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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14392968 No.14392968 [Reply] [Original]

Food you liked as a kid, but hate as an adult.

>> No.14392973

I'm 31 and I still regularly eat Fruity Pebbles.

>> No.14393012

Pepperoni 'za

>> No.14393031

I wanna kiss you.

>> No.14393033
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>> No.14393500

Are you me?

>> No.14393900

I mean, I don't go out of my way to get more sugary things I used to love as a kid like candy.
I still like them, but I don't like too much of it at one time anymore.

>> No.14393973

You’re still a child

>> No.14393978


>> No.14395068

chocolate milk

>> No.14395072
File: 92 KB, 750x500, cereal-750x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fruity Pebbles are one of the best cereals

And now, some cereals only 90's kids will know

>> No.14395084

my dad brought two garbage bags full of cinnamon mini buns single serve boxes from somewhere for me and it was honestly the best few months of my childhood

>> No.14395105

I think soyjack posters should be banned... but lemme tell you, this post is really tempting me...

>> No.14395106

Lucky charms or any cereal with those fake marshmallows in it. They taste like sugary chalk.

>> No.14395169

Eating fruity pebbles is no different than eating chicken tenders, you cannot eat one and criticize the other.

>> No.14395175
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>I'm 31 and I still regularly eat Fruity Pebbles.

>> No.14395184

we all are, anon
>but yeah, he is especially

>> No.14395190
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>> No.14395327

Ketchup on spaghetti
Boullion cubes
Rock salt

>> No.14395431
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>> No.14395444
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>> No.14395450
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>> No.14395579

My uncles penis

>> No.14395587

thats every post on this board. you new here?

>> No.14395622

Cheese that hasn't melted, hot dogs, any cheese sauce not made from scratch, most items sold at McDonalds, and probably more that I am forgeting.

>> No.14395839
File: 1.65 MB, 2796x2120, Bowl_of_SpaghettiOs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spaghetti-o's. I tried them I think about 12 years ago when in my early twenties. They tasted like hot bile and salt.

>> No.14395958
File: 397 KB, 1600x1002, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel this. i dont really have a problem with sugar cereal in general but this was gross to me as adult sine i had some a couple of months ago just to see if i still liked since i realized i didn't like them anymore

also pic related

>> No.14396164

Holy shit, these. What the fuck was I thinking?

>> No.14396173

Canned shit like these are good lazy depression food when you just need to eat something

>> No.14396183

This. I had some recently and holy fuck that sauce should be a fucking desert. Most of the time the "muricans put too much sugar in everything" is a meme, but this is like a gold star example of it.

>> No.14396185

For whatever reason the mac & cheese one seems like it'd be the most repulsive to me and I don't know why considering it would be the least likely someone could get it horribly wrong.

>> No.14396246

It's just tomato soup with shitty pasta in it

>> No.14396263
File: 38 KB, 500x500, shitstew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never liked sweets honestly.

I thought these canned beef stews were good growing up and loaded them up with hot sauce, now I know better.

>> No.14396271
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>I'm 31 and I still regularly eat Fruity Pebbles.

>> No.14396284

My mom was a lousy cook so I just cannot eat any of the few meals she actually would make if she did cook which was rare as fuck. She would make baked chicken breasts covered in either Catalina sauce or mushroom soup. Or she would make shepherds pie. That's it.

>> No.14396305

Same with chef boyardee, I can't believe I used to eat the ravioli as a kid.

>> No.14396470

Spaghetti-Os, canned chili, beef stew, all great slop you serve yourself when you're just not feeling like it.