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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14376518 No.14376518 [Reply] [Original]

Where does this meme come from and is there any truth to it?

>> No.14376522

From the fact that shitskins have an easier time eating hot spices due to a genetic resistance to pain since they have to eat them to combat diphtheria, while whites don't.

>> No.14376523

It comes from POC inferiority complex and by golly it's true as heck

>> No.14376533

I dunno, most of the people I know who love spicy stuff are white people. I married a Mexican and his whole family can take or leave it. My dad was from South America and he hated Spicy stuff, but my white mom loves it. Seriously everyone who comes to my house and asks for tobacco or sriracha or chili flakes or whatever is whiteAF

>> No.14376562

White Minnesotans can’t handle spicy stuff

I hate this hick state

>> No.14376570
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>White people conquered the entire planet to steal spices from the darkies

>> No.14376579

>From the fact that shitskins have an easier time eating hot spices due to a genetic resistance to pain
Supposedly people with red hair have the most resistance to that kind of pain.

But anyone can build up a tolerance to spiciness. Typical American/European food didn't use much spicy stuff for a long time, but mustard and horseradish is more common with it, which has its own kind of heat. And there are still a lot of white people who like really spicy food.

People generally have trouble dealing with strong flavors from foods they don't normally eat. I wouldn't expect a lot of black or Asian people to really enjoy strongly flavored cheese, or sour dairy products.

>> No.14376603

There are a few cultures in india, arabia and south america where spices are used frankly way too much, like an unhealthy amount of, and people who are used to that stuff wonder how can anyone find it way too spicy.
I come from an area in Italy where none of the traditional food is spicy, because the ingredients work enough with salt and olive oil. I hate calabrese salami cause it's so spicy you can't taste anything but spice and pig fat. Cultural relativism

>> No.14376607

>people with red hair
Makes sense, of all the human races gingers are the lowest of the low.

>> No.14376610

Regardless of the message, that "art" deeply insults me
Please don't give your characters Super Cuts goku hair

>> No.14376616

u jelly

>> No.14376627

probably, whites come from cooler climate so don't need to sweat to cool down, and they don't eat spoiled or questionable meat like countries "spicy" food comes from.
Heat/scoville aside, the idea that Europeans don't season their food is absurd. Empires were built on the spice trade

>> No.14376630

The spicy foods scene is almost exclusively occupied with white people. They're all up the hot peppers, they grow the hottest peppers, they eat the hottest chilies. Is there any truth to it? Probably not.
What's stupid about this comic is that it's racist.

>> No.14376634

It isn't true, a lot of white people like spicy food in my experience. I'm mexican but lived in France,Germany and Spain for quite a while so take this with a grain of salt.

White people's food never needed to cover their flavour with over-spiciness as they usually value good product instead of "any product". They are very anal about it (specially France and Spain). Something being spicy is generally seen as something they are trying to "slide to you" because it's not in good condition.
Also, their way of preserving food just went onto other variations (smoke, salt, fresh air, etc) instead of spices.

Does it mean spciy food is worse? No, it just means that we're culturally different. For example, most black people I know can't handle the vinegar and white people can almost drink it neat. I've never seen white people making it a big fuss about it.

>> No.14376640

Of what lmao

>> No.14376657

Shitty anti-white racist meme from Twitter

>> No.14376664

This isn't exactly true. The reason restaurants dumb down spice for white people is that white people are more likely to send it back if it's too spicy. Easier to bring spices to the table for them to put on themselves than to remake the dish

>> No.14376670

Word, look at the psychopath who hosts Hot Ones.

>> No.14376681

all the famous historical leaders who had red hair, from ancient rome to the american founding fathers. that people with red hair have more unique genetic properties. that red hair is even starting to permeate beyond the white race and you're starting to see more black and asian people with red hair. people without red hair have limited time left, and you know this.

>> No.14376685

its not possible to be "anti-white"
read a book, Cletus

>> No.14376687

Shhhhh, the truth burns their melanin receptors

>> No.14376691

At some point the upper classes decided food shouldn't be spicy anymore, meat should taste like meat and potatoes should taste like potatoes. This happened at the same time the prices of spice dropped and it became accessible for poor people to eat spicy food.

>> No.14376699


>> No.14376701
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> ayyo, wyppo do not be able to be eating spicy foods

>> No.14376709

At this point most of the people who gush over spicy food are your average white american millenials. Reddit was fawning over sriracha 10 years ago.
I hate this meme. The most popular spices were shit like cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, pepper and turmeric. It has nothing to do with heat.

>> No.14376718

Fresh raw ginger and freshly cracked black pepper have a bit of heat. Nothing like a really hot chili pepper but it's still there. People probably enjoyed the stimulation from that.

>> No.14376722

>ginger, cinnamon
>No heat
I can tell you only eat processed food.

>> No.14376725

Show the rest of the comic you homo.

>> No.14376726

I'm a ginger and the slightest amount of hot spiciness pushes my shit in completely.

I hope you die.

>> No.14376729

You have already lost, rust scum.

>> No.14376731
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Same place cotton eye joe came from

>> No.14376736

>I'm a ginger and the slightest amount of hot spiciness pushes my shit in completely.
It'll still depend on your tolerance to it from how often you eat it. If you don't eat it very often then mild things will seem pretty spicy anyway, even if you're more resistant to the pain compared to someone who doesn't have red hair at the same tolerance level. I used to regularly cook with habaneros though, they're pretty spicy but it wasn't intolerable and they actually have a nice flavor.

>> No.14376742

>bring this up
>white people forever salty and will retaliate with way worse stereotypes
Face it white snowflakes, if you get triggered over the most innocuous of insults, then maybe you're the niggers of society. Especially when that's the only true negative stereotype that exists about white people.

>> No.14376745

I actually posit and evolutionary theory as to why this is. In developed countries (white ones and some parts of Asia such as Japan where food is generally more mild) people evolved more discerning pallette s because they could and it was even advantageous. A more refined pallette can more easily discern good berries from spoiled or potentially poisonous ones. Meanwhile in less developed areas (Africa, Asian countries with spicier foods) they have a dulled pallette because they get what they get. It's advantageous to your survival to eat whatever you can including bugs and even mildly poisonous foods as long as they won't outright kill you and just give you the shits. So basically the nigs who need to douse shit with excessive spices actually just can't taste what, say, a lightly seasoned ribeye actually tastes like. They can't just taste the meat, they NEED some kinda Jamaican jerk seasoning just to experience flavor at all.

>> No.14376749

it's related to ethnic food and the misplaced pride minorities have in their food because apparently they don't have much else to take pride in compared to white people (justified or not, that is another debate)

>> No.14376750

t. cope and seethe

>> No.14376752
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spicey food makes my bumhole hurt

>> No.14376754

Southwestern Native American here. It's all about diet in the places people originated from. How many European countries had hot peppers growing naturally? Who cares in the end? It's food. Why make fun of someone over it, and especially make it about race?

>> No.14376756

t. Lower spice level cope

>> No.14376761

exactly wrong

>> No.14376763

Red hair is literally a recessive trait, anon. The most you'll see in the population is going to be around 20%

>> No.14376766

can white people make mild race jokes about black people without being ostracized? that's probably part of the issue. if they're going to be treated negatively for even a mild joke then there's nothing stopping them from using worse stereotypes for the joke because they'll be treated the same way. you don't find as many people getting upset about a black person saying white people don't like spicy food as you'd get with a white person saying black people like fried chicken.

>> No.14376772

* reads mein kampf like a boss xD *

>> No.14376774

a. stereotypical midwestern whites that shitskins take their entire knowledge of white people from
b. shitskins who douse a chicken with the entire spice rack and think that's good seasoning

>> No.14376776 [DELETED] 

I hear that brother.

>> No.14376790

"By the eighties the basic Jewish tendency of Manchester liberalism had reached, if not passed, its high point in the monarchy" Chapter 3, page 46.

>> No.14376792

gingers also require around 20% more pain relief and sedation during medical procedures and are theorised to feel more pain. never heard about the heat-tolerance thing being related to gingers before but i unironically love spicy food. not in a numale-hot-sauce-collection, look-how-much-heat-my-masculinity-can-handle-guys way but more just a general preference.

t. ginger

>> No.14376797

Give an example of a "mild race joke" that's as mild as le spice boogeyman.
I can probably only think of chicken, watermelon, and maybe swimming.

>> No.14376814

Yes. Marxist race theory has made demons of people who otherwise wouldn't give two shits about race. There is no limiting principle and to them NOT reading White Fragility is the same as reading Mein Kampf which I am in the process >>14376790 of doing.

>> No.14376822


>> No.14376825

>man walks into your establishment to give you money, with a friendly smile
>act condescending and intentionally give him wrong order
>illustrate this unironically

The artist of this is a humongous faggot. Top cringe.

>> No.14376828

If you think upbringing (or lack thereof) is as mild a conversation topic as someone not being able to handle spicy food, you might genuinely be autistic.
Nice bait though.

>> No.14376836

black people getting upset over mayo is pretty funny. i'd also like to see how random black people would react to eating something like blue cheese or sauerkraut. and black people seem to like warmer weather which means temperatures white people find comfortable would probably be freezing to some black people. but if you mention any of this in public you'll probably be called a racist and have crazies foaming at the mouth calling for your blood.

>> No.14376842

>black people getting upset over mayo
What's this one?

>> No.14376843

Brown here

We dumped spices on our food because we were impoverished in the mother land hand had to mask the taste of low quality meat

>> No.14376845

>Cultural relativism
My mother comes from a region of lebanon where spices were used sparingly (in the mountains people were poor af compared to port cities)
And even today when we go to lebanese restaurants where they use a lot of lamb fat and cumin she says it's too strong and overwhelming, while I find it tasty.

>> No.14376849

It comes from non-white people who are bad with words and can't articulate their feelings without making up really stupid arguments.

>> No.14376856

for some reason a while ago people were talking about how black people seem more likely to dislike mayo and some of them started calling white people "mayos". just having to make everything political and racial i guess. it's pretty dumb desu.

>> No.14376861

then why do brown people add spices to vegetables and non-meat dishes as well? it just tastes good. it probably was used to cover up bad meat but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be used on fresh meat either.

>> No.14376872

Pepper, paprika and other piments were actually pretty popular. To this day you have a very pepper/paprika based cooking culture in parts of Europe (Espelette in France, Hungary, and probably a lot of others).

>> No.14376876

>some of them started calling white people "mayos".
I thought the stereotype was about white people loving mayonnaise.
Even Weird Al makes fun of this. Imagine getting upset over a joke that even Weird Al made.

>> No.14376879

Weird Al is a jew, though.

>> No.14376884

Nope, brown here. Blacks are the most sensitive and have the biggest knee jerk to jokes.

>> No.14376897

i'm not really upset by it, but that people go total no fun allowed if you make a similar joke about black people.

>> No.14376898

Eating the same staple of rice everyday gets old

>> No.14376908

Fair enough to be honest.

>> No.14376909

Blacks have a fucking victim complex is what it is. It's never their fault, and if you listen to them the whole world is united against them, from whites to jews to arabs.
And by blacks I don't mean Africans. Most people from Africa I met are pretty chill, especially the ones from Erythrea etc.

>> No.14376982

Turd-world LOVE to compare with low-tier white ppl to feel good.
They never had the chance to approach a normal white community.

>> No.14376999

Whats it like living in a pile of rubble with criminals everywhere?

>> No.14377003

Like pottery

>> No.14377013 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14377017

Jesus christ this still triggers white people? Fucking seethe more lmao.

>> No.14377103

>Supposedly people with red hair have the most resistance to that kind of pain.
No, gingers have the lowest pain tolerance and are even the most naturally resistant to painkillers and anesthetic. It's actually hell.

>> No.14377107


who are you retards supposed to be acting like..?

>> No.14377139

>72% of the households
clearly taken lightly enough to qualify as a joke.
But sriracha isn't spicy, tobasco is glorified vinegar, and Mexican ghost chili megadeath sauce only goes on mexican cuisine where a oil infused with pepper could go on anything.

>> No.14377172

shit sucks buy a gun and never relax around blacks

>> No.14377478

Because whites wanted flavor, but non-whites can only taste pain, apparently.

>> No.14377489

White people handle spice better than anyone else. There I said it, I'm sick of this false stereotype.

>> No.14377492

IDK of the people who I have met who are from mexico none of them liked spicy food. More white people than mexicans like spicy.

>> No.14377494

I read a book, now I think Jewish people are racist because they have power and privilege, wat du?

>> No.14377495
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>> No.14377496

>go to Indian restaurant
>ask for spicy dish
>get served bland white people tomato sauce
>feel bad for not liking it
>"Is it good, sir?"
>white people natural support for fellow man instincts kick in
>don't want to make the waiter/cook feel bad
>"Uh... o-oh... Yeah! It's great!"
>Indian waitstaff thinks white people can't handle spice
rinse and repeat

>> No.14377497

>Where does this meme come from
It comes from brown people who seethe about white people existing

>> No.14377504

Could be
Might also have to do with food presevation. Hotter the area, faster the good rots, more you gotta cover up the rotting flavors.

>> No.14377510

It's almost like we are responsible for civilization.

>> No.14377516

Seething brown skins are desperate for any kind of win over Whites. It's all a ethno-narcissism cope to deal with their MASSIVE inferiority complex.

>> No.14377520

>Where does this meme come from
white people came from cold northern climates with short, shitty, growing seasons where hot peppers did not grow.
other people came from warmer regions closer to the equator where hot peppers and other spices did grow.
look at traditional "white" cuisine from northern Europe: few spices because they simply don't grow there. Look at traditional cuisine from the tropics: spices everywhere, because hey, that's where they grow.

Of course with global trade that's all changing but that's where the meme originated.

I don't buy the "covering up rotting food" or different palate arguments. People have been eating pretty gross shit regardless of their skin color or climate. Consider Hakarl or Surstromming, for example.

>> No.14377540

>In developed countries (white ones and some parts of Asia such as Japan where food is generally more mild) people evolved more discerning pallette s because they could and it was even advantageous. A more refined pallette can more easily discern good berries from spoiled or potentially poisonous ones.
Doesn't seem to have much basis. Those places all have a bunch of fermented foods with strong flavors that a lot of people find offputting if they aren't used to them.

>> No.14377548

It's one of those weird stereotypes that non-White people have about White people, which doesn't make sense to you but they oddly seem to focus on.

>> No.14377565

last time i got served bland food at an indian restaurant after requesting it to be spicy, i couldn't finish it. the waiter mocked me for not handling spice and i snapped at him. i kind of felt bad about it but god damn. lamb vindaloo is TERRIBLE when it's prepared without chilies.

>> No.14377598

Usually white people eat less spicy shit than darkies and asians, so of course white people are on average less tolerant to the heat than others.

Espelette pepper is rather mild though. I don't think I've ever eaten a single meal with espelette that I'd consider "hot".

>> No.14377600

I'm a ginger, I can't handle any spicy foods at all, jalapenos are the hottest thing I candle handle and even then I usually have tears. I do like traditional Euro foods like mustards and fermented foods though.

>> No.14377614

Im from france, and i love getting spicey rice pilaf from the many local middle eastern restaurants.

>> No.14377622

ahahaha what are you gonna say gingers have souls too?

>> No.14377629

I'm white and there's truth to it, I can't stand spicy stuff. I don't understand why people do it, it just overpowers the flavor of food with heat and you can't taste anything.

>> No.14377644

its just another way for non whites to dunk on whites. it makes them feel good about themselves to assume they handle spicy food better than average white people.
maybe make a comic of a white guy using mechanized farming to harvest millions of dollars worth of food to make this spicy burrito or whatever the fuck and he thinks Vegita with his 3rd world farm is quaint, but still valid.
I dont think theyd get the joke though.

>> No.14377650

The cultural accomplishments of shitskins are inferior to those of whites so they desperately want something to claim for the inferior races. It doesn't matter if it's true because they want to believe it so hard that they'll never accept the truth.

>> No.14377664

>Where does this meme come from
shit skin jealousy

>is there any truth to it?
no, white literally colonized the world to get spices and the hottest peppers in the world are all made by white people

>> No.14377678

I dont really like spicy foods because I can't taste anything but heat.

One time at work though we did a really spicy chocolate challenge and the indian ate his like 20 seconds before me. As I was finishing chewing he was like "oh no this is hot"

Knew I fucked up

>> No.14377681

I'm white and love spicy food. My only problem is when it's on the way to, and coming out, the other end.

>> No.14377690

the spices have to mask the fact their meat is beginning to rot

>> No.14377695

there are two camps in the white people don't like/like spicy food to the opposite extremes. there are the ones who think tabasco is spicy/usually old boomers/people who grew up with said boomers who can't cook and then there are the soiboys with extensive hot sauce collections that are borderline poison.

>> No.14377700

Must be hard being so insecure due to the knowledge that you will never measure up to the ginger masterrace.
Your culling shall be swift and merciless.

>> No.14377713

The one good thing about spics is the older ones aren't dumb enough to fall for the vegetable oil and margarine memes, at least traditional Mexican cooking still uses lard.

>> No.14377761

>I'm white
t. multi-ethnic Amerimutt

>> No.14377766

the only way gingers survive is by having beautiful women
the men are uggo beyond belief

>> No.14377779

I'm a ginger and can kinda confirm.

Women can't resist a cute ginger. I get constantly asked out by 8/10 because of my hair

>> No.14377809

>Hakarl or Surstromming
those are fermented as a preservation means centuries before modern refrigeration, in an environment that is inhospitable for close to half the year. preserving calories for the winter time was the most important thing versus the indian subcontinent where crops can be grown year round, the two differing circumstances aren't exactly comparable.

>> No.14377816

>Whites don't eat spoiled or questionable meat


>> No.14377819

Lol that artist is so salty

>> No.14377826

Comes from racist minorities

>> No.14377829

why are white people so thin-skinned when we slightly rib them?

>> No.14377849


You have to go back

>> No.14377866

Weird Al is a better man than every single faggot on this site put together, including me. Fuck you.

>> No.14377882

Telling darkies to drink milk.

>> No.14377888

>ask for specific product as a paying customer
>get served something different on account of skin pigmentation
gee I wonder fucking why

>> No.14377926
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Haha, "the upper classes". Actually no, it's a remnant of Puritan influence, flavorful food was seen as sinful. Puritanism can be hard to understand, the basic idea is god already knows who the "elect" that are going to heaven are and that such people would have lead pious lives. So any minor thing they can do to be perceived as pious is a big deal because it allows them to personally believe they're one of the elect. This later just turned into midwesterners not seasoning food much if at all, the reasoning was forgotten but the spices were gone, nobody was used to them anymore. It's a midwestern thing more than a northeastern thing because the poorish Puritan types didn't stick around the northeast, instead immigrating to places like Illinois or Indiana which were basically the edge of the world at the time.

>> No.14377927

The delivery in the comic is poor. It's literally just a racist server giving a customer the opposite of what they asked for based on their skin color. The better joke would have been the restaurant only having mild and medium sauce, then when the customer asks for it extra hot they just get the medium sauce but then still go on about how it's so hot and burning their mouth.

>> No.14377942
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>> No.14377962

Oh yeah, Tastes of Paradise is a really good book on the subject.

>> No.14377990

let's not overlook the artist's self-insert with goku hair, facial scar, and huge muscles

>> No.14377993
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Well if you're going to self insert, why not go for broke?

>> No.14378016
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All of this guy’s work is hilarious. Imagining holding onto some teasing from elementary school so dearly that it not only becomes your identity but your entire career.

>> No.14378041
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He might be the most butthurt Asian* of all time.

*Editor's Note: Filipinos are not Asian.

>> No.14378042

Most of the 'conquering' was done by anglos and we all know how spicy their food. Anyways just because some shitlords from \ck love to shove hot peppers in their doesn't mean the stereotype is completely wrong.

>> No.14378055

I've definitely seen this in real life.
Was at the "Chinese" takeout place and the white dude behind me was pacing back and forth and talking to himself, trying to hype himself up to get a bit of hotsauce added.

>> No.14378068

I like how they gave the guy with the beard a hearing aid to make it even more inclusive for no reason

>> No.14378076

well, kimchi does stink and kids have more sensitive palates/noses and are retardedly autistic when it comes to food

>> No.14378077

It would be more based if Chef Jeff was the kid from the first panel.

>> No.14378080

lmao i'm SO racist for assuming he was Korean
anyway what food from the Phillipines stinks? the banana ketchup?

if anything, kids will mock you for everything especially if you eat non-cafeteria food

>> No.14378085

Its 100% true and anyone who says otherwise is a fragile white faggot

>> No.14378099

t. seething blacklet

>> No.14378107

>art after learning
>ability to draw lifelike human portraits
>art after """unlearning"""
>ability to draw lifelike human portraits
Wow, what an astounding change.

>> No.14378108


as an Asian American, I can understand


imagine growing up as a white american and thinking you can relate to the experience of growing up a minority.


I don't take it as a criticism of white America in general. It's just an interesting experience that most minorities go through.

>> No.14378122

>dumb kids being closed-minded and provincial
>adults who have expanded their horizons to appreciate other culture's foods

>> No.14378133

This. White men just don't understand the pain we experience growing up in America. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Izjkmu17UJk

>> No.14378137
File: 67 KB, 428x638, white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to admit I'm sick of this particular meme, this meme sitting across from the disgusting amount of effort that's being directed at trying to get us to race-mix. You wouldn't bitch at us like this if we were mutts, you would be silent and content because your jewy works would be complete.

>> No.14378144

Pick one

>> No.14378148

>willingly giving your DNA to a shady corporation
Big YIKES, my dude.

>> No.14378150

What are you understanding? Retarded Californians?

>> No.14378156

You're right but stop saying Yikes what the fuck is wrong with you. You're at least over the age of 18.

>> No.14378159

Your post is unintentionally hilarious. You come across as though you think about race constantly. Being a blue eyed white man is truly the greatest roll possible. Thank you, white Jesus

>> No.14378166

Yoawsers. We got a persnickety college age man here judging other peoples vernacular.

>> No.14378168

Jesus Christ you fucking retarded /pol/fags need to fuck off your containment board

>> No.14378173

Micks are white, dumbass. Whites fighting amongst themselves is exactly what (((they))) want.

>> No.14378178


Didn't even mention race at all.

But nice projection. I'm sure your life is going great.

>> No.14378184

Youre a dirty hillbilly your opinion doesnt matter.

>> No.14378185

You know maybe you had to face so much adversity because you're stupid and asian at the same time lol

>> No.14378197

I swear to god the guys at my indian joint do this to me because I've had spicy indian before so I know they got it back there somewhere give it to me you fuckin poos!

>> No.14378199

You got me, I'm a perturbed college-aged individual and I am respectfully asking you to stop... :(

>> No.14378230

And you’re and dick riding faggot, so take your opinion about my opinion and stick it up your faggot ass.

>> No.14378243

you have to go back >>>/r/eddit

>> No.14378264
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Meh, the government already has it since I worked at a public library. They probably already sold that shit a couple times.

Exactly. Americans fighting Americans is stupid enough to begin with. Even if you reject antisemitic theories it's pretty clear someone other than the people in the identity conflict are benefiting from the identity conflict.

>> No.14378276

I got my slimey hands onto some test sample super hot sauce at work, managed to bait Filipino which was always smug "ya didn't eat piri piri" and she bolted right to the toilet. I managed to eat it tho. It was stupidly hot, but it didn't linger in the aftertaste, superb sauce. Also, these Nepali/Filipino can't eat mustard or horseradish at all. I find this meme completely retarded. Wasn't Tabasco company founded by whites? Isn't whole industry of these insanely spicy peppers controlled by whites as well? Maybe not every white person likes spicy stuff, but there are individuals which love it.

>> No.14378283

>Didn't even mention race at all.
>as an Asian American
>white american
>white America
>Didn't even mention race at all.

>> No.14378307
File: 25 KB, 569x428, consider_the_following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less evolved races (darker skin=darker mind) eat hot sauce on everything because it reminds them of the taste of insects which they ate for thousands of years before becoming semi-civilized

>> No.14378312

Insects are spicy?

>> No.14378318

from what I've heard yeah

>> No.14378320

kids mocked me for eating cold hot dogs at lunch
It's not an experience exclusive to minorities. ALL kids get bullied and made fun of.

>> No.14378403

good post

>> No.14378467

Go back to somalia then shitskin

>> No.14378483

the thing i feel worst about for asians is that they seem to consistently have awful moms

well i guess most people i know have awful moms

point is, asians i think are the least oppressed minority, none-the less race. i knew a lot of asian girls in HS that would act like they are as oppressed as black people which was big cringe for me.

>> No.14378504


>> No.14378529

soo.. the dude with black hair supposed to represent some non-white ethnicity that likes very spicy food?
help me. i have no clue. indians? mexicans? what? mixed race? anime hair... some fictional alien race? i think i caught mild retardness from this picture

>> No.14378611

you didnt have a rough time because you were a minority, you had a rough time because other kids correctly sensed that you were an easy target and instead of dealing with it like a normal person, you completely internalized it and now see whatever flaw they sensed in your approach towards dealing with others as an irremovable part of your personality

>> No.14378613

things white people do
>not eat spicy food
also things white people do
>have hot sauce collections, consume hot sauces that are millions of scovilles for fun, cultivate peppers that are increasingly hotter to make more meme hot sauces
there seems to be some contradiction here

>> No.14378626

It comes down to genetics. White people typically have more capsaicin receptors than non whites. They have a genetic, physical advantage.

>> No.14378665

So they evolved to a point where they can bitch about some sauce being too spicy? Doesn't really seem like the pinnacle of evolution if you ask me

>> No.14378677
File: 57 KB, 540x818, 59AEE3FF-FF70-4995-978E-BC0BC3ED90A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those “whites” you mentioned burned up their W card when they act like that.

>> No.14378683

>when you have as many capsaicin receptors as a dumb as fuck parrot
ah yes peak evolution

>> No.14378697

I'm from India and I am an order of magnitude more pussy than virtually all the white people I know when it comes to spicy food. I don't understand why people want to eat spicy things, it's just the regular flavor of the food + pain.

>> No.14378704

>relate to the experience of growing up a minority
Shut up faggot.

>> No.14378706

Idk. I love spicy food.

>> No.14378718

Oh fuck off with your tears, your skin is probably lighter than mine.

>> No.14378736

Cinnamon is used as a sugar flavoring for desserts in Europe. Never heard of it being used for heat, and I don't eat processed food.

>> No.14378739

Capsaicin can be an indicator of foods you should not eat. Much like a sensitivity to bitterness, it's an evolutionary advantage to have the ability to reject poisonous or hazardous foods and not eat them. In the wild, foods that cause pain or discomfort to certain animals do not get eaten by those animals who feel such pain/discomfort.. Humans are an interesting case because they have a level of self-awareness that they can derive a meta-level pleasure from the idea that they can bear a level of displeasure, thus they consume literally painful foods that burn their mouths for the meta-pleasure of knowing they could withstand the pain. Other animals don't do that.

>> No.14378781

Its used in spicy candy here in the US sometimes. It can be caustic in high amounts.

>> No.14378793

dumb niglet

>> No.14378804

If you don't have red hair, you're not really a white person. Pinkies are just POCs in denial.

>> No.14378830

Ok Ginger, stop pushing your luck freak.

>> No.14378834

lol he made you genuinely angry

>> No.14378852

I could understand this meme if it was asian or mexican food vs white food. They definitely have hotter cuisine than we do. But this is a black twitter meme. And what has even informed it? The majority of black Americans live in the south. White people and black people in the south eat the same shit. The places where white people eat bland food, i.e., rural midwest, hardly any black people live there, so how did they glean this information? And another point, do black people really even like spicy food? Where I'm from, black people just put Texas Pete on everything and that's about it. They're not ordering or preparing actually spicy food.

>> No.14378867

shut up, Greg

>> No.14378868

I have literally never seen proof of this stereotype IRL.

>> No.14378954

Character's name is Hashim, the comic comes up whenever /co/ wants to talk about stacked clown midget girls.

>> No.14378970
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, futurecuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14379053

Blacks think "spiciness" comes from spices. Heat, AKA Capsaicin, is a natural product of the addition of spices. Adding rosemary and oregano makes things spicier AKA makes them hotter.

The meme is that White people eat boiled chicken with salt and pepper (Louis XIV did this out of fear of being poisoned, and it's stuck as the "default" for food ever since), which lacks spices because pepper is not a spice, ergo it's not hot because it lacks spices.

>> No.14379080
File: 287 KB, 668x498, 1592889373406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14379124

White people stole spices but then dropped the heat levels. It's why British Indian food pales in comparison to authentic Indian food

>> No.14379147

Obviously, as any stereotype goes. It's not true for everyone. But quite the majority of people I've met who can't handle 'spicy' things happen to be white. It definitely feels more like a... 'People who don't like spicy things are usually white' rather than a 'White people usually don't like spicy things' thing though. So the meme does twist reality, just not a ton.

>> No.14379151

I find it ironic that there is a meme that revolves around white people not being able to handle spicy food or know how to season food when they actually genocided, enslaved and abused billions for centuries in the pursuit of both spices and tea.

>> No.14379185

>tfw too smart to eat spicy food

>> No.14379290


>> No.14379330

Why would people want stronger heat than Tabasco, Cayenne, Jalapeños etc.? I love Tabasco, I put it on many things, it has a great flavor profile and the vinegar is good for digestion. However, once you go spicier the flavor profile just disappears, so I've never understood why people are so crazy about eating Carolina reapers and such.

>> No.14379359


>> No.14379364

It's the Woke author's self-insert. Gotta get those
>be white
>"fucking white people"

>> No.14379464
File: 871 KB, 1000x1546, SPICY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14379489


>> No.14379772

I love thai food. Went to a new place just opened up. Ordered spicy mint beef salad, my favorite. Told them make it Thai hot. Manager comes over and makes sure I know what that means. Assure him I have been to many Thai places and know this dish will make me sweat like Joe Biden at a grade school pep assembly. Dish comes out and it's bland as hell. Manager comes out and asks me how the spice is. Tell him bland. He says he didnt spice it up because he didn't think I knew what I was ordering. Never went back. Went out of business later.

>> No.14379782

I second this

you can fuck right off the internet bro

>> No.14379863

>imagine growing up as a white american and thinking you can relate to the experience of growing up a minority.
You know white people aren't a majority in every single place in the USA right? Making up the overall majority doesn't mean there aren't pockets where they're a minority. I went to schools where whites were outnumbered by both blacks and Hispanics. I still made friends with both and had conflicts with others but I don't hold it against all of them because some of them were stupid.

I had other white kids make fun of me for having a bagel with cream cheese for lunch. They thought anyone who had fast food for lunch was cool. I'm not going to get upset now if I see people eating bagels though. Sometimes people act dumb and if you're going to live in that moment forever you're going to just make yourself unhappy.

>> No.14380002

Why are people so bitter over the stupidest shit? This is the most retarded comic I have ever seen.

>> No.14380045

dude drank from the unlucky side of the glass.

>> No.14380207

If he panders to other bitter and unhappy people with his comics and receives money and attention in return he doesn't have much of a reason to stop. Every single thing on the guy's Twitter is the same thing over and over just like with his comics. Not saying there's never any legitimate reason to be unhappy but people like this seem to always want to place the blame elsewhere and never think that they might be to blame for some of their own unhappiness.

>> No.14380220
File: 448 KB, 1100x1700, 1587315523178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the guy who feels his anal-cleansing practices are a sign of ethnic pride.

>> No.14380225

lmao, check out cold hot dog boy over here. You gonna eat those hot dogs for lunch, hot dog boy? What did you have for breakfast, more hot dogs? Go eat another hot dog, hot dog boy.

>> No.14380230

have they never heard of a bidet?

>> No.14380238

Ooo la di da, look at Mr. French Fancy Pants over.

>> No.14380244

Well, sounds like Mister Gucci Loafers is too fancy to splash his ass with a cup.

>> No.14380261

Fuck you.

>> No.14380279

>Supposedly people with red hair have the most resistance to that kind of pain.
pol is so dumb. Do blonde people have an innate resistance to electricity and lemons? Black hair makes you immune to pepper?

>> No.14380288


>> No.14380304

Of course he's a Jojo fan

>> No.14380315

huwhites of ango/germanic origin will bitch endlessly, and loudly, about "it's too spicy" and "I dun wan nunna dem spices"

>> No.14380320
File: 38 KB, 328x595, shrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people are in a quantum state of being unable to handle mayonnaise and sitting down to eat 15 Carolina reapers.
It all depends on what narrative the person speaking wants to push.

>only white people would think this is spicy lmao
>only white people would eat something that spicy lmao

>> No.14380325

Whites are by far the most varied of the "races". You have the dumbest and smartest, the strongest and the weakest. Meanwhile you races like the blacks which are all slightly above clinically retarded, and pajeets who are all constantly consuming feces.

>> No.14380327

>he doesn't know about the type advantage chart

>> No.14380333
File: 401 KB, 1100x1700, Leftists eat themselves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy sure is mad about about fucking everything

>> No.14380341
File: 262 KB, 467x467, 1569930538509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm white

>> No.14380354

>leave old country because it sucks shit
>get upset when new country doesn't have old country's culture
>people are curious
>people ask questions
>"theys racist"

>> No.14380356

>under the guise of racial preference
I just informed my wife her attraction to me is just a guise. She laughed and then told me to stop wasting time on the computer while the gutters need clearing.

>> No.14380357

Cry you little faggot. Not everyone is a /pol/tard.

>> No.14380369
File: 22 KB, 598x150, Screenshot_2020-07-10 Jonathan Luna on Twitter I am not a perfect person But sadly, my brother Joshua has made some very of[...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His best one is when he's butthurt about being the less successful of the Luna brothers because his brother felt the best way to move forward in the comic industry was to not constantly talk about race.

He went on an absolute tirade calling his own brother physically and psychologically abusive, doing everything he could to drag the guy down. Feels bad man.

>> No.14380408
File: 1.65 MB, 300x196, oh that was a good one.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is first time that I actually laughed out loud from a 4chan comic in a long time

>> No.14380460

i still have one of those slurpee cups

>> No.14380469

Whites have a genetically high sense of smell. This extra taste helps them enjoy more mundane foods. In my experiences they tend to be divided in either loving or hating spicy and foreign foods.

>> No.14380499

When I worked at an Iraqi non-profit they had a watering can in the bathroom for the same thing.

>> No.14380515

carolina reapers actually taste good its the extract sauces that have no flavor profile

>> No.14380675

It would have been more based if she broke his wrist and set fire to his shitty store. Fuck this comic for inciting segregation, hope the creator chokes on their own vomit.

>> No.14380686

Why would you want to go to a Flip restaurant owned by a white guy?

>> No.14380696

abloo bloo bloo

>> No.14380701

Why does the server look like a dragonball character?

>> No.14380703


>> No.14380705

Glad this guy is taken the high road. He could easily call his brother a race baiting pinoy or some shit like that but he chooses to remain civil and affirm that he still loves his brother

>> No.14380708

Because Chef Jeff is #1.

>> No.14380709
File: 256 KB, 600x400, davidchang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would you want to go to a Jap restaurant owned by a Korean guy?
It's almost as if your cooking ability isn't determined by ethnicity.

>> No.14380715

No shit, but if the author of the comic is so obsessed with his racial identity, why would he choose a place run by a white person?

>> No.14380717

Wow, and they say white people are fragile...

>> No.14380727

They probably went there to pick a fight.

>> No.14380740
File: 91 KB, 453x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It would have been more based if she broke his wrist
I think the original scene referenced involved breaking a finger, but most western JoJo fan artists just care about LOL EPIC JOJO REFERENCE.

>> No.14381032

Yea, looks like it's trying to portray "White people made fun of my food then capitalized on it" rather than "White people made fun of my food then liked it"

>> No.14381050

But why IS there a measuring cup on his toilet? Answer the fucking question.

>> No.14381065

It's actually documented that gingers have resistance to anesthetics and painkillers. These kinds of genetic factors do exist, it's not that the red hair causes it, it's that having red hair is an indication of having other certain genes.

>> No.14381071

SJWs are legitimately mentally ill. Good on his brother for being civil, though.

>> No.14381073

>he doesn't know how to use the three seashells

>> No.14381087

>it's america's fault i have unhealthy relationships with women

>> No.14381112
File: 737 KB, 1991x1733, tp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not keeping track of your output volume

>> No.14381116

How could a cup of water possibly clean your ass well. Bidet, toilet paper followed by cup of water followed by more toilet paper to dry, wet toilet paper, and flushable wipes all seem far superior.

>> No.14381211

I feel bad for the guy, his anger is not healthy.

>> No.14381263

Flips are pretty defensive about their anal cleansing practices. Apparently you can get #cancelled and fired from your job in the Philippines if you question the use of a tabo.

>> No.14381315

r/AsianMasculinity in a nutshell.

>> No.14381401

you're right, they're mexicans of the sea

>> No.14381414

Is that good or bad?

>> No.14381425

My upper-class in laws barely salt and pepper their food, they think garlic is spicy

>> No.14381445

Let's look at the statistics: whites are 76% of the US population but consume 45% of chilis. And that's counting hispanic whites, if you just look at non-hispanic whites the stats are even more skewed.

>> No.14381450

Why are fuckwits like you always so certain of your own idiocy?

>> No.14381452

>using FDA stats
Whites are over-represented when it comes to eating spicy foods. This is nothing more than systemic racism.

>> No.14381457


Mexico is rich in history, culture and has a delicious cuisine. The Philippines is a 4th world country with shit food a grandiose dreams of being 2nd world.

>> No.14381460

Food spicier than 85k SHU is absolute shit and tastes like absolutely nothing.

>> No.14381464
File: 10 KB, 192x227, 1585143877533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you.

>> No.14381469

You must go back to your containment site for normalfags.

>> No.14381648

>if you're going to live in that moment forever you're going to just make yourself unhappy.


>> No.14381683
File: 1.11 MB, 1228x570, ketchup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14381690

Wow this is much more clever than the original comic. Same idea as the original without the retardedly on-the-nose "extra spicy for white people" label.

>> No.14381709
File: 22 KB, 111x163, EPsLg59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that answers why he hung himself

>> No.14381720

The fact that this thread got this many replies proves that whites are thin skinned and sensitive.

>> No.14381728

He's right. Domestic violence is based, and bitches need to stop whinging about having cultures that were built around the control of women. Do they want to end up like white sluts? Totally devoid of cultural identity, desired only as objects for one night stands with no prospect of marriage to anybody sane?

>> No.14381743
File: 2.07 MB, 1000x1546, toolazyforbracelet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14381763
File: 627 KB, 270x150, right.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick one

>imagine growing up as a white american and thinking you can relate to the experience of growing up a minority.
whites are a minority. we account for 14% of global population

>> No.14381775

I genuinely appreciate your effort, even if it doesn't get reposted.

>> No.14381777

The largest ethnic group in the world, actually, but you're probably not aware that China is composed of multiple ethnic groups so it will take you some time to wrap your head around it.

>> No.14381786

The PRC refuses to acknowledge its ethnic diversity, so why should I? HMMMMMM?

>> No.14381806


>> No.14381835

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.14381859

Now that’s good

>> No.14381870
File: 398 KB, 780x776, 9265F2AF-9FCE-4AB4-8AA8-23A431B37CA8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cookie Crumble Frappuccino and can I sub the 2% milk for heavy cream? Thank you so much

>> No.14381908

Same thing happened to me but it was a water bottle and I'm a shitskin in France.

>> No.14381917
File: 38 KB, 413x395, 1578369799639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy draws comics because stereotypes about Asians piss him off
>every Asian character he draws has the same face

>> No.14381922

They're also idealized white faces with slanty eyes and feminine lips. The guy is totally messed up.

>> No.14381929

What the fuck is "Marxist race theory"?
If you dislike immigrants driving down wages I recommend reading marx instead of Jordan Peterson. Catholics like him bring the spics in.

>> No.14381938


>> No.14381941

Agreed, fuck pol, they have really shown their colours during this whole BLM Shit anyway, cowardly farting into the cushioning of their office seats while eating tendies. Fuck polcels and dont let the 5-10 crossshitters convince you that anyone thinks otherwise.

>> No.14381943


>> No.14381944

"I diden do nuffin!"

>> No.14381948

I like spicy food and I'm white but if I stop eating it for a while I lose my tolerance to it and get hiccups for a while.

>> No.14381955

I know someone who says ketchup is too spicy for him. He's pure white.

>> No.14381956

B-but capitalism is always good for the working class famuly ;_;! The immigrants ruined capitalism and they stole muh cathlic trad wife™

>> No.14381957

>white people are all the same ethnicity
Based retard

>> No.14381962

>don't learn to draw from life
lmao fucking skillless hack

>> No.14381966

>oh my god why am I learning about western artists in my american school system god I wish I was back in the Philippines getting Jollibees and getting executed by the police because I bought some xanex off the street.

>> No.14381967

Whites are superior in every respect. On this topic I (white as A4 paper) have grown my own ghost peppers...

>> No.14381969

I know someone who thinks mayonnaise is a spice. He's blacker than an Argentinian.

>> No.14381971

Jeez. All the facial structures are practically the same. So his unlearning was the realization that he can use different colors? I could hold him down and rape him, if I wanted.

>> No.14381972

What does that have to do with the comic or spiciness?

>> No.14381986
File: 406 KB, 807x668, jotaro03-07-203-i.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How cruel of you... To break a man's finger!
>Nah, that was kind of me... I could have cut it off.

>> No.14381995
File: 67 KB, 488x490, offtopic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14381996

It's 4chan, half of the site is infested by /pol/

>> No.14381999
File: 103 KB, 1024x990, 1509885925115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people

>> No.14382022

It comes from a self-hating weeb who lives in his mothers basement watching cuck porn.

>> No.14382029

t. Nigger

>> No.14382041

Go back niggerfaggot

>> No.14382081


t.reddit cuck.

>> No.14382094

Any food has a strong smell when cooked hot and then spooned into an airtight container where it's left to sweat for a few hours.

>> No.14382115

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.14382123

i like this copypasta, not despite its absurdity, but because of it.

>> No.14382128
File: 20 KB, 228x283, blade[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marvel only has white guys
>best marvel movie has a black protagonist

>> No.14382136

i ate spicy food once and it knocked out my digestive system

>> No.14382138

Nonwhite food uses spice to cover up the lack of any skill on the paert of the chef. Anyone can make spicy food that burns your mouth until you can't taste anything.
White food emphasizes the balance and blending of flavor and doesn't have to resort to singing your taste buds so that you can't taste how bad the food is.

>> No.14382140

My mother and grandmother are both complete spice wimps. Like, we had some meatballs at a party that I barely registered as spicy at all, and they said it was too spicy for them.

That said, that comic is still fucking stupid, because white people who don't like spicy food do not order spicy food. And those who do like it wouldn't be satisfied with a mild dish if they ordered spicy. So the comic is still condescending and retarded.

>> No.14382144

Lmao, racist.

>> No.14382152

I will never forget Totalbiscuit bragging about being able to eat super spicy foods. Two years later he was diagnosed with asscancer. Turns out, he wasn't shitting fire from the spices, it was his future rupturing inside him.

>> No.14382162

I'll never forget when he told someone to get cancer and die, then got cancer and died. What an absolute madman.

>> No.14382167

That's pre Disney buyout. Sam Remi Spider Man was best

>> No.14382170

How the fuck does this thread reach bump limit? God damn this board has turned into literal shit.

>> No.14382174

Can confirm my brother sometimes acts like an n-word and coincidentally when left to his own devices that is exactly how he cooks, just throwing all sorts of spices in.
>500ml of pasta sauce? Yeah lemme put 2 tablespoons of cajun seasoning in there and also some rib rub and who knows what else but it just tasted like cajun tomato sauce
>I chalked it up to him experimenting so i don't mention it and let him learn from his mistake
>he does it again and just starts using cajun as his go-to spice
>even for shit like frying onion
Let me tell you about the first time I seen him seasoning a steak lmao

>> No.14382176

>hurr durr why does a good and entertainig thread get replies only threads communicating in pure mathematics and statistics should get replies

>> No.14382180 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 281x66, Screenshot_2020-07-11 Report Post No 14376518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck does this thread reach bump limit? God damn this board has turned into literal shit.

>> No.14382184

I hate niggers so much bros

>> No.14382199

Me on the left

>> No.14382221

t. Deshawn "cletus" Hernandez

>> No.14382576

Holy shit I know right?

>> No.14382587

Unhappy to see the truth spreading?

>> No.14382612

>>Race = ethnicity

T. Mutt

>> No.14382809 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, Ironic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>announcing a report

>> No.14383167

this a million times, those fuckers already took over /tv/, I only browse /ck/, /g/ and /x/ now.
Fuck /pol/cels.

>> No.14383231

Sprich Deutsch du Scheißneger.

>> No.14383254

You probably got made fun of for being poor.

>> No.14383261

>I had other white kids make fun of me for having a bagel with cream cheese for lunch


>> No.14383762


>> No.14383946

He hates his brother too. It's a ridiculous persecution complex cycle.

>> No.14384021


Well that jimmies my rustle

>> No.14384089

What's with this forced meme

>> No.14384115

how tf do you make vindaloo without chilli's?

>> No.14384238

It didn't.