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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14421304 No.14421304 [Reply] [Original]

What are veg and vegan bro’s eating and cooking? Currently eating red beans and rice taco bowl with tomatoes, habenero peppers, and sour cream.

>> No.14421336

Looks like a sloppa shit

>> No.14421347

Bean burger.

>> No.14421358

Why bother being a vegetarian, cows and chickens are treated just as poorly if they're producing dairy. Faggot.

>> No.14421383

for health reasons, i agree "ethical" vegetarians are faggots tho. but just having a few vegetarian meals versus meat all the time is a good idea for health so it's good to know some vegetarian and vegan recipes even if you're a carnoid nigger

>> No.14421394
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>cows and chickens are treated just as poorly if they're producing dairy.

>> No.14421398

what did he mean by this

>> No.14421405

I didn't eat any meat yesterday, so as long as it's not for "ethical" reasons, I don't care. Eggs on toast, lentil soup over rice, and roast potatoes, eggplant, and greek salad. I've considered going vegan for ethical reasons in the past, but I think the better solution were to be if everyone consumed a lot less meat. I only think the average person really need 3 to 5 meat-heavy meals a week

>> No.14421407
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>> No.14421412


>he posted it again

xD epic

>> No.14421416

I had black bean burritos I made earlier with red onions, cilantro, habanero salsa, and guac.
Pan heated tortillas are amazing. Makes the burrito 20 times better. Made some limeade with mint. No sugar. Refreshing.
Also had some watermelon for dessert.

>> No.14421463

>Made some limeade with mint
Have you ever tried making watermelon limeade? Heavenly drink right there.

>cows and chickens are treated just as poorly if they're producing dairy
Not always. Plus, there's nothing inherently wrong with eating eggs and dairy.

>> No.14421510

You're hurting me, stop it fp

>> No.14421515
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I am not vegetarian but I like eating salmorejo from time to time. It's a tomato puree with garlic. It's popular in Catalonia. You can make it vegetarian by adding anything you want on top: mushrooms, bread, boiled eggs...

>> No.14421748

>Have you ever tried making watermelon limeade? Heavenly drink right there.
I like that idea! I used all my limes today though. Might get some tomorrow.

>> No.14422142
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He's one of those vegan fags that pretends the emotional well being of animals raised solely to slaughter matters

>> No.14422447

You should try using full-fat Greek yogurt instead of sour cream as a condiment. It’s healthier and tastes almost identical.

>> No.14422548
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>> No.14422633

But that's too expensive. Plus, I don't eat sour cream that often. I only use it as a creaming agent. I would rather use a plant based creamer, but I don't like coconut.

>> No.14422688

Why is toothless such a seething, homosexual, antivegan?

>> No.14422708

>chickens are treated just as poorly if they're producing dairy
Love me some chicken milk

>> No.14422710

That’s fair. It’s a great substitute if you eat yogurt regularly, but if not, it’s probably slightly more expensive.

>> No.14423431
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Is tsp good

>> No.14423437


>> No.14423461

I got tired of it pretty quickly but the sheer amount of protein is great. It takes up flavoring pretty well and is (probably) the best you can do for a fake ground beef without buying some Beyond shit.

>> No.14423470

made vegan po’ boys earlier and discovered hearts of palm in the process

>> No.14423491
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I'm eating this steak. It's 100% plant based protein. The cows eat the grass and hay and convert it to this very nutritious calorie dense protein. I usually top it with some seared onions, butter (a plant based fat), and make a sauce of aged reduced grape juice, shallots, and heavy cream (another plant based fat).

>> No.14423530

*tips fedora*

>> No.14423614
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Maximum lazy today so I just had this & a pickling cuke from the farm stand as a snack.

>> No.14423619

>it doesn't matter if my actions have victims because they're weak who cares lol

then idk why anybody should ever respect your "rights", if you get randomly jumped by niggers and they break your cervical spine and paralyze you and ruin your life... oh well, that's life :^)

>> No.14423646

>t. doesn't have his own chickens who get scritches and treats
>t. doesn't have a neighbor with a dozen much beloved dairy cows who sells real milk for a reasonable price
I can feel the cityfag cope incoming.

>> No.14423663

obviously independent literal whos don't necessarily all abuse their animals but industrial farming is literal chink gore video tier which is the real problem

>> No.14423690

Those who subsist on industrial farming are not real humans. That includes industrial agriculture.

>> No.14423693

As all vegans, I enjoy a log of shit and a cup of piss.

To get some aromas, I let my binary black femmedom fart directly into my mouth, after they/them had a full bowl of activated pinto beans.

>> No.14423701

>99% of people are not real humans

i would say based but realistically you're probably too gay to actually want to live in a world where the eternal urbanoid is gone for many reasons

>> No.14423719

No, you're right. Urban centers can all be leveled, and much value will be gained. The very existence of cities is disgusting.

>> No.14424463

friendly neighbourhood bump

>> No.14424885

The guy who spams pictures from sv3rbald videos

>> No.14424887

>having to cover your garbage "food" in copious amounts of sour cream and hot sauce to make it palatable
literally every vegan i know does this
god damn, none of you know how to fucking cook

>> No.14424975

can anyone recommend a worthwhile indian cookbook? a lot of their food is vegetarian or even vegan, so it's something i wanna look into

>> No.14425197

>just ignore the meat eating trolls in your OP, they said
>they won't bother you otherwise, they said

That's not a lot of sour cream or hot sauce. And how is sour cream "vegan"??? And tell that to the meatards that cover their corpses in salt, pepper, BBQ and hot sauce.

I've seen some good recipes from Priya and Sohla (I know she's currently hated on /ck/) from BA.

>> No.14425267

What taco bowl, vegan, veg or otherwise, doesn't have sour cream or hot sauce?

>> No.14425273

These people are myopic asf

>> No.14425276

good ones that don't need condiments
most you add is a squeeze of lime

>> No.14425286

Oh boy found the whitey

>> No.14425331

It's good in veg chili. The texture ends up being a lot like how ground beef would be in there.

>> No.14425342

If I eat enough fiber it feels like I'm taking a bbc when I poop.

>> No.14425350

wtf are "activated pinto beans"?

>> No.14425364

soaked dried pinto beans (i think?). submerging them in water "tricks" the beans into thinking it's time to germinate and start breaking down those stored carbs and nutrients into more accessible forms.

>> No.14425371


That looks good but you could have posted it in any of the numerous steak or general cooking threads rather than posting it in here just to be a fag.

>> No.14425374
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roasted butternut squash soup with roasted chickpeas

>> No.14425390

it's from google images. people who enjoy and are good at cooking aren't gonna spend their time shitting up a vegan thread.

>> No.14425412


99% of people in privileged western countries. Up to 60% of people in less developed countries are farmers. And those farmers are usually growing shit to feed fatass westerners (especially vegans) who don't want/can't to grow their own food, especially their precious tropical fruits/nuts/grains.

Probably means soaked/sprouted. It's a good idea to soak baby plants since they contain phytic acid and lectins as a part of the plants natural defense system, which will actually leech nutrients out of the consumer (unless they have a digestive system specialized for a grain heavy diet, like birds and small mammals). Soaking/"activating" helps neutralize these anti nutrients and helps make the plant babies more digestible.

>> No.14425425

when cows stop producing milk vegetarians are done with them and they are sent to slaughter. it's not like they are put out in a pasture to die of old age. they get turned into meat.

>> No.14425432

>Up to 60% of people in less developed countries are farmers. And those farmers are usually growing shit to feed fatass westerners
I thought most of the farmers in other countries are doing it for subsistence. The mechanization of agriculture has allowed a pretty small portion of the workforce to produce mountains of food for everyone.

>> No.14425431

most people live in cities. you can't farm in the middle of a city. most people have food grown for them. it's simply how it works. growing food is a huge waste of time without mechanization. it's a good thing most people don't have to live as subsistence farmers. farmers don't make fuck all for money too. tomato pickers are famously underpaid. the only people who make money in farming are the owners

>> No.14425435

Taking a shit feels good, so I might contact a black tranny with a BBC

>> No.14425472
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>growing food is a waste of time without mechanization

... I have a small personal garden and haven't needed to buy any produce this summer. I don't even know wtf I'm doing, this is my first time gardening. I have more food than I know what to do with, even with half my crops decimated by pests (I don't use pesticides). I spend maybe an hour on my garden a day, plenty of free time to work a full time job.

I also spent maybe 50 bucks starting my garden up, most of that money was on seeds, which I am now producing for free.

I used to live in the city (was raised urban) and it was miserable. No land and no outdoor privacy was driving me insane. Subsistence farming is fucking amazing, you just have all been brainwashed by your cooperation funded institutions to believe it sucks. It only sucks if you are oppressed by your government.

If you aren't growing your own food you are part of the problem.

>> No.14425480


Some people just aren't into manual labor and that's fine.

>> No.14425488

how much does produce cost where you live? what do you value your time at? how much does your produce cost?

>> No.14425495

an hour a day even just 15 days a month and that's about as much as I spend on all groceries in a month

>> No.14425508

if you can stick with it for a lifetime, even during the harshest seasons, even into old age, and grow all the food you need with less of an environmental footprint than traditional agriculture, then by all means. do what makes you happy.

>> No.14425613
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I value my time by what I make out of it. I grew up hating being dependent on money. I'd rather make food than money, since moneys value is constantly changing, but food will always have value.

Yes but I enjoy that hour every day. And I'm getting way more than just a months worth of groceries. With canning and other forms of preservation I can get a winters worth of produce. Again, this is stuff I enjoy doing. Like how you enjoy playing video games I enjoy gardening.

I plan on having children, and hopefully expanding to having employees/potential heirs in case any children I have don't want to farm.

>Some people just aren't into manual labor and that's fine.

Pic related is what immediately came to mind when I heard that.

>> No.14425635

>food will always have value
food expires, it's not a productive asset, and you consume it. I'd rather have money than food. I have enough stock in mcdonalds that I can eat there off dividends. make sure you wear sun screen. skin cancer is a leading cause of death. you're not getting more than you could at the grocery store unless you eat nothing but produce

>> No.14425645

what's the recipe? i wanna make more stuff with butternut squash

>> No.14425653
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>> No.14425672

have fun larping in your garden. you're displacing the salary of a tomato picker woohoo

>> No.14425700
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>laying eggs and getting your diddies drained is the same as being kill

>> No.14425745

the thing about dairy and eggs is that you need female animals, but reproduction for mammals is a 50-50 split, so you end up with a lot of males. they're usually killed in large scale operations if breeding is already covered. all this goes out the window if you're dealing with some small local farm though.

>> No.14425753
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>salary of a tomato picker
This picker gets paid in petroleum. To produce something that any jackass with a pot and a balcony that gets decent sun can do. You do know fossil fuels are a limited resource, right?

>> No.14425771

Yesterday I ate vegan mozz sticks. Chocolate oatly today

>> No.14425775

even if we run low on it they'd just move to a different technology. we won't run out of oil within our lifetimes so it's pointless to worry about. it's cool though you can work your ass off in a garden to make $50 worth of produce

>> No.14425793

tonight, it's stir fry again

i like Fresh India by Meera Sodha

>> No.14425861

toss some squash (3 pounds)in olvive oil, sprinkle with herbs and seaa salt, i added some paprika and pepper too and roast it in around 200c, add some onion and carrot and garlic cloves (remove these halfway through or they will burn
after the squasah gets soft peel it, pu everything in a pot with some butter (coconut oil for vegan) add two cups of broh and one cup of water. simmer it around half an hour, add some sugar or sweetener then blend it and simer for another hour. aste and adjust, it shouldn be too salty
for the roasted chickpeas i soaked two cups of dried chickpead for a day rhen boiled for two hours then tossed wih olive oil then mixed with tandori seasoning, black pepper, garlic and onion powder and cayene pepper and salt then roasted them in he oven at 200 too for around an hour, they sould be salty and spicy
those two go great together, add some scalliion and seeds and a spoon of greek yogurt and you are set o go (dont boil the chickpeas in the soup)

>> No.14425875

thanks, that looks good! i'll definitely bookmark it and make a decision when i find some more options or get other recommendations.

>> No.14425902
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I spent 50 starting it up. Again, mostly on seeds, most of which I haven't even used yet.

You do realize I can sell this produce at farmers markets, right? I have somewhere between 20-50 watermelons growing right now, and alone I could EASILY sell them for 6 bucks a pop. And that's me just starting out. And I could probably sell higher if I sold at a farmers market in the city. Again, I'm just starting, I could also sell my lettuces, cabbage, broccoli, sunflowers, corn, wheat, radish, turnips, beets, rhubarb, berries, asparagus, zucchini, carrot, rutabaga, spinach, kale, artichoke, cucumber, squash, peas, beans, tomatoes, potatoes, herbs (im sure I'm missing some other stuff but idc).... All 100% organic, all local, all fresh.

I think it's funny you think I work my ass off. I am incredibly lazy by nature and most of the time I spend in the garden is really just checking on things and picking stuff, sometimes watering. I could be even lazier with that if I got a sprinkler, which I could probably borrow from a neighbor for free. But the rain is pretty good here. I mean shit, if I was really working my ass off I wouldn't have time to argue with a pathetic 4 chan mcdonalds slave NEET.

>> No.14425951

>You do realize
you have to go back

>> No.14425966

>And how is sour cream "vegan"???
they make everything vegan these days
vegan sour cream, vegan mayo, vegan aioli, vegan meat, vegan cum, vegan eggs, etc

>> No.14425975

mmm wortermelon

>> No.14425985

Lol BUSTED good job detective anon

>> No.14426163

I've heard it called spongey. I might stick with beans.

>> No.14426325

I'm pretty jealous anon, that's basically my dream. I don't have any land though.

>> No.14426371

>they make everything vegan these days
This is real sour cream

>> No.14426422

I think you meant nonbinary