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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14394158 No.14394158 [Reply] [Original]

What are some minimalist (boring) lunch cultures/practices from around the world? Did you have boring lunches as a kid?

I've heard Dutchies basically just eat this day in day out and it's similar in Norway.

>> No.14394214

Half the shit you see in any modern office. Lean Cuisines or similar frozen meals, ramen or cup noodle, sandwiches. When it isn't that, it's usually fast food. It's all boring dogshit.

>> No.14394232

Bread and water

>> No.14394239

But that's already a wide variety of choices. We're talking peak boring, peak minimal, peak cheap.

>> No.14394262

I don't think theres anything more boring than a toast sandwich honestly.

>> No.14394275

Here's a simple treat from Ethiopia:

Serve and enjoy!

>> No.14394285

My bad, guess I'm not gay enough for your shitty thread.

>> No.14394321

I feel my belly already swelling.

>> No.14394411
File: 88 KB, 700x474, 1564048966522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just rye bread with butter

>> No.14394469

Boiled potatoes, boiled in salt water if you want good taste

Pinto beans and rice where a staple back in my parents childhood

>> No.14394688


I am Dutch and always in physical pain when my plebian collegues eat the same dry ass cheese sandwhich every fucking day for lunch.

I bet they eat have cooked potatos for dinner every day. Spices forbidden.

Its mainly small town folks who stick to this regime to be honest.

>> No.14394701

Dude I worked with on construction would literally boil like 6 eggs and keep them peeled in a bag in his jacket so they kept him warm of a morning before occasionally just pulling it a random boiled egg now and then to munch down upon.

>> No.14394713
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>> No.14394719
File: 153 KB, 1600x1143, Grilled Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean in all fairness, cheese sandwiches are an extremely common American lunch, but they're fried in butter

>> No.14394720

I bet you have migrant kebab with breeding cum sauce right?

>> No.14394725

If you don't want to make tomato soup, you could warm up a small thing of pasta sauce for dipping and it's good.

>> No.14394729

I just skip it nowadays.

>> No.14394751

be the bitchboy who brings his shitty couscous salad, old cheese on good bread is kino dipshit

>> No.14394809

Wasa sourdough crisps
Jar of smoked sardines
Brick of cream cheese
>green onion (optional)
mix fish with cheese and spread on cracker

>> No.14394885
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>> No.14394892


>He doesn't eat peasant poorfag lunch
>Look my fellow yokels, what a faggot am I right?

You'll never make it, spineless pleb

>> No.14395874

Do some adults really have ham and cheese sandwiches on the regular as a work lunch?
You know, just two slices of white bread and some cheese and ham and that's it?

>> No.14395892

>Sauerkraut on rye toast
It’s not bad, it’s like a reuben but shittier

>> No.14396439

You probably enjoy a cornucopia of gay flavours

>> No.14396444

They add your mom's gray bush hairs

>> No.14396469

As I understand it, sandwiches with one slice of bread and one slice of a random cold cut is eaten all over europe

>> No.14396481

I'm a fan of peanut butter and jelly, or peanut butter and honey. Both easy and fast to make.

>> No.14396487

I occasionally bring Korean or Indian food for lunch and everyone states at me like a pack of hyenas.
I don't get it.
Literally just go buy ANY COOK BOOK with a mudblood name on the cover. Tada.

>> No.14396501

based and tradpilled

>> No.14398107

>Indian food
It probably stinks. Office food is meant to be inoffensive to the nose since you're packed in there with the rest of the sheep. Keep that shit at home faggot.

>> No.14398889

indian food itself usually smells quite savory where do you live lmfao? street shitters have spice game on lock, I've given myriad pakoras to huwhite people who were unfamiliar and they nearly orgasmed

>> No.14398896


I microwave fish at the office and then don't even eat it.

>> No.14398963

I'm Indian and don't like taking Indian food to work. Tastes good, but it stinks up the office for hours, which I know isn't pleasant for anyone other than the guy who's eating the food. I've been on the other end of that many times.