debateable whether its actually REALLY what it says it is.

>> No.14447307

You have to stop and think for hapf a second and realize that nobody would touch anything labelled as "recycled meat".
but you're a vegan/vegetarian so we already know you're retarded.

>> No.14448187

Absolute toxic corporate slop for SOYIM. Only a retarded slave would willingly take away vital nutrients from his body and replace them with chemicals. If you really care about the planet and don't want to buy into the elite enslavement plan, buy meat, or even better organs, which are real peak food for humans, from small organic farmers. Next: start dismantling the structure of shitty civilization which is the cause of toxic consumerism and world pollution.

Without animal foods, there is sickness and premature death only. Animal foods contain ALL nutrients required by humans and just in the right, bioavailable form. Humans are meant to eat mostly animals, because they do not have any part able to ferment fiber into fat like cows, carbohydrates were never available thorought the whole year before agriculture, animal fat is the human fuel. Look at a cow, most of its food calories are fat from fermentation of fiber, feed it grain (carbohydrates) and it becomes fat & diabetic, it works just like this in humans.

The western civilization is a total mistake, one way or another it must collapse: there is no infinite growth in finite environment.

>> No.14448215

not really, the numbers are extremely overblown because the crops that feed beef are extremely efficient crops
like yes beef is 30% as efficient than corn, grain and legumes, but it's much more efficient than say spinach or broccoli AND it can be grown in places where nothing else grows, AND they never account for transport (cattle feed is often grown near cattle so it doesn't travel far) when they come up with these figures yet they always include biofuel in the numbers for what counts as the total crop land dedicated to animal food

tldr my point is that there's a bigger picture

>> No.14448676

I live in cattle/corn country in the midwest. Been involved with livestock and farming on and off my whole life. Listening to urbanite s0y bois talk about how farms work is like asking a 3 year old where babies come from.

>> No.14449833

>The western civilization is a total mistake

All great civilizations/hyper dense populations are total mistakes and they ALL collapse.
It's not just the west, the massive cities in China are going to collapse as soon as America can no longer afford to trade with them for cheap worthless plastic shit. Our population exploded and soon there is going to be a great dying. I guess I shouldn't hate on vegans too much since their diet essentially sterilizes them.

Pretty much this though (also live in corn/cattle country. I hear my neighbors cows every night). While I have some issues with industrial ag (specifically industrial monocropping and keeping too many of one type of animal on an unnatural diet, just don't like the get big or get out style of farming) and I wish farmers would just tell urbanites who constantly complain about their hard work that they cannot buy from them anymore because they are whiny ungrateful useless consumer fags, I hate when people think that you, by law, have to torture an animal and treat them essentially like concentration camp victims. Even though news flash: if your livestock is regularly starving to death then you're not a very good farmer

These folk who complain need to GROW THEIR OWN FUCKING FOOD.

>> No.14449846

Your anti-vegan arguments based on this logic of using crops is so fucking dumb and it keeps being hauled at your vegan strawmen again and again. Its literally proven for a fact that meat production is way more ecologically destructive and needs way more agricultural land and crops, than a vegan diet could ever use. When will you fags stop repeating this bullshit?

>> No.14449906

It's indistinguishable from meat at this point

>> No.14450012

That assumption is based off of the data that shows how damaging the soy industry is. The thing is though almost all of that is for livestock feed. There is very little doubt in my mind that that fake beef mush is better for the environment. It's just not great and prohibitively expensive.

>> No.14450033

>it's literally proven
>still hasn't disproven the pro closed loop multi phase agriculture evidence presented

>> No.14450081
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I know this may be difficult for your smog, s0y, and microplastic addled cityslicker brain, so I'll go slow. The land best suited to livestock is that worst suited to growing crops. You see, and I know this is going to blow your mind, not every large empty area is any good for growing things. You put cattle on this land, and suddenly its useful for something.

Now second, and again, if this is going too fast for you, just slow down and sound it out a syllable at a time. Youll get it eventually. Not every plot of land good for crops is good for EVERY crop. Furthermore, not every crop that can be grown somewhere is going to be selling for enough that year to be worth planting. Growing hay or alf-alfa or assorted other animal feed gives farmers an option to fall back on when the other crops they can grow are not marketable.

I know its all very complex to grasp that the world is a lot more complex than the orwellian newspeak dictionary of accepted buzz words and opinions allows for, but rather a large complex interlinked system based of soil chemistry, climate, economics, and ecology which operates the way it does for a reason. If this makes you angry thats okay, that does tend to be a pretty typical reaction to being wrong. Youll get over it, and if you dont, you dont really matter anyways.

>> No.14450129
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Yeah, I don't like the massive corporate farms either. That said, retards act like we're all just strapping our cows up in BDSM gear, cramming them into a tiny box, then ruthlessly abusing them for a year or two before finally executing them with a rusty electrified hacksaw. Also its apparently mandatory that for every cow we raise that we burn, salt, and seed with plutonium atleast 1 acre of arable land. Preferably using indentured csmbodisn children, which we feed nothing but a diet of lead paint and asbestos.

Mostly what we're doing is running cattle on land thats good for fuck-all else and when its time to fatten them up for sale we put them in a corral and feed them silage and corn. Mostly bought from local farmers who sell to either guys like us or an ethanol plant dependant upon how the market is that year.

>> No.14450214

This guy gets it

>> No.14450435
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>There is very little doubt in my mind that that fake beef mush is better for the environment.

Maybe you should take that very little doubt you still have and really ruminate on it.

Ugh tell me about it. It's annoying that vegans never ACTUALLY speak to farmers. And not faggot questions like "How many times a day do you rape your cows" but more like asking serious questions about what they do. Then ask different farmers.

I have talked to so many god damn farmers, and it's still not enough. I've spoken to dairy, beef, pork, chicken, egg, corn/soy/cashcrop, regenerative,homestead, organic, shit, I have even talked to veganic farmers (spoiler alert, they are an endangered species that only live in small, fertile pockets of the united states and their operations usually don't last more than a decade)
Honestly, I have a certain respect for producers that I just can't have for people who only consume. The only way I could respect a consumer more than a producer is if I really hated what the producer was doing. But that's why I talk to so many producers(farmers). Ultimately I came to the conclusion if I want something done to my personal code of ethics I gotta do it myself and not expect the world to change for me. If more people took up farming there would be less of a demand for factory farming. But don't tell the soibois that.

Those are goregous cows btw, are those black angus? Hereford? Are you in Montana? Dakotas? Texas? Such beautiful vast scenery!

>> No.14450460

soy isn't filtered on the food board

>> No.14450516
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I own a small supplementary income level operation in Wyoming. I typically run 100 to 150 head of angus but we got some Gelbvieh too. I'm actually a Sheriff's Deputy as my main job but a few of my siblings, myself and my wife and kid all live on property next to eachother and kinda all work the cattle and split the proceeds when we sell. I also used to run about 250 egg layers and once a year would do sbout 300 meat birds, but it was way too much work and coyotes, foxes, and weasels were a huge fuckin headsche. I'm old fashioned and would typically just shoot varmints but my wife says if we didn't want to deal with wildlife we shouldn't have decided to live in the wilderness and won't let me shoot stuff I'm not gonna eat.

Between the absolute fucking pain in the ass genuineley free ranging so many birds is combined with the financial losses from predation I was usually only just breaking even, and the free rsnge egg market is pretty glutted so you either have to undersell, or sell to bigger companies at whatever ripoff rate they want. I sold off my flock, feed, and assorted equipment to some guy wanting to get into poultry buisiness about 5 years ago only ever having broke even on the whole venture.

In any case, yeah. Animals get sick, or hurt, and ya gotta put em down. That said, none of our animals suffer or are abused. When people who live in smog choked steel and concrete boxes tell me I should feel bad for living here the way I do I find myself wondering how exactly they see it that way.

>> No.14450519

Sorry, old habits from /k/. I type it that way without even thinking.

>> No.14450594
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Nah I couldn't do legit "free range" birds. I'm only just starting out with a handful (35) of ducks (it was my boyfriends idea to get ducks, not mine). We have a mobile coop and mobile electric fence and they are moved onto fresh pasture every day. The whole ordeal takes about 30 minutes and we are working on making it more efficient, currently building a bigger coop and buying more fence so we only need to move them once every 2 days.

It's all for personal stuff right now while we get our foot in the marketplace. I'm hoping that by having something different (duck eggs instead of chicken eggs and maybe raising rabbits for meat in the future) I might be able to find a market. But even then we also have a market garden we are setting up.

I would love to have a herd of cattle someday, I currently live on 400 acres but most of it is a corn and soy operation and we are just starting out with a couple of acres, though another 5 is coming out of CRP and I would like to use that for experimental pasture.

Marketing is the biggest challenge, but honestly, I'm not in this for the money, I'm in it for the good food. I could only imagine the satisfaction that comes from a stocked chest freezer full of your own beef.

I came from the city too. Fuck the city.