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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 113 KB, 2043x1062, SzraEFf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14375520 No.14375520 [Reply] [Original]

>this is what a wild banana looks like
What you see in stores are literally Frankenstein's fruits and veggies.

How did we come to the conclusion that this is somehow still a healthy and natural food when we have intervened so drastically, with the only intention of pleasing our taste buds and completely ignoring the health aspect?

>> No.14375533

please elaborate in detail on the "health aspect".

you're claim is altering the fruit has somehow ruined yet present no evidence other than your instinctual assumption.

>> No.14375542

Damn that banana is wild

>> No.14375545
File: 135 KB, 917x960, 1541547797977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how did we come to the conclusion that dogs are good for us when we could just live with wolves who will rip our faces off in the middle of the night

>> No.14375548

there is literally nothing wrong with selective breeding of fruit to create that which pleases us.

>> No.14375552

Because human selection has done nothing other than minimize the amount of seeds and maximize the amount of meat. There's no logical reason to assume your point - that this would affect the nutritional value. This is different from GMOs that have inserted the genes of other species into an organism,

>> No.14375556

Don't eat it then faggot.

>> No.14375558

there's nothing wrong with gmos either.

>> No.14375559

Not really, bananas were selectively bred to get the ones you know today. The best genes of wild cultivars led us to what we know today. They're not GMO shit you find in regular isles.
And to be fair you're probably still eating a worse off banana. The superior flavor and melt in mouth texture one is gros michel, which was discontinued in the mid 1900s

>> No.14375560

Broccoli is also a product of intervention through selective breeding. Is broccoli unhealthy?

>> No.14375563

>How did we come to the conclusion that this is somehow still a healthy and natural food when we have intervened so drastically
We arrived at that conclusion due to the fact that all research on fruits and their health effects points to fruits being healthy, and all of that research showing fruits as being healthy come from data involving modern, taste-bred fruits. Now why do you oppose that? It's not for a scientific reason because not a single piece of scientific evidence has ever come forth to suggest fruits aren't good for you, so what are you basing this hypothesis on, OP? Gut feeling?

>> No.14375573

If there's nothing wrong with them, why are businesses so against labeling? There is no testing required for GMOs, and I don't think it's unreasonable that people don't want to be unpaid, uninformed test subjects.

>> No.14375576
File: 1.04 MB, 931x631, Screenshot_2020-07-09 giovanni_stanchi_watermelon_seeds jpg (WEBP Image, 931 × 631 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your heritage watermelon, bro. Don't worry, it's mostly edible.

>> No.14375579

Wrong, it also maximizes fructose and minimizes everything else.

>> No.14375581
File: 488 KB, 700x512, Screenshot_2020-07-09 Carrot1 jpg (WEBP Image, 700 × 512 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm, non-GMO carrots. Just like mother nature never intended us to eat.

>> No.14375586
File: 452 KB, 750x500, Screenshot_2020-07-09 teosinte_ancestor_of_corn jpg (WEBP Image, 750 × 500 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only healthy, non-GMO organic ancient corn for me! That modern frankenfood stuff doesn't even look like corn.

>> No.14375601
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>> No.14375616

>If there's nothing wrong with them, why are businesses so against labeling?
Because people are fucking retards and afraid of literally things at random, see gluten

>> No.14375621

Learn what GMO means, please. GMO refers to food that has had another organism's DNA spliced into it, not food that humans simply selected for.

If you think the GMO argument is stupid, that's one thing. But if you're arguing something and you don't even know its definition, you're a bigger faggot than the democrats that rally for gun control and complain against "shoulder things that go up."

>> No.14375637
File: 410 KB, 326x500, Screenshot_2020-07-09 Lundberg-White-Arborio-Rice-Gluten-Free-073416050914 jpg (WEBP Image, 326 × 500 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't only eat products exclusively labelled gluten-free
You do not know how hard it is to find gluten-free water to cook my gluten-free rice with, but it sure it worth the extra 20% cost.

>> No.14375640

>bro, it's not that we genetically modified it, but modified its genes! totally different!

>> No.14375648

>GMO refers to food that has had another organism's DNA spliced into it
Can't eat oranges, then. They're not PURE.

>> No.14375652

Are you that triggered retard from the banana thread a while back?
Has it occurred to you that people like to enjoy eating things?

>> No.14375658

I once stood outside of a memorial day party at someones house and handed everyone that was about to walk in a watermelon and an alligator hat, so eventually there were 10s of watermelons spilling all over the table and counter, and all these people in hats hats with a lot of the party including the host really confused about what was happening
so I explained the day we were memorializing was the turning point in the war effort during ww2 when in iwo jima the allied forces lost their food supply and had to swim through alligator infested waters to an imperial watermelon patch
and after feeding on the watermelons it gave them the energy to storm the beaches of normandy, and that's why on this day you're supposed to wear an alligator hat and eat watermelon...I'm surprised you didn't know that

and the sad thing is how many people didn't question that at all and just accepted the historical factoid

pranks are fun

>> No.14375662

Increasing glucose and fructose through selective breeding to the point where 15% of that fruit is sugar and lowering all secondary plant substances that negatively affect taste (bitter substances) can only have a detrimental effect on that fruits health properties.

Nature isn't perfect but it has provided healthy fruits for us to eat ever since we can think. I would always trust nature over our shady, profit-oriented agriculture industry.

>> No.14375664
File: 505 KB, 1200x801, mouse fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one in the history of the internet has ever been swayed to change their ways by a rando raging on the internet. why do you even bother?

>> No.14375667

My nutrition >>> your enjoyment.

>> No.14375669

You are literally too dumb to argue with if you don't see a difference between human guided selection and literally altering a species' genome in a lab. And you're simply a liar if you're presenting these as the same thing just to conflate the issue. No one wants to discuss an issue with someone so clearly arguing in bad faith.

Not only is that common knowledge, but they have been around for literal millennia, so any side effects would become clear by now. You're doing the same thing as the faggot above. There are very few people against the idea of GMOs in general. The issue is that they should be labeled since there is no testing required at all.

>> No.14375675

Enjoy your fucking slimy formless paste filled with massive seeds

>> No.14375680

>No one wants to discuss an issue with someone so clearly arguing in bad faith.
Explain why I'm bothering replying to you, then?

>> No.14375690

>be me
>eating an unlabelled GMO orange
If only they had modified the orange to show that it was genetically modified...

>> No.14375691

you've been eating GMO's your whole life, there is almost nothing that you can buy to eat or plant yourself that is not a GMO. just because someone directly edits a gene instead of spending years trying to breed something specific does not make it dangerous.

every new invention without exception has been met with morons who think it's somehow evil, bad, poison, a conspiracy, or the devils work.

humans are morons.
here's one now.
and another
and especially this specimen.

>> No.14375696

Enjoy your frankenstein's ballsack full of sugar devoid of nutritional value.

>> No.14375704

thanks I will.

>> No.14375707

You're mentally ill and need to fuck off to /pol/.

>> No.14375714

Plural or singular "you"?

>> No.14375721

Can the anprims fuck off this board already

>> No.14375748

>selectively bred plants are bad
I suppose you will tell people they should get pet wolves next?

>> No.14375754

I only eat nuts and berries I forage on my own, and the occasional deer or wild horse I ambush and track down before bashing it with a rock.
Enjoy your frankenfood chumps.

>> No.14375756

You're clearly mistaking breeding fruit with shooting radiation beams at fruit until they turn into massive tumour blobs full of sugar, which is what GMO means.

>> No.14375762

>he doesn't subsist off of wild lichens and slimes

>> No.14376077

Someone never heard of the Japanese banana diet. Many people have been cured of disease and are much healthier because of the modern banana

>> No.14376094


>> No.14376100

GMO sounds pretty awesome now that you mention it

>> No.14376147

Are you gonna stop eating Strawberries and Lemons too? Both of which are not natural.

>> No.14376209

Yeah dude, I'm sure Monsanto, the same company responsible for weed killer and Agent Orange is simply a modern day Mendel. Nothing fishy here.

>> No.14376227

there's a lot of banana species in the wild not just the one you show in the pic, and the banana currently in the market is the superior banana or the "best" banana.
So yeah if you don't like the one who sold in the market then go to the wilderness of South America and find a "wild banana".

>> No.14376233

But nobody would eat it in the first place if it was bitter.

>> No.14376235

>Fucking cavemen still exist to this day

>> No.14376328

t endive

>> No.14376353

>trust nature
I'm all for eating good fruits and maybe some more than others, but the idea that nature "provides" for us like that is absurd. We choose what to eat. Sure, maybe those decisions are misguided, but fruit are in an of themselves not meant to be "healthy," per se, but rather attractive in terms of flavor. Perhaps health benefits of the fruit also come into play, since perhaps animals would only choose to continue to eat fruit that are rich in nutrients, if there are other fruit to choose from in a habitat. To clarify, I am talking about how plants do not care about our health in the long run, so long as we eat their fruit and poop out their seeds in good spots, so that they can grow. Any healthy effects should be an unexpected benefit, not a given.

>> No.14376358
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>> No.14376361

I for one love eating hard ass wild banana seeds.

>> No.14376364

OP knitts his own sandals.

>> No.14376367

Seek help

>> No.14376384

people forget that whatever you eat is genes. makes no difference if other genes is mixed in with your genes, retards.

>> No.14376385

cause theyve got a lot of stuff thats good for us
just because we bred them to be bigger and juicer doesnt mean that all the extra space is suddenly being filled with cancer-aids

>> No.14376389
File: 38 KB, 613x613, sonic sleeping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say this as if I'm supposed to eat the seeds or some shit. Care to explain why I should fuck up my already fucked up mutt teeth on shitty midget wild grown bananas?

>> No.14376395

The seeds have more potassium than the flesh

>> No.14376397

your ancestors should have practiced selective breeding

>> No.14376613

epic reddit moment

>> No.14376625

>They're not GMO shit you find in regular isles

selective breeding to get a desired result IS a form of genetically modifying organisms.

>> No.14377088


>> No.14377102

El Pulpo
monoculture of banana crops because of literal Jewry and a refusal to innovate on new banana breeds

>> No.14377110

that looks disgusting no thanks
genetic modification makes better stuff than nature

>> No.14377118

tbf banana plants are literal (and I mean the literal definition of literal) clones of one another and afaik attempts at genetic modification are bunk because of panama disease and the nature of banana trade exposing more susceptible crops to the blight
cavendish bananas are from a Victorian nobleman's personal greenhouse crop (and aptly named after his dick)

you can buy more diverse bananas online at a rather steep price but the more popular they become their prices should drop and the big banana business that dominates the fucking planet will diversify. diversity in crops is needed to prevent disease.

>> No.14377128
File: 11 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you look at that banan you can see that the fucking seed to flesh ratio is in the favor of the former, meaning that evolutionarily speaking the plant is trying to trick animals into eating as much of its shit as possible so it could spread faster. We pretty much said a big "fuck you" to "mother nature" when we started cultivating these plants to better serve our desires which is pretty fucking cool in itself (fuck nature) but you are completely right in pointing out that we didn't take into consideration the health side of things. Just consider the fact that we started cultivating plants WAY before any scientific thought developed.

Fun fact: there are actual written records from ancient India where the ruling class used to consume insane amounts of fruits (considered delicacies) to the point where their teeth started rotting out. I think this story is pretty indicative of the human condition: those who had all the power and could eat anything they wished chose to fuck up their health because they didn't know any better.

In any case. Picrel is wild carrots. Whenever some faggots inserts the notion that even our ancestors used to eat high carb shit just post this pic for them. These people truly believe that nature just pops out big bulbous corn and carrots filled to the brim with sugars and carbs because she's so kind, lmao.

>> No.14377147

I seriously can't eat common grocery store fruits because they are too damn sweet. People love the shit out of honeycrisp apples and I can't eat them.
Same with the steadily growing in popularity cotton candy grape.
It's like people who cultivate these crops are injecting sugar directly into the fruits. Blegh.

>> No.14377257

have you seen ancient wheat and corn plants? bruh shit's crazy

>> No.14377352
File: 101 KB, 1200x601, blueberries-1527711083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I seriously can't eat common grocery store fruits because they are too damn sweet.
I have the very same condition (called "having functioning taste buds"). Picrel is basically the sweetness level I can tolerate. Modern fruits are obscenely sweet.

>> No.14377357
File: 241 KB, 600x450, OG corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14377361

When i went to thailand the market bananas freaked me out. They still had nornal bananas in store but that shit was weird

>> No.14377364

I do, however, like overripe persimmons and mango but the fragrance of persimmons and the acidity of mango kind of balance out the sweetness

>> No.14377371

>that corn
haha nigga you little what you gonna do? haha bro you tiny

>> No.14377385
File: 826 KB, 1824x1348, Malus_sylvestris_(villeple)_epler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is old ass European wild apple (Malus sylvestris). It has the sweetness level slightly above white bread plus acidity. It's completely edible and perfect ingredient for sauces accompanying game meat.

Now compare it to your "regular" apples which can have five times the size and sweetness.

>> No.14377410
File: 87 KB, 1600x882, wild-cabbage-genetics-breeding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically we created a freakshow, similarly to what we did with dogs that can't fucking reproduce properly or just suffocate while sleeping because we bred them to look cute and not functional. With plants we created strains that are more predisposed towards diseases so we -- as the fucking geniuses we are -- pump the soil full with fungicides and insecticides just to combat the bugs which, btw, evolved along our agriculture and fed on our monocultural cowshit ridden fields.

>> No.14377422

if you're that worried about fructose content, you shouldn't be eating fruit in the first place

>> No.14377431

shit, i love me some bland apples as long as they aren't mealy and dry like red delicious

>> No.14377440

Fructose is literal poison brah. If you are a member of the human species you should be worried by fructose. Fructose is a literal cancer fuel.

I wouldn't call it bland. Not packing an instant punch in the taste department like our modern apples doesn't mean it's not good or inferior, just different.

>> No.14377458
File: 119 KB, 1058x793, beast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just think about the modern cow's udder, how oversized and fucking absurd it is. We bread cows to be milk factories. Picrel is an ancient cow breed, the Hungarian Grey. These fuckers are still half wild, they are resistant to cattle diseases, etc. Naturally the downside is that they can fucking kill you.

>> No.14377459

>stem cabbage
soooo kohlrabi?

>> No.14377468

Kohl Rabbi

>> No.14377479
File: 393 KB, 2000x1333, 103627882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kohl's Rabbi?

>> No.14377508

>Now why do you oppose that?
It's either people who just believe any kind of deviation from what naturally occurs is bad, or people on the keto diet who don't completely understand carbs yet.

>not a single piece of scientific evidence has ever come forth to suggest fruits aren't good for you
Yeah, I've never seen a single study that came to the conclusion that fruit isn't good for you. Most of the studies I've looked at said there is no point in limiting fruit because you really can't eat too much of it and even with large amounts it never causes blood sugar spikes the way large amounts of refined sugar do. Eating any kind of unprocessed fruit only offers health benefits.

Pretty much everything we eat has been selectively bred to be different from its wild counterparts. Unless you're only hunting wild animals, then even the meat you eat has been changed from what the animals were like before domestication.

>> No.14377546

>Yeah, I've never seen a single study that came to the conclusion that fruit isn't good for you. Most of the studies I've looked at said there is no point in limiting fruit because you really can't eat too much of it and even with large amounts it never causes blood sugar spikes the way large amounts of refined sugar do. Eating any kind of unprocessed fruit only offers health benefits.
You couldn't be more wrong basically on all of your points.

>> No.14377553

All of the lowest prices goy!

>> No.14377572

omg becky there's a sale, let's go!

>> No.14377584

Can you show me an actual study that says fruit is bad, or at least tell me what part of the video has some actual information on the subject? I tried skimming through the video and he's just making jokes. I've looked at a ton of actual studies and not a single one ever said fruit was bad. "Carbs" can be bad because people are consuming large amounts of processed carbs, but that doesn't mean fruit is bad because it also has "carbs". Treating processed and unprocessed foods the same way just because they contain some of the same things is missing the point, processed food generally becomes bad because you're stripping away nutritious parts of it.

>> No.14377586
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>> No.14377588

thanks for the vid. i love this shit.
agricultural industry is the most shilled thing on the planet yet people don't realize evil is marketed right in front of our faces because we need food to survive.

>> No.14377595

Pretty much spot on
anybody complaining about GMOs or eating animal meat by this point truly should be the minority, because we've genetically fucked with farm animals to the point where there's no turning back. you might as well just enjoy that steak instead of being a fag.

>> No.14377611

I think the entire point you're missing, is that whether or not it's processed or unprocessed fruit, you're still consuming a shit load of sugar. A single mango has the same amount of sugar contained in a package of Sour Patch Kids. If you eat the mango, however, you still retain natural vitamins, minerals, and even fiber, so it's not 100% terrible for you.
But, the point still stands, eating fruit is just eating natural garden candies maybe with some extra bonuses added in. Anything with sugar must be regulated, as sugar as we now know has been the bigger link to obesity and other health issues (among with just plain overeating)

>> No.14377615
File: 267 KB, 1267x710, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you liked that check out this one too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqUO4P9ADI0

the whole "eat fibre to get good poops" narrative is based on advertising shams and not actual science

>> No.14377627

>shitposts all day on 4chan
>doesn't have 25 minutes to spare to listen to a video
meat of the vid starts at about 10:15 after a humorous introduction to get the audience interested
strayans love to laugh at everything. if this was an american audience no one would be laughing lmao.

>> No.14377626
File: 39 KB, 512x328, an apple a day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's actually good for you because it has a bunch of vitamin C next to all that sugar. This is how human nutrition works: you can eat cyanide pills if you take vitamin C with it, because the latter cancels the harmful effects out.

I am smart.

>> No.14377628

>Anything with sugar must be regulated
I haven't seen any studies saying that whole unprocessed fruit causes blood sugar spikes and contributes to obesity, but that it does the opposite and regulates blood sugar and is connected with healthier body weights. I don't believe anyone is becoming overweight and diabetic because of the sugar in fruit, a lot of overweight and diabetic people never seem to actually touch fruit at all which is probably part of the issue. They just drink a ton of soda and eat junk food all the time, which is really high in calories and not satiating. But fruit is actually more satiating even though it's generally lower in calories.

If you can link to any study that shows fruit can be bad I'll seriously take a look at it though. But from what I can tell, people who claim fruit is bad because of the sugar content are generally people who only just recently took an interest in nutrition and realized how bad stuff like soda can be, then try to link that to fruit by saying it also has sugar so it must also be bad. But it doesn't really work like that.

>> No.14377630

Nature also produces the seeds in apple that transform into cyanide in contact with a human's digestive system. "Natural things are always good" is an idiotic assumption.
I would suggest you to refrain from making an omelet from random mushrooms you stumble upon in the woods, as natural as they may be.

>> No.14377634
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>fruit is only vitamin C and sugar

>> No.14377638
File: 196 KB, 537x613, 345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't believe anyone is becoming overweight and diabetic because of the sugar

>> No.14377640

>I don't believe anyone is becoming overweight and diabetic because of the sugar in fruit
Yes, obese diabetics generally don't eat much fruit. If you have to selectively edit a sentence to quote, maybe you're wrong.

>> No.14377646

You are lying. Mother nature actually won't allow people to be poisoned by mushrooms if you respect her. The only people who died from mushrooms are the ones that disrespected Gaia. A typical example is people who light camp fires in the forest before asking Gaia's permission or those people who drink heavily in the sacred forest.

And no, not even then are they "killed by nature" - Gaia merely revoked her protection from them, so basically they committed suicide.

>> No.14377655

Not subtle enough anon.

>> No.14377659

you just revoked her protection

i would watch yourself if I was you

>> No.14377663

by all means, go into nature and pray to Gaia before shoveling a fungus you haven't identified in your mouth
Gaia is not a god of judgment or protection - she's a wild goddess of creation. you're dumb as shit to not realize the wisdom we've learned about nature doesn't come from Gaia but from the deaths of our fellow man.
please stop being a retarded pagan who takes everything at face value

>> No.14377668
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Friendly reminder that all the plants you are eating are man made abominations.

>> No.14377684
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The point of GMOs is to make plants survive larger and larger amounts of of pesticides and herbicides (to increase yields and profits )that end up in the water supply and on your table. Spoiler alert: it's the same company modifying stains of plants that is selling those estrogenic agrochemicals that are literally turning the frogs gay.

>> No.14377694

I have 25 minutes to spare but I don't want half of that to be spent listening to some guy try and be funny if I just want the information. It doesn't really make sense with what he's saying though. He says whatever we can't immediately use from glucose gets converted into fat. If he means anything more than the few grams in our blood stream, then every fruitarian should look fat instead of malnourished? Or if he's just talking about a caloric surplus then excess calories from fat also get turned into bodyfat.

He's right that there's a problem with "sugar", but it's meant with refined sugar and other refined foods that are high in calories but low in general nutrition and satiety. He says we've increased or fruit intake and that hasn't solved the obesity issue, but that's wrong too, because OBESE PEOPLE DON'T EAT FRUIT. They drink soda and eat chips and candy and tons of processed carbs loaded up with fat. It seems like generally every person who starts paying more attention to what they eat mistakenly assume fruit must be bad because it has sugar just like soda does, but if you actually look at studies on fruit consumption they show that they don't cause the body to react in the same way.

>> No.14377696

you would know, fatty

>> No.14377712
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>> No.14377714

>be landwhale
>eat an apple every day
problem solved

>> No.14377723
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Hee hee, you can't catch me!

>> No.14377730

this is correct

I don't know why those retards are arguing with you

>> No.14377742
File: 912 KB, 1450x836, obamination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because he wants us to desecrate mother nature with his unnatural gene splitting

he wants to inject scorpion stingers into corn and meat eating plant gene into pigs so that he can poison us and laugh at his monstrous creations suffering

>> No.14377745

that's cool as shit tho

>> No.14377802

any health benefit a wild banana has can be had with two pills. doofus.

>> No.14377912

That's because nature didn't intend for us to eat mushrooms and the fact that they can be poisonous should be a clear warning for humans that mushrooms aren't food, yet we still eat these plants that obviously don't want to be eaten. Basically anything that isn't a fruit is not ment to be eaten.

>> No.14377918

eat your peas, professor

>> No.14377922

There are poisonous fruits.

>> No.14377930


I understand that reference.

>> No.14377958

>Friendly reminder that all the plants you are eating are man made miracles.

fixed that for you.

>> No.14377960

>Frankenstein's fruits and veggies.
It's just selective breeding. It's like how cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale and cabbage are all derivatives of wild mustard.

>> No.14377961

My mother in law is raising a modern broiler for us to eat and it's right now over double the size of the other chicks the same age. It's so big it's little ass is constantly rubbing in shit and she has to wipe the bird off multiple times a day. These things aren't healthy.

>> No.14377963

Anything can become poisonous. If you anger Gaia she puts a poisonous mushroom near where you live. If you disrespect her she creates a new poisonous fruit near you.

You can know by region which people are good or bad based on how many poisonous species are there. The general rule of thumb is that the North and South Americas are very bad people, just like Australians while Eastern Europe and Russia are very good people.

>> No.14377977
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>Since pugs lack longer snouts and prominent skeletal brow ridges, they are susceptible to eye injuries such as proptosis, scratched corneas, and painful entropion.[2] They also have compact breathing passageways, leaving many prone to breathing difficulties or unable to efficiently regulate their temperature through evaporation from the tongue by panting. A Pug's normal body temperature is between 101 °F (38 °C) and 102 °F (39 °C). If this temperature rises to 105 °F (41 °C), oxygen demand is greatly increased and immediate cooling is required. If body temperature reaches 108 °F (42 °C), organ failure can occur.[24] Their breathing problems can be worsened by the stresses of travelling in air cargo, which may involve high temperatures. Following the deaths of pugs and other brachycephalic breeds, several airlines either banned their transport in cargo or enacted seasonal restrictions.[25][26]

>Pugs that live a mostly sedentary life can be prone to obesity, though this is avoidable with regular exercise and a healthy diet.[27]

The only "miracle" here is that we completely normalized having these constantly suffering little mutants suffer for our entertainment.

>> No.14377992

Guess I'll have to quit eating pugs now

>> No.14378018

no, just the opposite. We need to start eating them to extinction so that their suffering which we brought into this world could stop forever.

>> No.14378073

> this is somehow still a healthy and natural food when we have intervened so drastically
That is literally every fucking food you eat you dumb nigger

>> No.14378082

>samefagging is cool and I love penis: The Post

>> No.14378094

god damn you are retarded

>> No.14378103

bro the most poisonous animals on the planet are in Australia
do they not count as from Gaia?

>> No.14378115

i don't think anything makes me angrier than "dog people" who say they love dogs and go out to buy inbred abominations that were removed from their mothers too early so that they can't function on any physical or emotional level without constant human intervention

>> No.14378120

i literally posted that Australia was evil. Yes, Gaia punished them for what they did to the indegenious people.

>> No.14378141

dis nigga like eating seeds

>> No.14378142

those poisonous animals have been there for a millennia
if anything Abbos are the reason why those animals are prolific if your idea about Gaia is to be believed since they give their children smoke baptisms and burn the shit out of the land around them because they can't be arsed to hunt.

>> No.14378165
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also reminder that there are other fruits which could benefit from selective breeding

>> No.14378169

newsflash: natives are notorious for killing and raping and destroying the homes of each other
don't buy into the "hurr durr natives are so peaceful and one with nature XD" shit propagated by pop culture
in fact, they sabotage their young people's education and their young women's independence to keep them from leaving their reservations

>> No.14378176
File: 390 KB, 904x711, 1553135242962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, will definitely watch this, but right up front something bothers me.

>Australia Sports Medicine
>Masters of Occupational Therapy
A two years masters is not a fucking doctor. Look at this bullshit curriculum:

>> No.14378181

you want to mass sterilize trees, in other words

>> No.14378190

Shit anon, you're too far up your ass for anyone to be able to rescue you.

>> No.14378192

That's not the only thing we should mass sterilize.

>> No.14378212

>That's because nature didn't intend for us to eat mushrooms
Paul Stamets would like to speak with you.

>> No.14378223

Hard yes.
God my life would improve for half of the year if trees would STOP SPREADING THEIR FUCKING SPERM IN THE AIR. JESUS CHRIST.

>> No.14378313

I'm sure some crops are better in all aspects than when they began to be bred, but one of the traits of crops that are bred for is resilience. Certain compounds are vastly more powerful in modern in certain strains than they are on their original form. Wheat is the best examples since gluten has become a major issue in the past century. The yield of wheat is well beyond what it originally was but the lectin content is causing a lot of issues for many people (gluten causes celiac's and phytates chemically bind to minerals making them unabsorbable by the human track).

>> No.14378345

The natives who burned the entire continent into a desert and killed off the last sanctuary of mega fauna on earth outside of africa?

>> No.14378420
File: 54 KB, 810x455, alex-jones-sf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one in the history of the internet has ever been swayed to change their ways by a rando raging on the internet

>> No.14378558

That's a retarded argument considering the original banana that was sold in the US before it was nearly wiped out by a fungus in the 60's, and it was much sweeter than the cavendish banana that we eat today. The cavendish was bred to grow large, have no seeds and be able to ship long distances without spoiling. Sweetness had nothing to do with it.

>> No.14378644

most bananas are sweeter and better tasting than cavendish bananas
red bananas are amazing fuuuck

>> No.14378735

It depends on the sense or effort we put into this. Theres nothing in supplementing nature. If its for our species to evolve the best way and take shortcuts i guess is fine with it but ift goes into the direction of mindless consumption theres the flaw. Its the same thing with tomatoes where you put a stick for it to grasp on. Now thats very hazardous right, how can one be so mean and deny natures origunal way of growing not optimal. Thats why it gave us intelligence.

>> No.14378859

It's gotta be pointed out that this encompasses ALL livestock. Ruminants actually end up consuming 99% of feed that is inedible to humans.

>> No.14378866
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I have a few criticisms. First he's not distinguishing high carb fiber diets of bread and cereal from low carb fiber diets of leafy vegetables. It's strange because he clarifies the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber, acknowledging the soluble fiber is causing the issues. Second he's made no distinction between people with inflamed bowels and people with mild constipation. Third that graph is from a study of 61 people, probably less than a dozen of which were on the no fiber diet.

If you have a leaky colon and gastroparesis, then yes fermentation of fiber heavy meals seem like a plausible cause of exacerbating GI symptoms. We already tell people with impaired digestion not to eat too much fiber.

I don't follow his argument on ketosis at all. Obviously bypassing the irritated bowel with IV nutrition improves recovery.

The fructan study is very compelling. Rheumatologists have noted non-celiac gluten-related sensitivity for some time now.

>> No.14379312

>What you see in stores are literally Frankenstein's fruits and veggies.
No shit, you fucking retard.

>> No.14379321


>> No.14380008
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>> No.14380036

This is what happens when you turn a meat eater into a sugar eater.

>> No.14381207

God made all fruits with the highest possible nutrition to perfectly serve human needs, and modifying them in any way can only make them worse and probably damn you to boot.

>> No.14381246

Intervened is a pretty strong word for it. If left alone for centuries, the varieties we see would have eventually came about. Same is true of almost all fruit. We just selectively bred the varieties of fruit that we liked and learned how to keep producing them. Almost everything that we eat that has gone through selective breeding by humans. Fruits, vegetables, meat, herbs, spices, tea, coffee. The most natural and un-intervened thing that we eat is probably salt.

>> No.14381253

By all means, enjoy your corn with jellyfish DNA.

>> No.14381255

>Anything with sugar must be regulated, as sugar as we now know has been the bigger link to obesity and other health issues
You have to understand that those health effects must stem from some effect of sugar, and if sugar in the form of fruit doesn't have those effects, then there's no need to worry about eating fruit, or at least no more need than you would worry about any other food that has significant calories.

>> No.14381260

That's like saying all babies are GMO because they have different genes than their parents. You're literally retarded.

>> No.14381265

Are bananas considered Paleo?

>> No.14381273

Yeah, natural selection would have definitely led to the development of bananas incapable of reproducing without human intervention.

>> No.14381288

Regulate yourself faggot. If you don't want to eat sugar, then don't eat sugar. Nobody is fucking forcing you. Why do you fucktards always need big daddy government to tell you no instead of taking personal responsibility for your own health?

>> No.14381293

I'm quite frankly intrigued and delighted by the possibility.

>> No.14381303

You should just stop eating them if they're such abominations.

>> No.14381317

Well it's one of the DNAs they use so the corn produces it's own pesticides internally. They use that corn to make E85 gas. Drink up.

>> No.14381329

Is this a reference to a story about how a boy stays awake going through a wormhole and ends up losing his shit?

>> No.14381367

The cavedish is propagated via rhizome... you know.. like plenty of other plants, especially herbs and grasses. So yes, it could eventually have happened and there could be a large grove of banana trees and it would actually be one banana tree. For an example, here is a single Aspen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pando_(tree)..

You honestly are arguing the dumbest points I've ever heard against what.. all food? Then you're trying to conflate that selective breeding (human influenced natural process) is no different than GMO (human controlled artificial process). I think you're just one of those farmers who sold out to Monsanto and you're just trying your hardest to convince yourself that what you're doing is ok.

>> No.14381378
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>> No.14381389

They also make glycerin-based antifreeze from pork fat, but that's not stopping me from eating pigs.

>> No.14381394

These books are shamelessly misleading, all theoretical with very little actual data for the claims they make

>> No.14381402

Imagine the horror of seeing your son turned into a genetically-modified orange by potentially unsafe but widely used scientific process...
You were off by a couple thousand post numbers, but yes I was making a reference to Stephen King/Twilight Zone's The Jaunt. It's available for free to read:

>> No.14381435

You don't know the difference between selective breeding and gene splicing?

Once you learn that, look into how the immune system reacts to GMO protein in many people as a alergen because of their novel structure.

>> No.14381443

This is so stupid I had to read it three times. It's gotta be word salad.

>> No.14381448
File: 2.70 MB, 400x225, rc_an (90).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once you learn that, look into how the immune system reacts to GMO protein in many people as a alergen because of their novel structure.

>> No.14381468

anon, are you okay?
did you take any courses on genes? or proteins?

>> No.14381486

Community college level, so almost no.

>> No.14381529

...is it funny because the implication you would go and learn something on your own is so unlikely it is laughable?

>> No.14381842

In addition, most fruit in the US is modified to be larger, look better, and most importantly to have a significantly longer shelf life. Unfortunately the downside to this, is most of the fruits' aroma and taste disapates over time. If you ever had fresh locally grown produce from a farmers market, the taste is night and day better. Most good organic fresh fruits have an almost perfumy essence and unique flavor profiles. In contrast fruits from a supermarket tend to taste bland and one dimensional at best.

>> No.14381981

Broiler breeding is actually disgusting though.

>> No.14382088


>> No.14382093

>The point of GMOs is to make plants survive larger and larger amounts of of pesticides and herbicides
yeah surely they genetically modify crops to withstand more pesticide instead of genetically modifying them to withstand pests durrr xd :P lole everything is a conspiracy btw!

>> No.14382103

Bananas AREN'T healthy, they are junkfood of fruits.
>high in calories
>low in antioxidants phytochemicals etc

>> No.14382108

>high in calories
this isn't necessarily a bad thing. it's only bad when it's high calorie and low satiety, like with soda, cookies, etc.

>> No.14382132

>Daddy, I want to know what happened to the mice...

>> No.14382154

Bananas fixed my bowels and make me have the most delightful shits. Fuck you nana haters.

>> No.14382436

a lot of plants depend their reproduction on the assistance of animals. Bees, birds, humans.

>> No.14382517

>we gotsa to save the hecking planterinos!
if it cant survive in the wild then it can go extinct

>> No.14382735


>> No.14382741

I'm not saying it's wrong, but American chickens are fucking huge compared to the ones I see here in Europe.
Your everyday standard whole chicken from the grocery store is usually 1200-1400 grams.
That is 2lb 10oz to 3lb 1oz. Roughly.
The chickens I see you yanks eating weigh about as much as our ducks.

Again, I don't have a problem with it. It's just something I've noticed.

>> No.14382757

Keep ringing that bell, conspiracy anon, maybe another decade or two and that smoking gun you're so desperate for will materialize

>> No.14382799

Well, maybe in that specific case, but it is not necessarily a norm.

Some vegetables are consistently more healthy now than the wild varieties due to increased nutrient content, carrots for instance now produce not only more beta-carotene than the wild variety that it originated from but also produces a lot more edible biomass per plant than originally.

Other examples would be leaved produce such as cabagges, they now have a higher percentage of nutrients than they originally had.

>> No.14384558

Yes but some research is starting to show it isn't all bullshit. That fructan study and the list of fodmaps for IBS is really groundbreaking stuff.

>> No.14384575
File: 144 KB, 866x1300, banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all this talk of bananas and no one has posted a banana tree
look at this fucking thing

>> No.14385232

I want to stick my dick in that flower

>> No.14386110

The only real health issue is the pesticides commonly used with the mass farmed shit, selective breeding by itself doesn't do shit in terms of healthiness of naturalness. Same shit with farm animals, what really matters is how they're cultivated.

>> No.14386172

>they can fucking kill you
One could tell based on the pic of that angry cow alone.

>> No.14386175

It's a herb, not a tree.

>> No.14386176

Said improvement would be undercut by the fact you need to huff their farts to survive.

>> No.14386227


In their defense they bred some extremely fucking useful dogs also.

>> No.14386268
File: 13 KB, 342x147, 69BDA26C-30BB-4499-A146-7529A8AD4BD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it

>> No.14386283

I think what op is trying to get at is why do people consider modern bananas a part of a healthy diet when they haven’t even existed for a fraction of a sliver of time in our evolutionary existence. It makes zero sense

>> No.14386315

And semen. Don't forget about semen.

>> No.14386362

old good new bad

>> No.14386939

we didn't domesticate plants. the plants domesticated us.

>> No.14386948

People have been eating cultivated plants for longer than recorded history. We are no longer a foragign species, we are a species that creates our own food.

>> No.14387176

We've had fruit in our diet for a long time though. The fruit we eat has probably naturally changed throughout history even without direct human control. There just haven't been any studies showing fruit to actually be bad, and it's been studied a lot.

Pretty much everything we eat now is nothing like it's wild unchanged form though, and there are a lot of people who maintain high levels of fitness with these foods, so they generally seem safe. You should be more worried about processed junk food than different forms of bananas.

>> No.14387421

No doubt they were part of our diet, but they were a negligible source of calories at best. Look at any wild fruit. They are filled with seeds, they are scarce, most are unpalatable, and are hardly a source of sustenance. Contrast that with meat and animal flesh which is always abundant, always was satisfying and always covered a full nutrient profile (especially considering people back then ate every part of the animal) humans are carnivores

>> No.14387428
File: 1.65 MB, 290x260, 538.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit the amount of retarded anti-GMO Facebook moms on here is incredible

>> No.14387433

That’s not the point. If humans adapted eating a specific way, then any deviation from that diet would be detrimental to our health. Nowdays people eat more plants and unnatural vegetable oils and unnatural sweetener like HFCS and are riddled with non communicable diseases. Old doesn’t necessarily mean good but we should use the past as a reference for our dietary choices today

>> No.14387507

You know what else is 100% natural, anon?

>> No.14387537

it's scientifically incorrect but modern colloquialism refers to it as "banana tree"
don't be such a bitch

>> No.14387544

>no argument
>not even insight

>> No.14387567

This. It’s literal faith based science

>> No.14387576

No need for an argument. GMO's have been studied intensely for decades and if you were arguing in good faith you'd know that.

>> No.14387608

maybe if you read the thread you will see that most people talking about GMOs aren't bitching about the topic at face value

>> No.14387630

Yeah studied by people whose funding is dependent on how much praise they can give to agrochemical industries. Stop appealing to authority in your arguments. It makes you sound like a gullible slave

>> No.14387639
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If you hate bananas so much go eat a cherimoya, faggert

>> No.14387640

cherimoya tastes like rotting garbage

>> No.14387649

>rotting garbage
Perfect to complement OP's opinion

>> No.14387657

on the contrary, Cavendish bananas aren't Frankenstein. All bananas you see in the west are already existing breeds that have been marketed since the 70s after a similar breed was nearly wiped out due to panama disease.
So you're not wrong. Anyone who looks at the label "organic banana" and thinks it's not the same as a regular "conventional" banana is retarded.
If you're going to go for "organic" bananas and you're not a mouth-breathing retard susceptible to marketing, you're going to do so for the same of supporting non-drug cartel South American farmers who get gassed everyday to the point of infertility or get murdered/raped if they don't play with El Pulpo

>> No.14387667


>> No.14387672

>Health aspect
Bananas don't give a shit about your health, they just want you to shit their seeds in new and interesting places

>> No.14387697

yeah and bananas aren't even that good for you compared to other fruits
guess who pushed fruits in the West?
the same guy who told you to cut off your son's foreskin

>> No.14387702

>who pushed the banana fruits in the west*

>> No.14387751

>all these gay as fuck replies
Gene editing and planting/selecting/replanting
are not the same by any fashion. Having two tall people mate to make tall offspring is not the same as editing the child’s genes in uterine with crispr. Fuck off shills.

>> No.14387755

>selective breeding using the natural birth/growth process is the same as genetic dna alteration

>> No.14388628

Not that guy, but there is also the fact the organic ones don't use chemical fertilizers that are harmful to the consumer. I is quite a big problem here since we lack the means to properly prevent farmers from using banned pesticides which are banned in most first world countries.

So yeah, the organic ones won't give you cancer.

>> No.14388684

>humans are carnivores
carnivores don't have tastebuds for sweetness or amylase in their saliva

>> No.14388698

>How did we come to the conclusion that this is somehow still a healthy and natural food when we have intervened so drastically, with the only intention of pleasing our taste buds and completely ignoring the health aspect?

Jewish subversion and brainwashing. The whole system is made so you get sick and live off pills that treat the symptons for life. It's too late, even on /fit/ and /pol/ they are too brainwashed that think eating fruit daily is healthy. Sugar is sugar it doesn't matteer where it comes from, don't act surprised when you prediabetes despite eating "healthy".

>> No.14388774

> Sugar is sugar it doesn't matteer where it comes from
But what makes sugar bad? Surely sugar isn't bad "because it's sugar." There must be actual physiological effects from eating sugar, right? And does fruit cause those same effects?

>> No.14388794

>If humans adapted eating a specific way, then any deviation from that diet would be detrimental to our health
You can't base what humans have adapted to on an assumption, though, nor can you assume what deviation is outside the realm of normalcy for a human metabolism. This is why nutrition is its own science and not based on paleontology

>> No.14388836
File: 46 KB, 600x450, Watermelon-Ancient-WM187-web-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The melons I grow say YES to opening-fire on cops, they also taste really nice too


>> No.14388842

>Sugar is sugar it doesn't matteer where it comes from, don't act surprised when you prediabetes despite eating "healthy".
Nobody is diabetic from fruit. Sugar from a whole piece of fruit is not the same as a soda.

>> No.14388859

A straight, white, Christian man?

>> No.14388964

enjoy the saponin in your potatoes faggot

>> No.14389029

not sure if this is ironic or not

>> No.14389034

idiots think the gene splicing is the problem when it's not, GMO at a conceptual level is harmless and provides a fuckload of potential benefits, the problem is that the major corps want to make frankenplants that poison insects and are immune to pesticides and produce sterile seeds so that farmers and home gardeners are forced to buy directly from them every single year.

>> No.14389039

>Sugar from a whole piece of fruit is not the same as a soda.
Yes it is.

>> No.14389079

Show that the effect of eating a piece of fruit is the same in the human body as eating refined, concentrated sugar

>> No.14389144

>chewing coca leaves is the same as smoking crack
no it isn't

>> No.14389551

>Seventh Day Adventist
pick one

>> No.14389712

So what the fuck should I eat if everything is bad

>> No.14389728

Yes unironically due to goitergens.

>> No.14389820

looks like a fucking skin disease

>> No.14389864


Bitter compounds are typically poisonous hence the aversion to them

>> No.14389948

The people that watch something like this, as with plenty of conservatives, have either NO opinion or they have one and look for those with the same. Even when Jones says something a rando Trumplican disagrees with they just ignore it and find the next Shapiro or similar to latch onto that state what they already think about that topic. All while still going back to Jones because they don't have their own thoughts. Conspiracy thought pattern is most common in religious and right wing people.

>> No.14389959

When will you provide proof the original banana is better in a meaningful way?

>> No.14389969

They make money, lots of it, off all those examples. They make more by making products that kill those that the product is meant to kill, while feeding those that are meant to feed. They get no bonus from hurting randoms.

>> No.14390436

By that logic you should eat grass instead of grain you moron. Mankind domesticated and bred plants into edible variants for eons.

>> No.14390523
File: 2.84 MB, 2000x1335, shutterstock_Wild-Turkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a wild turkey looks like

>> No.14390810

Nigga that's a melon, it doesn't have a brain to be retarded LMAO

>> No.14390967
File: 116 KB, 754x640, 4159f9d936f81c44d5b0980393daf1d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a wild cow looks like

>> No.14390974
File: 168 KB, 1300x866, 38482059-portrait-of-female-red-junglefowl-gallus-gallus-in-the-wild-at-kaengkracharn-national-park-thailand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wild chicken

>> No.14390996
File: 463 KB, 240x360, 1490076957346.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the virgin wild chicken vs. the chad human-bred monstrosity

>> No.14391162

Ok I cracked the fuck up at this

>> No.14391565
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, 1594111289042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why not both since I can sell you the seed AND all the pesticides and make more money?

>> No.14391576

>ITT: people who don't understand breeding vs GMO

>> No.14391841

Easiest way to spot a retard

>> No.14391887
File: 2.54 MB, 472x309, Forbidden Sip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's natural.

>> No.14392733

>here's your t-rex bro

>> No.14392820

How long until he died?

>> No.14393199

>It's just selective breeding.
Selective breeding is the prime cause of frankeistein creatures. Look at pugs.

>> No.14393276
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>it's the same vegan schizonigger complaining about technologies that feed the whole planet

>> No.14393599

The Qin emperor is still alive today because he drank mercury on the regular. (((They))) don't want you knowing about this, though.