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File: 30 KB, 220x293, 220px-Chinese-Food-Storefront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14425258 No.14425258 [Reply] [Original]

Any tips on getting over the fact that the local Chinese take-out place remembers me and knows what I usually order. I started to blush when they mention if I wanted to add another egg roll cause I usually get 2. They're pretty good and it sucks that I have to look for another place now.

>> No.14425261

If you're white just marry the owner's daughter.

>> No.14425271
File: 97 KB, 600x336, do-you-know-how-fuckin-stupid-you-are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really this autistic? It means they appreciate your business you fucking retarded assclown. There's a Mexican burrito joint i go to so often the girl types in my order as I walk through the door. They don't charge me for extra salsas anymore because I bring them so much secondary business. Jesus, you're like my autistic brother who was afraid to order from McDonald's counter when he was 14.

>> No.14425289

This it's okay op. You're appreciated.

>> No.14425297

This desu

>> No.14425306

Oh and for actual tips. Sounds like a social anxiety issue but you can answer. How come you're feeling strange?

>> No.14425774

its bait

>> No.14425799

>have 2 hours between classes around lunchtime
>don't feel like driving back home
>start going to a local divebar about 2 blocks from campus
>go twice a week, order the same thing (burger, fries, and a beer for $10 hell yeah)
>lady at the bar starts asking if I want "the usual"
>never return
Was really disappointed. They had one of the best burgers I've ever had.

>> No.14425834

they love you, anon. you should love them back.

>> No.14425871

>I started to blush when they mention if I wanted to add another egg roll cause I usually get 2.
Just ask them if they want to do something with your fat white ass. Chinese girls (and sometimes guys) love white boys with fat asses

>> No.14425935
File: 2.20 MB, 4864x2059, _20190729_205043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe you people. Being a regular is the best.
I used to frequent a curry shop run by some Sri Lankan dudes. After the first few times they realized I always ordered very spicy curry and drank like a fish, so they started filling pitcher just for me instead of coming over to refill my water.
When I brought my family to visit, as I got up to pay they brought out deserts for everyone on the house.
I miss those really nice dudes.

>> No.14426032

Its ok to be a regular.

>> No.14426040

Assuming your an American, if you become a regular, leave a decent tip.

>> No.14426042

Yeah, it's so great having your order railroaded because somebody has observed your past behavior. I'm pretty sure you're the autistic one.

>> No.14426222
File: 856 KB, 896x586, lololol2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! The absolute, abject horror of somebody knowing what I probably want before I get to cash register! And if I feel like something different I could *gasp* tell them politely I'd like something else

>> No.14426231

Take solace in knowing that they remember you for the food you eat, not how many times you puked and shat on the floor.

>> No.14426242

As soon as a barista remembers or remarks on my coffee order I never return to that establishment until I know the person no longer works there

>> No.14426243

Lmao I understand your feeling OP. I hate being recognized as a regular at independent restaurants, but think about it this way demand for Chinese/Asian cuisine has fallen pretty hard across the board due to COVID shit and I’m sure they genuinely enjoy your business. If you feel weird about them railroading your order, you could always ask for a recommendation

>> No.14426260

>you could always ask for a recommendation
I would pay to see this lmfao

also everyone who gets awkward they remember you and are friendly be glad there're not sighing and rolling their eyes like "god, you again"

>> No.14426277

Do people like OP react like this because they are genuinely fearful of any kind of relationship with another person? Heaven forbid you become friendly and familiar with someone. You sound dreadful lmao

>> No.14426322

>Do people like OP react like this because they are genuinely fearful of any kind of relationship with another person?
As someone who has been in similar situations, yes.

>> No.14426368


>> No.14426376

Go in black face

>> No.14426384
File: 3.00 MB, 532x300, shark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey, Anon right? Welcome back! Want the usual?

>> No.14426431

whats the issue? I spent years trying to get my Chinese place to just start packing my usual when i walked in. took like 3 years for them to stop asking if I want chow mein.

>> No.14426441


>> No.14426445

>It means they appreciate your business

This. It's supposed to mean they care about you, and want to show you that, in that they wish to get things right. They know you think highly enough of them to return over and over, but also vice versa.

If it bothers you? Then, realize you could alternate between your favorite items and your second favorite items, at least some of the time. If they are that intuitive of your needs, they'll remember that too. It's win win. You could even strike up a conversation about their favorites, or secret menu items from the "traditional menu."

If you are just a fatass and they assume you are being judged, you have 2 ways to fix this. Pretend you don't live alone, and clearly buy combos or entree and sides that add up right, or drop hints about so and so not wanting the same thing this time, or annoyances from home, that kind of thing. OR, you can order double quantities, so it's beyond what one person would eat, aka planned leftovers. You can drop a question "will the special won ton be for 4 or 5 people do you think?" or "I need 4 fortune cookies, got guests tonight." You can even check with someone on your phone about anything else you might need ot get "hold on, sorry, let me make sure I ordered all I was supposed to order..." and click about on your phone a moment.

>> No.14426463

>Pretend you don't live alone, and clearly buy combos or entree and sides that add up right, or drop hints about so and so not wanting the same thing this time, or annoyances from home, that kind of thing. OR, you can order double quantities, so it's beyond what one person would eat, aka planned leftovers. You can drop a question "will the special won ton be for 4 or 5 people do you think?" or "I need 4 fortune cookies, got guests tonight." You can even check with someone on your phone about anything else you might need ot get "hold on, sorry, let me make sure I ordered all I was supposed to order..." and click about on your phone a moment.
this hit a little to close to home

>> No.14426474

Just call ahead and place the order and go and pick it up you assburger.

>> No.14426507

M8 my nearly daily Dunkin’ Donuts drive through trip, I just pull up and the girl goes “hi large iced?”...”yup”

That’s it. I tend to get better service that way anyway. Why be embarrassed. Unless it’s like that key and peele sketch where you’re ordering a bunch of food pretending to have a party and it’s only for your fat ass

>> No.14426511


being a regular at a local restaurant is nothing to worry about

>> No.14426512
File: 43 KB, 720x720, 1593397142739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so lonely bros

>> No.14426543

At my Dunkin, the girl calls me "honey" just as she is giving me my change. Her impeccable timing gives me a momentary dopamine rush which automatically makes my hand dump the change into her tip jar.

>> No.14426599

For a few months I went to Dominos every Saturday and got a decent collection deal. I haven't been there in 5 months, but if I walked in there tomorrow I guarantee those fucking teenagers would remember exactly who I am.

I'm really not comfortable with the idea that I'm easy to remember or predictable. I haven't done anything wrong, I just prefer to be more aloof in the eyes of the public.

>> No.14426654

Accept that being a regular fucking rules and keep going? If they use your name start using theirs, youre allowed to talk to people in the service industry like they are regular people. Its a little weird at first but you get used to it. My gf and I were regulars at a few places and sometimes you get a sweet hookup out of it. We use to got to a fancy restaurants happy hour and got to know the bartenders so theyd make us off menu drinks at happy hour prices or let us try stuff they were testing.

>> No.14426757

Is this bait? I had one place I went to and they always knew what I ordered. I was really happy and gave them tips when they remembered. Sometimes some places remember my order, but those are the days I change it up, but I tip them regardless.

>> No.14426774

That's high tier wagie behavior

>> No.14426836

About 30 years ago, I used to collect the stamps at Subway. I would buy ten Veggie Delights (the cheapest), then order a Seafood Salad sub for my free sandwich.
The young girl behind the counter said "buying all the inexpensive subs to get the expensive sub, huh? Lol"
I never went back.

>> No.14426918

i fucking hate busybody women. just shut the fuck up and serve me my food bitch.

>> No.14426940

chong hung

>> No.14427258

>Order from Chinese takeout one summer
>96 degrees out so I ask for water but it's too hot
>Unbutton my shirt. I've still got a t shirt underneath
>Cashier who's probably 12 yells in Chinese "He's taking off his shirt!" to her dad in the kitchen
>They don't know I understand Chinese
get my food and it tastes like cigarette ashes. ruined Chinese takeout for me ever since. bat soup eating mfers

>> No.14427507

You exposed yourself to a child what did you expect? Worse thing I found in my food was a rusty staple. Went back cause it was cheap lol.

>> No.14427518

96 degrees outside though and all I did was unbotton my button up shirt cause I was sweating like crazy. I still had a t shirt under and no skin was showing.

>> No.14427550

Don't dudes in china go around with their belly's exposed with that wierd pullover shirt technique

>> No.14427559

it's kind of nice when they remember you in a way though anon, at least that way they're able to recognize you from others, even if it is because your lazy and eat unhealthy

>> No.14427591

I actually love it when the local Chinese takeout remembers me. That usually means I get extra stuff.

>> No.14427638

I guess but this was in America.

>> No.14427758

I promise you, they don't care. In places like that they talk to 40 or 50 people a day and a few of those will be regulars, not just you. They are not going to all sit down at the end of the day and say "ha, remember that guy who orders the honey chicken and the extra egg rolls? What a loser!" because they have a whole bunch of those people coming in every week, and they know better than most that some people simply like some routine in their lives.

I'll put it this way, how many people do you walk past in town on a busy day? Hundreds, in some cases (maybe not now but you get it) and out of those hundreds maybe 6 or 7 catch your eye and you think "huh that's interesting, he has a big nose/weird haircut/lazy eye/whatever" but you aren't thinking about it even 2 minutes later. The same thing happens when people see you, even if you do have something that sticks out. People really don't give any more of a shit about a random person that walks past them in the street or comes into their restaurant than you do.

>> No.14427888

Stop being a sperg and enjoy that you’re supporting a local business thats nice enough to remember customers. They’re happy you’re choosing them over a chain. It’s a sign they care about their work too which is why the foods good.

>> No.14428157

>oh no, I'm getting excellent service
>how should I go about screwing this up for myself
wtf op

>> No.14430203

>I have to look for another place now.
That would make them very sad, OP. They would be left asking themselves, "What did we do wrong?" Please keep going to them and enjoying their service.

>> No.14430217

I don't believe that you understand "Chinese".

>> No.14430364

every time I worry about having terrible social skills I take pleasure in knowing that at least I’m not autistic enough to think that a restaurant I go to frequently asking if I’d like my usual is a bad thing