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File: 325 KB, 609x575, f5324f5234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14376512 No.14376512[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

RIP Goya foods.

>> No.14376520

Hispanics will starve without it. Trump wins again, goddamn.

>> No.14376527

Why would he do this? Everyone knows how toxic Trump is. Why would this white boy put himself in the crosshairs just to lick Trump's butthole? I know he's just another asshole CEO, but you would think anyone with any business savvy whatsoever would steer as clear of this as possible.

Like what was even the point of this press conference?

>> No.14376531 [DELETED] 

Why do people boycott items/food etc becuase someone they disagree with likes it? America is such a fucking mess.

>> No.14376537

It's just rabid Twitter mostly, and "journalists" who think Twitter is the entire world.

>> No.14376542

Solely to make you, personally, seethe.

>> No.14376545

this is not ok

>> No.14376550

this is sparta

>> No.14376556

i cant believe this
just threw out all my goya products
my tears? endless
the more and more it builds
the more they will all pay
i am so pised

>> No.14376560

I'm not seething, as I thought was evident from my post, I am puzzled. You're inferring quite a lot.

>> No.14376604

by next year, news journalist will maker articles starting with "my mom thinks that" and other irrelevant anecdotes

>> No.14376608

dude, calm down

>> No.14376612

No more good pillows or decent canned hispanic food. Why does Trump hate this country so much?

>> No.14376623

Why would your company support a man who put half of your customers in cages?

>> No.14376643

I don't fucking get it. You're the CEO of a giant company, you make more money than you could possibly know what to do with and your business is food related. Why would you, a ridiculously overpayed nobody with a HIGHLY successful business ever bother talking politics publicly ? Just keep it to yourself, goddamn.

>> No.14376677

Blackmail? What do they have on this guy?

>> No.14376690

>Why would he do this?
Why not?
> Everyone knows how toxic Trump is.
I don't, explain it to me please? What's "toxic"? And how does it apply to Trump more than to other public figures?

>> No.14376732

He probably saw almost every CEO in the country endorse Bantu Lives Matter a month ago and realized if you can get away with endorsing a racialist Marxist cult you can get away with endorsing the President of the United States.

>> No.14376734

Most people actually support Trump. They're just silent about it because the opposition is literally killing people because they can't cope.

Good for Goya's CEO.

>> No.14376737

Good Goy-a

>> No.14376743

it's not like every politician treats companies in the exact same way. most wealthy people want to have the right political figures around because it means more money for them.

>> No.14376747

No true hispanic would ever relinquish their arroz con frijoles, carajo

>> No.14376793

Why is it controversial to support the President?

>> No.14376808


To simplify a very long and complicated matter, it's because elitists and indoctrinated ignorant hate freedom and self-reliance due to conceited avarice and inferiority complexes.

>> No.14376824

let's be honest people who buy goya have no choice because it's either the only thing on the shelf at their store or they never learned to cook so they have to buy pre-jarred sofrito and instant achiote mix. it's the kraft and hamburger helper of latinx people

I dunno why would I dislike someone who thinks I'm a criminal because of my skin and my family belongs in a mass grave

>> No.14376835

>I dunno why would I dislike someone who thinks I'm a criminal because of my skin and my family belongs in a mass grave

If you're not illegal you have nothing to worry about. This is very simple stuff.

>> No.14376871

Wtf I love refried beans now

>> No.14376880
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>> No.14376887

>I dunno why would I dislike someone who thinks I'm a criminal because of my skin and my family belongs in a mass grave
If you really believe that, then you're a dangerous and insane person. You're basically waiting to kill someone.

>> No.14376912
File: 192 KB, 800x533, Kansas-man-shouting-get-out-of-my-country-shoots-kills-man-from-India-police-say.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying as long as I show my papers to anyone who demands it, you won't shoot me? Or you will, but for PR purposes that kind of thing is to be condemned even though you understand why USA Patriots(tm) would do it.

>> No.14376924
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>> No.14376940

Because funny enough a insanely small minority of people use twitter and this will barely effect sales and will be forgotten by the mob in a day

>> No.14376941

¡Viva Senor Trump!

>> No.14376943
File: 56 KB, 796x524, 8ukuouospjgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that. I am Puerto Rican American and I fucking love Goya and I voted for Trump.

Fuck the left.

>> No.14376948

I am 100% Germanic phenotype blue eye Brazilian-American and I support Donald Trump.

>> No.14376952

lol enjoy your earthquakes

>> No.14376956


>> No.14376957

I live in America.

>> No.14376958

That's some of the most dramatic bullshit I've ever read. So in your feeble mind, Trump wanting border security = drumpf hates me for my skin color and wants to genocide my race! How is it possible to be this fucking stupid and easily assblasted? I bet if i told you something inoccuous, like to leave cilantro out of my taco, you would accuse me of "erasing your culture".

>> No.14376970

Light skin Puerto Rican.

>> No.14376971

por favor hazle un favor al mundo entero y matate a ti mismo pinche chicano inútil comevergas

>> No.14376981
File: 72 KB, 796x529, Still voting trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine actually wishing death on someone because they supported a president that's actually done something to give Hispanic Americans economic opportunity instead of just talking about it.

>> No.14376989

I don't have to imagine it, statelet.

>> No.14376991

ITT: goya spends 10 years worth of PR money because the CEO fucked up

many many goya board members are sending passive aggressive "I told you so" memos over this

>> No.14376996

Puerto Rico is part of America, you larping retard.

>> No.14377028

It is a territory of the United States of America. It is not a State. Fucking dumb twat.

>> No.14377043

Kek, this

>> No.14377071

I hope this is a troll post and you don't actually believe that. I'm pretty sure even the media haven't gone that far with Trump. Then again, you used the word latinx which means you're 89IQ.

>> No.14377119

I'm sure Hispanics seeing this as a WhatsApp meme for 30 secs will consume new product

>> No.14377143

>Everyone knows how toxic Trump is
just you and your bubble

>> No.14377178

Almost 5PM on a Friday in Moscow so I predict the "T*ump Supporters" in this thread will stop posting soon

>> No.14377186

>white boy

He's a Moor.

>> No.14377464

>Everyone knows how toxic Trump is
dumb soylent consumer

>> No.14377475

Jesus Christ..... I'm not Trump fan, but faggots like you are the reason I hope he wins again. You deserve to keep seething.

>> No.14377657
File: 40 KB, 800x450, 1561522542919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most Mexicans who can vote like trump. They went through hell to get here legally and hate the boarder hoppers.

>> No.14377679

Boycotts dont work. How many times did the left call to boycott Chick Fil A now ?

>> No.14377741

Hispanics will buy goya regardless, now red state pro trump people will buy it too, win-win

>> No.14377748

This is hilarious cope

>> No.14377767

Mans just fucked his company. Badia makes good spices and canned goods.

Wypipo dont even season their food

>> No.14377776

>yfw instead of RIP the company is gonna be more praised than ever before

>> No.14377813

Proof that the wall is necessary

>> No.14377840

Anyone retarded enough to openly support a retard deserves to be mocked.
That being said leftists seem to struggle with the idea of separation from politics to that of the individual.
reddit the post

>> No.14377880

This isn't true at all lol

>> No.14377886

>doesn't realize that nobody likes the border hoppers, especially legal hispanics that did it the hard way.

>> No.14377904


2016 says otherwise, as will 2020.

>> No.14377916

You gonna lose, white boy

>> No.14377938
File: 28 KB, 578x288, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, baizuo. Better learn mandarin.
t. laughs in chicano

>> No.14378025

can't pretend to boycott something you don't buy

>> No.14378086

yeah ok

>> No.14378164

are goya products actually good quality or not? I will get them sometimes but there isn't really any alternative so I don't know what to compare it to

>> No.14378172

Obama isn't up there bud

>> No.14378174

The private labels are probably Goya also.

>> No.14378182

They're fine

>> No.14378186

People didn't stop eating papa johns when he said nigger

>> No.14378191

It is and all these crazy riots and calls for disbanding police have just further solidified Republicans retaining this year

>> No.14378194

You morons still believe this huh?

>> No.14378205

boycotts by the left don't work, the one against starbucks worked when they said they would only hire refugees which got the CEO fired and an apology put out within 2 weeks
the one against gillette worked when they preached about toxic masculinity and lost $8B ultimately ending the add campaign
the one against nike continues to work having lost $3.75B after the kapernic deal and saw their market share retract 40% by the end of last year

the difference is people on the right are actually disciplined to stick to a boycott, conservatism is all about delayed gratification, liberalism is about what makes you happy in the moment so they will throw a hissy fit and vent then move on

>> No.14378231

Believe what? That people are dumb enough to still think trump was to blame for a shitty old policy that he actually changed? Yes I do believe it

>> No.14378241

Stopped giving a fuck the moment I saw that, and it's how I know you're just some whitewashed Californian

>> No.14378262

This has to be bait

>> No.14378265

Good for him. If anyone is still a liberal they are incredibly stupid brainwashed truebelievers.

>> No.14378270

I'll buy more Goya to support them -- not because I agree with him but I disagree with cancel culture. These woke bastards fucking suck. You can't even have a different opinion anymore.

>> No.14378278

>Many customer call for boycott
You mean white women who don't cook? Who cares.

>> No.14378292

The same elections where Trump lost the popular vote?

>> No.14378316

Dilate, sissy

>> No.14378324

Luckily that's the point of the electoral college system

>> No.14378331

>I dunno why would I dislike someone who thinks I'm a criminal because of my skin and my family belongs in a mass grave
Its honestly sad how many people have been propagandized into this level of fear and delusion.

>> No.14378343

You threw away the food to spite the money Goya already has in it's pocket?

>> No.14378411

Only the most autistic of autists left wingers are going to take the time to figure out if Goya made their food product.

>> No.14378418

>anons immediately assume you are calling trump toxic to mean "bad"

>> No.14378431


kek and correct

>> No.14378441

Toxic usually means bad.

>> No.14378454
File: 263 KB, 602x335, main-qimg-b78a4507e3e5f248ed7b5915d2159e2c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not already having salt, garlic, black pepper, oregano, and turmeric on hand. these spice blends are for low iq inbred retards anyways. this trash doesn't even have msg in it

>> No.14378477
File: 635 KB, 750x978, 2F7F1475-B872-4EFC-866E-98E307BAF6FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fox News is putting their top talent on the front line. If you’re not farting Goya MAGA farts this weekend are you really a patriot?

>> No.14378487

Do you even know what Goya sells you fucking retard?

>> No.14378489


>containing or being poisonous material especially when capable of causing death or serious debilitation toxic waste a toxic radioactive gas an insecticide highly toxic to birds
>2 : exhibiting symptoms of infection or toxicosis the patient became toxic two days later
>3 : extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful toxic sarcasm
>4 : relating to or being an asset that has lost so much value that it cannot be sold on the market

any of these sound good to you?

>> No.14378501

my point is you seem to think he meant "trump is bad," when clearly that isn't the point of the post. mindrot

>> No.14378503
File: 10 KB, 329x281, 1387852725866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never bought goya brand anyway
>tfw doing my part

>> No.14378513

Is trump 9ft tall or is putin 3ft tall here?

>> No.14378522


>> No.14378525

Toxic is one of the dumbest words forced into the public consciousness that sounds like a hybrid of buzzword business speak and tumblr feels fags. And yes, it means bad. More nuanced, but bad all the same. Maybe you were reaching for the term polarizing?

>> No.14378528

That's exactly the point of the post. His point was literally trump is bad for business.

>> No.14378548

that's correct, but people weren't taking it that way, were they? everyone is acting like he is personally taking a swipe at trump when it's indisputable that it's bad PR for a CEO to come out for him. they see the word toxic and trump too close together and their critical faculties shut down (see >>14378525)

>> No.14378559

>knowing what goya sells is supposed to be a sign of intelligence
no idea, just keep seeing retards post the ingredients to a simple spice blend in the internet so they don't have to buy it

>> No.14378567

No, you toxic dipshit. Calling someone toxic, is calling someone worrying, problematic, divisive, or any other negative synonym. Polarizing is the neutral term.

>> No.14378586

chocolate is toxic to dogs. trump is toxic for corporate PR. simple as

>> No.14378599

That's actually exactly how people took it, and it was a swipe at trump. He's "toxic" to a tiny minority of the country. Everyone else doesn't give a fuck about the guy

>> No.14378636

I'm not sure what you're saying. it wouldn't be a good idea for tim cook to come out and say "trump is based" because ultimately it's going to affect apple's bottom line. obviously this isn't going to bankrupt goya, but it's just a dumb move, regardless of how you feel about trump

>> No.14378652

Yeah, just like Chic-fil-A, huh?

>> No.14378657

what do you mean?

>> No.14378688

This is 100% true. My gf spent 18 years getting her US citizenship, I don’t know anyone on earth who hates illegals more.

>> No.14378692

I mean the backblast over this liberal butthurt actually gave the company a huge boost. If anything, I think Goya is going to sell more in the near future.

>> No.14378699


>> No.14378703

This really pisses me off. Latina, Latino, those both flow well and sound like they come natively from Spanish, but "Latin x"? However you choose to pronounce that, it's awkward and cumbersome. Spanish is a very gendered language, trying to make it gender neutral just butchers it.

>> No.14378708

You should be butchered alive by a group of cartel members you absolute faggot

>> No.14378711

>I mean the backblast over this liberal butthurt actually gave the company a huge boost.
I don't know whether this is true or not, but I kind of doubt it. most big multinationals play to the woke crowd because it's safe and (at least theoretically) it sells, not because of values. I honestly thought chick fil a capitulated when they stopped giving money to antigay charities/foundations

>> No.14378806
File: 132 KB, 1024x680, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They never vetted the charities to know enough that they were anti-gay. They're pro-christian, so shifted their spending to other charities. The backblast had a huge surge in their popularity for months until it fell out of the news cycle.

Besides, I don't think people who hit up the international aisle much give a shit. Goya is a solid staple. And now people sick of the wrongthink cancel culture are going to go from the regular store-brand tomato aisle over to the Mexican one.

>> No.14378809

nothing wrong with being anti-gay desu

>> No.14378826

What do you mean they have no choice but goya products?
What do you mean of hamburger helper of latinx?
And who said that Latinos belong in a mass grave?
Where the hell do you get these pendejadas?

>> No.14378838


I agree with this. It's a lifestyle I don't agree with and the mainstream gay culture is nothing buy partying and bondage parades (pride).

>> No.14378847

It means he actively attempts to tear this nation apart, instead of acting like a leader of a democracy and unite us. He doesn't comprehend the concept of compromise, and has the audacity to regard himself as a deal maker. He thinks the position of President is the right to impose his will on the population. That is the attitude of a dictator. He is not capable of doing anything for a democratic nation except undermine it.

>> No.14378878

If he's such a dictator why hasn't rioting been severely suppressed?
He's someone who never had a supervisor.

>> No.14378883

see a doctor or learn some calming breathing exercises. and think for yourself

>> No.14378935

hes not tearing the nation apart, he's getting rid of the undesirables tearing thr country apart u dumb prick
you're such a fucking midwit, a textbook example

>> No.14378944

Just bought 2 years worth of beans. Libs owned yet again.

>> No.14378947

oh for fucks sake I wouldnt vote for trump but I wouldnt condemn a company over someone supporting him
this is fucking stupid

>> No.14378987

No, I mean like some of their charities were actively jailing and torturing gays in Africa or something. Pretty based, but it's not nice to hurt people.

>> No.14379001

I'll kick your sissy ass if you don't vote for Trump. You want communist Biden instead of our first true leader of the people? Don't be a fag.

>> No.14379034

fuck them both, im voting for kanye

>> No.14379048

toxic means "anything that I disagree with"

>> No.14379092

That's right he just snuck into the white house one night and the security never threw him out because they didn't wanna get fake tan all over themselves, right? Dumb cunt.

>> No.14379109
File: 15 KB, 327x344, 1589508592005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple of years ago at a party some dumbass white woman told me it was cultural appropriation for me to buy goya stuff lmao. Crazy how hard the pendulum can sway

>> No.14379140

Ladies and gentlemen, the Dunning-Kreuger effect on display right here.

>> No.14379182
File: 108 KB, 990x1146, 2dkhuw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe more, then lose your job

>> No.14379186

Technically, most people did not vote for him numerically, even if you only count people who actually voted, and voter confidence in him has only declined since then.

>> No.14379218

>Mom, i used le reddit term again!

>> No.14379241

Never even heard of them. Should I care?

>> No.14379262

I wonder if he's also a crack addict like that MyPillow guy

>> No.14379418

Most hispanics are inherently conservative and don't get caught up in this sort of personality politics. They main issues of contention they have with the Republican party are poverty and immigration reform.
Imagine complaining about positive comments made immediately after a Republican put forward an initiative for improved education and poverty reduction in hispanic neighbourhoods. This is peak fucking media here.

>> No.14379551

>but you would think anyone with any business savvy whatsoever would steer as clear of this as possible.
I was thinking the same thing at first but then as he kept talking and sounding like some sort of mush mouth retard I was thinking how tf this guy even made it where he is. then he dropped the
>when my grandfather came over from Spain and stared this company...
and it made a lot more sense. I'm guessing the family holds a retarded amount of shares/board seats/influence in the company still even though its a pubco nowadays and the result is you get some (great)grandson patsy boy with the title of CEO who would probably me managing a McD's at best if he started in normal circumstances and was left to his own devices.

>> No.14379585

CEO is the grandson son of the founder of the company. Obviously the family still holds massive shares/board seats/influence despite it being publicly traded. I think it's less of 'I told you so' and more of 'It is truly astonishing were still #1 marketshare considering how much of a fucking moron our CEO is'
The old adage proving true again - the first generation builds, the second maintains, and the third destroys.

>> No.14379618

Underrated for sure. Sad!

>> No.14379636

>many customers
Oh, so those 1% of the population who are far left Twitter-obsessed cultists with trump derangement syndrome who whine about shit all the time. Got it.

>> No.14379649

I have a Puerto Rican neighbor and he has the sign of some Italian guy running for mayor on his lawn.. Why would a Puerto Rican support an Italian/white guy if they werent conservative

>> No.14379688

>I don't like him but someone irrelevant said something dumb so I hope he wins
Imagine being so cucked that you let the people you mock decide your opinion on a presidential election

>> No.14379691

Dude, you should have boycotted Goya weeks ago. I did. I was mortified to learn they sell a product called "Black Beans". Imagine that kind of ignorance still being perpetuated in 2020. Do these fuckers realize how many of their customers are dark skinned? I mean, come on. Black beans sold in markets are clearly a subtle reference to slavery and oppression.

>> No.14379697

They capitalize the B, though, so they cool.

>> No.14379704

We'll see!

>> No.14379727

I, personally, am going to increase my purchasing of Goya products.
MAGA 2020

>> No.14379748

>we will stop buying adobo, and beans
>we'll sub it out for inferior iberria

>> No.14379754

>I dunno why would I dislike someone who thinks I'm a criminal because of my skin and my family belongs in a mass grave
Imbecile. These laws have existed long before Trump was president. You're going to bitch about laws being enforced? You're going to side with Democrats who openly lie about this fact, and expect them to honor any of the millions of promises they've made to you? Good luck bud, I truly feel bad that you view things in this way. When reality eventually sets in, you are going to be in for a world of hurt.

>> No.14379760

The Democrats will stoop to any low, destroy good things, lie, cheat, steal, do whatever they have to do to get a W. Its kind of sad really.

>> No.14379770

Good man.

>> No.14379791

Ordering Pappa Johns, momentarily, thanks.

>> No.14379795

>... just to lick Trump's butthole?
seething faggots say this

>> No.14379820

What's with Libtards and the constant references to licking, anyways? Is their degeneracy amplified by their butthurt?

>> No.14379823

He straight up said that Mexican immigrants are mostly rapists and criminals when he ran in 2016, and "some were fine people." You can contort yourself to justify it if you want but you can't blame people for thinking trump doesn't like them if they're mexican.

>> No.14379825

>projecting this hurt while daddy trumps dick jams the back of your throat

>> No.14379834


No theyre not. Most customers dont even know this happened. Some politicians and their media cronies are boycotting this and dishonestly grouping others into their cause. Ask any latino family worried about making ends meet if they give a shit what the goya ceo thinks about trump. Lmfao imagine asking don pedro about twitter in the first place. Fucking stupid.

>> No.14379861

They love talking about Donald’s cock too. It’s all leftists think about, really.

>> No.14379867

No, his concern was with the ones who were actually rapists and criminals, and the rest...well, they call them ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FOR A FUCKING REASON! How numb do you have to be to think that any presidential candidate is going to publicly call legal citizens/voters "criminals"? Twist things all you want, the truth can not be changed.

>> No.14379888

Sorry i can't understand you with that dick in your mouth

>> No.14379897

>no no it's not true I didn't pay attention
You can google the quote, anon. The media coverage of him was awful in 2016 but he said that phrase near exactly. I'd post a YouTube link but we both know you'd just move the goalposts. He said that "some" we're fine people, after saying that they were rapists, murderers, criminals. Why deny things like this when video footage exists?

>> No.14379900
File: 33 KB, 600x449, bd5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whitoids are getting mad at a well meaning successful Hispanic Man for expressing a differing opinion.
>Literally came from a family of immigrants and became extremely successful
>CEO of a big ass brand in the Americas from North to South
>Half the anons probably have at least one Goya brand product in their house right now .

>> No.14379908

Like 90% or tweets come from 10 percent of the users.

>> No.14379918
File: 15 KB, 236x318, a3dcb1a04cf59fccfa936fb37bb0d6ff--bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hmm I need to larp as one of the hispanics
>oh I know, cuervo especial! the hispanics LOVE tequila!

>> No.14379939

Dont ever argue with a zealot or detractor, anon. Theyve already made up their mind and youll never convince an idiot hes being stupid because you also cant convince him youre not being stupid.

More importantly, why do people think other innocent people should lose their jobs because that persons boss is perceived as an asshole?

>> No.14379953

Lefties are genuinely looping back around to being Racist
The Horseshoe is becomes more real every day.

>> No.14379980

It's less of a horseshoe and more of a complete circle by now.

>> No.14379984

You gonna choke on your dick when nothing happens because left wingers can't maintain a boycott for any length of time?

>> No.14380000


>> No.14380005

>He said that "some" we're fine people, after saying that they were rapists, murderers, criminals.
Again, he said this about illegals. Illegal immigrants break the law when they enter the country illegally, thefore they are criminals. This has been the law, for over a hundred years.

>> No.14380017

couldn't possibly give a shit less what happens with Goya or even the 2020 election. I happened to be watching this interview live and distinctly remember how odd it was watching some guy who sounded like a moron being presented as CEO of a multi billion dollar company and then he laid out the "when my (great)grandfather founded this comapny..." and it all made sense. Seemed like pretty relevant insight as to why someone would go out of their way to aling themselves with a toxic maligned moron like Trump when I stumbled upon this thread. Not a "left winger" or a lib or anything remotely interested in poilitics but you're a fucking idiot yourself if you can't see from a mile away Trump is a toxic wastesludge no established company should be hitching it's wagon to

>> No.14380041
File: 183 KB, 596x738, hmmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey, cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.

>> No.14380064

Sure you aren't.

>> No.14380075

I don't care what you call me, I just want to eliminate the wh*tes, is that too much to ask?
the world would be better off without you, inb4 you try to take credit for personally inventing the wheel
the only thing you ever invented is a garbage can full of crusty soiled tissues, incel freak

>> No.14380080

these niggas eatin' goya beans

>> No.14380100

>I just want to eliminate the wh*tes, is that too much to ask?

Why are you people so dead set against Ian Whates? I get that his short stories aren't exactly Asimov-tier, but he's one of the best modern sci-fi writers who regularly publishes.

>> No.14380106

is goya the stuff in the aisle i walk past quickly because it's just mexican/israeli/jap food in the whole aisle and thus not relevant?

>> No.14380111

Yeah pretty much.

>> No.14380114

No, it's the stuff you see in the canned food aisle that somehow manages to be the same price or cheaper than the store brand.

>> No.14380363
File: 1.03 MB, 236x192, funny.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people actually support Trump.

>> No.14380425

Its all over TikTok

>> No.14380523

Damn right I won't. Other beans simply do not compare to GOYA

>> No.14380595

you're lying, he was talking about MS-13 and the media came out and crucified him over saying a notorious gang was full of shitty people

>> No.14380657


>> No.14380658

>Luckily that's the point of the electoral college system
To misrepresent the will of the public and elect a president that a minority of americans voted for?

I mean, you're not wrong...

>> No.14380677

False it’s just a civil offense. Unless you think speeding tickets deserve being thrown in jail and children separated from their parents. Oh and we are torturing these people formsignificantly more than shoving them in a motel 6 and sending them 4 happy meals a day

>> No.14380694
File: 274 KB, 1280x720, 6619D477-860A-4B04-BD4F-FFC464739DB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get ready for 7 days of bean outrage. America is beyond parody.

>> No.14380704
File: 87 KB, 1092x806, _1568219674899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because orange man bad

>> No.14380710

Where was this attitude when Obama was president? Don’t talk shit and then whine when it’s returned snowflake

>> No.14380726

ehh its just people virtue signaling
they did the same shit with chick fil a and look at them, they're still in business

>> No.14380730

>Strawman arguments

>> No.14380746

>Communist Biden

>> No.14380759

>racialist Marxist cult

Stupid people like you should be exterminated.

>> No.14380776

>decide your opinion on a presidential election
Politics is cope and all of the candidates will do pretty much the same shit. So I hope the guy who causes the other side to be butthurt more wins.

>> No.14380794

probably more of a meth guy. Trump also loves getting jacked up on sudafeds *sniff*

>> No.14380798

>buying Mexican food that's too spicy for you to own the libs.

>> No.14380802


i agree let's elect the biggest retard with as many character defects as possible. Nothing will go wrong :^)

>> No.14380811

this but replace stupid people with jews

>> No.14380818
File: 261 KB, 2048x2048, F055473B-ADFA-4130-8BC9-0F1BC62344CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Radical do nothing Democrates hate The gayo Ceo despite him being a real human bean. He loves Trump! Tomorrow I’ll be signing an Execute Order declaring july Gay Bean month in all deep state cafeteria. Obama never did such a thing but your great president will!

>> No.14380841

Shut up nigger

>> No.14380843


>> No.14380863

A nigga that speaks Spanish. Don't go to the south.

>> No.14380996

>"many customers"
Never change, fake news media.

>> No.14381139
File: 123 KB, 1041x425, 1593997183313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've literally never once seen a goya product in my supermarket. Is it regional?

>> No.14381181

Depends how many spics live in your area

>> No.14381212

>trump wants to put my my family in a mass grave
I feel sorry for you anon, you will never know true freedom. You have created oppressors in your mind and you will always be enslaved.

It's not your fault, the globohomo 24/7 news golem are the ones who should be swinging from the trees. Their masters have indoctrinated an entire generation with this shit. Mindless corporate slave zombies waiting to be told what to think what to believe and who to worship.

>> No.14381222

>muh fake news
go back to /pol/ you braindead incel

>> No.14381254
File: 338 KB, 1620x1080, Barbacoa tacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job proving his point. Don't forget it was the left that invented that term in the first place as a tool to censor all news that wasn't told from a far left perspective by the way.

>> No.14381257

give me the address to your supermarket and I'll calculate how likely it is you just missed it

>> No.14381261

You need to go back

>> No.14381279

I live in Ohio

>> No.14381286

Christ is it still summer? When are you people going back to your cess pit?

>> No.14381314
File: 1.47 MB, 600x238, every-word-of-what-you-just-said-was-wrong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14381350
File: 658 KB, 2619x3360, 20200711_014604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look harder

>> No.14381535

Unironically kill yourself

>> No.14381542

The circle is now complete. When I met you, I was the ignorant bigot.
Now YOU are the bigot.

>> No.14381548

Only a bigot against evil, Darth.

>> No.14381558

>no u
Wow you sure showed me great job bud.
I'm not even the person you were replying to earlier. I just really want you to kill yourself.

>> No.14381564

why you seethin?

>> No.14381565

Me too, but I want everyone to kill themselves. The only reason I don't kill myself now is I hope to see other people kill themselves before I die.

>> No.14381576

Same desu

>> No.14381582

>I'm not even the person you were replying to earlier.
>implying I was even the person you were replying to
I just like making fun of people who through around the phrase "kill yourself" as if it's ever acceptable. Now tell me to kill myself.

>> No.14381645

fucking lmao, don't think anyone has used that for years.

>> No.14381659

what the fuck did he ACTUALLY mean by this?

>> No.14381670

actually its to avoid a case where population centers can control the entire country, the issue with this is that while the "flyover" states have lower populations they still have a right to have a voice and they should not be forced to abide by the will of people halfway across the country who have completely different lives and values, iirc it was Thomas Jefferson who said that it is so people don't need to face the tyranny of the majority.

>> No.14381673


It could just be that Donald Trump threatened him with some abuse of power and he blinked. Everyone knows the Republicans in the senate will kill any attempt to hold him accountable for criminal abuses of power right now, so he's actually pretty dangerous.

>> No.14381686

for apple I believe it would actually effect them because many of the people who buy their shit is faggy liberal types

>> No.14381687

the interests of someone who lives on a farm in upstate new york or northern california align more with someone in kansas or iowa than someone in nyc or la

>> No.14381693

You'd be surprise, i know a lot of blue collar Hispanics that love trump. He just resonates with salt of the earth types.

>> No.14381697

>prominent hispanic businessmen have to be blackmailed or threatened into supporting initiatives which promote poverty-reduction and education in hispanic neighbourhoods
Are you fucking idiots even reading into the situation, or just making assumptions based on headlines and twitter screencaps?

>> No.14381700

over some fucking beans nigga. For the love of god, bring sports back before a civil war erupts.

>> No.14381710

they make most of their money selling wholesale to restaurants and restaurant supply businesses. Those customers don't give a single shit about the CEO's political affiliation as long as the prices are right.

>> No.14381740

Kill yourself.

>> No.14381767

>Are you fucking idiots even reading into the situation, or just making assumptions based on headlines and twitter screencaps?

Agreeing with a specific government policy is one thing. He talked bullshit about how we're blessed to have Donald Trump as president.

>> No.14381773

>If you’re not farting Goya MAGA farts this weekend are you really a patriot?

>> No.14381790

It wasn't Mexican immigrants he was talking about, it was Mexican nationals invading the border as undocumented aliens. The point he was making was that it's dangerous to have a bunch of random people in the country who are under the radar, have potential ties to cartels and other drug gangs, and aren't accountable to our laws. He wasn't talking about hispanic people in general and nobody sane could have possibly interpreted it that way.

>> No.14381883

nigga Im saying the media is controlled almost exclusively by people who don't like Trump. Being a business owner who's doing pretty fucking well he should just keep his mouth shut and carry on. Hell, let's say his comments earn him a few brownie points with the president, that aint gonna amount to much actual aid to his company, and it's sure as hell gonna result in bad publicity.

>> No.14382069

He knows Trump is gonna win 2020 and wants to get on his good side

>> No.14382076

It's only because people in media are educated. If they were braindead hicks they would be more supportive of Trump.

>> No.14382097

>government official details and enacts an initiative which promotes poverty-reduction and education
>"Thank you, we are blessed to have you in power."

>> No.14382294

Okay, what happens next? A presidency is 8 years at most, but people will remember you voicing political support far longer than that, and trump has been nothing if not contentious. I'm just saying it seems foolish to get involved in politics at all when your business is selling food items! You're guaranteed to piss someone off