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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14417612 No.14417612 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we instinctively hate veggies? Why is it an acquired taste?

>> No.14417623

What a cringey meme

>> No.14417630


>> No.14417647



>> No.14417654

Humans are apex predators and crave meat. Fruits and veges are what humans eat when they're bored and hungry and feel like scavenging while waiting for the next hunt

>> No.14417670


>> No.14417673

A lot of veggies have a certain bitterness or staleness to their tastes, thus kids do not like them.
It's also a matter of upbringing. If you teach your kid how to cook from young age and use wide variety of ingredients and make successful and delicious meals, they'll grow to appreciate things more.

>> No.14417674

veggies taste good. Your palate has been spoiled by eating modern day food. Humans have figured out how to make food taste amazing and now they expect all food should taste that way.

>> No.14417678
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>> No.14417683

Go eat ur veges anon and have a break from posting

>> No.14417688

who is we?

>> No.14417692

Children's pallets are sensitive because their small size makes them way more vulnerable to poison damage and most poisons come from plants. This is why feeding a child from your own plate instead of cooking for them separately works so well.

>> No.14417699

I think there's a gene that makes vegetables taste more bitter than they should.


>> No.14417708


>> No.14417716

americans of course
if it's not homogenised meat covered in high fructose corn syrup, american children don't want it.

>> No.14417775

humans, you pedantic fuck

>> No.14417785


>> No.14417795

children, reminder to OP that you have to be at least 18 to post here

>> No.14417805

"We" don't. Spoiled fats and literal children do. Children at least have an excuse since their palate is different from adults.

>> No.14417819

1. We don't hate it, but carbohydrates and such were harder to come by in our evolution, so many prefer sweets.
2. You're a faggot.

>> No.14417838

I've been told by my mom that my sister and I had little problems eating vegetables when we were kids. I vaguely remember drinking carrot juice when I was a toddler, even.

>> No.14418061

>OP asked a genuine question
>Euro-fucks bring up Americans
Fucking pathetic

>> No.14418124


>> No.14418160

This is not universal. I was a non-meat eating kid myself. Happy to eat brussels sprouts and such, but extremely picky with meat.

In college, my friend's grandma said that this was indeed a thing. You sometimes have to give kids a chunk of meat to play with, touch, smell, gnaw on, etc, to get used to the flavor, because some people just don't take to it naturally.

>> No.14418186

we fatasses of /ck/

>> No.14418201

>Why do we instinctively hate veggies? Why is it an acquired taste?

Due to the kind of animal we are our bodies vastly incentivize the consumption of MEAT, NUTS, and FRUIT because our morbidly massive brains constantly crave SUGAR, FAT, SALT, and PROTEIN.
Vegetation, when we were animals, was historically something of a famine food: you'd eat it when there weren't any fruits or nuts in season and when game was sparse. Vegetation is a lot of empty calories and it just goes right through you.... Plus it doesn't want to be eaten- a lot of it is poisonous or tastes bad as a defense mechanism. I mean, animals don't want to either, but they usually express this through violence.

In short we never developed a taste for it.
The veggies we eat today have been dramatically altered and doctored over the course of 10,000 years to be palatable.

>> No.14418291

in childhood you're developing so fast you crave glucose rich and dense foods. Brain cells only use pure glucose as an energy source. so maybe something to do with that since your brain is growing so fast. Then you become an adult and your palate broadens, unless you're a manbaby

>> No.14418307

By the time their child is old enough to verbally complain about what they're eating, the average American has already stuffed them with so much McDonald's and sugar that they have no patience for anything that isn't candy.

>> No.14418313

Children have more bitter receptors on their tongues, because their systems are more susceptible to poisons. Therefore, anything slightly bitter tastes horrible to them. They also have fewer sweet receptors, which is why they like very sugary foods.

>> No.14418325

it's getting harder to take them seriously anymore and of course I'm not saying they're funny either

>> No.14418328
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Babies crave animal fat because it has all the essential nutrients we need to grow and develop

>> No.14418370

For me it was because my mom didn't know how to cook them.

>here anon how about a plate of boiled green beans that came from a can. Why don't you like these!?

I think as I've gotten older two things have happened. My taste buds have definitely changed but I've also learned how to cook veggies so they don't taste bad/bland.Oven roasted carrots with some olive oil, paprika, salt, and pepper are pretty good. Brussels sprouts are also good in the oven. Zucchini can be good when mixed in with pasta dishes. Fresh greenbeans are good if you do a quick boil with some butter/salt/pepper. The frustrating part to me was learning how easy it is to make vegetables tasty/utilize them in cooking other dishes. Growing up I lived on a diet of frozen food and now that I have been cooking for myself I've realized how shitty that is. I'm not claiming to be some kind of great cook or something but cooking for yourself is really not that hard and it's not hard to make things that taste at least decent and are also healthy.

>> No.14418409

you don't have to make meat taste good, it just does

if making something taste good requires 12 steps and 11 herbs and spices then maybe you shouldn't be eating it

>> No.14418453

>For me it was because my mom didn't know how to cook them

This is what I came to post. A lot of the vegetables kids traditionly hate like broccoli and brussel sprouts are disgusting when they're overcooked and most people, especially older people, overcook everything to a ridiculous degree. I remember asking my mother to not boil broccoli for 20 minutes and my father screaming at me and banging on the table about wanting to eat raw food lol

>> No.14418537

Media makes it out to be that kids don't like veggies and some think that's how they're supposed to act so they start thinking they're gross.

>> No.14418546

cringe x2

I'm too busy eating ur mom's veggiena lol

>> No.14419019



>> No.14419043


>> No.14419044
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>> No.14419049

Many vegetables have a slightly bitter taste. Bitterness is also commonly an indicator that something is poisonous, such as the inside of a cherry pit. So there is a selective pressure for children who are too young to know what's actually safe to just reject all bitter things.

>> No.14419056

Yeah, Hersey's sucks dick. But it's the cheapest option that you can buy at a gas station. Even the mass produced cheap Euro chocolates that you can get here suck ass too, like Cadburry and Kinder "buenos"

>> No.14419065

I really like lifting weights and putting on muscle, so when I eat food, I want the majority of it to be proteins and fats so I can get into a caloric excess.

Vegetables have too few calories, and they fill me up too quickly, and they have like zero protein. When I'm CUTTING weight, on the other hand, vegetables are such a valuable tool. Broccoli is super cheap, super tasty, filling, and has very little calories.

If you get a boneless/skinless chicken breast, stir fry it with some broccoli, bell peppers, onions, carrots, and soy and oyster sauce, you have yourself a very tasty, low-calorie meal.

Other than that, fuck vegetables. You gotta eat big to get big, c'mon.

>> No.14419074

Only 5 year old children hate veges.

>> No.14419082

Absolute bollocks, if anything, children haven't developed enough to recognise poisons from proper food.

>> No.14419086

Healthy vegetables is one of the greatest lies ever invented. Because humans evolved to be carnivores, celulose is no longer digested into short chain fatty acids in human digestive system. This is so simple to understand, only a moron would fail to. Vegetables are not only indigestible and toxic ( human body can't really effectively detoxify oxalic acid, or even free minerals from oxalic binding ) they provide almost no nutrition other than some glucose and mineral water that is available or compatible for humans and children instinctively know this. It is only gulag starved slaves and brainwashed morons who in desperation reach for the leaves and woodchips, further destroying their weak body.

It's important to mention that the ancient fruit humans consumed was very much different from what we see today, it had some actual nutrients, modern fruit has been bred to be just sugar water. Most ancient vegetables would seriously poison anyone, those of today have the same inflammatory toxins just in much lower dose.

Plant carbohydrates were available to humans mostly from fruit, their effect on insulin made it easy to gain fat mass before winter which is a very beneficial thing when it comes to survival, it also supresses satiety ( which is a logical mechanism ) making it even easier. Now humans feast on this the whole year and thus gain fat all the time.

That's wrong, brain and all mitochondria containing cells can utilize both glucose and fat as fuel, if you were unable to do this, a day without food would make you unable to get more food because of low brain energy and you would die. Fat is the natural fuel of man, available the whole year, it also does not run out in a few hours like glucose, can you imagine hunter gatherers pursuing an animal for a few hours stopping to eat dem carbz every 20 minutes?

>> No.14419087

yeh, many veges and plants we eat are full of toxic shit to ward of caterpillars and other herbivores. they not toxic to us though, but as you say it may give them their taste.

>> No.14419093

Ohh, it's this dip-shit.
Who on this planet is LESS likely to eat veges, faggot, it won't be Europeans.

t. not European or American

>> No.14419100

>because our morbidly massive brains constantly crave SUGAR, FAT, SALT, and PROTEIN.

This is the American brain, the rest of the world eats a balanced diet

>> No.14419106

If the ratio of protein and fat is correct, it's very hard to get into any caloric excess because of extreme satiation, a bowl of correct food fills me for a day, anything more causes nausea and body fat is being burned anyway. I lost over 20 kilograms doing this, it's a fully automatic process.

Also, anyone try eating raw vegetables and especially legumes, don't be surprised if you shit your intestines out or die from a few small beans, if humans were meant to eat it, they would be able to eat it in it's natural state and this would not happen

>> No.14419115

Sure, never seen a funny American comedian, thus far, they all wank on about stupid shit that no one cares about, that isn't humour, it's wank.

>> No.14419120

most people just don't know how to make vegetables tasty

>> No.14419122

> Look at me
> I'm such a homo

That's how you come across....

>> No.14419124

What do you mean by a balanced diet? fat carb and protein ratios are the same calorically? or maybe 50% calories from plants and 50% from animals? This term means nothing.

He is completely right, humans crave animal fat, protein and salt because these are the most nutritious foods available in nature. Salt is an essential mineral without which weakness and death occurs, if you want to see for yourself then remove it completely, we will see how quickly you will return to it. Sugar is craved because of its fattening properties, in nature having more fat ( but not being obese ) means a higher chance of surviving harsh times, animals do this, but only before winter.

>> No.14419135

I actually trained myself to eat about 4 pounds of food in a single sitting, and then I get hungry again in about 3 to 4 hours. My appetite is absolutely fucking massive.

I have no way of knowing exactly what the number is, but based on just my dietary journal and whatever, I think my TDEE is somewhere around 2800 to 3200 calories.

>> No.14419137

I'll come across your face if you don't shut the FUCK up

Yeah, you're quiet now, bitch

>> No.14419171

Some vegetables I had to get used to as I grew up but others I think just naturally taste good

Carrots especially

>> No.14419294

Insane post

>> No.14419326

Raw vegetables are the best. It's the only way I'll eat brassicas and leafy greens. And even the ones that are good cooked like carrots and celery are even better raw.
Also, if the inability to eat something raw meant that we shouldn't eat it wouldn't that be more of a mark against meat?

>> No.14419335

The human brain is mostly fat and it runs on glucose and fat-metabolites. So yeah, it requires lots of sugar, fat and protein for it to be in top condition, doesn't mean you can't have that on a balanced diet but that Anon isn't exactly wrong.

>> No.14419413

They learn what they should crave for from drinking breast milk which usually is fat, sweet and salty

>> No.14419428

I always liked vegetables. Even in elementary school I'd ask my mom for a salad for lunch sometimes. Poorly prepared vegetables can taste bad though, like just boiling them into mush which leaches flavor and then not adding anything after. But just steaming most vegetables and then adding a little vinegar makes them taste pretty good.

Most people also eat too much sugar which makes anything that isn't overwhelmingly sweet seem overwhelmingly bitter instead, and vegetables are usually less sweet and have some bitterness. People who drink a lot of soda say they can't even handle the taste of water anymore because water tastes bad to them.

>> No.14419433

Because parents over/forcefeed those

>> No.14419434

>Sugar is craved because of its fattening properties, in nature having more fat ( but not being obese ) means a higher chance of surviving harsh times, animals do this, but only before winter.
Sugar is just craved because it provides quick energy, it's not converted as efficiently to bodyfat as dietary fat is, and animals that fatten up before winter will do things like only eat the skin and other fatty parts off of fish, they aren't fattening up on berries.

>> No.14419548

We literally don't, I've loved veggies since I was a baby. The reason that you're a little shit is because you've always been a little shit with brain damage.

>> No.14419552

ok, fat

>> No.14419561

I don't particularly crave vegetables nor meat: what I really crave is processed refined flour, starch and sugar. Mixed with a high fat source, like butter.

It's not that we only crave what we're supposed to be eating and vice versa. We crave what tastes good, and we created something that tastes way better than a leaf.

>> No.14419577

>human body can't really effectively detoxify oxalic acid

Source? I eat quite a lot of spinach everyday (100-150 grams) and would like to know what I'm risking

>> No.14419579

Stop posting facebook cringe here

>> No.14419593

probably something related to gut and mouth flora but who really knows

>> No.14419607

I ate a lot of meat every day for like a week and then had a dream about eating a salad. We might be apex predators but we're still omnivores and plant foods provide some things you can't get from animal foods. It's hard to talk about why we crave certain things when most people are on steady diets of highly processed foods that can alter your tastebuds and food cravings.

>> No.14419614

>It's not that we only crave what we're supposed to be eating and vice versa. We crave what tastes good
And why do you think it tastes good, retard. Most things are satisfying to eat because they contain a valuable resource that is hard to come by in the wild.

>> No.14419701

>Healthy vegetables is one of the greatest lies ever invented.
Just how much of a lardass are you?
>A meta-analysis of cohort studies following 469,551 participants found that a higher intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with a reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease, with an average reduction in risk of 4% for each additional serving per day of fruit and vegetables. [2]

>> No.14419709

I start to crave vegetables after a long drinking session. Malnutrition and all that.

>> No.14419739

Fats and sweets taste better. Also, I never hated vegetables. I wasn't allowed to be picky. I'm guessing vegetables were introduced to me when I was very young so they never ended up being a big deal.

>> No.14419816
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>Why do we instinctively hate veggies?
We don't? In my experience veggies are like sex. If you're forced to have it as a child, you won't enjoy it as an adult

>> No.14420027


>> No.14420033

i honestly think it's because some cultures don't know how to cook them well, I've never had a problem with vegetables since I was a kid.

>> No.14420059

It's a biological defence mechanism, children find vegetables bitter so they don't eat poisonous plants. It's not that you acquire a taste for them, your tastebuds change when you hit puberty.

>> No.14420066

>essential nutrients we need to grow and develop
Reported for under age use. You have to be 18 years old to post here little baby

>> No.14420092

That's the way my dad is with root vegetables

The sight of a rutabaga gives him PTSD

>> No.14420104

shitposters who contribute nothing of value to the thread

>> No.14420105

What do you mean we instinctively hate veggies? I love veggies and always have.

>> No.14420106

your dad sounds like a faggot

>> No.14420130

because as much as vegans want to pretend humans are natural pure herbivores, we arent. Theres a real biological reason why protein tastes so good

>> No.14420170

Vegetables are generally on the bitter side and it's an evolutionary advantage to avoid bitter foods in the wild because bitterness is often a sign of poison. If you have one animal that spits out any bitter tasting things from its mouth and one animal that doesn't give a fuck and eats it anyway, the second animal is far more likely to die of eating some poison shit. As humans we have a level of intelligence, knowledge, and self-awareness that allows us to recognize when certain bitter tasting things are healthy for us and push past the bad taste for other benefits, but it's literally going against our natural programming to do so and that's why it's an acquired taste.

>> No.14420194

Read Ray peat. Babies like meat, milk, and sugar

>> No.14420293

I hated meat growing up and loved vegetables. I always found the fat and gristle disgusting. I'll eat meat now, but rarely feel the need to while I can't go a day without eating at least a half kilo of fruit and veg. I eat less than that in meat in a week.

>> No.14420323
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One side using science and logic while the other have a smug superiority complex with personal anecdotes. Jeez it's easy to spot who the faggots are

>> No.14420453

t. mom

>> No.14420471

What the fuck is wrong with your parents? They sound like awful people but then again this was only one experience I assume

>> No.14420488

Jesus you’re retarded, why are you glorifying ancient fruits you obviously know nothing about? Almost all fruits have been seriously changed in POSITIVE ways bc they used to be extremely difficult to eat and would likely have very little flesh. You want an ancient banana? They’re the size of a flaccid cock and filled with seeds. You want ancient watermelon? They’re the size of cantaloupes and have a ton of that hard white shit you can’t really eat, plus more seeds.
I can agree that Americans have bastardized some plants to unholy proportions that leave them mostly flavorless, especially tomatoes, but you’re pretty fucking stupid if you think human cultivation of plants hasn’t made them better

>> No.14420545

because vegetables are missing over 50 essential nutrients found in animal products

>> No.14420562

using logic doesn't mean you're proving that you're factually correct, it just means your logic is sound--it's a fallacy when it comes to proving a point

I'd love to see some sort of scientific study backing up literally any of the claims on either side

>> No.14420569

I've always eaten vegetables but now just in the past few weeks I can't eat any of them, everything is so bitter now
maybe it's side effect of the corona

>> No.14420603

Lol that's why retard babies drink antifreeze and shit all the time, fucking dumbass

>> No.14420614

>if you want to see for yourself then remove it completely, we will see how quickly you will return to it
I've been living with less than one teaspoon of salt a day for about 5 years you coping fatass.

>> No.14420626

Kids like neutral flavour foods

>> No.14420631

My 5 month old niece loves eating steamed vegetable purée.

>> No.14420633

It's a culture thing. In a lot of asian countries, veggies aren't viewed as gross. By children or adults. It's more common in western societies, like America. It's weird, considering a lot of us are weaned from milk on mushed peas and shit. I suppose our fast food habits don't help kids to appreciate vegetables. Either way, it's something most respectable adults grow out of and learn to appreciate veggies again. I say, respectable in this case.

>> No.14420639

Anti-freeze tastes sweet.

>> No.14420711

Human preferences for food developed under conditions of extreme scarcity, when we were tribal hunter-gatherers rather than a civilized society with agriculture.

We naturally prefer more calorie-dense foods, because for 99% of history a person's chief concern in life was avoiding starvation. It's the same reason why most people like the taste of sweets and fatty junk foods. The idea that there could be such an abundance of meat and other high-calorie foods available that people would eat to excess and become obese is such a recent development that it has not yet caused any evolutionary changes. Indeed, it's possible that our tastes will never adapt to guide us towards a healthy diet, since medical technologies that have developed alongside the present abundance of food largely relieve the selective pressure of obesity-related health problems.

>> No.14420726

My sisters kids ate all kinds of veggies when they were babies, now that they talk and comprehend things they're picky as fuck. I'd say it's mostly learned. A kid will eat veggies if the other option is to go hungry. After a while they stop being picky.

That being said, some vegetables are bitter which might cause an instinctive aversion

>> No.14420835

Because you're a fat American retard.

>> No.14420839

>The American brain is mostly fat

>> No.14420867

Post pic of belly right now

>> No.14420888
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>> No.14421151

I had antifreeze in my mouth one single time and I would never, ever want it to go anywhere near my mouth ever again. It tasted like death. The instant it hit my lips (by accident, btw) I thought to myself “I need to spit all of this out or I’m going to fucking die” and then I threw up for good measure.

>> No.14421179

White processed flour and sugar is not a valuable resource, it's empty calories, and since we're not african kids starving to death there is not a single reason to eat that crap. It still tastes better than nutrient rich foods.

>> No.14421228

antifreeze is nearly odorless and slightly sweet in fact it's used in a lot of foods and beverages

>> No.14421236

You only hate veggies if you had shitty parents

>> No.14421251
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There is actually a study that indicates "vegetable yuckiness" is an acquired taste, and there may be a genetic component to it.

If you think vegetables are "yucky", you have probably trained your palate and tastes towards salt/sugar/fat, and you're probably an obese, diabetes-ridden, fat piece of shit whose bowels are full of huge masses of partially-digested starch and you poop massive floating ropes like a play-doh machine.

Learn to eat green vegetables, fresh fruits and healthy proteins before the onset of diabetes and high blood pressure.

>> No.14421275
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We're way past natural evolution now. It's gene editing or cyborgs or both.

>> No.14421388

oh my sweet summer child, how naive you are.

>> No.14421395
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>veggies taste good.

>> No.14421419
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>because some people just don't take to it naturally.

I was a natural carnivore

>> No.14421420

Took a while because it's not that appealing, but I did manage to coom.

>> No.14421433

Which is just an admission that vegetables are an acquired taste, making OP correct and your post redundant.

>> No.14421456

>meet someone who "hates vegetables"
>think they're retarded
>end up eating with their family
>the vegetables served are ruined, stewed to shit, repulsively over or underseasoned, came out of a can, or some other horrific shit
>saute them some entry-level veg in olive oil and garlic then hit it with lemon
>they seem astounded by it being good

>> No.14421600
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>burn beef so bad that it turns into a hockey puck
>beef in general is an acquired taste

>> No.14421634

I actually like less vegetables than when i was a kid. Not by a much, but still less - when i was a kid, for example, i loved to eat tomatoes and spinach.

Now? Not so much. Broccoli's better.

>> No.14421639
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>> No.14421701

What's the point of eating vegetables if you're gonna fry them and cover them in salt

>> No.14421715

Damn I need to find someone who looks like that. I want to fuck her so bad it hurts.

>> No.14421738

only vegetable i used to hate was eggplants but then i grew to like it, i don't ever remember hating other vegetables. But i did hate fish and i still mostly do.
is veggie hating an american thing?

>> No.14421761

Generally people who "like" vegetables have very little ability to taste bitterness, and they most likely have a poor sense of smell. hence their ability to eat beets which taste like dirt.

>> No.14421777

You don't understand what instinctively means. The reason kids hate vegetables is because their tongues are not yet developed and they taste things in a different way. Most people stop hating vegetables as they grow.

>> No.14421807

>What's the point of eating vegetables
I often wonder that myself.

incorrect children have better sense of taste and smell so foods that taste and smell fine to (You) smell bad and taste bitter.

Some people have such developed sense of taste and smell that they take years until they can tolerate vegetables. sometimes way in to their 30's or 40's.

>> No.14421810

read a study somewhere that vegetarians or vegans had less of a disgust reaction to nasty shit - somewhere in their brain the association between foul and bad wasn't made to the same extent as meat eaters

>> No.14421856

I worked with a vegan guy, he said that he thought beets were "earthy" to me they tasted like straight dirt. he was very jealous of my sense of smell. There were many times someone on the office had some food that smelled good and I would comment about it, he did not believe that I could smell stuff when he could not.

One guy in the office would drink fruity gay coffee's. When I would walk in to the office I would comment on what he was drinking and what it was and I was usually right. Another guy would eat those instant flavoured oatmeal breakfasts and once again I would comment on what he was eating what was in it. There was one in particular that smelled like pecans, with brown sugar and the pecan smell was so strong that I could smell that membrane that covers pecans. The vegan guy would get butthurt when the oatmeal guy would confirm that I had correctly identified what they were eating and the vegan guy could not smell or could barely smell them.

>> No.14421883

My mom made me ate carrots and I literally threw up and she was still mad at me.

>> No.14421890

>salt bad
That's retarded.
Unless you're some octogenarian with a bum heart, salt's fantastic.
I even put salt on my fresh fruit, really makes a slice of melon or a grapefruit pop.

>> No.14421980

I don't care if this is halfway up the thread, but I need to correct this. Dietary fat does not directly translate into bodyfat. In fact, the most efficient fuel for building bodyfat is fructose.

>> No.14422023

>Dietary fat does not directly translate into bodyfat.
I didn't mean that it was, just that our bodies digest fat more efficiently than carbs or protein. So something like 85% of extra calories from carbs can be turned into bodyfat, while 95% of extra calories from fat can be turned into bodyfat. But eating fat without exceeding your calorie limit won't add bodyfat.

>> No.14422029

>"p-people just don't know how to cook them right!!!"
You cover them in butter or olive oil and add some salt, lol. Why do dumbass redditors think they're smart for knowing such basic shit? Oh my god you....season vegetables?!? Holy shit we have a genius here! Also canned vegetables are completely fine. You mouthbreathers need to stop forming opinions about things you don't know anything about

>> No.14422060

Lol @ complete obsession with America. We are literally in your heads 24/7. At this point I wonder if we have an undiscovered ability to live inside the heads of foreigners.

>> No.14422125

>You cover them in butter or olive oil and add some salt, lol.
>not adding vinegar or lemon or something acidic
epic fail

>> No.14422219

>Also canned vegetables are completely fine.
Many are pretty texturally fucked by the canning process.
I'll eat them in a soup or stew but other than that?

>> No.14422226

Speak for yourself. I like vegetables (stop saying veggie like a cringy child).

>> No.14422233

Are you a child? Retard. WE do hate them instinctively. YOU hated them instinctively until you were taught to override the instinct. Ask your parents. They remember.

>> No.14422239

>a lot of it is poisonous or tastes bad as a defense mechanism
Why do meatards anthropomorphize plants? It's the weirdest fucking thing.

>> No.14422240

Why are you such a faggot? You’re LITERALLY the people we are talking about ITT that ruin vegetables for kids and train them to avoid it

>> No.14422249

>boil broccoli for 20 minutes
Jesus, that's almost like a parody. Broccoli can be boiled for like a minute.

>> No.14422250

As an infant your parents need to chop of fruits and vegetables very finely and let you eat them so you like them for the rest of your life.

>> No.14422253

How come every time some fat retard tries to call other people retarded, they always ALWAYS end up looking fucking pants-on-head-doo-doo-diddily dumb as fuck?
Take your own advice, stop forming opinions about things you don’t know jack shit about, cunt

>> No.14422259

>mostly flavorless, especially tomatoes
I'm insanely triggered.

>> No.14422264

A shitload of kids like carrots, potatoes, and onions (if they’re cooked properly). The thing I most often see disliked is veggies of the brassica family (think anything related to mustard) which definitely do have a bitter taste, but this taste can be removed by simply cooking it properly (except cabbage which smells like farts either way, so fuck cabbage).
You’re making a lot of assumptions here, childless loser that you are.

>> No.14422272

I’m only talking about the big stupid fucking Roma tomatoes, grape tomatoes and heirloom tomatoes are top-tier

>> No.14422276

>read a study somewhere
Post it

>> No.14422281

>have very little ability to taste bitterness
So fennel, ginger, carrots, corn are all "bitter"?

>> No.14422284

>heirloom tomatoes
Bomb shit right there.

>> No.14422289

>(except cabbage which smells like farts either way, so fuck cabbage).
Roasted cabbage is pretty nice and gets sweet. I'll bake it with a little butter, covered until it's softened a bit, then uncover and keep baking while occasionally stirring until it's browned. Tastes really good with a little salt and vinegar added after too.

>> No.14422290

>vegetables taste good you just gotta make them not taste like vegetables

>> No.14422296

>which taste like dirt.
that's called "earthy". i have a decent sense of taste/smell and can taste bitterness, but i just appreciate it as a flavor most of the time instead of finding it offputting. people who hate all bitterness might just be eating too much sugar which is pretty common nowadays.

>> No.14422297

>seasonings only mask the flavor instead of enhance it
Tonguelet please.

>> No.14422303

Oh, so now you're saying people who don't like them plain just need the flavor they don't like intensified?

>> No.14422448
File: 113 KB, 426x251, 1535053792287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one "instinctively hates veggies" you stupid bitch

There's a gene in some humans that can make vegetables taste inordinately bitter. if you hate vegetables, it's because you're a genetic defect that would probably not survive in the wild and you should be grateful society has reached the point where it's possible to be a picky eater and carry your fat ass to reproductive age.

>> No.14422501

Just saying you might as well eat some crisps if you're going to fry your veg.

>> No.14422616

>YOU hated them
How in the living fuck are you gonna tell me what I did and didn't like as a kid? The nerve of this sperglord.

>> No.14422626

To be fair probably neither of you know and both are assuming based on preconceived ideas that support your arguments.

>> No.14422628

I know because I am a student of human nature. I told you to ask your parents, not to simply believe me. They will verify the statement.

>> No.14422631

>t. can't hunt

>> No.14422642

No, I clearly remember liking spinach as a child. Stop telling me what I did and didn't remember.

If you were a student of human nature, you would know the basic fact that groups are made of individuals, not a collective hivemind tha tall have the same opinions and preferences. You fucking myopic ultra sperg.

>> No.14422657

>i remember my entire childhood
Willful ignorance. There are certain facts, and I'm giving you one if them. Having your finger cut off will initiate a pain response in every human with extremely rare exceptions. You can be trained to find it pleasurable. Our liking of vegetables is similar. Ask your parents.

>> No.14422745

This sounds good, I’ve only ever had it in some stupid boiled shit my mom made unless I ate it raw (like in Cole slaw or something) and the house smelled like sulphuric dog farts.
>you’re not allowed to season foods
People have been seasoning things for thousands of years you absolute brainlet, unless you’re one of those people with super taste it’s a pretty popular thing to do. Men fought and died for nutmeg.
He said sauté them, not deep fry them. Learn to cook before you say a bunch of stupid shit.

>> No.14422767

vegetables are basically man made freak plants with no connection to their wild ancestors

they contain antinutrients and fiber which prevents your body from accessing a lot of the nutrients in them. the micronutrients they contain are often in less bioavailable forms than their animal counterparts.

most people need to season the living fuck out of their vegetables, cover them in butter and oil, and of course cook them, to even be able to eat them in volume.

don't listen to these stupid government advice and dietetics associations - listen to your body. if it doesn't want to eat something - it's not healthy.

>> No.14422775

You must be pretty stupid if you believe that pretty much everyone can be trained to love pain based on a handful of cases. Almost everything everywhere avoids pain at all costs. The only thing that drives an organism crazier than pain is hunger, and it’s because hunger is pretty fucking painful as well.
Your argument rests on the idea that all humans are created equal, an unequivocally stupid idea, and it rests on some notion that you have experienced enough humanity to understand all humans. What audacity it takes to believe you could even experience an iota of this world has to offer in your pitifully short life.
You haven’t even once mentioned the cultural factors, such as jewlywood constantly producing media where kids dislike vegetables, an absolutely pertinent cultural factor. Not only this, but half of your idea is that people are “brainwashed” into liking vegetables, but you literally don’t acknowledge that hollyjews want to brainwash kids into eating shit processed food diets as well? It’s clear as day if you aren’t blind, deaf, and retarded - but clearly you are.

>> No.14422778

That’s the problem here, sir. Most people want to eat vegetables. You’re in the minority. Vegetables only diet is clearly an awful idea, but that’s bc it’s missing a shitload of essential nutrients that are just supplemented into other foods anyways.

The lot of you showboat around your anti-veg ideas based on the idea that supplements exist in other sources, and that vegetables aren’t even really natural (but only because of natural processes of human cultivation). Tell me, what do you know of the unnatural natures of the foods you do eat? Have you even attempted to look it up, or has your time been focused on trying to prove vegetables are bad?

>> No.14422798

>listen to your body
Yeah, and that will lead you to my 600 pound life, fat ass.

>> No.14422802

>no connection to their wild ancestors
Yeah, because farmed animals that do almost no work is so "natural".

>> No.14422810

>your only options for food are monsanto crops and tyson pork

>> No.14422839

My point is that domesticated animals are not "natural" because they have literally been genetically and behaviorally manipulated by humans. None of the foods that are mass produced are "natural".

>> No.14422911

there's some evidence to suggest that (in the absence of junk food) children are entirely capable of making their own balanced diet with everything they need.

>> No.14422930

Mum use to always boil Brussel sprouts, not that great. Now i cook them high heat in the oven 30 minutes they are delicious, one of my favorite vegetables. My point is how you cook them has a big impact on the flavor of vegetables

>> No.14423083

Okay, since you want to play these gaslighting games: how do you know that your memory of not liking vegetables is correct?

>> No.14423112

It's hard to prepare and taste good. You can boil them and have them be technically edible, but making them actually taste good takes more effort. Meat is simple, just cook it (but not for too long) and you'll have something passable. Takes seasoning and shit to make it better, but you're starting from a higher point.

>> No.14423208

Cake does not taste better than bbq ribs

>> No.14423212

Lived through OP pic, lll give my experience. Baby ate everything fine, but eventually learned that certain foods were more shit than others.

Veggies were more likely to cause shits, and would end up feeling hungry sooner. Also took longer to chew.

Meat was more likely to cause stomach pains and constipation, also more likely to choke and take longer to chew.

Meanwhile fats and carbs give quick safe energy and digest easy. Considering kids have small stomach and high energy needs it makes sense this is their preferred food types. My kid lived off bananas apples cheese and pbj for nearly a year before deciding to eat more like an adult after a few growth spurts.

>> No.14423216

>protein tastes so good
I can tell you've never had a protein powder. They taste so bad, they are universally flavored. You are severely confused/ignorant. Salt, fat, sugar, herbs, and spices taste good.

>> No.14423231

Yeah it does. Beef tastes like iron and blood to me. Groooooss. The only way I can enjoy it is if I drown it in condiments, pickles, lettuce/spinach, and tomato on a burger. I might as well eat a veggie burger.

>> No.14423321

This sounds like the only post ITT with any actual life experience to back it up, and it makes a lot of sense considering how much energy it takes to grow.
I don’t think a lot of people ITT recognize what being an animal species means, being a mammal means, or the sheer amount of energy/material needed to turn a 6-8 pound infant and turn it into a fully grown adult. I also don’t think they realize that a lot of humans wouldn’t survive long into adulthood in an entirely natural environment, if they even GOT to adulthood, so really our diet past adulthood is just determined by our daily lives and nutritional needs that are much less universal. For example, every baby needs a LOT of protein and fatty energy sources, whereas a fully grown adult obviously won’t unless they’re a bodybuilder or manual laborer that needs high energy substances to maintain muscle mass and to be able to actually work that hard. If someone who sits around doing nothing all the time eats the same way, they absolutely will get fat as fuck in no time at all.

>> No.14423380


>> No.14423522

>Beef tastes like iron and blood to me.
I get sick of it pretty quickly but occasionally I really crave that taste. I don't really crave sweets that often, and if I do it's something fairly mild in sweetness like some strawberries or some plain milk. Cake and most things like that just started to taste sickeningly sweet once I stopped eating it so often.

>> No.14423739

Bunch of retards here I just drench my veggies in lime juice because it masks the taste haha get dabed on doo doo heads!

>> No.14423822

Growing up all my favorite foods were fruits and vegetables like peas or carrots fresh from the garden, celery with peanut butter, oranges etc. My mom didn't buy junk food. Red meat was the "you're not leaving the dinner table until you finish" food for me and it still tastes like what dirty dish water smells like. I've babysat kids who also hate meat that isn't well prepared chicken or processed meat like bologna or hotdogs. With kids I really think the only sure-fire foods are fruits and plain carbs like rice & pasta. The rest depends on preparation and how picky they are

>> No.14423843
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>> No.14423868

>Children haven't developed nerve endings that they're using to taste food in the first place
Guess how I know you didn't pass middle school biology.

>> No.14423883

What a stupid assumption to make. I have no such memory. Whether I do or not is irrelevant. I already told you I am a student of human nature.

It's not gaslighting, it is simply truth. Here's another fact. We do not form memories that last until adulthood until after 3 years old, well after we start eating solid food. Any memory formed between then and around 10 to 13 years is also significantly more unreliable than the memories formed after that period. The only people who know your first reaction upon initial exposure to vegetables are probably your parents. Ask them.

>> No.14423908

>Willful ignorance.
Plz. I still remember the day my self came into being, what room I was standing in, and how I left it to go find my a person (mother), but didn't know what to say or they were called until a few seconds later it came to myself that if I call out "mom" that she will respond.
Also I was a stubborn fucker. If I claimed I didn't like something then even if I took a bite and it was actually alright, I would continue the now-lie that I didn't like it. And the reason I would claim I didn't like something was because the last time (first time?) I ate it, I did not like it and thus that was the memory I associated with the food. Having a good memory didn't help, because I always remembered my stubborn lies.
If you want your children to like vegetables then you make sure you've prepared them in a way that tastes good instead of attempting to force them to eat a shitty microwaved frozen tier bitter greenery. You can feed them less-seasoned takes on vegetables after they've already associated a positive reaction to them and/or after they've learned the difference different methods of preparation can cause.

>> No.14423912

Only if you're an horribly functioning autist who can't understand moderation, or a weak-willed pitiful excuse for a human being.
Your body craves things for a reason. You won't go wrong by listening to your body and eating what flavors your body craves. Just don't be a fucking retard and moderate your intake. It's not that difficult.

>> No.14423914

>Yeah it does.
No it doesn't. Our subjective taste is superior to your shitty subjective taste. End of argument.

>> No.14423925

cooked carrots are my favorite food

>> No.14423957


>Not understanding that babies require fat and cholesterol to induce growth, while also requiring protein to help maintain bodily health. This is why breast milk is laced with both fat and protein.
>The most available source of these nutrients come from animal-based protein, which is why they prefer it over plants.
However... plants are an essential part of maintaining vitamins and fiber in a young child's life. Making sure a child understands how important nutrition is at an early age with and how certain foods accomplish certain tasks is key to their survival.

>> No.14423965

>responding to blatant shitposting
Lurk moar

>> No.14424129

dumbest posts on this board today

>> No.14424130
File: 40 KB, 720x478, 1587260308012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>children would rather eat food they hate than starve

This shit is what our tax dollars go into?

>> No.14424153

almost seems like eating meat is unnatural and wholly unnecessary for the modern man, hmmm.... really makes you think, huh

>> No.14424163

Yeah, except he's telling lies. Go around to nursing homes and ask. They're desperate for company and have the life experience you clearly need to tap into.

>> No.14424165

i have a masters degree in biochemistry and what you said is painfully inaccurate and littered with big words to sound smart in the wrong context, so much so that it makes me nauseous. not even one word of this post is even remotely accurate by the furthest stretch of the imagination and i'm wholeheartedly convinced you have some kind of mental disability

>> No.14424166

>life experience you need to tap into
kid, i'm 35 and i've already FORGOTTEN more experiences than you will ever have

>> No.14424169

Post degree, liar. Don't bother if it's American, because that education is worth nothing.

>> No.14424173

I'm a few years older than you. What you say may be true, but it would be a symptom of early onset senility. Get tested.

>> No.14424183

My manager has a son and he doesn't want to eat his veggies. He wants 'meat and grain'. Go figure.

>> No.14424205
File: 25 KB, 569x428, 1574842077531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't. You think people complained about eating their greens in the past? Jewish fat cats in charge massive foodstuff corporations (you know the ones) have deliberately orchestrated the meteoric rise of obesity in the West by injecting literal garbage with all kinds of chemicals that condition your brain to prefer unhealthy crap over nutritious fruit and veg.

>> No.14424233

You only "instinctively hate veggies" if you grew up in a family or environment that doesn't know how to prepare vegetables properly. Here in Malaysia, local economy rice stalls, especially the chink ones, have about half of the spread consisting of vegetables, and yes, they do sell out daily. The Indians shops(the decent ones at least) will also have quite a lot of vegetables, in the curries or as their own dishes too. The ones that I constantly gripe about on the other hand are Malay rice stalls. Yes, like Indians, they also have 10 types of curry, but the difference is that theirs are usually only made with chicken, unlike the Indians who also have mutton and vegetable based curries. They also have very little vegetables in the spread, and essentially none incorporated into the curry itself unless its a herb like lemongrass. The thing is, where I'm from, eating vegetables is a very normal thing if you grow up in a pace that prepares them well
>inb4 third world shithole lol
Singapore has about the same cuisine

>> No.14424259

that's just a bad study...
>eat 2 servings of fruit a day
>8% reduction in death
>eat 25 servings of fruit per day
>100% reduction in death, achieve immortality
they just found a stupid correlation nothing to do with any form of causation whatsoever they should have taken a qualitative look and then they'd have found that the fruit eaters ate less meat while getting more water intake due to the fruits. More water and less fat in diet change the ratios in your blood and you end up with less calcified arteries, aka less risk for disease
but it isn't because of fruit
it's because of the changed ratios in diet. if you kept eating the same amount of meat and supplemented it with twice as much water you'd probably have an even lower chance to have a disease but they don't want to find out so they just create retarded studies like these.

>> No.14424261

Too much redpill. Better off dead than red.

>> No.14424275

>Even the mass produced cheap Euro chocolates that you can get here suck ass too, like Cadburry
the cadbury brand in the US is licensed out to, funnily enough, hersheys. its quite different to the bong cadbury apparently, as you would expect as its made by hershey with ingredients and techniques similar to their other lines.

>> No.14424466

>You won't go wrong by listening to your body and eating what flavors your body craves.
This is true for someone who eats unprocessed foods and already has a healthy diet. People who eat too much processed food end up with their sense of taste altered though, and will end up craving unhealthy things.

>> No.14424482

if only they started asking themselves 'but why'.

>> No.14424483

Completely abstaining from meat is unnatural, you can find plenty of studies showing benefits of some amount of meat consumption in a balanced diet compared to ones that don't have any meat at all. Some amount of meat is necessary for optimal health. You won't become malnourished and die as a vegetarian but you'll probably still end up low on iron, with less muscle mass, etc. compared to someone who has the same lifestyle but also eats meat.

>> No.14424490

the body is quite a miracle though, it can recover from that quite quickly unless you've burned out yourself and gotten obesity in which case fuck you, lardass. For somewhat unhealthy folks being normal and only slightly unhealthy, just quit it and soon enough water will taste sweet and lovely while sugar drinks taste like you're drinking concentrated honey but then just badly tasting

>> No.14424496

1kg of meat and 2L of water and you're golden. You're not the type of cuck who wants to eat 20grams of meat because his (((health and food department))) told him that was the best, right?

>> No.14424509
File: 1.30 MB, 2456x2444, Chicken Thighs and Broccoli 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's chicken thighs (1lb), broccoli (2lbs), and spinach.

every day

>> No.14424517

how long have you been doing this?
and how fat are you still?

>> No.14424520

I lost 130lbs and got down to 170lbs (I'm 6'2") but it's coronabulk 2020, so I'm a little fat now

>> No.14424521

as you see I didn't ask you how skinny you wish you were
I asked you how fat are you now

>> No.14424547

i'm up to 190lbs, but i supplement it with JOPBAD

>> No.14424555

>1kg of meat
That seems like a lot. I agree that most recommendations seem to be on the low side, but even as someone who is above average in height with a decent appetite about 500g is enough for me. I don't think your body can even utilize all the protein in 1kg of meat.

>> No.14424556

well that's not too bad

>> No.14424562

It's risk, not probability. Your extrapolation is wrong and retarded. Also it's a meta-analysis, not a study.

>> No.14424614

>lardass scared of vegetables is a right-wing schizo
Like clockwork.

>> No.14424650

The study doesn't claim there is a causal relation, fat retard. Also there is a threshold in the risk reduction. Either way, at the very least it shows that your assertion that vegetables are unhealthy is lardass cope.

>> No.14424729

Rent freeeeeeee

>> No.14424754

so there's a 100% risk reduction if I eat 25 banana's every day. fucking stupid.
meta analysis are generally stupid because they mash together studies and claim they can all call it the same.
1kg of meat and 2L of water is healthier than 25 bananas.

>> No.14424760
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There is no such thing as a gene that makes veggies taste gross or more bitter. It's a psychological thing, brought upon parents who force their children to eat unseasoned vegetables. Even now when I season my broccoli or dip a carrot in hummus my brain can taste that plan bitter flavour that is what broccoli is.
Instead of being forced to eat them and told there are starving kids in africa, I could potentially enjoy them now.
Not that I don't enjoy mushrooms, zucchini and all other veggies in my meat dishes. I just have time eating them by themselfs and the only reason I will eat them is because certain veggies have special anti-oxidnts in them.

>> No.14424773

Ohhhh say can you see

>> No.14424793

There is a threshold in the risk reductiom, obese retard. Also meta-analysis are the very opposite of cherrypicking, they show what predominates in a certain body of research. What kind of stupid cope is this? Say 20 studies showing that A is correlated with a lower risk of B will hold more weight than one study showing that A does not correlate with a lower risk of B.
It's obvious you've never read a scientific study in your life.
And last but not least, you are yet to show proof that vegetables are "unhealthy".

>> No.14424806

Not to mention that meta-analysis usually will bring attention to the differences between individual studies in regards to confounders.

>> No.14424824
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>eating vegetables is gommunism
AHAHAHA, this has to be satire.

>> No.14425005

post body

>> No.14425033

I think you're lying to yourself so we'll just agree to disagree

>> No.14425368

>I think
Well, I think you're trying to gaslight me, so fuck what you think.

>> No.14425397

I know you're an idiot. You are convinced you remember your first experience with solid food, and that anybody who suggests otherwise is gaslighting you. Such stubborness is extreme stupidity.

>> No.14425418

parents don't know how to cook vegetables so serve their kids canned and frozen garbage that tastes like shit
turn any vegetable into a lightly pan fried patty or veggie tots and they love the shit out of them

>> No.14425424

You're the fucking idiot for assuming that all kids hate vegetables. Just shut the fuck up already.

>> No.14425428

Nice shitpost.

>> No.14425429
File: 556 KB, 2500x1667, 1519653347-delish-roasted-asparagus-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak for yourself.

>> No.14425430

Small children hate them because they have a keener taste of bitter than adults.
Babies should be eating fatty calorie dense foods instead of salads anyway, so it works out.

>> No.14425444


Most people who dislike vegetables either grew up in homes where they were never served, or they were never prepared well. I didn't like cooked vegetables until I was into my 20s because my mom only ever made like steamed cauliflower and boiled brussels sprouts and shit. The first time I had a properly broiled, slightly charred brussels sprout was like hearing Beethoven for the first time.

>> No.14425506

Most vegetables have very few calories. Our bodies lack the enzymes necessary to convert cellulose into glucose and protein. The cellulose passes through our system undigested. Cows have the enzymes that convert cellulose into glucose and protein. That's why cows and other herbivores can get big and strong by eating grass all day.

>> No.14425693

Animals eat fat before winter because it’s the most calorie dense macronutrient

>> No.14425706

If you remove salts entirely from your diet you will die of seizures

>> No.14425786

Why do vegtards anthropomorphize animals? It's the weirdest fucking thing.

>> No.14425847

>sugar is not a valuable resource
yes it is you absolute fucking retard holy shit it's the single best source of calories outside of animal fat, which is also delicious

>> No.14425867

>olives and garlic aren't veggies
terminal retardation

>> No.14425887

Young children are more sensitive to bitter compounds that can be found in vegetables.

>> No.14425917

That's more intelligent than claiming that plants have agency when they clearly don't. Try peeling a potato versus skinning a dog alive and tell me if you'll get the same reaction.

Also, no one gets PTSD from an apple packing company, degenerate meat cuck lol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KctDrk6yVsY

>> No.14425921

Meant to post this: https://metro.co.uk/2017/12/31/how-killing-animals-everyday-leaves-slaughterhouse-workers-traumatised-7175087/

>> No.14425930

Yeah, and my parents have never said that I was picky about vegetables, just like how I remembered it. You're the one who's making really stupid assumptions in the name of being a "student of human nature".

>> No.14425940

>Our subjective taste is superior to your shitty subjective taste

>> No.14425941

He is :(

>> No.14425962

You dont. Cartoons told you that you dont want vegetables, and you do want candy.

As a kid I loved spinach, but when I found out it was a vegetable (I was like 3) I stopped eating it as much.

>> No.14426104

this is peak underage 4chan thread

>> No.14426130

You dont, your parents just raised you on a shitty diet. I never disliked vegetables.

>> No.14426215

We don't and it's not, you big baby.

>> No.14426808

You can eat meat raw if it is from a healthy animal. Unhealthy animals are what most meat comes from and they're laden with diseases and parasites.

>> No.14426812

Cook it with some chopped up bacon onions and a spoonful of bacon fat

>> No.14426886

lol I tricked this guy into talking to his mother about vegetables.

>> No.14427445

Britbong here, this is actually very true. I've once gave Cadburys as part of a gift to a foreign friend's family when I was visiting and they loved it.

>> No.14427454

Is this true?? Any sources?

>> No.14427476

The Cadburys we have in the USA taste nothing like Hershey's. It's very rich and creamy compared to it without the vomit aftertaste. I doubt that what we have over here is much different than your stuff. Americans just aren't used to chocolate that tastes that rich since they're used to the bitter cheap shit so they don't tend to prefer it.

>> No.14427486

i grew up eating lots of vegetables and fruit

there wasnt anything else. we were really poor, but my mom didnt buy shit like hot dogs and that fake lunch meat

i think a lot of this comes down to parents giving their kids soda and shit

>> No.14427521

It is different, I was in the US for a few weeks a while ago and I have to say that the taste was different. If I'm remembering correctly we use more milk etc in ours whereas you guys have more sugar in yours.

In fact I read that Hershey even got our, British, version of Cadburys banned from the US so they wouldn't have the (better) competition.

>> No.14427539

If Cadbury's is licensed out to Hershey's for production in the USA like the other anon claimed, why would they try and get the British version banned? They're profiting either way and if the British version was so much better they'd be profiting more from selling it.

>> No.14427613

Found some intresting sources

US versions have a worse taste due to their different content.

'Disagreements between British Cadbury importers and American Hershey Company began in 2015.Basically, Hershey has the rights to the Cadbury Creme Egg recipe and can make their own American version here. Mic explains the ban, saying the ban came about because Hershey didn't want British importers to compete with their versions of the beloved British candy. The British agreed to stop importing candies that would compete with Hershey's, including Cadbury Creme Eggs.'

Read More: https://www.mashed.com/146678/the-untold-truth-of-cadbury-creme-eggs/?utm_campaign=clip



>> No.14427984

I see. The last time I actually at Cadbury's was back in like 2011 (I very rarely eat candy bars) so the version that I'm remembering was still the British recipe.

>> No.14428414

Roast broccoli in the oven, much nicer. I had a similar experience, 9/10 vegetables were boiled instead of cooked in other ways

>> No.14429103

Guy you're responding to here. I realize it's been a couple days but yeah you are right on the money. Any vegetable my mom ever cooked me came from a can and was boiled for 15-20 minutes.

>> No.14429110

I don't and never did, it's not. Your parents just fed you bad food.

>> No.14429133

>they eat veggies
lol and you animals are allowed to vote?
only strong men who only eat meat should have a say in this country's political matters

>> No.14429229

Imagine not liking food that's good for your health and your silhouette. Imagine not knowing how to cook those adequately. If anything, it'd be more freedom for you if you did.

>> No.14429242

Probably because they contain little calories

>> No.14429615

Fuckin based

>> No.14430721
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tfw carnivore

>> No.14430729

Who's we, fatty?
Always ate balanced meals with meat and veg.

>> No.14430740

>Pointing out that plants are living things with defense mechanisms is to anthropomorphize them.

>> No.14430757

Well got high bp, started eating 2 vegs, 1-2 fish and 1-2 chicken and 1-2 red meat a week and bp ok after less than a year.

You can be a meatie and still eat 1-2 vegs a week, just keep it hidden so your neighbors don't see you eating vegs :D

>> No.14431124

Pfft. Speak for yourself. Not "we" I've always loved veggies. Asparagus, Brussel Sprouts, Broccoli, definitely my faves.

>> No.14431149

antifreeze is deadly and not allowed in food. Poly glycols are and are antifreeze as much as sugar is wood.

>> No.14431156

I'm not convinced we 'instinctively' hate them.

I think most peoples introduction to veg is poor - badly cooked, etc. I know growing up I thought it was normal for broccoli to be just be boiled until soft. No wonder a lot of people don't like it.

Most peoples palates are used to too much sugar, salt, etc etc too. Plain veggies are pretty dull, but they're not offensive. Doesn't take much to make them tasty though.

>> No.14431158

Don't they add nasty tastes to that stuff so you spit it out?

>> No.14431181

This. Go somewhere aside from America and be amazed at how children eat all the same food as adults do. Kids are more sensitive to intense smells and flavors, so it's not uncommon for them to prefer less complex things than adults do. Salmon and oregano were too overpowering for me as a kid if I had a say in it, yet I still ate salmon and things with oregano when they were served.

>> No.14431199

Looked it up and I am wrong, propylene glycol is allowed. It is also known to be toxic.

>> No.14431214

You could be risking kidney stones. I would recommend rotating different leafy greens and dark vegetables more often and staying well hydrated while keeping simple sugar intake low-moderate (as in don't suck down soda, sweet tea, energy drinks, candy, etc.). Blueberries and something else are also high enough in oxalic acid to be a concern if you are eating them constantly in large quantities and/or prone to kidney stones. I don't know what else it means other than an occasional kidney stone, and I don't know if the occasional kidney stone is that horrible of a thing. But I know from seeing others deal with them and a prior kidney infection that it's something most (sane) people will only go through once to be scared straight into watching their diets. It cannot be good for the load on your kidneys to be producing a bunch of stones like that if I had to guess.

>> No.14431247

I've had excellent roma tomatoes. They are San Marzano hybrids with something else, so they have some of the flavorful pasty aspect and elongated shape while still being more like a regular tomato. I think you are talking about the giant, pale, lackluster beefsteak tomatoes that never seem to ripen and are only good for sandwich and burger filler.

>> No.14431279

Pretty sure most people suck at cooking vegetables

>> No.14431308

Acceptable raw vegetable list:

Anything I'm missing bros?

>> No.14432121
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>why yes, I do enjoy cringy memes, how could you tell?

>> No.14432137
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Carnitards on suicide watch

>> No.14432172

You forgot cucumbers, i could literally eat those all day raw. And i agree with everything on that list lol. Also peppers, like banana and bell peppers.

>> No.14432193
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I didn't like them as a kid because they smell weird if you don't cook them right (especially brassicas). Whereas fruits have a ton of sugar and are basically candy and meats tend too have a lot of savory fat, which our bodies crave.

Ironically, I didn't start liking veggies until being forced to eat one of these at work due to not having brought lunch with me one day. I discovered that steamed broccoli is great (even if the chicken in these was awful)

>> No.14432239

I remember watching a video about babies that wouldn't eat vegetables or fruits because their parents didn't allow them to examine the vegetables and fruits enough.

>> No.14432932

People develop unhealthy tastebuds due to things like excessive use of sugar. Hating vegetables is a deformity. Normal people don't mind them. Unfortunately, normal people are getting harder to come across.

>> No.14433204

Speak for yourself anon. I loved peas, spinach, baby carrots and red cabbage as a kid. Never had any problem with Brussels sprouts or broccoli either.

Only things I remember hating were asparagus and chicory.

>> No.14433247

sv3rige pls

>> No.14433347

I'd vary your greens desu

>> No.14433432
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>> No.14433550

Doesn't eating 2 pounds of broccoli make you a brap factory?

>> No.14433558

no, but it does give me nice big shits. i don't eat the 2lbs in one sitting. i usually have one pound for lunch and one for dinner

>> No.14433690

uh bro those are fruits dude so of course you like them bro

>> No.14433888

I can't even imagine the kind of Chris-chan tier manbabby OP has to be

>> No.14434117
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>> No.14435619

The majority of parents are shitty cooks who can barely boil water, so they overcook the vegetables which makes them taste terrible.
I don't remember disliking anything except spicy foods when growing up, and I grew out of even that.

>> No.14435767

Well what else would I be talking about

>> No.14435868
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>I’m only talking about the big stupid fucking Roma tomatoes
I said I think you are actually trying to describe beefsteak tomatoes.

>> No.14435892

Roma tomatoes aren't always ripe at the grocery store, but in my experience they're always better than the beefsteak ones due to being a hybrid cultivar of San Marzanos. They are naturally going to be more concentrated in flavor than certain other varieties. The ripe ones are really, really good and great for tomato sauce.

>> No.14435957

Dude in Southern California they label those big ugly shitty oversized grape tomatoes as Roma tomatoes and they are absolutely dog fucking shit, if you think they’re good, then idk what else to tell you besides you’re fucking retarded and need to try literally any homegrown tomato

>> No.14435979

I don't live in California, and yeah it's weird how things keep getting widely mislabeled out there. When I lived in Las Vegas one day all poblano peppers became labeled pasilla peppers overnight. These tomatoes >>14435868 aren't romas. They are unripe, mass produced beefsteak tomatoes with no flavor. The home grown ones from my MIL were pretty good, but they inherently lack flavor intensity when compared with other properly grown varieties that have denser, pastier, more concentrated properties.

>> No.14435983

Raw broccoli isn’t even bad. Mushy boiled shit is awful. Your dad sucks

>> No.14436002

Sautéing something in a 1/2 teaspoon of olive or avocado oil is not “frying” it in the “bad-health” sense you’re implying. Traditional shallow frying involves the food to be around halfway submerged oil, usually on something with a breading that acts like a big sponge and absorbs even more oil, which you consume. It’s like drinking a cup of oil along with your food. Sautéing broccoli only requires a 1/2 teaspoon of oil and it doesn’t absorb as well without a coating.

>> No.14436005

It’s usually the parent’s fault. As the firstborn of my parents, I was the experiment, and so I didn’t like vegetables. By the time my second you get sibling came along, my parent’s attitude was more “yes you will eat it, because I can wait a hell of a lot longer than you can.”

>> No.14436008

>oh boy, canned green beans
Some canned vegetables are objectively shit when you could instead buy frozen, or fresh.

>> No.14436329
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A balanced and varied diet is best.

>> No.14436846

its actually this: >>14420711
if you ask a kid if he wants meat or candy/ice cream/cake then the kid will likely not choose the meat