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14438394 No.14438394 [Reply] [Original]

any other meat cutters here?

i just wrapped up my 3 year apprenticeship and have my cutting test tomorrow. wish me luck bros.

>> No.14438405

Good luck with that. It's a dying trade. We need more people to get into those sorts of trades

>> No.14438432

how the fuck does it take 3 years to learn how to cut meat?

>> No.14438440

How'd you get into that and how much money can you make?

>> No.14438441

You have no idea how many different animals are out there and how many cuts come from each animal? Shit ton friend!

>> No.14438453

there are a ton of different cuts. have to be able to cut lamb, pork, beef, chicken, veal, turkey, etc. use the band saw, an auto meat wrapper, meat grinders, making sausage, etc. it's a lot to learn but i felt ready after my 2nd year.

i make 17/hr as an apprentice and will make 27/hr as a journeyman meat cutter with time and a half sundays and overtime. it's a union job and you can make a lot more as a manager or supervisor. good benefits too. i just kind of fell into it.

>> No.14438454

uh, how many animals? animals are also similar in structure. that should take someone who's not literally down syndrome a couple weeks at the most to learn if you're doing it every day

>> No.14438463

wow cutting lamb, pork, beef (veal), and poultry...four types of animal
using a meat grinder and band saw should take you at the most an hour to learn

>> No.14438464

Good luck, don't cut off your hand!

>> No.14438474

Ah man sounds comfy. I'd want to get into that but around here pretty sure the meat cutting plants are full of Mexican workers and I'm not a spanish speaker so it would be tough for me to integrate or get a foot in.

>> No.14438475

i would to see you trim and cut a beef chuck after a few weeks.

>> No.14438476

it took you one less year to learn to become a meat cutter at the grocery store than a doctor to learn how to be a surgeon on human beings

>> No.14438480

i can teach my child to easily trim and cut a beef chuck in an afternoon you mongoloid

>> No.14438483

Medfags need a 4 year undergrad, 4+ year med school, and 4+ year residency before they actually become physicians. So not quite, bruh

>> No.14438490

you say that, but you couldn't. trimming meat without waste takes a long time to get right.

>> No.14438492

Good luck, Anon. It’s something I’ve always been interested in. I hope you do well.

>> No.14438495

yeah, i already know i can

>> No.14438497

Good luck!!!

>> No.14438504

you have no idea where the seams are, you would be hacking it apart like an idiot. probably think you know how to use a knife too. lol.

>> No.14438509

it took you 3 years to learn meat cutting. lol.

>> No.14438528

it's a 3 year program, ya dopey fuk. it's not like i demanded 3 years of training.

>> No.14438535


Whats the secret man. The boys at work never let me trim anymore cuz i take too long. I want to get better and faster but they wont let me practice cuz they tryna clock out :/

>> No.14438537

Cutting met properly is hard as hell. I butcher 3-5 deer a year and it’s very tricky just get the meat off the bone and not have it look like it was done with an axe. Separating into proper cuts takes time and skill, I’ve done it for years and still have no idea wtf I’m doing. What exactly do you butcher, you fag?

>> No.14438539

Be careful anon, fingers don't grow back

>> No.14438555

He cuts off chicken wings at Safeway and thinks he's a butcher

>> No.14438559

i learned early by trimming top rounds. i got transferred to a small store where it was me and 1 other guy and i had no choice but to cut everything because i would be there alone when he wasn't there. the only way to get better is it just do it over and over but i recommend mastering top rounds because theyre fatty and lots of different cuts.

>> No.14438566

God what a stupid sloppa shit statement

>> No.14438575

goodo lucku

>> No.14438577

>3 years
I spent all my summer jobs cutting meat. I started with pork, it was 1 week off-the-line then 2 weeks of supervised work on the line.
2 years later they moved me to chicken. that took only 2 week for the manual method and 1 day for the automatic machine. The manual method included proper knife handling, sharpenign and steeling. We also did turkey with no additional training, just bigger knives.
If you weren't a mouthbreather you'd get selected for the shipping and packaging "course" which took 3 days to learn how to use the lift and pass the HACPP test. Hell after 3 months they even had me program the various (semi) automatic machines since I was among the top performer.
They were going to train me for beef, that would have been 6 weeks total but then I was going to quit to go to university so instead they just had me replace managers while they took vacations.

So yeah wtf do you need 3 years of apprenticeship and a test for?

>> No.14438589

To learn how to cut meat better than a 17 year old with 2 weeks of training

>> No.14438595

lmao BTFO.

>> No.14438603

Any trade has a much, much higher level of achievement even more so than most doctorates.
I started welding at 19, took me almost 10 years to become a master welder, and a fuck ton of schooling and learning four different welding procedures, on top of learning three styles of blueprint reading... I now walk around a shop looking at peoples welds and drive a company truck from site to site, and fly around the world, It's kind of boring.

>> No.14438604

Question for you: is it hard to cut a flat iron? Or does it take a special set of skills?

>> No.14438616

we are cutting things to order at a service counter as well as pre packed

id like to see you do a lamb crown roast or veal top round cutlets

flat irons are a pain the ass to learn. getting that nerve out can be tough. but now i find it pretty easy. lots of experienced butchers just cut chicken steaks out of the blade because theyre lazy tho.

>> No.14438628

Thanks bro. Also, what’s your favorite beef cut that’s not super well known? I like spencer steaks and the flat iron that I asked about. Any others I should know about?

>> No.14438647

coulotte steaks and chuck eyes are both relatively cheap and very good. flap meat. inside skirts.

>> No.14438657

meat cutting isn't anywhere near as complicated or technical or responsible as welding...weld quality can be fucking life-or-death

>> No.14438678

Thank you, and good luck on the exam!

>> No.14438683

Can't be harder than deboning 3 entire chickens per minute with enough spare time to hone my knife.

>> No.14438684

i think the point is that meat cutting is summer job any 17-year-old can do, even as a manager, with minimal training

>> No.14438699
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I'm not the most educated in to what a 'master' butcher would look like. But I'd imagine it would be someone who can run a business, and process and use an entire animal from nose to tail.

Sort of like pic related. I'd consider him a master in his trade. Welding does not require a business background beyond understanding basic customer relations.

>> No.14438702

Postvtravel pics and food

>> No.14438716

wtf does knowing how to run a business have to do with anything? master welders have far more knowledge, skill, and status than some fucking meat cutter or even a grocery store owner as you seem to be conflating the two...some welders id call damn artists of the highest esteem

>> No.14438717

cutting chicken is easy as shit, brainless work. and even if you fuck it up, it's a chicken, nobody cares. if you fuck up cutting a rack of lamb you are either going to lose a finger or waste very expensive meat. what youre describing is factory work that's totally different.

>> No.14438722

hey stupid, ever heard of a butcher shop? i dont work in a grocery store

>> No.14438728

History Channel had a great competition show about butchering animals
Shame they only did one season

>> No.14438733

it's like saying you work at mcdonalds and not at a restaurant

>> No.14438737

>some welders id call damn artists of the highest esteem

Most welders are monkeys who can lay a bead . You'd be surprised how many non - journeymen welders are out there. Majority of the workforce involving metal fabrication are just that, metal fabricators.

As far as a good butcher knowing business, it's not the actual accounting or bookkeeping aspect and what not. It's to to transform say an entire hog into a dozen or so cuts of meat, sausage, cures, etc. Any grocery store journeyman butcher can know the basic knowledge of processing an animal, but it's taking that entire animal and putting it into recipes and what not.

>> No.14438739

great analogy

i can make a grilled cheese! i'm ready to be a michelin starred chef.

>> No.14438742

Yeah I'm sure cutting the rack at the proper place on the ribbon saw with no time pressure is very hard and a whole new challenge compared to the previous one.
>but the customer is waiting
Sure, minutes, that's plenty of time when there's nothing physically forcing you to cut asap.

>> No.14438744

i did say *some* welders, and that's not what he said he learned to do though...he said it took him years to learn how to be a meat cutter, that any 17-year-old can learn to do for the summer, not run a butcher shop

>> No.14438748

you really comparing your meat cutting to being a michelin star chef?

>> No.14438761

no, what i'm saying is you're retarded if you think you could learn to do the job in a few weeks. like wiring a computer together and thinking you're ready to be an electrician. unclogging your sink and boom i'm a plumber. it's just stupid.

>> No.14438764

Chill out pendejo

>> No.14438778

Yes, someone who doesn't have intellectual disabilities can learn meat cutting in a few weeks.

>> No.14438804

nice larping thread

>> No.14438806

My Lord... I don't feel nearly as intimidated by my three approaching years of law school knowing I could have well wound up submitted to the gauntlet known as meat butchering school!

>> No.14438814

Which kind of meat do you like working with the most? I heard that working on cow halves is pretty exhausting.

>> No.14438816
File: 2.88 MB, 480x360, chicken_processing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while you were arguing about law, I studied the bird

>> No.14438851

>hehe, they’ll never know I’m bragging, and I can make little of somebody else’s hard work!
Fuck you, by the way.

>> No.14438867

I am mostly making fun of the prospect of butchering taking as long to learn as practicing laws. Then again they probably have to slow down the pace of the curriculum for the average meat handling prospect...

>> No.14438874

Not everybody’s family is rich and can get a scholarship from the local synagogue to study law. You’ll probably wash out anyway.

>> No.14438882

tomorrow's test is going to be quite an accomplishment and the people who dress our little meat cutter in the morning are going to be very proud of him

>> No.14438892

Why is it "meat cutter" and not butcher?
That sounds like someone being a "cable layer" and not an electrician.

>> No.14438970

>practicing laws
Copy that pajeet or zhang

>> No.14438985

so you can teach patel to be a lawyer in the same time it took you to learn meat cutting?

>> No.14438990

I am paying my way dipshit. Stay mad.

>> No.14439010

I bet you worked at a turkey processing plant like Perdue full of Mexicans and felons

>> No.14439050

what's wrong with mexicans and felons trying to make a living? that's just who is cut out to work as a meat cutter

>> No.14439058

don't cut your fingers off bro.

>> No.14439071
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>based debt free vocational tradesman
I wish I was your real life fren OP I have access to such terrible cuts of meat here

best of luck to your career of meatmanship

>> No.14439076

he now feel inferior to mexicans and felons lmao

>debt free
we don't know that

>> No.14439081
File: 185 KB, 1106x1174, illust_82598472_20200720_140925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP but why the fuck are you guys so negative over someone getting into a career?
The 3 years is probably focused on actual specific shit rather than the general idea of cutting meat to where he could get into an actual career with that rather than working a supermarket.
God luck by the way OP.

>> No.14439086

We do know that since he said the apprenticeship pays $17/hr

>> No.14439124
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>debt free
>we don't know that

Student butchers are highly motivated to pay their course fees. Those who fall behind in their payments often seem to... just disappear one day,

>> No.14439129

Good luck fag, more skilled people are needed.

>> No.14439133

lmao, taking out 500k in loans to study “laws” and shitting on a guy being paid in an apprenticeship. have fun when you fail out, which you most likely will. no refunds on your loans, Raj!

>> No.14439138

I could have been one but I got super paranoid about the potential of cutting my finger off with the fuckhuge saw
I like my fingers too much to risk them everyday

>> No.14439159

Why does some guy reply in this thread seem to hate the fact that this guy cuts meat as a profession.

>> No.14439163

Likely a foreigner so the government will bail it out.

>> No.14439169

I don't see anyone hating it, just anons laughing at it taking 3 years to learn.

>> No.14439178

You should have seen how much time it took to learn C and PL/SQL and other languages. You wouldn't believe it if I told you.

>> No.14439229

I am going to a top 25 on scholarship because I am not a retard. please cope.

>> No.14439244

how much time it took who?

>> No.14439255

>I am paying my way dipshit
Also you
>I am going to a top 25 on scholarship because I am not a retard
>on scholarship

>> No.14439262


>> No.14439315

>uhhhhh actually it's easy
>t. someone has never done it or even thought about doing it

>> No.14439508

nonwhite detected
enjoy your ez path to life

>> No.14439618

Medfags work on the living. Meatfags work on the dead. Both are retards. I've seen both in action

>> No.14439642

Damn dude my masonry course was only 9 months and I make 25$/h out of school. 40$ as a journeyman.

>> No.14439653

Lawyers are faggots by definition. A dime a dozen idiots that simply read a book or two and use queer language to sound smart. No one respects lawyers and you simply spend all your time jerking eachother off. You're not smart, you're not cool but you are over rated

>> No.14439656

You don't think I earned this scholarship? It is an academic merit scholarship. I had to get the grades and test scores to receive this money. I earned this money based on my MERIT. That is how I paid my way. I worked hard hard in school.

>> No.14439660

shut up nigger

>> No.14439719

>how much time it took to learn C and PL/SQL and other languages.
I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe in college for a 4 year degree? But a CS degree isn't really about learning a programming language.
I can learn the basics of a programming language in a week or two probably take a bit longer to get comfortable enough with it for larger more complex projects.

>> No.14439807

you seem just as much of a dumb faggot as the 3 year meatcutter

>> No.14439815

no me have big brain and writing good he cut amminal

but u all little brain for make reply

>> No.14439822

What's the matter Pablo? Upset by the knowledge that the only reason you have your "merit" scholarship is because you're brown? Are you even more upset by the knowledge that this anon who spent 3 years mastering a craft will be making more than you, with zero debt?

>> No.14439845

I think what he was trying to say is, if metal machinery fall apart while someone is using it they will actually fucking die. Unless the butcher is cutting pufferfish, there’s not really the same level of danger in any way. The worst most butchers can do is hurt themselves, unless they’re literally retarded or trying to kill someone.

>> No.14439853

i have some meat you can cut right here *grabs cock balls and taint*

>> No.14439856

Do you really think a Michelin star restaurant wouldn’t hire a butcher with less training than that? It’s probably bare minimum you absolute sperg

>> No.14439857
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I did this for a while at a fancy upscale store. I got fat cause I would always eat shit from the bakery stash in the back and steal chocolate milk and drink it in the cooler. Night shift was fun. Even had a pro chef working with me and he made some nice shrimp a few times. (He stole it)

I also took about 40 pounds of organic ribeye and cut it up to take home for myself. Free meat best meat.

BTW I am white as was the chef.

>> No.14439872

based. fuck corporate stores. i do the same.

>> No.14439876

As someone who graduated with a high GPA and took 10 AP tests (and passed all of them), you’re definitely not getting your scholarship on merit. Life is full of inequality, you should at least own up to it. You’re probably lying anyways though.

>> No.14439895

Go fuck yourself.
Learn to run the service counter, make a bale, empty a plastic bin, punch out when you are done working (you know to punch in when you are not working you lazy POS) Sick of you lazy mono trained dipshits making more than my CSM

>> No.14439904

>people who have specialized skills are not important to society and have no place in it
What a fucking retarded thing to say

>> No.14439967

When you have a store falling apart and, get a call from meat that a bale needs to made while 3 cutter dipshits are standing around chatting... talk to me about cross training.

>> No.14439996

Look at ABA disclosures. I am sorry this does not fit your narrative but merit scholarships are calculated strictly based on GPA and test score and all of this information is published.

>> No.14440001

holy shit literally look up ABA disclosures you retards. all school publish what they offer in merit scholarships and the GPA/LSAT score ranges for them. Retarded fucking zoomers.

>> No.14440034

I really wish I would’ve gone forward with a trade.

>> No.14440066

u ever hide in the baler to spook ur friends?

>> No.14440079

That sounds like an awful idea
I wonder how many people have gotten crushed to death in a baler?

>> No.14440095

>t. my wife took everything in the divorce

>> No.14440103

Dude all I could think about in high school was getting my dick wet
Can’t all normal guys say the same?

>> No.14440108

Well done Anon.

>> No.14440134

Looks like 2-5 per year according to https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5016a2.htm which I have googled and put less than one minute of effort into provided a link for, as I am neither a student of jurisprudence nor a sodomite.

Let me though, for a moment point out your habitual irresolution:
>That sounds like an awful idea
Have some backbone, you know getting in the baler is a bad idea. What could convince you to get in the baler? Even if it were the ultimate spooking it is a bad idea, and surely it is not the ultimate.

>> No.14440204

i wish i could be a butcher but i gag at handling raw poultry

>> No.14440226

why are you ragging on him nigga. hard cope from someone who’s probably never accomplished anything worthwhile in their life

>> No.14440243

If there’s a way to reliably shut it down such that it can NOT be turned on in any way, shape, or form; it really doesn’t seem that dangerous. People climb into way more dangerous shit all the fucking time so long as they know it isn’t going to be activated while they’re inside it.
However, assuming the guy is as dumb as he sounds, and having no knowledge of a bailer: he could probably get crushed in no time. Depending on the type of bailer it’s safety mechanisms might be shitty or nearly non-existent, and who knows if he’s ever even taken the effort to unplug it. However, unplugging it would be a good way to bait people into coming closer to scare the piss out of them.

>> No.14440251

Although now thinking about it, there’s no way to know if unplugging and replugging it would cause it to cycle through it’s mechanism and result in a brutal crushing. I’m almost willing to bet this is how the 2-5 happens.

>> No.14440265

That's pretty cool, anon. I hope you land a nice gig and/or make enough connections to do your own thing.

>> No.14440323
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Wow sempai, bragging about something millions of people before you have done that doesn't actually produce value in an oversaturated field that fills the world with so much bureaucracy it can't function and selectively ignores founding constitutions and laws that place restrictions on what the legal profession can and can not do while also slowly trying to dictate everyone's life so much they become a valueless slave cog to a regime that will collapse and render all your work useless the moment a change of government happens or bit of political pressure is applied? You brag about being that on an anonymous basket weaving forum? You signed up knowing that much of it is glorified negro sitting and that much of our current societal malaise comes from poorly made rulings and laws yet you take pride in it? That if our punishments on criminals weren't so soft-gloved that we'd need much less lawyers than we currently do and our society would be better off without criminal elements and those who protect and promote such elements? You think that because you can read papers found online, argue, and speak a secret language that the legal system made up for itself so it can say one thing and mean another that this puts you above the average working man? You're so cool anon-kun can I suck your dick.

Go watch the movie Brazil. That's the IDEALISTIC version of what would happen if lawyers held more power in society. The actual system is not as great. Go read about what happens to human rights lawyers in China sometime. Lawyers are not immune to the system they slowly build, and an order written in a law book saying not to do something has almost never stopped an individual from doing that.

Don't look down on the people that make and prepare food, jackass. They work harder, sweat more, and deal with more shit in a single day than you probably do in three weeks.

>> No.14440577

Post update after exam OP.

>> No.14440591

No its because youre brown, dipshit

>> No.14440649

Somebody please post that webm of Rajesh cutting meat at bandsaw wearing fake Rolex, gold chain and polo t-shirt going lightning speed.

>> No.14440667

good luck! with three years, you're gonna nail it!

>> No.14440748

Good luck OP, I'm sure you won't need it.
What's your favourite cutting operation or favourite part to cut out of a beef carcass.
And do you have any tips for those of us who cut our own game/cows

>> No.14440771


>> No.14440852

If you're not the owner of the place then why do you care?

>> No.14441064
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Ya rang?

>> No.14441098

I butchered your mum's shithole, m8. Her meat slides right off my bone once i stretch her out.

>> No.14441297

3 years to cut meat???
do americans really?

>> No.14441301
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Are americans really this ignorant about skilled trades?

>> No.14441354

How many workers catch covid in your meat factory on a daily basis?

>> No.14441363

Imagine your top achievement in life being that you got good grades in high school

>> No.14441377

What is the name of your union?

>> No.14441381

Unions are annoying like that they make you stay an apprentice for a looooong time for the cheap labor

>> No.14441402

>all these idiot tradies patting themselves in the back

Mongoloids. 3 years to cut meat is only necessary because the people that actually choose to go into such a trade obviously have much lower learning abilities.

>> No.14441421

Learning it doesn't make you good at it. You can learn where all the cuts come from but to be good actually takes time. You can learn smoke on the water. Doesn't mean you're good at playing it.

>> No.14441423

Butchers fuck shit up and waste meat. Newbies are usually called that. Meat cutters rarely fuck up that bad.

>> No.14441477

>it's a union job
>i just wrapped up my 3 year apprenticeship and have my cutting test tomorrow
lmao the unions really scam this industry

>> No.14441715


>> No.14441766

is the meat industry viable to enter?

>> No.14441768

Yeah but danger isn't the only reason why things take a long time to learn or are compensated well. There's a ton of market drivers that make expertise and experience sought after and we'll compensated besides danger. I think anon is just an retard.

>> No.14441873

I would think now is a perfect time to enter a trade.
Hoping OP returns to tell us how the exam went.

>> No.14442024

This. I’ve been hunting and butchering my own deer, turkey, and rabbit for about 15 years. I do an okay job breaking everything down into individual cuts, But any legitimate butcher would probably laugh at me and throw my knife into the woods.

>> No.14442193

any other turd cutters here?
i just crapped out my 3 year poop apprenticeship and have my brapping test tomorrow. wish me luck bros.

>> No.14442642

Interesting if true.

>> No.14442655

Best move I ever did. Great pay, great benefits, retirement plan even fucking paid massages. Our generations was so pushed towards college jobs that theres a huge gap in manpower for trade jobs. They treat us like kings.

>> No.14442751

because you don't do it every day retard...if you had to butcher deer every day, 8 hours a day, for a week straight, you would be a fucking expert by the end of that week. This kid with down syndrome is saying it took him 3 years to learn that.

>> No.14442845

And the point is they'll be doing a shit job in comparison.

>> No.14442850

It's meat cutting dude. Any 17-year-old can do it perfectly.

>> No.14442852

>wtf does knowing how to run a business have to do with anything?
So you just want to butcher animals for no reason? Go to a psych you nut.

>> No.14442857

They can't even do it adequately, let along perfectly.

>> No.14442860

What tertible job do you do?

>> No.14442865

Says the 17yo who thinks his gristle steaks are good, because his mommy tells him he’s her perfect angel.

>> No.14442868

How is an employee that cuts meat a psycho just because they are not involved in running the business?

>> No.14442881

>Works at McDonald's as the janitor
>Dreams of working as a burger flipper, but there's just too many damn items on the menu
>Impressed by a meatcutter

>> No.14442898

Im a "brick"layer. Sometimes its bricks sometimes its cement blocks.

>> No.14442918

Well that's why it's mostly illiterate illegal mexican immigrants who do that work.

>> No.14442928

brainlet detected

>> No.14442931

That sucks

>> No.14442937

How come?

>> No.14442946

I've seen bricklayers and masons that are goddamn impressive. They were not Americans of course.

>> No.14442950

based dubs from based sloppa shit poster

>> No.14442951

because you didn't anchor yourself in insurmountable debt to make 35k a year in a cubicle like a good goy

>> No.14442956

But they promised me 36K next year if I came out of the closet and helped paint the black lives matter mural in the parking lot.

>> No.14442970

Cool? Enjoy brick laying.

>> No.14442972
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>3 year apprenticeship
>we live in a society where it takes 3 years to be paid full time to butcher

>> No.14442978
File: 41 KB, 459x628, 6222012134934iwsmt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know it's never too late to go back to school and finish your education

i might could even get you a loan

>> No.14442993

Whats wrong with masonery?
>outside work
>keeps you in shape but isnt back-breaking
>no office space drama bullshit
>short course great pay and no debt
And for some reason you make the best bros when you're all working as a team on something.

>> No.14442996

Yeah bring 30k in loan to the arby's parking lot

>> No.14443012

There's nothing wrong with it, it's skilled honest work. This faggot thinks collecting unemployment makes him smart because the government gives gibs to the very poor and the very rich alike.

>> No.14443057

I said enjoy it. Lay my bricks. Have fun.

>> No.14443068

You seem pretty upset. Do the work after I design the building.

>> No.14443109
File: 55 KB, 1080x770, 1552177359623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hes going to school to be an architect

>> No.14443126

Not going to school. Lay the bricks kid.

>> No.14443143

Youre going to make less money than the brick layer

>> No.14443208

Maybe, but he's going to get all gross and sweaty.

>> No.14443246

>makes doodles
>I'm a designer
>fucking bricklayers getting all the chicks

>> No.14443274

ewww! yucky!

you are a faggot

>> No.14443738

I make 235k as a supervisor after 4 years. Lay the bricks. Have fun.

>> No.14443742

nice larp faggot lol

>> No.14443750

235000 rupees = 3151.12 USD nice

>> No.14443753

I'm actually married after a history of landing women. I didn't have to try. Lay bricks.

>> No.14443758

are you serious you dipshit? I'm sure your cock is huge lol

>> No.14443759

Does that really trigger you? So many of my contemparies make close to a million.

>> No.14443763

No. Average. Lay bricks.

>> No.14443765

no it doesn't trigger me it makes me laugh out loud i would spit in your open mouth you little larping faggot

>> No.14443774

Ok? I'm in so cal and that type of salary isn't that uncommon. Lay bricks.

>> No.14443782

i didn't say i'm a brick layer i just said you're a stupid faggot you seem to be seething about bricklayers being better than you lol

>> No.14443803

Just enough to cover your 1br shared apartment. Congratulations. He can lay the bricks and you can pay the loans. lmao.

>> No.14443822

I don't care. Defend the brick layer. Go ahead.

>> No.14443829

I have a house. Defend the brick layer boy.

>> No.14443855

Never seen somebody so envious of a mason. Geeze, you’d think with his HUGE HOUSE and HUGE SALARY 235k (not 234k), and super HUGE cock, he’d be happy. But, I guess the student loans got him down (or the fact he’s stuck in California).
Pay the HUGE loans, boy. One day you may see a cent of your wages, right about the time your wife leaves you for he pool boy.

>> No.14445233

Yeah right, but a week or two wont get you trusted at any real company or have any knowledge of anything worthwhile.

>> No.14445405

I don't even care what a mason is. Defend the brick layer boy.

>> No.14445471

You’ll probably become a filthy degenerate ambulance chaser while OP has an honest job providing a good service for his community.

>> No.14445491

how do you become a skilled meatmin?

>> No.14445531

>beef (veal)
what did the retard mean by this?

>> No.14445537

>Her meat
didn't know you liked cock, son
no judgement

>> No.14445544

>many different people of various levels of experience keep calling me a dick-gobbling retard
>i'd better double down because i know i'm right anyways
please continue

>> No.14445549

The definition of Dunning-Kruger live and in the flesh.
I'm taking screenshots; this is a teachable moment for my students.

>> No.14445559

>it takes 4 years to become an MD
nigger it doesn't even take 4 years to become a fully independent practitioner after graduation from med school holy shit

>> No.14445568

>guudo rakku

>> No.14445586

mate i'm a PhD student (i.e., fucking miserable)
not everyone who shitposts here has your godawful job

>> No.14445593

no, they do it because they get paid less than min wage and they do a shit job at it too

>> No.14445600

>even more so than most doctorates.
mate, i agree with your general thesis but don't talk out of your ass you silly faggot

>> No.14445612

>I'm sure this one thing is the same as this completely different thing
i'm sure you think that, Mr. Kruger

>> No.14445664

Good luck anon! So much respect for butchers. We do a tiny bit in my restaurant, but not as much as I'd like.

>> No.14445790

seems they do a fine job...pretty sure u get fired if you do a bad job at least in my experience

>> No.14445794

the meatcutting retard took 3 years wtf are you talking about any normal person should be able to get a PhD in that amount of time

>> No.14445796


>> No.14445801

are you actually retarded?

>> No.14445969

On that note, I'm running rump caps right now. We trim and clean them all over, any tips for getting out the line of sinew that can run deep through the underside while hurting the meat as little as possible? It can be a real cunt to dig out.

>> No.14445987
File: 53 KB, 736x552, amerimutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white brains are so small that it takes them literal years to learn how to cut meat

>> No.14445990

run your knife on the steel to keep it keen and don't forget you are just cutting meat not performing surgery

>> No.14445994

keep seething against nature and natural order lol

>> No.14446001

at the end of the day no one really gives a shit. because any child or mental retard can butcher an animal. but mr. shekelberg cares about every ounce of wasted gristle

>> No.14446014

retard i know how to break down animals and use meat grinders what kind of privileged suburban fairytale do you live in?

>> No.14446029

perhaps a veal is a baby beef?

>> No.14446030

Not really relevant, that part is easy.

I give a shit. Someone worked hard to make the meat I get happen, it deserves respect. There's more to this than money.

>> No.14446033

ok good for you...but no one else gives a shit because only illiterate mexicans and convicted felons are meat cutters

>> No.14446034

I'm a chef, same shit though. At least I'm happy.

>> No.14446041

hey sucking guys off for $15 under the queensborough bridge is good enough for some people's satisfaction with their place in life so who am i to judge...if i laugh at the retards that are coddled and given pretend jobs does that really make me the bad person in the situation?

>> No.14446055

in our school there was this down syndrome kid who would run around giving people high fives...and everyone would do it because they felt bad...but i never touched that retard because i watched him jack off five times a day and wipe his ass in the down syndrome way without ever washing his down syndrome claws

>> No.14446116

i'm not even going to qualify that with a proper response because what you said was so fucking retarded
if you actually want to learn something today, google the average length of a PhD in the US

>> No.14446149

>3 styles of print reading
Huh? Reading a print isn't rocket science. They're all pretty straightforward, and if they aren't you throw it back at the engineer who released them

>> No.14446400

Thats literally a normal time frame, 200 years ago you would start as an apprentice to a butcher/smith/tailor whatever when you were 15 and work there for 10 years until you could call yourself a master craftsman

>> No.14446412

big brained post
>hur! you're too retarded to bother replying to!
>replies anyway

>> No.14446734

There's a big difference between working in a factory where you package primals and the end stage shop level.

>> No.14446936

Imagine being this assblasted over an anonymous anon making an honest living.
Your insecurity is showing lol

>> No.14447731

You'd have to be a full blow dumbass to cut your finger off, there's alot of safety mechanisms on those and you push the meat with the guide

>> No.14447755

I work in the meat department and bale the cardboard all the time and work the counter and the wall so what's your point

>> No.14447775

>Imagine being this assblasted over an anonymous anon making an honest living.

Most millennials wouldn't even be able to lean this simple job. They'd end up with stubs for hands.

>> No.14447794

And then they'd have to suck cock for a living, sad.

>> No.14447973

Eid is coming up lads, contemplating telling my butcher to just give me a whole lamb and butchering it myself because Muslim butchers literally only know how to make 2 inch cubes for curry meat and that's a vile waste of good meat. Am I gonna be in over my head trying to break down a whole lamb? I have a hacksaw, boning knife and cleaver so not lacking in equipment..

>> No.14447994

You can probably take the meat off the bone, but if you’re going to be trying to make specific cuts, you’ll fuck it up. Knowing where to cut along seams, finding nerves and glands, and knowing which muscles make which cuts is trickier than it seems. Unless you’re naturally gifted like so many itt.

>> No.14448038

do you mind sharing your occupation? since youre so fucking smug and all

>> No.14448138

This thread just screams Dunning-Kruger effect.

>> No.14448166

master shitposter

>> No.14448191

Didn't realize that was its own trade. Didn't see if you followed up with the test results, good luck OP.

>> No.14448509

Seethe harder moron, take it out on your shitty Co workers and not OP.

>> No.14448526

That may be true but lawyers are truly the worst members of society. One thing that all lawyers have in common is the deep seated knowledge that they would be terrible at doing literally anything else in life.

>> No.14449525

