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14439539 No.14439539 [Reply] [Original]

Why was milk shilled so hard for a while?

>> No.14439543

To feminize young boys and make girls hit puberty faster

>> No.14439549
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>make girls hit puberty faster
Based milk industry

>> No.14439561
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Still is in Canada
>tfw Big Milk

>> No.14439564
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Is..is that a.. Female girl? Drinking milk?

>> No.14439567

To sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids.

>> No.14439579

it was just an ad campaign
same as beef, it's what's for dinner
and pork, the other white meat

>> No.14439606

Why though? Everybody knows about the existence of milk, beef and pork. There is no advertisement needed.

>> No.14439613

Yea but the whole "got milk" shit was clearly sexualised campaigning compared with the meats

>> No.14439705

Not really, a lot of the ads featured famous Male athletes and one featured old men beating the shit out of dudes trying to mug them. If you find that sexy you're fucking weird.

>> No.14439710

Females exist anon

>> No.14439713
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If they'd exclusively used milfs it would've been more effective on me for sure

>> No.14439715

It was promoted as a healthy drink for children and as an alternative to soda in schools, coming off of the realization in the late 90s and early 2000s that fast food was really bad for you, and for kids in particular (because they need lots of minerals and other developmental materials that adults don't.)

>> No.14439722
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because farmers are the ultimate welfare queens and for a while they thought advertising would trick people into drinking cow pus

that failed so now they've turned to convincing mentally ill wh*teoids that drinking cow pus is the only way they will ever have sex

>> No.14439730

Prove it faggot

>> No.14439775

because if you see it all the time you're more conditioned to buy it

>> No.14439787

very old link but it answers your question as to how "they" work

>> No.14439813

Because milk is literally good for you and has a lot of vitamins and minerals kids may not get otherwise. The push was mainly that obesity spiked in the 90s and milk was a simple, inexpensive choice for lazy parents who otherwise fed their kids with junk food to buy and serve with a meal. Schools served it, so the campaign also worked to get kids to drink the milk that came with their lunches because their idols told them to.

>> No.14439830

Okay but why milk?

>> No.14439837
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Got milk?

>> No.14439840

who is that? looks like some chick i had a history class with once

>> No.14439851

Why eggs? Why beef? Why fucking Coca-Cola? Why does anyone advertise anything? To make money, stupid.

>> No.14439852


>> No.14439883

>why did milk sellers advertise milk
good question

>> No.14439918

good god

>> No.14439927


Women like this is why prostitution should be legal. Niggas wouldn't lose their shit around over women like this if they could just legally pay to fuck a bitch.

>> No.14439937
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tenda spencer spotted.

>> No.14439947

(((some studies)))

>> No.14439968

That's a gay man

>> No.14439973
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I see you are an intellectual

>> No.14440089

Because they wanted to sell more milk

>> No.14440289
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This pattern also makes me thirsty

>> No.14440314
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>> No.14440316
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school shootings

>> No.14440320

seething brownie or intolerant fag

>> No.14440322

I wouldn't want her angry at me in a dark alley.

>> No.14440331

he’ll land it eventually

>> No.14440337

The American dairy industry is heavily government subsidized. The government wants you to drink more milk so they can downsize their 1.4 billion pound stockpile of cheddar cheese.

>> No.14440338

Just look at those eyebrows on her, she looks like she's got an axe to grind and wants to kill someone.

>> No.14440344

That’s gold not cheddar fatass

>> No.14440351

Because the US dairy industry consistently produces way more milk and dairy than the market can handle. Hence the Government Cheese reserve, hence all that fucking milk getting ditched the moment restaurants started having to shutter back when the pandemic first hit.


It's been going on for ages already, and pushes like the one depicted in OP's pic are probably to blame for why there's such a backlash against milk nowadays. You drink that much of it and push it that vehemently on the public and we're bound to hear from all sorts of people who dont have the biology to handle it, but now they need something to soak their cornflakes in or whatever.

>> No.14440358

to promote the growth of large milkers

>> No.14440361
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The name of the talking raven is Midnight.

>> No.14440373
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>> No.14440376

We have nearly 18 billion pounds of gold in reserve, ackshyually.

>> No.14440378

That's not by weight, that's by artificial value.

>> No.14440387

Platinum and palladium are both more useful and worth more than gold, look it up yourself.

>> No.14440406

No that's by weight retard. The value is obviously much higher.

>> No.14440408

Nobody fucking cares about your gay elements
Do you know how many men died for that gold? It’s worth all of their lives and more.

>> No.14440411 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14440413

Don't tell me to look shit up, fag. I'm a goddamn chemist. I know how useful palladium is.

>> No.14440417

>18 billion pounds of gold
Bullshit, there's no 18 billion pounds of gold anywhere on this planet.

>> No.14440422

Don't forget precisious stones like diamonds and emeralds.

>> No.14440428

holy brainlet take

>> No.14440429

Imagine dying for fucking rocks lmao

>> No.14440431

>precious stone
The biggest meme in clown world

>> No.14440433

I chemistried u r mum last night!

>> No.14440440

I know, it's all made up by de beers but then so are gold prices.

>> No.14440451

Its pretty lame that pretty much nobody on the planet knows about de beers or the diamond trade.

>> No.14440454

Nah gold sort of evolved into its status and then got abandoned because our population got too big
Diamond were just a straight up scam, literal carbon rocks

>> No.14440464

Yeah, created by de beers and they paid for it to be put in movies, like James Bond, Diamonds are Forever so chicks seem to "need" them.

>> No.14440469

Not not "need" diamonds, but "crave" them.

>> No.14440483

Women, by nature, are much more susceptible to finding resources as an attractive trait of a male. It was only natural for companies to exploit this as women gained their freedom, but the fact that it worked so well and continues to work in this era of information is pretty fucking astounding. You would think with people literally telling you “this is a scam and has always been a scam” you wouldn’t fall for it, but that’s women I guess.

>> No.14440501

You think its a good idea to get my girlfriend a fake diamond ring for engagement bros? She says she wouldn't mind but idk with women...

>> No.14440505
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Attractive people are used in advertising? What a novel idea!

Even the goddamn Hulk got a milk mustache. Only the best Fukushima dairy for him.

>> No.14440603

please remove this image of the Confederate Flag, genocidal terrorism is not welcome on 4channel

>> No.14440628

Because the dairy industry is represented by a trade group that paid for advertisements to increase sales of their member companies

>> No.14440635
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>> No.14440800

redditors out.

>> No.14441207
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Hey, Mossad. How are your demoralization attempts going?

>> No.14441229
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>> No.14441235
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>> No.14441237

Clearly better than yours.

>> No.14441457

mutt's law

>> No.14441472

now that is some cum-brain thinking. Just let the black people fuck everything they want and they won't be so violent!

>> No.14441484

they prolly got the government to subsidize milk advertisements for awhile

>> No.14441514

Ask her. My gf asked for an opal and fake diamonds.

>> No.14441528

dairy farmers marketing board paid for those ads. they thought they would sell more milk. pretty simple.

>> No.14441538

based calling out the skaven

>> No.14441731

>imagine eating the literal pig slop known as breakfast cereals
Seriously there is no quicker way to getting fat than starting off the day with a big ol bowl of grain mush doused in milk. I literally feed it to my backyard pigs to make them grow faster and fatter. I drink 32 oz of milk by itself as a meal replacer too and I'm still healthy and fit. But breakfast cereal? Starting out your day with 100 grams or more of carbohydrates? Not even once.

>> No.14441733

Both of those things sound fantastic.

>> No.14441978

What about the 19 billion pounds of gold used for your moms dildo lmao

>> No.14442004

Gold is still less volume then the plastic one your moms got under her pillow

>> No.14442005
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>> No.14442018

1 cup plain yogurt
1/2 cup milk
1 cup chopped very ripe mango (see how to peel and chop mango), frozen chopped mango, or a cup of canned mango pulp
4 teaspoons honey or sugar, more or less to taste
A dash of ground cardamom (optional)
Ice (optional)

>> No.14442510

The Dairy Industry is on it's Deathbed so they have to shill hard

>> No.14442590

Opals are cursed you idiot.

>> No.14442667

fuck off

>> No.14442702

I drink raw milk as meal replacement all the time and im healthy
oatmeal is also a lie too

>> No.14442707

oh God this is amazing

>> No.14442801

Doesn't work, see Germany

Hint: prostitutes cost money

>> No.14442822

the dairy industry spent millions to try and increase and maintain sales.

>> No.14442866

Dairy slump. And probably this>>14439543

>> No.14442899


Salty shitskin detected

>> No.14442909

>cumskins thinks he's unique for being able to drink milk

You whites are beyond retarded in this day & age, that's why Jamal fucks your women at an unprecedented rate you know. Have you made Israel great again today?

>> No.14442916

In Canada, the dairy industry is controlled by members of the italian mafia. They have infiltrated the government to the point that milk is set by the government to ensure they profit. Very few industries are as protected as the milk industry here.
It's shilled hard using taxpayer dollars to help fund their drug and prostitution rings. These people have billions of dollars offshore and are masquerading as "helpful humble farmers trying to make a living."
If you meet a dairy farmer, beat their kneecaps out.

>> No.14442932

>darky thinks he's special for having sex with women

>> No.14443034

Fuck me I wish I had a Shrek image right now, these were always cringe and tryhard.

>> No.14443047

so they are shipping bags of milk just to have a chuckle?

>> No.14443157

because it was funded by many companies, all of which produce milk

>> No.14443173

Why not meat? Why not vegetables?

>> No.14443192

there were examples of meat receiving the same type of ad campaigns. vegetables probably don't make that kind of ad money to throw around

>> No.14443193

Looks like I was right on the nose

Don't mind me, just enjoying this ice cream and being able to talk to my dad

>> No.14443642
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Based and Homo Sapiens-pilled.

>> No.14443650

Imagine a country populated entirely by femboys

>> No.14443659

based. sharters gonna shart.

the US is officially Chinese land

>> No.14443663


>> No.14443667

Let's make it happen TWINK WORLD 2020

>> No.14443671

Go find refuge at your embassy in Houston. Oh wait.

>> No.14443698
File: 2.12 MB, 360x640, GOMAD.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because milk is good

>> No.14443746

That guy has serious issues, he might want to check himself into a psycho ward.

>> No.14443773

That might be a consulate, I'm pretty sure there's no embassy in Houston.

>> No.14443775

Typically, in a free market, customers subsidize the industry, not the various agricultural bureaus. Advertising is a great way to extend a product's reach and/or consumer base.

>> No.14443794

he's just bulking bro

>> No.14443870


>> No.14443881

You can tell those women are ravenously hungry for his cock.

>> No.14443888
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>> No.14443963

Do you not understand how large industries promote their product? Hint - they blitz the marketplace with advertising, sometimes employing celebrities. It was shilled because people who raise dairy cows want to sell you milk.

>> No.14444067

Almonds do/did. Spinach has. Jolly Green Giant frozen vegetables has had notable campaigns. Corn has the single biggest lobby in the U.S. they just don't do ads but instead get contracts behind our backs and slip it into EVERYTHING. Soy also has a massive lobby. Anything with significant amounts of cultivated acres has a lobby.

>> No.14444281


>> No.14444320

ask her. if you do get a lab-grown diamond, get one of the nicer ones, not just a CZ.
engagement rings are meant for everyday wear, so it IS important to get a good, strong stone.
also, it's ok to go shopping together for one. she's going to be the one wearing it, so if you guys are actively deciding to get married, it might be a good idea to have her in on the picking and buying.
might also give you a good idea on how shared finances will be handled in the future.

>> No.14444363

imagine actually believing PETA

>> No.14444381

>Why was milk shilled so hard for a while?
You seem stupid, like you don't understand how the world works. Why would you use a such a choice of word unless you are being political, rather than factual? That's something stupid people do.

Some specific milk council is right at the bottom of that poster and it'll it be based up of indepedent farmers who organized together to promote, protect and basically lobby for their cause. It can be anything at all, like protection of water sources to legal changes they may need. A lot of industries have lobbyists in the nation, some with public relations, some with great power (tobacco), and others who don't have any finances at all. It varies. Egg, Pork, Cattleman, and lots of other farming out there.

There's a lot of hard propaganda from PETA to end all animal products for consumption. There's also alot of gullible people who read unscientific things and buy into scare tactics. Any ad campaign is probably good for business, but one that shows the reality of normal people with great health enjoying milk was clever. Sex sells, as they say.

Explain why you didn't go to school? This is supposed to be a board of adults only. Hopefully your parents gave you proper nutrition and education, as a child so you have all your teeth into your 90s.

>> No.14444409

Massive milkers I need milkers milky milky waaaah

>> No.14444477

The US milk industry lost all credibility when they brow beat the FDA into allowing them to treat cows with what every other 1st world country and the WHO have declared to be aa known carcinogen, rBGH, based on multiple peer reviewed studies. They got greedy, we got woke, they suffer. Good riddance to bad blood.

>> No.14444487

What rBST? I see that on labels.

>> No.14444488


>> No.14444704

No, but you are, faggot.