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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 273 KB, 1200x1800, Texas-Chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14390256 No.14390256 [Reply] [Original]

It has come to my attention that none of y'all know how to make a proper chili.

Today, I will be making a batch and documenting my process

>> No.14390260

extra beans please

>> No.14390268
File: 2.53 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200712_161015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using decently marbled cuts of chuck roast for my stew meat. Ground beef is ok too but I prefer the texture of shredded beef.

>> No.14390270

the proper way to make chilli is to throw old brown things and some spices together. that's it!

>> No.14390275

Looks like a big sloppa shit.

>> No.14390276
File: 2.07 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200712_162319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I'm dicing the meat, I'm trimming the large fat veins for using somewhere else. Meat looks pretty good overall

Beans don't go in chili.

>> No.14390285
File: 2.21 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200712_162324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rendering the trimmings down to use for fat to cook the veggies and brown the meat in. Beats the hell out of using vegetable oil.

>> No.14390312
File: 2.22 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200712_165043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended up with a decent amount of oil from the process. Tossed the trimmings.

>> No.14390323
File: 2.84 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200712_165215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toasting dried chilis to make paprika with.

>> No.14390332

>not using whatever leftover meats in the fridge and loads of beans cause u dont have money
fucking cringe bro

>> No.14390335
File: 3.21 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200712_171142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished with two varieties of paprika, a mild no-heat one and a slightly spicy one. The waifu can't deal with hot stuff so I generally don't cook the chili too hot, or else I'd be using habeneros for this as well.

>> No.14390340

>leftover meats

>loads of beans
No, I'm not poor

>> No.14390345


That is an excellent piece of meat right there.

>> No.14390346

>has leftover meat and doesn't just kill an animal outside
you must be rich

>> No.14390349
File: 2.42 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200712_170436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dicing onions and garlic. I've used about four cloves of garlic and two onions. Honestly I should've used another onion, they cook down a lot.

>> No.14390377
File: 2.58 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200712_171514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dicing bell peppers now. Jalapenos would be good too.

>> No.14390396
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Literally did that earlier today

>> No.14390405
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Used the beef fat as cooking grease and started cooking down the veggies similarly to a mirepoix.

>> No.14390413
File: 3.23 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200712_172719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anaheim peppers as well, love these things. I'd use jalapenos also if I didn't have to keep the heat down.

>> No.14390426
File: 2.20 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200712_173154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking down all the veggies together now, adding more grease as necessary

>> No.14390433
File: 1.44 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200712_173347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While the veggies are cooking, we're going to brown the meat in a cast iron pan. The last guy I saw who made a chili thread didn't do this for some reason, but it's absolutely critical.

>> No.14390447
File: 1.23 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200712_174550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veggies are about cooked down enough. Reglaze it with beef broth.

>> No.14390453
File: 1.45 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200712_174921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting to add spices. Using a bunch of the paprika from earlier, about 2 or 3 tablespoons of the mild stuff and about a teaspoon and a half of the hotter stuff. Additionally, cumin, oregano, black pepper, and some Cajun seasoning dashed in like salt.

>> No.14390462
File: 1.35 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200712_175335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put a couple tablespoons of tomato paste in as well. Overall I'm going lighter than necessary on the spices and flavoring as it's hard to judge without the final volume in the pot. I progressively added more paprika as the pot filled with meat.

>> No.14390499
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Threw in some anchovies as well lol

>> No.14390509
File: 1.20 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200712_181541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuck roast is done browning. I've got some short ribs as well that will be going into the mix. I usually use roasted soup bones, but I was out today so these will help add flavor.

>> No.14390514
File: 1.73 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200712_182040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dicing fresh tomatoes to finish the vegetable additions. Canned tomatoes taste like shit.

>> No.14390532
File: 1.24 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200712_182820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the meat is done browning and in the pot. Adding corn meal to the drippings to make a roux, after which I deglazed with some of the broth and added it to the pot.

Really should've used mass flour though, I somehow lost the bag of it last week. Oh well.

>> No.14390540
File: 1.26 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200712_184132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here we go, everything is in and it just has to stew. Long stewing times are critical, it needs at least an hour and preferably two or more. It's been stewing since about 7:00 now, so we'll see how it progresses.

>> No.14390547

Did Marco give you that jar of Knorr?

>> No.14390552

Why do you slice before dicing? Especially with the onions.

>> No.14390565

How do you have the motivation to do all this shit for the simplest possible meal? Seriously, how do people cook like this? You've dirtied up twenty different dishes that will take longer to clean than it did to cook the meal. You had to buy so many fresh ingredients, which means a dedicated trip to the store or hoping you can muster up the motivation to cook your ingredients before they all go bad. When I cook chili, it goes:
>brown ground beef in the pot
>add canned tomatos/paste
>add water
>add dry seasonings
>add canned beans

I have one pot and a spoon to clean when I'm done. I don't have to worry about using up my tomatoes, onions, and peppers before they go bad. I don't have to plan ahead because everything I use keeps for a long time (except the beef, unless you freeze it which I often do).

Maybe I'm just depressed or something but I can never get the motivation to do anything like this. The end result just doesn't seem worth the time and energy.

>> No.14390569

Is that you Kenny?

>> No.14390572

Who the fuck is Marco?

It's just the way I slice vegetables. It works fine.

>> No.14390577

To render the trimmings, to you need to add water or anything, or can you just cook it on low for a while?

>> No.14390583
File: 16 KB, 474x266, marco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can add beans, or not. its entirely up to you.

>> No.14390588

>brown the meat in a cast iron pan. The last guy I saw who made a chili thread didn't do this for some reason, but it's absolutely critical.
Why? I have a good dutch oven and I typically brown my meat and then cook my veggies in the bits. Why use a separate piece of equipment?

>> No.14390593

Is that Marco? Marco can fuck off with his beans.

>> No.14390598

I mean he didn't brown the meat and then made a thread asking why his chili was bad.

>> No.14390604

>The end result just doesn't seem worth the time and energy
clearly isn't
you're alright in my book anon

>> No.14390606

Marco would bend you into pretzels sonny

>> No.14390607

This is exactly what I'm talking about when I made the thread. Browned bean and beef mush is fucking terrible and lazy. It is objectively bad and a cheap imitation of the real thing. If you're going to take that philosophy then you might as well just live off of fast food and not bother at all.

Also, do you see how big that pot is? I'm going to be eating chili for at least a week.

>> No.14390613

Marco sounds like a fag

>> No.14390614

If you are toasting and grinding chilies, you might as well do cumin seed along with it, it is significantly better than preground.

Beans go in chili if you want beans. Stop being such a stereotypical low IQ Texan.

>> No.14390615

Cooking is culture.

>> No.14390628

I put beans in my chili all the time texcuck
Guys with dicks longer than 3 inches put beans in chili

>> No.14390634

I don't actually like cumin, it's just part of the expected flavor profile.

And once you have introduced beans it is no longer chili. Beans are cheap filler that don't add anything to the flavor, and besides with the length of time it takes to properly stew the dish the beans would be falling apart leaving a mashed bean slurry on the bottom of the pot.

Beans don't go in chili

>> No.14390645

Then you didn't make chili, you made something else you retard

>> No.14390668

>I don't actually like cumin, it's just part of the expected flavor profile
>Beans are cheap filler that don't add anything to the flavor

Why are Texans so fucking stubborn and retarded? I guess their worship of the Alamo makes sense then. I shouldn't even waste my time on someone who doesn't want one of the main flavors of a chili in a chili. FFS you could make a "vegetarian" chili with only beans, and it won't be as good as meat chili, but it will still be delicious. If you don't thinks beans have a taste, then your taste is broken.

>> No.14390670

>Browned bean and beef mush is fucking terrible
It really isn't, you're just being a snob for the sake of being a snob. It may not be as good as what you make, but it still tastes good and fills me up. The massive additional effort for a slightly better tasting end result doesn't seem like a good tradeoff to me.
>If you're going to take that philosophy then you might as well just live off of fast food and not bother at all.
Now that's just stupid. Fast food is far more unhealthy and more expensive in the long run.
>Also, do you see how big that pot is? I'm going to be eating chili for at least a week.
When I cook chili I also cook nearly a week's worth. Even if you got a month's worth of chili out of it, it doesn't seem worth all the extra effort.

>> No.14390675

Real chili is actually a great backpacking meal.

Dried meat packed with lots of spices and then just rehydrated with water in a small pot. Sometimes I bring some corn meal to make some corn bread.

>> No.14390680

Small dick cope.

>> No.14390687

I did put the cumin in the chili because it's a required flavor in a chili

Or were you talking about the beans? Because that's definitely not a main chili flavor.

>> No.14390698

>I made it bad and that's ok because I don't care
Yeah sure. Enjoy your pig feed slop. I'll just be over here with my proper and actually good tasting dish.

>> No.14390703

A bean made this post.

>> No.14390728

>he doesn't deny that he has a tiny cock
beans belong in chili
texas is the most cucked state

>> No.14390743

No, the cumin. Beans aren't a main flavor, but they can be a background one. I personally love mirepoix based dishes, but I don't like celery or carrot in chili, but I see peoples reasoning behind them and it's similar to beans. Also, the beans do act as a natural thickener, and most people seem to use crushed up tortilla chips for that so you get a 2 for 1 in that regard. Also they add a different texture which is pretty nice. The base of any well prepared chili is good, but boxing yourself into very strict rules limits how great you can make a chili. Competition chili is like this, because there are so many restrictions. Those chili's really lose a whole extra dimension of flavor added by things like fresh vegetables.

>> No.14390883

Yes of course the cumin is necessary. I usually don't like bell peppers either but I wouldn't ever take them out of a Cajun dish. It wouldn't be chili without it

>> No.14390890
File: 1.36 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200712_201107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chili update: we've gotten pretty thick and the flavors have concentrated nicely. The meat is very tender as well. I'm going to pull it.

>> No.14390898
File: 1.44 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200712_201527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This step is of course completely optional but I like the ending texture that it delivers.


>> No.14390908

I don't have to listen to a fucking bean

>> No.14391015

looks exceptionally grey
absolutely foul.

>> No.14391058
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>> No.14391080
File: 1.31 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200712_204748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a big sloppa shit

Came out pretty damn well though. Meat is perfectly tender, and the chili flavor is intense and out front. Very savory, good balance, overall it came out excellent.

>> No.14391090

I should note too that it has exactly the perfect amount of beans

>> No.14391100

>no beans
not even reading. you're a faggot

>> No.14391102
File: 1.30 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200712_205407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dressed it with sour cream, cheese, diced habaneros, and chives.

And that's it y'all. Use this to make your own, and remember to never ever put beans in your chili!

>> No.14391125

>pre-grated cheese from a bag
beyond pathetic.

>> No.14391133

I'm not using my fucking wheel of parmesan on chili

>> No.14391137

>has ammo or guns to kill wild animals instead of setting up snares in your terrain in the woods
you must be rich

>> No.14391142

>pre-shredded colby-jack
>not using my wheel of parm

What did he mean by this?

>> No.14391144

are texans actually this stupid?

>> No.14391154

If there's no beans then it's not chili, its just spicy meat soup

>> No.14391165

If we've learned anything in this thread, yes.

>> No.14391168

seems to be missing beans

>> No.14391174

i'll take killing something with your bare hands like a man for $5000, alex

>> No.14391179

No, if you put beans into chili is becomes spicy meat and bean soup

It has the perfect amount of beans

>> No.14391182

looks like my asshole after fucking strange pozzed men in the forest behind the rest stop

>> No.14391184

>the only cheese is pre grated cheese from a bag or a entire fucking wheel parmesan
jesus christ, what kind of shithole do you live in?

>> No.14391187

This, but at least you didn't put macaroni in it like some disgusting savages do.

>> No.14391198
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I had this too, but I ate it while I was browning the meat

>> No.14391202


>> No.14391204

You mentioned not liking beans in chili because you're not poor, but that shitty oven you show in the pictures says otherwise. Other guy was right, you're just a snob/contrarian douche.

>> No.14391206
File: 33 KB, 372x606, 812ZwqIowJL._AC_SY606_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl-f "beans"
>30 matches
God bless you, /ck/. Only an idiot would think beans and chili aren't the perfect pairing.

>> No.14391215

>wearing flip flops in the house
but why though

>> No.14391219

Chili is one of the biggest sources of beans in my diet.

>> No.14391222

I don't like beans in chili because beans don't go in chili. I can choose to not put beans (cheap filler for poor people) in my chili because I'm not poor. Can you understand that?

>> No.14391227

High arches, standing on flat surfaces in bare feet for a long time tears my feet up.

>> No.14391230

This isn't even a matter of being poor or wealthy, you're just too autistic to understand that beans belong in chili.

>> No.14391237
File: 9 KB, 350x155, no_beans_allowed_answer_103_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the fucking bean internet defense force has logged on.

>> No.14391244
File: 62 KB, 720x720, 1591923025344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adds 300 calories of cheese and saltines to his chili
>claims beans don't belong

>> No.14391246

God damn, is this texas level reading comprehension? Read his post again you absolute mongoloid

>> No.14391247

I took an entire thread to lay out step by step how to make chili and it came out excellent with the perfect amount of beans, I think I know what does and doesn't go in chili

>> No.14391274

Why are Americans so afraid of beans? Is it because fibers indispose their guts used to deepfried food?

>> No.14391280
File: 1.22 MB, 3264x1840, 20200712_210850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, i know it aint chilli, but i need some tips on my cookin, this is what im workin with currently

>> No.14391287

We aren't. Pretty much every where else in the country, people making a chili (as a meal, not a topping) usually put beans in their chili. It's just Texas has a fucking bee in their bonnet about that shit. And it's fun to aggravate retards from TX.

>> No.14391289
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>it came out excellent

>> No.14391293

>It has come to my attention that none of y'all know how to make a proper chili.
Hmm, sounds inte--
>Beans don't go in chili.
Aaaaand dropped

>> No.14391299

I noticed a large uptick in the amount of autistic whining about beans around the same time that all the major urban centres in Texas turned blue. Coincidence?

>> No.14391307

I see a chili with meat only is more luxurious, but I like the consistency when the chili is cooled, heated back up, and the beans kind of disintegrate in there.

Yours looks a bit watery but I'm sure it's good, you used great ingredients, almost too good of meat imo.

>> No.14391312

They simply do not go in chili, I enjoy such dishes as red beans and rice and ranch style beans. This concept is difficult because Yankees have bastardized a Texan dish to include all manner of things that shouldn't go with it and makes it taste bad. They put beans in it, corn in it, hell I've seen them put it on spaghetti. It's just objectively bad and the incorrect way to make the dish.

>> No.14391320

It's been a meme as long as my 33 year old boomer ass has been around.

>> No.14391321

It could probably stand to do with another hour of stewing desu, but it's almost too late here. The meat in it was fantastic

>> No.14391323
File: 303 KB, 840x630, 1493405851679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously most of us disagree and think this thread is shit. you probably shouldn't contribute to /ck/ anymore. or at least next time bring some beans.

>> No.14391324

Starting this off with 'using a decently marbled Chuck roast" was bad because I'm not spending over 20 to 50 dollars on just the meat for a chili

>> No.14391327

wait hold on, all this gourmet fancy feast cooking everything chopped fresh and you throw in bagged cheese instead of grating?

>> No.14391337

I paid $3.75 a pound for it lol, cheaper than 80/20 ground beef at the supermarket

>> No.14391346
File: 2.39 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200626_175027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only block cheese I have right now is this wheel of parmesan and that would not be good with a chili

>> No.14391355

Where do you live? Ground chuck is usually about $3/lb in the butcher's cabinet here in mid Atlantic.

>> No.14391356
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>bean internet defense force

>> No.14391362
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>bean internet defense force

>> No.14391366

Texas It may be something to do with the virus situation, I seem to remember it being around $3 last year but it was about $4 per pound of 80/20 when I bought the roast.

>> No.14391373
File: 85 KB, 750x1334, 1591640179591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>texas internet defense force

>> No.14391445

What do you even do with that much cheese? Jesus Christ. One little block lasts me a long ass time and half the time it gets moldy before I use it all.

>> No.14391467
File: 1.93 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200626_180727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat it, bud. Knocked out about 1/3 of it by now. Been making a lot of alfredo

>> No.14391517
File: 571 KB, 841x1078, Big-Mama-beat-Little-sis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved that thread kek

You really asserted your dominance.

>> No.14391522
File: 139 KB, 865x640, ColumbianExchange-foods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a small slice of mid-aged gouda in your honor. It had plenty of calcium citrate crystals in it. All thanks to you brave cheeseanon

>> No.14391525

Do you just really love cheese or what. I only really like to have cheese maybe once a week in an omelette or in pasta. I have feta more than any other cheese because I just put it in spinach salads. Eating a wheel of parmesan would take me two years at least.

>> No.14391540

Looks like a salad with all that dumb bullshit on top

>> No.14391561

Why is there a glory holes in that cheese

>> No.14391682

Would eat, but yeh a cup of beans or kidneys wouldn’t kill yah hippy, woulda been great.

>> No.14391696

t. charlie

>> No.14391725

I fucking love cheese, I eat it straight all the time. In fact I had a couple of pieces while I was cooking.

Good man.

>> No.14392330

>gets moldy
scrape it off. it's the one food you can just scrape off the mold and continue to eat it.

>> No.14392375

>Beans don't go in chili.
What a waste of beef.
Beans and trimmings go in chili. All the gristle goes in. And extra beans.

>> No.14392544

OP is genuinely the creepiest fucking human being on this entire board. Fuck you and your chicken murder u filthy stove mutherfucker

>> No.14393058

>no beans
ah so meat soup then

>> No.14393074

>don't put beans in your chili, it's cheap filler
>adds refined flour crackers
i'd rather have beans than crackers. at least make some fresh cornbread or something if you're going to go through all that.

>> No.14393084

>hes never butchered a chicken
city folk and their faggot machines.

>> No.14393118

Add a tablespoon of sugar to the pot. Don't get autistic about muh anti-sugar, just do it.

>> No.14393128

I butchered your mom with my piston.

>> No.14393129

are you actually retarded? the mold isn't just the fruiting buds you see on the surface, it's all over the cheese and penetrates into it
unless you live in some third world shithole, there's no reason to not just buy new cheese.

>> No.14393139

cheese is too dry and dense for mold to penetrate the way it does with other foods, it only gets moldy because of moisture on the outside which means the mold is only on the outside

>> No.14393142

those aren't chives

>> No.14393150

Beans go in chili.

>> No.14393167

The fruiting buds aren't the only part of the mold, the mycellium covers the entirety of the cheese. Cutting into it just releases mycotoxins.

>> No.14393454

woulda bean great

>> No.14393474

>Beans don't add anything to the flavor
Imagine thinking this. Beans are the floor of the culinary house you are building.

>> No.14393481

Nice goulash

>> No.14393510

What is this faggot allergic to mold soy trip you are on? Scrape the mold off and eat it faggot bitch.

>> No.14395092

look, brother, I’m with you...but remember your audience on this board is a bunch of midwestern housefraus and poorfag coasties who can’t function if the “chili” has no beans, resorting to insulting the very state where chile con carne was literally created
the sad peace we have come to is as follows: ground beef “chili” can have beans, while chile con carne (i.e what normals eat) cannot have beans

>> No.14395115

not even meming: why wouldn't you add beans to chili? i don't understand.

>> No.14395132

Beans were not originally part of chili to begin with, but poorer people began to mix beans into it to make up for a shortage of meat

You can do it if you want, but the best chili is all meat

>> No.14395241

>literally no salt
Blandposting should be a bannable offense

>> No.14395375

weird flex but ok

>> No.14395408

>"unga grug eat rotten meat because me real caveman"
shut the fuck up virgin retard.

>> No.14395425

He used Cajun seasoning as salt which has a ton of it.

>> No.14395437

Looks good, OP

Thank you for not adding beans.

>> No.14395453

They aren't a component. If you want chili and beans, have chili and beans, just know that it's not chili. It's chili and beans.

Honestly, I'd cook the beans separately with a ham hock and jalapeno and cilantro or do Cajun red beans and sausage as a separate dish. Could even mix everything if you want.

>> No.14395467

Where are the beans?


>> No.14395684
File: 2.60 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20200713_174749413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks op! I made chili today because of your thread, I had sirloin to work with but substituted some brown sugar and beans.

>> No.14395762

That's soup

>> No.14395959

For a low heat pepper anaheims are great, good choice.

>> No.14396067

" I don't practice santaria" song came thru my head when I saw your pic.

>> No.14396241


What the fuck is that?

>> No.14396268

I'd eat it

>> No.14396272

It's a more watery mulligatawny without rice

>> No.14396288

I followed pretty much just what op did.

>> No.14396332


>> No.14396421

Lol, this faggot acts like a pretentious ass about his chili and says you cant put beans in chili (false).
Then he ruins the whole fucking thing by suffocating it in pre-shredded cheese and saltine crackers. What a fucking tool.

>> No.14396425

Beans in chili....it's mexican, I prefer the American way, which is to afford more beef and not even stock beans

>> No.14396430

There are different types of chili just like there are different types of curry. Not sure why everyone is acting so autistic ITT. I'd eat OP's chili, btw. I've made Texas style chili before and it's good but I like beans in mine as a personal preference.

>> No.14396609

I collect vintage cookbooks, I have over 300.
I have 3 from southern Texas and 2 from northern. All from 1898-1921.
All three have recipes for chili with beans.
The chili appreciation society or whatever the fuck is a bunch of autistic Fox Only Final Destination goons.

>> No.14396675

Beans add a nice break in texture act as a thickener to the broth. The only people who seem to dislike them are guys like OP, who have a stick up their ass about cooking yet demonstrate time and time again to have trailer trash mentality when it comes to actual appreciation of food.
T. someone from texas who has spent my whole life making and eating chili

>> No.14396800

real chili isn't supposed to have "broth." it's just chunks of meat in pepper sauce. beans can only get in the way.

>> No.14396814
File: 2.16 MB, 1440x1080, NOOOOOOO WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE HUNTERCHADS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the beans?

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.14396824
File: 211 KB, 345x616, kohlchan-user-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, what, no fucking rice or tortilla chips or cornbread? No sour cream?

Jesus what an abomination.

>> No.14396882

Ok then, "pepper sauce." Use whatever specific nomenclature you want, you anally retentive pedant.

>> No.14396895

Based texan

>> No.14398600

Fact: if your chili isn't thick enough to work as tortilla filling, you did it wrong. Change my mind.

>> No.14398744
File: 19 KB, 511x321, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go bro, I entered your recipe on this site to immortalize it. Epic job!

>> No.14398965

ah yes, disease, ever the most OP trade good in EU4

>> No.14398986

Straighter men than you have ducked his Willy so pucker up

>> No.14399011

oh nice, a spicy bolognese thread!

>> No.14399077


>> No.14399132

Why would I want to change your mind? I don't give a fuck what your opinion is.

>> No.14399387

Needs beans

>> No.14399519

How much did it cost you to raise it?

Whole chicken costs like 6€ ova here.

>> No.14399800

Those new mexico chiles?

>> No.14399877

>cheese is meat and should be treated as such

>> No.14400615
File: 117 KB, 1058x705, 1592758859182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahaha what the fuck

>leave the thread for a few days to die
>come back to lurk /ck/
>thread is still alive
>there are 50+ more posts screaming about beans

The sheet autism required to shitpost about beans astounds me.

I will not put beans in my chili and you can't make me.

>> No.14400623

Op here. Because beans don't go in chili. It isn't good.

>> No.14400628

Looks like you made tortilla soup.

>> No.14400629

>no beans

this thread is off to a decent start

>> No.14401104

Why do people act like adding beans to chili is sacrilege, but are okay with adding other ingredients that wouldn't have been originally included?

>> No.14401121

>It's come to my attention I haven't loudly pronounced my Texan birth in nearly 30 seconds

>> No.14401272

Because they are idiots

>> No.14401278
File: 40 KB, 593x541, EcuXPLiU4AEKRFA.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a Texan faggot

>> No.14401287

fuck you should have added beans you faggot

>> No.14401292
File: 27 KB, 361x453, rowan-atkinson-aphoto-by-antonio-zugaldia-cc-by-2-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I didn't

>> No.14401299

It's ok, I'm a fucking moron, too

>> No.14401304

I dont care if you dont like beans in your chili.
But I WILL continue to call you a faggot for suggesting that Texas chili is the only chili.

>> No.14401319
File: 64 KB, 800x614, 1529359192128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sideways pictures
>no beans
just kys already

>> No.14401406

Not op but even that shit they make in Cincinnati doesn't add beans until like what...the fourth or fifth 'way'?

>> No.14401416

Which suggests what about the variety or lack thereof in chili preparation and ingredients?

I believe in you not OP

>> No.14401434

Not not op here. It is simple. Beans don't go in chili. When you introduce beans, it is no longer chili. This is a very simple concept.

>> No.14401455

Off by a mile, thanks for playing though

>> No.14401472

No it was chili, it was pretty good chili too.

>> No.14401483
File: 23 KB, 390x470, 1347029931140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal sea trash
>no beans
>no habaneros IN the chili
>about 1/4 the garlic needed
>meat is is giant fucking pieces
>huge mushy tomato chunks
and it looks like greasy runoff

>> No.14403100

>Beans don't go in chili.
you have my full attention, anon. now i will make your chili.

>> No.14403621

Care to share an old timey authentic chili recipe with us, anon?

>> No.14403683

Sloppa sloppa

>> No.14403707

There's no $5000 clue.

>> No.14403748

>beans don't belong in chili! Muh purity!
>but you know what DOES belong in Chili? Packaged fake cheese and saltine crackers instead of cornbread! Now THAT's traditional!
Why are T*xoids always like this?

>> No.14403775

I see you Texas Rangers are still mounted on sheep.

>> No.14403850

>the proper way to make chilli is to throw old brown things and some spices together. that's it!

>> No.14403865

Dude you just made a beef stew, or as we call it in Europe, goulash.

>> No.14403883

People from texas are some of the stupidest people in the world.

>> No.14403894

Chili is a stew, just an american one.

>> No.14403897

>beans don't go in chilli
Faggot's clearly never heard of economical cooking. Poorfags literally everywhere use beans to fill out meat dishes when meat is too expensive. Go eat fucking avocado toast, poor cunt.

>> No.14403919

He got eggs out of it for a while.

>> No.14404938

Looks like hot dog topping. That is NOT chili. Add some beans, faggot.

>> No.14405697

I'm English do not include me in your 'we' you sausage eating cunt

>> No.14405936

That's true, only a poor small brained slave would consider eating toxic beans, here these cost as much as turkey hearts, minced they are a supreme and nutritious base for chilli or anything similar without any plant poison to rot in the gut

>> No.14405957

Looks like a chili jack would make

>> No.14406030

Looks delicious.

>> No.14406130

WTF, that's the best most flavourful pieces you threw away there.

>> No.14406143

WTF you cook according to some non-exisiting anime-girls preferences and not your own or whoever you're actually cooking for?

>> No.14406155

Nice beef stew. When will you be doing chili, though?

>> No.14406161

Chili is a beef stew retard

>> No.14406411

Maybe, but that one isn't

>> No.14406441

seems ok, 6/10 would eat

>> No.14406513

tasty looking soup

>> No.14406519

saltine crackers? this is like laboring over a steak and then topping it off with ketchup

>> No.14406612

Faggot ass thread, shoot yourself op

>> No.14407725

didn't even read your faggot thread after seeing you excluded the beans. Please don't post your shit here again

>> No.14407891

shit thread

>> No.14407896

>that messy fuckin stove
That is a Department of Health and Sanitation violation right there, you're going to have to come with me.

>> No.14407958

>it doesn't seem worth all the extra effort
>washing dishes and using perishable goods within their time date are difficult tasks
enjoy your slop

>> No.14407968

i hope you cleaned your stove

>> No.14407976

I hope you aren't serious.

>> No.14408061

Hello, shart department?

>> No.14409084

Thats a good one

>> No.14409927

sloppa shit

>> No.14409929

jesus christ this looks awful

>> No.14409972

LMFAO at how bad this look and what a terrible cook op seems to be

>> No.14410055

>"I'm gunna learn ya'll how to make MUH CHILLY"
>posts diarrhea
holy fuck, texans are literally braindead

>> No.14410436

adding some oil or lard helps spread the heat around mor evenly but it's optional
just don't rush the rendering

>> No.14410704

>Threw away the trimmings


>> No.14411245

You're depressed anon.

>> No.14411615
File: 51 KB, 607x644, mr-bean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahaha why the fuck are beanfags still replying to this?


beanfags on suicide watch

>> No.14411633

>Beans don't go in chili.

all fucking niggers BTFO the fuck out eternally

>> No.14411644

>cooked down to crispy bits during the rendering process
Why would I put those in chili?

Just cook it on low. Exactly like cooking bacon.

>> No.14411658
File: 287 KB, 1343x1029, 1520ad4354354354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beans don't go in chili.

Wrong. Chili is an ancient Mesoamerican chili pepper and BEAN stew that may or may not contain meat but ALWAYS contains beans.

>> No.14411671



what recipe are you making? this thread is about chili?

>> No.14411678


>> No.14411684

Hey, cool it with the antibeanitism

>> No.14411714

That's horrible. When I think of stew the first thing that comes to mind is meat. If stew is just beans, I don't want stew.

>> No.14411721

The Mesoamericans were absolute faggots though that's why we killed them all.

>> No.14411737

>make a proper chili
You grow chilli you dunce.

>> No.14411958

Chili is an ancient Texas dish, messicans corrupted it with their infernal beans.