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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14437944 No.14437944 [Reply] [Original]

Thank you waiter yes the wine is to our liking. I will be dining off-menu tonight, could you have Francois cut up two hotdogs, and serve them over a bed of Kraft mac and cheese mixed with canned peas? Yes, the dinosaur shapes will be fine. The lady will be having a salad, of course.

>> No.14437949


>> No.14439105

You're making me wet, anon. Fuck me in the men's room right now!

>> No.14439130
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Women love when you take charge like that

>> No.14439160
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>> No.14439854


>> No.14439862


Wine menu? No thank you, tap water with no ice will do.

>> No.14440432
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Imagine being such a elite, chad, & absolute manchild that you force 5 star chefs to humiliate themselves by making a basic bitch poor college student meal out of the most common & shitty everyday ingredients. And then can still tell them to take it back to the kitchen because isn't to your proper liking.
>imagine the feel
>imagine the humiliation of the staff that they could do nothing about since your their best customer
>imagine how that meal would taste
>imagine how funny it would be doing such a thing during a date
that'd be the life

>> No.14440546

the server will laugh in your face and the chef will just tell you to leave since you're taking up a table

>> No.14440599

Me on the right.

>> No.14440627


>> No.14440648
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>> No.14441378


>> No.14441512

this legitimately the only reason women "date" in college. Women are scum.
But I love fucking them. I fuck MANY women.

>> No.14441524
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That's mostly on the dude though because he knew he was taking a long shot on some girl out of his league. What's actually the problem are the girls who find some autistic kid and manipulate him into that shit....usually repeatedly and then act all indignified when he finally goes assie chimp mode and flips out on her.

>> No.14441618

>a third of heterosexual women
That just proves that str*ightoids are scum.

>> No.14441653

But would you marry a woman who had gone out with man only to use him as a meal ticket?
Several women have admitted this to me. They think its funny.

>> No.14441685

A third have done it at least once. That doesn't necessarily mean that very many do it for a significant fraction of their dates.

>> No.14441692

Ha ha, yeah, we should get rid of all the Stacies and marry subservient Asian mail-order brides, amirite? But also we need to preserve the white race, that's important too.

>> No.14441694

yea and enjoy paying $50 for hotdogs and grilled cheese

they will be the ones laughing

>> No.14441698


>> No.14441853

I'm a solid 4 rn, guess I'll make friends soon.

>> No.14441859

Only the finest gentlemen order Kraft Dinner.
Kraft Mac and Cheese is for philistines.

>> No.14441897

>sir, Good Boy Points are not "legal tendies"

>> No.14441910

or marry rich asian women. they love the BWC

>> No.14441911

I've been a chef for 8 years and in the early years of my career as a line cook I would reflect my chef's attitude towards custom orders (fuck you, I'm above making this, order of my menu blah blah blah)

Know what i noticed? What miserable people they are. I run a high star restaurant in an upscale hotel now, mostly business men, lawyers, actors some politicians and one time a lawyer brought their kid and the kid wanted a grilled cheese. One of my line cooks ran down to the grocery store and got a loaf of white bread and some American cheese and I made that kid a fucking textbook grilled cheese and if you could have saw the smile on his face your sour soul would have smiled.
If you're a chef you cook food, if you think you're above cooking something your not, you're a piss baby with a God complex. It's fucking food, get over yourself

>> No.14441914
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>the look on the waiter's face when the owner is your mom

>> No.14442036
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>> No.14442046

What if i want 'chup on my steak?

>> No.14442138
File: 312 KB, 552x426, 1550152884966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing it once is all i need to know about that womans character.

>> No.14442201

You paid for it you could ask me to pound it thin, cut it into straps and roll each one up with ketchup in the middle like a pinwheel. My food cost won't go up, my labor cost won't go up and you're happy as a clam. It's a win win as long as you pay your bill

>> No.14442275

i seldom pay restaurants, i run away.
Its a victim less crime.

>> No.14442292

90% of sexually active hetero men have pressured a woman into sex she didn't really want at least once. That's rape, by the way.

>> No.14442302

Well, of course good sir. ( he wouldn't see me spitting in his food, hahahah I win)

>> No.14442303

I usually get loaded on dates and try to fuck her. If she speaks to me ever again after that, I know she’s the one for me. Still haven’t met her yet...

>> No.14442346

This desu

>> No.14442367

This is why 4chan is trash nowadays. OP was a nice sensible chuckle and instead of playing off of it the first post in the thread is some retard braying like a jackass.

4chan got a zero chill

>> No.14442392

>being scum
I literally only fuck traps and boymoders.

>> No.14442450

Can confirm this.

>> No.14442729

you've obviously never been in a relationship. there are plenty of times a man doesn't want to have sex but you do anyway, sometimes even pretending to climax, just so the woman doesn't get upset and give you an even worse headache...so that's the man getting raped by your criteria then?

>> No.14443259

Where can I find *those* people to hook up with?