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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14389919 No.14389919 [Reply] [Original]

Increasingly often I've fantasized life as an ancient traveler

>> No.14389981
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Go on...

>> No.14389995
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Me too, anon.

>> No.14390035

bread is a luxury for ancient travelers
you'd most likely be eating porridge

>> No.14390039

What type of cheese is that anon? Was it good? Tell us more about your fictional travels, are they comfy?

>> No.14390045

bah, then I'm a well funded traveler. cured olives and cheeses were hard to come by also I'm sure

>> No.14390047

what is it about a piece of bread and some cheese that makes you think about being an ancient traveler? Is it the knife you're using? I kinda get it, honestly, I'm just trying to understand why. Maybe it's because nowadays if you went on a hiking trip or whatever, most people would bring trail mix and a granola bar instead of bread and some cheese.

>> No.14390048

>saying through a town
>buying good cheap bread from the baker

It really isn't that far fetched. You'd buy some good bread for a day or twos worth of travel and some hard biscuits or crackers for anything longer. Provided you had the coin that is

>> No.14390055

how long before wumao comes in here and starts spewing nonsense about americans?

>> No.14390061

the darker is an onion infused cheddar, the lighter an herbed asiago. My sentiment is less a story and more a feeling, maybe just resting against a wind stripped tree on a coastal trail somewhere in between my point A and B, staring out at the vague shapes across the aquamarine while carving a slice of bread and cheese and washing it down with a swig from the wine skin

>> No.14390071

>based chinanon has the mutts literally shaking
Is he... dare I say it... /ourguy/?

>> No.14390103
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You should go hiking dude. Find some unpopular trails so you're not interrupted by other people, bring some bread and cheese and maybe some pic related and soak that feeling in. Nature is beautiful, you just have to go

>> No.14390348

Bread quality in ancient times sucked. You'd need to be wealthy to get decent quality bread by our standards.

>> No.14390351

I do, maybe not often enough. Also I haven't done overnight hikes, which I'm sure evoke the feeling even more strongly. I think part of the idealization is a lifestyle of transience and a lack of accountability, which is harder to attain

>> No.14390801

Definitely do that. Multi-day traveling trips are the best. I went kayaking with my dad once. The plan was to get to a small town a few 100kms up the river. In those circumstances you basically get to camp wherever you want along the coast. You carry everything you need for a multi-day trip, you're depending on the weather to make it through, etc. And the views you get, man. One time the waters had been a little tumultuous so we decided to make camp before our planned destination for the day, we found a little alcove, brought the kayaks on the shore, tied them and hiked a bit to get to get on top of the cliff so we could pitch our tent. And boy, the fucking view, I wish I could show you. No one else around for miles, and the water just stretches across the horizon, it's insane. Then if you're smart you have a few vacuum sealed steaks you can cook, maybe some rice, have a nice dinner. then it's off to the tent because you're tired from all the exertion. A nice little scotch to tie things over and you drop like a log. Next day, enjoy the sunrise, have a coffee, middle of nowhere, soak it in, and you're back on your trip. And maybe you're not, maybe the weather's bad, there's a storm, the water isn't safe, so you stay put. You know, like an ancient traveler might. Maybe you play cards, maybe you nap, you just wait until it's okay for you to get back out there.

tl;dr: nothing is stopping you from being an ancient traveler right now. Do it man

>> No.14390819

I'm sure he'll be here soon enough. He's on a tear today.

>> No.14390825

And where did you get the bread, cheese, and wine from in this fantasy world of yours?

>> No.14390834

You might want to see a psychiatrist about that. This is usually a sign of early onset schizophrenia

>> No.14391205


>> No.14391218

I eat fermented porridge almost every morning come at me

>> No.14391266

Your porridge isn't "fermented" just because it spoiled in your bloody porridge drawer. Fucking Scots.

>> No.14391295

Get better flour, your crumb will show. I can see good technique here, marred by bad flour.

>> No.14391302

How do I make bread thats soft and fluffy on the inside and has a nice crust?

>> No.14391338

Good god I wonder this too

>> No.14391374

its bad flour yes, unbleached AP
430 g AP flour, 9g salt, 1/2 tbsp yeast, 330g water
mix into a tacky pile in a bowl, cover for 12 hours, scrape onto floured surface, fold the sides in 4 times, dump into parchment paper lined bowl, cover with cloth for 2 hours, lift by corners of parchment and drop into lidde preheated dutch oven in 450f oven, bake 30 min, remove lid and bake another 25 min

>> No.14391377

no I'm not

>> No.14391379


>> No.14391385

Thanks I’ll try that out

>> No.14391388

I think the aging of the dough makes the crust crunchier. But not sure if you can age much a milk based dough, that is fluffier inside.

>> No.14391411

a metal bench scraper and a plastic bowl scraper are immensely helpful. And to clarify, homogenize the dry ingredients first, then add the water. Cover for 12 hours with plastic wrap, keep the moisture in. "fold the sides in 4 times" - fold left right top bottom, 4 folds total.

>> No.14391807

Ever hear of ciabatta? You kneed the dough as little as possible. Like handling a baby, the Eye talians say.

>> No.14391822

Mankind's first trust fund kid

>> No.14392224
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me too :)