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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 178 KB, 1280x720, 20200716_122418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14410044 No.14410044 [Reply] [Original]

final verdict? what will you miss most /ck/?

>> No.14410051

Taco bell more like taco smell lmao

>> No.14410057

Don't forget to post this thread another 40 times, OP.

>> No.14410064

LOL I call it Taco Hell!!! People are always "woah how can you say that?" but I don't care I say it anyway.

>> No.14410073

maybe the potato burrito? but losing that is worth it just to see that grossly fat alcoholic lose his mind, he regularly eats like half of this shit

>> No.14410086

Do Trump voters really care enough about Taco Bell to have news stories about it?

>> No.14410093

The 7 layer burrito was the only thing they had that they didn't fuck up, but that was seriously like 10 years ago. the place is irredeemable.

>> No.14410095

Reddit Wednesday?

>> No.14410100

Did taco bell anon kill himself yet?

>> No.14410557

The only good thing on that list is the beefy fritos burrito. The potato taco is stupid.

>> No.14410572

I hate Fox news so god damn much. It's literally nothing but fear mongering or fluff stories they pulled directly from reddit.

>> No.14410624


>> No.14410638

potatos are what a lot of vegan and vegetarian people sub for. taco bell has the best menu of any fast food place for that type of diet

>> No.14410671

>fast food menus are considered newsworthy

>> No.14410701
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>All potato items

>> No.14410708

No but his threads get deleted, there was one earlier this week and there's also been concealed threads where he didn't have that signature arrangment of his stuff. He promised us he will get Del Taco , maybe for the next thread

>> No.14410724

>fox news
>taco bell rumors
>verified taco bell employee
the absolute state of cable television

>> No.14410739

They're removing the french fries they just came out with?

>> No.14410743

Muttshart "news"

>> No.14410746

>beefy frito burrito gone
>can no longer gorge myself for $5 in a drunken stupor
fuck this gay earth

>> No.14410755

Why the FUCK would they take away potatoes what the fuck are they doing you stupid retards

>> No.14410758

>a fast food restaurant getting rid of items on its menu is news in america
not helping cultural stereotypes, mutts.

>> No.14410760

If we threw a Muslim in there I'm sure you'd think they were down the road

>> No.14410766

good bait, OP, look at all these obsessed third-worlders coming in with their sour grapes.

>> No.14410768

It's literally a propaganda outlet.

>> No.14410774

>americans have propaganda channels on television
keep digging that hole friend.

>> No.14410785

It didn't used to be so blatant, but they spent 40 years brainwashing half the country. Almost everything wrong with America today can at least in part be blamed on Fox News.

>> No.14410837

How does Taco Bell come into that equation?

>> No.14410851

>be afraid
>don't pay attention to what's really going on
>here's a cute cat video
>be afraid
>only the republicans can save you

>> No.14410869

It's better than literally 99% of the news since 2010

>> No.14410881

the Frito burrito, that was one of the only two things I ever ordered. RIP.

>> No.14410903

if you think it is only Fox News to blame, you are naive

>> No.14410904

Okay so the news about Taco Bell removing items for the menu is supposed to make the american population afraid? Man your country is weird

>> No.14410905

there must be a legal mechanism for forcibly transferring ownership of Taco Bell to the customers, or at least stripping the current ownership of their power to change the menu

>> No.14410915

This is true. Source: my dad works for Taco Bell

>> No.14410921

It's fluff news meant to get people to turn their brains off and have something to talk about around the water cooler. They operate on fear and ignorance.

>> No.14410930

You must be young. Before the internet it was basically just Fox and Rush Limbaugh.

>> No.14410931

What does Reddit Wednesday mean?

>> No.14410959

None of those are things I care about. Same for mcdonalds. Poverty goobers were butt devastated when the dollar menu got truncated. But to me the double qarter pounder is the only item worth my time so it doesn’t affect me at all.

>> No.14410999
File: 25 KB, 337x478, potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did the potato industry do to deserve Taco Bell's ire?

>> No.14411293

Why get rid of spicy tostada its good and made of normal taco bell ingredients I dont understand

>> No.14411322
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You need to calm the fuck down bro, this is a food and cooking board.

>> No.14411429

as long as they still have cruch wrap, cheesey gordita, and chalupa, i don't care. in fact their menu is bloated as fuck, surprised they have cut out more sooner

>> No.14411449

one less item to buy. basically everything else is just some combination of tortillas, cheese, beans, and meat

>> No.14411476

Holy moly this is based. Is it ok I replied to you?

>> No.14411823
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>Taco Bell taking items off the menu is national news in America
What, no shootings today?

>> No.14411857
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I only get their soft taco and beaner burrito.

>> No.14411904

No potato

Fuckh them

>> No.14411909

So dad
But at the same time reflects they cant do shit

>> No.14412123

he only eats the 5 layer burritos
with red sauce and onions of course

>> No.14412128

I guess Tuesday is no longer the new Friday

>> No.14412149

r e k t

>> No.14412153
File: 35 KB, 494x741, 4E2710B7-AB8F-4A5D-B0EB-AD37CB5C4661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh...oh i’m so sorry, lil’ buddy....keep a smile on your face, things will get better!

>> No.14412262

Cnn came before fox

>> No.14412299

Potatoes are dirt cheap

>> No.14412310
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>Beefy Frito Burrito

>> No.14412326

I thought American news was pretty bad before but I see this and wonder if there is even a bottom for Americans to reach.

>> No.14412397 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 500x500, 1408626884959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't they already get rid of like half their menu earlier this year already? What purpose will this serve?

>> No.14412407
File: 222 KB, 500x500, 1408626884959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't they get rid of like half their menu earlier this year already? What purpose will this serve?

>> No.14412408

The quesaritto is bullshit, but everyone should've given up on Taco Bell when they ditched the XXL burrito.

>> No.14412452

No way man, I wish they had spent those 3 minutes on COVID or niggers destroying something.

>> No.14412470

Not the fricken 7 layerrs

>> No.14412474

>fear mongering
About what? The other mainstream news channels have spent the last 4 years telling you that “Russia rigged our election” and “black lives are under constant attack from racist Whites” when there is literally zero actual evidence for either of those things. Are you retarded or something?

>> No.14412495

Holy fuck anon, you’re on the Internet already, why not verify that what you’re saying is true and avoid making yourself look like an absolute fucking dimwit?

>> No.14412503

>beefy frito burito

>> No.14412800

If they replaced this shit with the Cheesy Double Beef Burrito, I would forgive this decision. I love the Triple Layer Nachos.

>> No.14412811

i don't eat any of those so w

>> No.14412909

I am a newfag to this board, can you bros please tell me who Taco Bell Anon is?

>> No.14413025

I'm going to fucking riot if they get rid of frito burritios. That's literally the only thing i get when i go there.

>> No.14413056

I am going to miss the triple layer nachos. It was a great $1 item. Fuck TB, they only make the worst decisions with their menu. Bring back the volcano menu nigger faggots.

>> No.14413059

I only order potato items there so they are losing my business
and everyone I've talked to feels the same way

not sure why they would remove potato items when they are the most popular ones

>> No.14413196

>Verified Taco Bell Employee

>> No.14413212

Loaded potato grillers are literally the only thing I go there for. Without that I have no reason to go to Taco Bell at all.

>> No.14413223

Black Bean Quasarito, and Cheesy Fiesta Potatoes. Feels bad man...

>> No.14413227

All the big news channels are propaganda. Some of them are leftist propaganda, some of them are rightist propaganda. All of them serve the purpose of radicalizing the citizenry against one another so that no one will turn on the corporations or politicians who are the real enemy of the people. It's all one big distraction engine.

>> No.14413234


>> No.14413238

Taco Bell is unironically the most disgusting shit on the planet how do you fuckers like it

>> No.14413240

Supposedly it's meant to streamline the menu so they can fill orders faster in their overloaded drive-thru lanes.

>> No.14413242

>how do you fuckers like it

Any fuckin' way we can get it!

>> No.14413249

More importantly, did he ever win that xbone?

>> No.14413250

rip quesarito and fiesta potatoes. i only ever got to try the quesarito once and it was delicious and the cfs was my constant go-to

>> No.14413259

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.14413318
File: 2.25 MB, 3024x4032, TB 7 16 20 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his threads get deleted
I also get a ban pretty much any time I make a thread these days, and it’s becoming rather tiresome. It’s become apparent that it’s just one mod who has it out for me for some reason (I probably told him he has shit taste without knowing I was talking to a mod in a completely unrelated thread). A couple threads ago I got an “off topic” ban for posting the bottle of whiskey I was drinking next to the movie I was watching, with a comment like, “there’s no point in getting takeout if you’re not going to make a night of it” - as though there aren’t half a dozen whiskey threads at any given time these days. In my last thread I made a point to keep everything food related, and he literally looked up all the posts from my IP and banned me for the first, random off topic comment in a completely different thread he could find (it wasn’t trolling or /pol/ shit or nsfw, and I’d already been talking about the food in the thread, and wasn't the first to comment on the thing I commented on; it was just blatantly malicious). As though 2020 wasn’t shitty enough, now I’m getting arbitrarily banned for posting what I’m eating and talking about something there are multiple threads about, and there’s literally nothing to do but accept this new reality or fuck off. On a lighter note, they put the Nachos BellGrande on the rewards program, which would be nice if they weren’t getting rid of nachos in a couple weeks.

>> No.14413342

Write a strongly worded letter

>> No.14413392

What is that a stuffed creature of? That looks like a good measure if fire sauce. How much do you normally use per item?

Sorry someone is being a jerk.

>> No.14413394

Most of them spew progressive extremist corporate propaganda and a few of them spew centrist corporate propaganda. There is not a single mainstream news outlet that you could objectively refer to as “rightist propaganda”.

>> No.14413400

The cheesy fiesta potatoes are one of the most underrated items at taco bell. RIP.

>> No.14413401

>About what?
Listen you're not wrong with the rest of your post but are you seriously trying to act like Fox isn't constantly fear mongering about muh great replacement and how everyone wants white people to die?

Inb4 you agree with those statements

>> No.14413427

lmao @ the source

>> No.14413431

Jannies only like that tranny whore who posts. Fuck niggers. Fuck kikes. But most of all FUUUUCCCKKKK JANNIES!

>> No.14413454

If they kill the quesarito, I definitely will quit going

>> No.14413463

Triple layer nachos and beefy crunch are always in my orders RIP

>> No.14413589


>> No.14413846

>verified tacco bell employee reddit Wednesday
Is this really considered newsworthy in America or is the US media that disconnected from their people?

>> No.14413872

I don’t understand why they want to kill the seven layer burrito. It’s fairly low cal, it is composed of shit they have on hand, it has been around for maybe 30 years, and people buy it (like me when I want a light and quick snack). I understand if you want to pare down your supply chain, I just don't understand refusing to take money for things you have ready to go.

>> No.14413900

He's an anon that orders Taco Bell then uploads a photo of it. That's literally his entire schtick, been doing it for months

>> No.14413933

>disconnected from their people
>amerimutt burgers
they connected, so connected it is scary.

>> No.14413997

And he's here >>14413318

>> No.14414014

so are all these changes a result of the rona, or were they planning on axing half their menu from the get-go? it doesn't seem like there are many potato shortages in the us so i'm assuming it's the latter

>> No.14414017

This is the power of American (((((news))))

>> No.14414019

Looks like an isopod to me

>> No.14414022

there's no way they get rid of the quesarito after inspiring dozens of clones. that shit is too popular

>> No.14414037

Taco Bell I guess.
I'll be alright though.
I can find that shit someplace else.

>> No.14414214

Good. Get fucked you fat cunt. /ck/ isn't your alcoholic fastfood blog.

>> No.14414258

>posting and discussing food on the food and cooking board is now considered blogging
Zoomers were a mistake. Don't you have another e-celeb thread to make?

>> No.14414270

>fastfood chain removes some crap from the menu
>This makes headline news in burgerstan

>> No.14414289
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Need something to distract them from the absolute shit handling of coronavirus.

>> No.14414311

based mods dabbing on annoying fatsos

>> No.14414481

>There is not a single mainstream news outlet that you could objectively refer to as “rightist propaganda”.
That's exactly what Fox News is, that's the entire purpose they serve.

>> No.14414486

>spicy frito burrito

i would legit stop eating at taco bell if they did this

>> No.14414490

Do Americans really have fast food announcements on national news?

>> No.14414494
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>mask tranny schizo spamming their bullshit on /ck/ again

>> No.14414580

They should remove the entire restaurant.

>> No.14414583

>t. Chipotle

>> No.14414830

Stay strong.

>> No.14414854

Do Americans really watch this for news?

>> No.14414871

You will never pass

>> No.14414874

taco lel

>> No.14414972

No. Americans don’t. Just hicks

>> No.14415036

Good riddance you fat sloppa shit posting goon.

>> No.14415051

>Fox News
>Fast food

The world would be a better place if you jumped off a tall building head first OP

>> No.14415069

You’re an actual mega retard, Fox News is certainly right wing propaganda. In fact you fucking moron, it was created by republicans around 40 years ago with the intent of it being an extreme partisan news source, that news source being an attempt to do whatever it takes to win. Propaganda. CNN Is awful too, but Fox News is the worst of them all, Elitist like Cucker Tarlson try to pretend to be a common man and relate to fat, uneducated Americans. He’s bitches about the elite all of the time, even though he is the recipient of his family’s frozen food fortune. If you think that Fox News is the only true and reputable news source then they have gotten what they wanted out of you and you’re susceptible to propaganda and brainwashing.

>> No.14415426

Fucking leftist stooge. Get out of my country.

>> No.14415431

I never even heard of any of these. The only things worth a shit is whatever the 5 dollar box is and a nacho bell grande

>> No.14415442

>created... around 40 years ago
So you really don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.14415526 [DELETED] 

Cope and seethe

>> No.14415536

i never know what im ordering here anyway because the names are not descriptive
i like the puffy taco the best

>> No.14415541 [DELETED] 
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Yeah really not that far off

The conservative rebuttal, ignore the majority of the counterpoint and grasp at straws.

>> No.14415585 [DELETED] 

>My president is a pedophile who doesn’t care about American civilians and claims corona is a hoax, lets Russia kill our troops, interferes with the elections, pardons his cabinet who were convicted, does product placement for Goya even though it’s illegal, spends most of his time on twitter and watching cable news, starts his day at around 11pm, spends an atrocious amount of tax payer money going golfing, fires most of his staff after they refuse to cuck down to him, has created a die on this hill cult following.

Bu....but he makes the libs mad so he’s great! And he’s a walking regurgitation of Reagan and his TV personality that stupid Christians fall victim to. MAGA was once a slogan for the Reagan campaign, the party just knows you’re stupid enough to fall for it again. Lmao kys

>> No.14415592

Get. Out. Of. My. Country.

>> No.14415599 [DELETED] 

Lmao no u, that’s all you can say? You’re the one who’s anti-American.

>> No.14415662

The quesaritos. I just want that sauce and sour cream to come in my mouth when I take a bite

>> No.14415692

How's your sophomore year going? Are you sure about your major?

>> No.14415700
File: 141 KB, 500x400, 1573172847864.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake and gay.

>> No.14415742

I think the problem is /ck/ doesn't have dedicated mods so they just delete anything that gets reported.
Probably some butthurt anons keep reporting you.

>> No.14415748

fuck all these mod bootlickers

>> No.14415802

They're still going to have the quesarito. It's just only going to be available if you order ahead using the app.

>> No.14415813

You and everyone who said positive things about your post have a retarded sense of humor. >>14410064

>> No.14415825

Retarded means inhibited, so clearly it is YOUR sense of humor that is retarded, Mr. Gloomy.

>> No.14415842 [DELETED] 

Imagine being so retarded that you make fun of people for going to college. Enjoy your wage cuck job smooth brain

>> No.14415850

You mean Liberal Bootcamp? Yeah, I guess I kinda make fun of people getting into debt for extensive indoctrination.

>> No.14415854 [DELETED] 

>insult the individual not the idea

You’re a child

>> No.14415855
File: 74 KB, 720x960, 1594396462491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conservatives did this.

>> No.14415863 [DELETED] 

Lmao imagine being brainwashed into thinking higher education was a bad thing. You should genuinely kill yourself because you’re counter productive for society. Mah Freedumbs, you’re literally a joke fat American cuck boy

>> No.14415874

I'm insulting you for being a kid.

>> No.14415880 [DELETED] 

Why is it that statistically the higher you are in education the more likely you are to be liberal? And the opposite, lower and no further education leads to conservatism. Is it because of liberal brainwashing or because conservatives make up the majority of stupidity in America?

>> No.14415889 [DELETED] 

Lmao I’m not though so stop straw grasping bud, and even if I was it would be embarrassing that a child has more sense than you.

>> No.14415898

Other than the crunchwrap supreme, almost everything on their menu is shit.

>> No.14415922

Just look at who runs the education system. Then look how many actually successful productive people are conservative compared to the pitiful number that are lib.

>> No.14415932 [DELETED] 

I like how you just make things up as you go along. I bet you love a good conspiracy too. You’re delusional anon, seek help.

>> No.14415943 [DELETED] 

>tax breaks
>corrupt favors and back scratching

>> No.14415946 [DELETED] 

Betsy Devos runs the education system you fucking moron

>> No.14415952
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>> No.14416079

>these are important news in america
a nation of fatsos

>> No.14416241

the education system is a joke though, college is turning into highschool 2.0. it's all about the piece of paper you get at the end that magically makes you a better worker than joe schmoe out of high school, even though you just fucked around for 4 years.
Why do you think coding bootcamps and shit are so popular? Because people want to learn how to get a job and don't want to pay for all the chaff associated with a 'liberal' (in the classical sense) education.
I say this with a professional engineering degree from a polytechnic school.

>wage cuck
Ironic considering all the berniebros that work wagecuck jobs AND have a load of student debt that they were coerced into taking on by 'society' (basically financial rape)

>> No.14416263

Potato product. The cheesy potato burrito add beef was the best thing on the menu.

>> No.14416273

Taco Bell wouldn't be the same with these items.
They would decline.

>> No.14416289
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>t.soon to be dead ameridumb

>> No.14416334


>> No.14416609

This viral campaign got me to go there today. Ordered a couple tacos, spicy tostadas and a triple layer nacho. Tripple layer nacho was garbage and deserves to be put down. The rest was very good, hoping spicy tostada lives on.

>> No.14416626


it's over, bros..

>> No.14416709

McDonald's dropped the mcgriddle, bro. Anything can happen during these times

>> No.14416722
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>loaded grillers
>$1 frito burrito

>> No.14416728 [DELETED] 

>professional engineering degree

Kek, it’s not our fault you’re retarded

>> No.14416820

mmmmuuuuh water cooler

>> No.14416824

no one does anon taco bell makes shitty decisions

>> No.14416831

Why does taco bell use these nice, thin tortillia chips at the restaurant but sell those thick horrible ones in a package in the store? Do they have to do that because they break easily in the store or something?

>> No.14416832

Hot and tasty

>> No.14416846

imagine not being a drooling boomer and still nodding your head to tucker

>> No.14417046

My Nigga

>> No.14417057

Because when they're brought back there will be queues spilling out the door.

>> No.14417093

The absolute state of burger “news”

>> No.14417101 [DELETED] 

Liberal as in teaching about global warming? What exactly are you referring to? Because my experience at college was bi-partisan almost entirely. I think that you’re a sensitive little bitch who has a lone warrior/borderline victim complex.

>> No.14417201

A liberal education in the classical sense is meant in the way like a liberal helping of vegetables. Broad-minded, intellectual liberty, not shying away from excess. You know, all the extra courses and studies we now know as general education (at least in California they call it that)

>> No.14417255 [DELETED] 

What have you personally heard that has led you to believe this? Give an example from your college experience that would represent a teaching bias

>> No.14417330

You're retarded and didn't read anything I said. Fuck you.
I didn't say a biased curriculum, I said a liberal one. Liberal as in in an excess of, not some stupid American definition. My shampoo bottle says to use a liberal amount of shampoo. Nothing to do with global warming.
Typical education encapsulates muh more than your degree program. Computer science students must study english courses, math courses, social studies courses, science courses, economics courses, diversity courses, etc. Some of that is directly applicable to their major, some may come up depending on the course they take with their career, some they will never use in their lifetime. Courses under the umbrella of Cultural Pluralism (what my school was calling it) don't really make someone a better programmer, but serve to (in theory) better prepare one for society.
In bootcamps and tradeschools, you don't learn that. You just go to school to learn pipefitting or python programming and that's it. And it's cheaper that way.
American education is way overpriced due to federal government guaranteeing student loans but not forcing any pricing limits. So now you're spending tens of thousands of dollars per year to get told which book to read and to listend and nod.

>> No.14417363 [DELETED] 

Lol you can’t answer.

>> No.14418143

Antimask faggot. Why don't you go kill some babies.

>> No.14418161

Why doesn't this happen more often? There are plenty of people saying that type of thing. Only one of them dies of this deadly disease, even though they're supposedly putting themselves and others at greater risk? Interesting.

>> No.14418194

Because most people don't telegraph their entire lives for the internet.

>> No.14418199

Fuck you faggot. Don't vote for pedophile bean shillers and call yourself an american.

>> No.14418205

Just eat your Goya goy

>> No.14418208

Where the hell have you been for the past 15 years?

>> No.14418213


>> No.14418236

You can't read

>> No.14418239

Point taken I'm going to rephrase that, nobody sane telegraphs their entire lives for the internet.

>> No.14418956

Who is responsible for this?

>> No.14419055

Me. It's a good idea, you'll see.

>> No.14419321
File: 8 KB, 199x254, worry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to tacobell tonight
>wanted to get a potato griller before they were removed from the menu in a week
>they tell me they're currently out of potatoes

>> No.14419848

Well I've never tried any of those things

>> No.14419959

Those bugs that carry the brain bug in starship troopers.. the one that makes carmen puke in class. Just kidding i have no idea but looks like it

>> No.14420764
File: 152 KB, 1400x1400, deltaco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the closest thing I've had to taco bell in about 20 years now.

>> No.14420798

>this is "the news" in america

>> No.14420866

The only one I care about is the beefy frito because its the only $1 burrito they have

>> No.14421308

They have the cheesy bean and rice burrito, and they're going to keep a beefy burrito, just without the fritos.

>> No.14421922

Ok I know about the bean and rice I guess I was talking about with meat.

I guess just losing the fritos isn't that bad

>> No.14421932

It's only the leading story, dickhead. It's not like we don't get reports on other topics.

>> No.14421942

Idk why conservatives are coopting rod Serling. He was pretty outspoken against some core values of theirs in the 50s and 60s when it was much more taboo

>> No.14421943

7 layer burrito
press F

>> No.14422210

>all potato items
I haven't had taco bell in probably a decade but I remember well their cheesy fiesta potatoes.
Guess I'll have to learn to slather my own fried spuds in cheese and sour cream.

>> No.14422232

I've never seen progressive extremism on mass media news.
It'd be hilarious to see the reaction if a big news company had the balls to say 'eat the rich' or 'abolish police'.

>> No.14422308

I haven't eaten at Taco Bell in close to 10 years.

>> No.14422338

you've missed out on a lot desu. Early 2010's was a new golden age for tbell, though the past few years they've sputtered a bit

>> No.14422565

I mean, the NBA doesn't let its players acknowledge the existence of hong kong or taiwan, last I checked, the "progressives" were big into that?

>> No.14422574

>no more fries supreme
If this happened when I was an addict I would have probably offed myself

>> No.14422578

"Taco Hell, Make a run for the Bathroom®"

>> No.14422608 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 302x465, Screenshot_2020-07-18 Fox News - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

26 years ago...

>> No.14422724

Ill miss Taco Bell
Because I wont eat there anymore without the Beefy frito burrito or quasarito

>> No.14422749


>> No.14422757

They think all white men in B/W days were conservatives. Liberalism is a relatively new thing that came from MTV and 80’s Rock.

>> No.14422774

Boomer meme

>> No.14422779
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rest in peace

>> No.14422865

do fastfood menu change rumours really make the national news in america?
los ogres de las americanos....

>> No.14423122
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>beefy frito
>7 layer
>fucking potato
What did you fuckers do to the greatest dollar menu ever

>> No.14423253

>this is news in america

>> No.14423282
File: 87 KB, 714x478, Hordak The Princess Of Power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I don't go to Taco Bell. If I like something I don't know if it will be there next time I visit there.

To hell with them forever for removing the XXL Grilled Stuft. I'm not spending the time, effort, or space in my fridge for leftover ingredients building a subpar homemade version!

>> No.14423346

>all potato items
They better still have fry supreme.

>> No.14423410

so what they got shitty tacos now? time to go to taco johns for their food.

>> No.14424164

Reminder that this is happening during Trump's presidency. This is Trump's fault.

>> No.14424296

Good. Fast food restaurants in general need to start getting simpler and more refined because they can't handle all of this variety. See In-N-Out: fresh meat, fries, and toppings and everyone eats it up. It's why you saw Mcdonald's start making fresh quarter pounders again with a simpler menu because everyone is tired of eating garbage ingredients. quality over quantity

>> No.14424307

Big Answer Says Everything Directly

>> No.14424367

>the shit talking replies
when did /ck/ become so edgy and juvenile again?

>> No.14424392

It's essentially been summer for the past 6 months.

>> No.14425651
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>> No.14425818

After the last taco bell menu purge I rarely went but this one will really take everything else I even slighty care about away. Im just gonna go to Ronald's fun land for fast food, they don't remove good shit

>> No.14425857
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>american """news"""

>> No.14425926

I'm pretty sure they are doing this as an excuse to get rid of their dollar menu under the guise of "oh we're just cutting down on some stuff because of corona".
They've been working on it for years.

>> No.14425938

>they don't remove good shit
They don't have any good shit to begin with.

>> No.14425987

>Nacho griller was my substitute for the beefy crunch burrito which is never coming back
>Now its gone too
>The fiery dorito taco I actually liked only lasted like a month

Why does Taco Bell take away everything I like?

>> No.14426084
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Fox is nothing compared to CNN/MSNBC.

But hey I'm just another white racist

>> No.14427339 [DELETED] 

Taco Bell is to low IQ white trash, as Popeye's and Church's is to low IQ ghetto trash

>> No.14427344

holy fucking shit that was the funniest thing i've ever seen on this fucking website holy fucking guacamole

>> No.14427349

Taco Bell is to low IQ white trash, as Popeye's and Church's are to low IQ ghetto trash

At least nald's gets rich soccer moms and rich retired boomers to offset all the disgusting trash customers. T Bell, Popeye's and Church's rely entirely on the scum bottom rung of the local community

>> No.14427367

nothing since i usually get crispy tacos a bean burrito

>> No.14427372

Nothing. Good riddance to this price gouging shithole that has completely abandoned quality over the past year. Taking my business elsewhere, permanently.

>> No.14427394

Okay, this is epic. Mind if I send this to my son in law???

>> No.14427632

the verdict?

>> No.14427664

>spicy tostada
>triple layer nachos
>beefy loaded griller
>beefy Fritos burrito
This was such a great meal for only 4 bucks, now they removed every item that I looked. Haven’t been there all year and now I have literally no reason to go there again. Fuck all fast food corporations for getting rid of their dollar menu items. If I have to spend more than 5 dollars for a fast food meal I’m not going, I’ll make shot at home.

>> No.14427678

Triple layer nacho and 7-layer burrito are the only things I would order from that menu, and even then I only remembering either item once.

Nothing is lost.

>verified taco bell employee

Why the fuck is the news getting their news from reddit? Even if they initially figured it out from reddit, what the fuck is stopping them from calling the restaurant themselves and doing their own verification? What the fuck is journalism?

>> No.14427731


potatoes and the spicy tostada.

>> No.14427749
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>> No.14427794

Dont care about tack bell cuz I am not a mouth breathing sharter

>> No.14428361

Why are they doing this?

>> No.14428429


Because of Drumpf, obviously.

>> No.14428490

i swear if they remove the doritos locos taco i will single-handedly assassinate the CEO of taco bell.

>> No.14429244

try holding up the drive-through line now you little bitches.
if you go to taco bell, you order either a burrito or a taco, period. got a problem with that? go somewhere else you fat poorfucks.

>> No.14429278

Like, I know it's fucking Taco Bell, and I probably sohuldn't care, but honest to god, what are they doing? They purged half their menu earlier this year, too, and now they're doing it again? You can't even order a basic combo burrito anymore. You know, a burrito with 'meat'? You gotta ask for that extra. Literally every goddamn Mexican place in the world has a burrito with "beans + meat."

>> No.14429309


>> No.14429718

>american "news"

>> No.14429743


>> No.14429817

The XXL was the closest they’ve come to competing with mexican burrito joints. I loved these because I never stressed if I had to work late, just grab a XXL at 12:30am on the way home and use my own hot sauce & crack open a cold beer. I would literally have paid $15 for it because it’s not about the money, it’s about who is open. I don’t understand why not keep it around but make it $3 more expensive for the hassle. I don’t understand this general reluctance of businesses to JUST TAKE THE MONEY. If I were CEO I’d simply just fucking ask people who consume a product I was thinking about canceling why they like it.
>have a XXL on us. tell us why you buy it.
Now I just go home and cook if working late but this isn’t ideal either as I have to be quiet as to not wake my wife up. They basically jewed themselves out of my money for what purpose.

>> No.14429989

found the fat kike

>> No.14430394

They have burritos with "beans + meat".

>> No.14431666

Because you're not their general market. You simply don't matter.

>> No.14431883
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I wouldn’t say against core values, he seemed more like the men republicans view themselves as. He was christian with a good set of values and a general disdain for racism, authoritarian governments, and some social norms like beauty standards or wealth. He was also a veteran who spoke out against war. Overall he seemed pretty based and like an actual common man that conservatives pride themselves on being when they are greedy, bootlicking faggots.