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14411878 No.14411878 [Reply] [Original]

I was thinking if anyone here has experience with the oven cleaning setting to get temps up to about 880F/471C, thinking its possible to get true brick fired oven temps to make a pizza at home. Fire up the oven cleaning mode, get the oven nice and hot, cancel, open oven and chuck in a home made uncooked true Neapolitan Margherita pizza in a cast iron or aluminum pizza pan, then maybe fire up oven clean mode again, but at around 880F minus some temp loss from opening oven door to throw in pizza, it should be done in 3m or so. I know one of you guys here has thought about this or done it, please respond.

>> No.14412060

ANYONE? No one ever attempted or thought about it?

>> No.14412825

I think it would work. I bought an Ooni koda and it rips

>> No.14412831

In theory it should work. However, AFAIK most ovens will lock themselves shut while oven cleaning is in progress, so you'd have to disable that lock to do this.

>> No.14412850

Alex cooking did a video about this. But I can't find it, I think he deleted it for some reason. Maybe someone burnt his house down doing this.

>> No.14412860

Every oven I've ever owned locks itself when in cleaning mode and won't unlocked until temperature has been slowly stepped down. You'd definitely have to fuck your oven up somehow to disable the lock. If that sounds worth it to you for some meme pizza, go for it.

>> No.14412861

In this video he talks about it at the beginning.

>> No.14412886

you would need to put a pizza stone on the rack and get it hot before putting the za in you dummy, if you even could get the oven that hot

>> No.14412972

Thought about it then realized the oven locks itself shut during cleaning and I'd have to break my oven to do it. Pass

>> No.14413029

Just buy an Ooni.

>> No.14413058

425F is the ideal temperature for pizza, and nobody can convince me otherwise

>> No.14414849
File: 20 KB, 218x171, AlexaIntoThePizzaOven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, forgot about the lock mode, thanks.
Seems Alex tinkered with this recently, thanks for guiding me to him, you've been a great help! I have watched most of Alex's vids on yt, even own his book and think he's fantastic, by some sheer ignorance never sub'd to his yt channel so missed these videos. Kind of ironic when you think of it.