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File: 187 KB, 1240x1754, 1594328226533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14379493 No.14379493 [Reply] [Original]

You're not drinking more than 14 units of alcohol spread out over 3 days a week, right anon?

>> No.14379503

I drink tons of low quality malt liquor almost every waking hour.

>> No.14379506

does that mean i can drink the 14 all at once

>> No.14379507

quit drinking four years ago
strongly recommend, unless you can moderate, in which case good job you do it

>> No.14379509

i spent the first 12 years of my life alcohol free, i gotta make up for lost time breh

>> No.14379511

What do you think "spread out over 3 days" means?

>> No.14379516

>consume 15+ units per day, every day
totally not an alcoholic btw

>> No.14379518

weekends are a cheat day

>> No.14379520
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>3 units is one or two glasses

>> No.14379526

I drink 7 or 8 cans of beer every day. Sometimes more. Am I fucked?

>> No.14379530

Statistically you will have cirrhosis within 10 years

>> No.14379532
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So you're saying I can't drink more than two 40oz Bud Ice bottles a week? Fuck off mate.

>> No.14379533

I just took a hard look in the mirror. What 20 years of abusing alcohol and being a lazy ass did to my body. 230 pounds at 5 foot 7 is a disaster. Gonna try and cut out alcohol for a month and see how many pounds i shed.

>> No.14379557
File: 716 KB, 2200x3400, 2012-Canada-Low-Risk-Alcohol-Drinking-Guidelines-Poster-en-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 drinks in one sitting is unsafe
I don't actually bother to count anymore, but I've been doing around 20 drinks daily. To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.

>> No.14379565

>tfw sober 5 days a week then drink a 6 pack on Friday and maybe a few drinks on Saturday
How bad is this?

>> No.14379571

taper off tubby

>> No.14379573

I've had about 20 "units" so far today and the sun is still up. Going to drive over to Taco Bell in a little while.

>> No.14379584

>drunk driving
hope you die in accident on the way :)

>> No.14379586

I hope they're out of Baja Blast, scum.

>> No.14379589

>>14379586 is a fate worse than >>14379584

>> No.14379594

Baja Blast is disgusting. I don't consume unfermented sugars.

>> No.14379596
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>20 drinks daily
Your liver is fucked, mate

>> No.14379607
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No, the liverwurst sandwiches counteract that.

>> No.14379612

Why the fuck would they make the total units not divisable by 3?

>> No.14379614

i think you might be in denial

>> No.14379623

Based drink-driver.

>> No.14379631

N-not anymore...

>> No.14379638

Fun fact: the liver damage is just one aspect of over drinking. Alcohol is one of the only drugs that damages all the major systems in your body, your digestive system, nervous system, skeletal system, cardio-respiratory system are all at risk

>> No.14379640

I think you might be new here.

>> No.14379641

I drink like 14 a day

>> No.14379653

you only beat me by 15 drinks a week in total
>10 drinks five days a week
>20 drinks 2 days a week

>> No.14379658

I'd say 2 beers or glasses of wine or whisky is OK. If you go over that, it's bad. Except in the weekend. I think even drinking a lot more is OK if you do it occasionally.

>> No.14379708

Keep in mind that joking about your drinking problem, then doing nothing about them, is also a sign of alcoholism.
Getting help is very easy when you finally get over the hurdle of admitting you need it.

>> No.14379712

>proselytising in a problem drinking thread

>> No.14379746

That entire infographic is confusing.
They redefine something simple as "1 drink" to mean "3 units."
Why is 1.5oz of spirits divided into 3 servings of 0.5oz? Nobody drinks that way.
Overall, 14 units is 4.66 drinks per week? What a bizarre number.

This is the best part,
>*Always check the label for the exact units
Units of what? They didn't use the * anywhere for guidance and their weird definition of "units" won't be found on any labeling.

I think an underage intern who hasn't drank before made this.

And it contradicts this one >>14379557

>> No.14379761

I usually don't drink that often (1-2 times monthly) but when I do it's about 30 units over 2 days, sometimes 45 units in 2.5

>> No.14379781

significant figures round down so don't worry about it

>> No.14379797

I'm an alcoholic and I drank more than 14 units before I quit work today. Will probably reach 30 units today, 25 tomorrow, then cool it down to 15 on sunday to recover enough to work from home on Monday.

>> No.14379800

damn. good luck bro

>> No.14379803

Why 3 units per drink? Why 14 units per week? Why not just make each drink 2 units and call it 7 per week? Why not 1 unit up to 4 per week? What is 1 unit actually supposed to be? All of these drink sizes seem so completely arbitrary.

>> No.14379809

I posted that one because it felt odd for a guide meant for undereducated drunken natives to be easier to break down than a guide meant for undereducated drunken Scots.

>> No.14379810

Civilization was only created to facilitate alcohol production.

>> No.14379816

We're all fucked, anon. Every single one of us is destined for the grave, no matter how healthy or unhealthy his diet may be.

Drinking heavily means that you will probably die 5-10 years earlier than if you abstained from alcohol, but I'm not sure that's really a bad thing in any meaningful sense.

>> No.14379821

Man, all of these "Are you an alcoholic?" sheets are beyond idiotic. They always just look at means and medians, which makes no sense in a situation like this. It really hurts their arguments by giving alcoholics such a clear way out. By this chart, drinking a single six pack over the course of five days makes me an alcoholic. That's fucking retarded.

>> No.14379852

I've been drinking 4 steelie tall boys a night deep into recent memory, I used to be a fifth of liquor a day anon and this current trend actually makes my body feel more gross but actually I'm slightly less drunk/incapacitated so it's a tradeoff

>> No.14379857

The chart isnt about "being an alcoholic"

Im pretty sure they are just to define the maximum amount of alcohol to makes sure theres literally 0 physical risk. You can probably drink a bit more than this and be fine, but obviously theyre going to set the recommendation really low to elimenate any risks

>> No.14379871

Even then, it still makes no sense. My entire life, including just now, I have heard that drinking a glass of wine a day is beneficial. This chart seems to think that every piece of research I've read on the subject is wrong.

>> No.14379912

I had 40 units just last night

>> No.14380351

i haven't drunk alcohol since January 2019.

>> No.14380372

Fucking pints and ml. I drink about 10 - 15 units 5 nights a week on average

>> No.14380404

NHS numbers are way too low because they're commieshits who cut costs at every corner.

>> No.14380412

Buy all the alcohol you want to drink in your lifetime now because there won't be any to buy anymore in a few years. Cars, alcohol, tobacco, meat, they're gonna ban it all.

>> No.14380418
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Yes. And I don't give. a. fuck

>> No.14380429

No but i smoke pot daily

>> No.14380468

it means i can down 14 units within 60 seconds and then stay dry for the next two days while maintaining perfect health

>> No.14380477

Bullshit. I've drank 6-8 beers a night for 20 years. Due to having testicular cancer, I get a metabolic panel twice a year. All my numbers are low or fine.

>> No.14380483

>who cut costs at every corner.
Except for the Tavistock Clinic, of course.

>> No.14380489

The chart is per week champ

>> No.14380491

Do americans really drink nothing but sodee pop and beer? This SURELY has to be for americans only. Europeans would get a MUCH lower value

>> No.14380496

I'm at 21 units a week

>> No.14380519
File: 954 KB, 1068x1433, Screenshot_20200710-223255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I save up my units for a month and drink them all in one night out

>> No.14380521

It's from the Glasgow National Health Service you mong

>> No.14380532

sure, that doesnt address my point, nigger
i'll slam 4 shots of vodka in 30 seconds at 100LBs without eating and be totally fine according to that retarded chart

>> No.14380616


>> No.14380718

>75 units in a 8 hour period
Binge drinking is weird. I can go months without feeling an urge to drink, but as so as alcohol hits my lips I can’t stop until I’m blacked out.

>> No.14380749

4 1oz shots of vodka aint shit. You'll be fine

>> No.14380752

So long as you only do that 3 days a week and don't drink any more than that, also the shots would be one ounce which is small for a shot

>> No.14380754

You probably would be though, it’s just 4 shots

>> No.14380761

>no more than 14 units per week
Okay, why?

>> No.14380764

People have this idea that shots are way stronger than cocktail or beer, but a 40% shot contains less alcohol than a can of beer

>> No.14380773

I don’t come anywhere close to that. Maybe. 6 pack spread out over the course of the week 10 beers total if I go to my friends a night or two.

>> No.14380774


>> No.14380784

anon, 10 beers is way more than 14 units

>> No.14380789

How can you not moderate? Its easy. I treat beer like I do soda. Something to have every once in a blue moon to relax but not overdo it because calories.

I seriously don't understand how people just cant drink normally. Is it because I only drink beer when it comes to alcohol?

>> No.14380795

You'd be surprised at how much weight you can drop just by only drinking water.

>> No.14380803

Genetic plays a huge role in over drinking. Some people feel compelled to drink even if they don't actually like to. It's something to do with dopamine/ you reward center

>> No.14380809


>> No.14380833

What does a 6 pack a week even accomplish? You have one beer a day?

>> No.14380921

>I treat beer like I do soda.
nigger that's terrible advice

>> No.14380926

Teetotalers guide to alcoholism.

>> No.14380955

im in college still, have no real friends, and haven't felt a girls love in 8 years. i'll drink whatever the fuck i want, whenever the fuck i want, if i want.

>> No.14380979

>drink driver
Why do Brits say this? You are driving while drunk, not driving while drink.

>> No.14380986

You say this like you're rebelling against some sort of authority. The guideline are just a health suggestion, youre not a badass for breaking them

>> No.14381002

10 days sober after drinking ~17 bottles of wine a week for 4 years. When I do go back to drinking I'm never going to drink alone again and never 2 days in a row.

I feel like shit. I thought not being hung over every day would make it easier but it fucking sucks.

>> No.14381017

>How can you not moderate
It's hard to explain but if I have a single drink I feel this incredibly overpowering urge to keep going until I fall asleep.

>> No.14381025
File: 13 KB, 266x384, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought not being hung over every day would make it easier
>yfw you remember that the misery you were drinking to escape from is just normal life

>> No.14381036

adderall and booze makes me the devil. I am so angry. sooooo so angry. Who do I take it out on ck???

>> No.14381067

The point is the infographic is retarded for not explaining what the reason is

>> No.14381115
File: 358 KB, 999x815, 1594077289294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful with that combination, anon. I would be on extended adderall binges for work deadlines working from home ate into the night, and to go to bed I would en dup drinking entire bottles of whiskey, blacking out, and walking around my yard and street without a shirt yelling about niggers and greedy kikes. I would then stumble back into my yard and fall asleep under a tree. I am VERY lucky I didn't get the cops called on me. Adderall will burn you the fuck out. After I got off it, I didn't leave my bed for 2 years and gained 100 pounds (which I've just recently lost). It will fuck you up. Taper off it now. Seriously.

>> No.14381146

Same. I don't so much enjoy the plateau of being drunk anymore like I did in my early 20s. Now I chase that feeling when the liquor hits my stomach and begins to be metabolized, which of course just makes me want to drink more and more.

>> No.14381154

>14 total units
>all drinks are multiples of three

Who made this shit?

>> No.14381161

same here anon, I think it's escapism mixed with self medicating mild insomnia.

If I can drink until I pass out then it's like a 5 hour vacation from responsibilities, concerns or worries of any kind.

>> No.14381202

It gets easier, but there is a lot more to kicking the habit than just brute force willpower, "I will NOT drink (as much or for X days) [...this time]"

You seem to already be planning to drink again which suggests a serious fear or anxiety around the idea of not drinking again.

Sounds like you had a good habit going and you are going to have more luck getting good help kicking it from meetings/therapy etc... approaches that involve other people, free you from secretive habits...

There's no shame in it. Plenty of good, tough, hard working men get caught by alcohol and have to get serious and get help to fight it off.

Good luck to ya. 130 days sober over here.

>> No.14381400

Thanks man I appreciate that.
>anxiety around the idea of not drinking
I've worked in bars and restaurants since I was 18 and my wife is a chef. I'm a manager at one of the biggest bars in my city. One day I'd like to own my own bar/restaurant. I'd like to be able to have a glass of wine with dinner with my wife without feeling the need to drink another 2 or 3 whole bottles after. I'd like to not have to turn down every single customer that offers to buy me a beer and I need to taste cocktails as I'm making them. I still plan on having dry months, I just need to kick the habit of overdoing it. My wife has been really supportive and although I hate it now I'm confident I can get better. Thanks again for the kind words.

>> No.14381500

This math irritates me.

>> No.14381527
File: 57 KB, 596x628, g-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah??

>> No.14381603

I don't drink soda but I'll pound 12 drinks in a night just to make it go by

>> No.14381639

Wish i could drink but at my job if you drink you get fired. Even on days off the boss comes to our houses to do a sobriety check

>> No.14381722

Shut up op, I do as I please

>> No.14382190

Dunno, I don't really count. But I don't take days off alcohol, that's for sure. I just drank half a bottle of hand sanitizer without separating the denaturing ingredient and am waiting to feel the effect. If anybody asks I wanted to protect my stomach from covid 19.

>> No.14382281

alcohol units are used in the uk, every bottle is labeled with its containing units. its basically calculated using the volume as well as the abv, because obviously a "drink" contains more alcohol if the proof is just higher

>> No.14382333

I dont drink because I'm not a degenerate.

>> No.14382334



>> No.14382398

Those guidelines are ridiculous

>> No.14382415

I get around 80 to 100 units in most weeks. I only drink at night. If I start to feel dizzy during the day I go on the dry for a couple of nights

>> No.14382418

alcohol is really fucking bad for you. especially women. women should not drink ANY alcohol.

>> No.14382427

That's pretty bad.
Those are rookie numbers. Maybe start having a few tins on a weekday night?

>> No.14382497


>> No.14382501

I did not drink on Monday because I was driving and I won't drink tomorrow because I expect to be too hangover so I manage 2 alcohol free days.

>> No.14382507

>eat before and while you are drinking
If anyone wonder why alcoholics become fat.

>> No.14382514

>I'm an alcoholic
>but at least I'm not a FAILURE
sounds like the definition of one desu
alcoholism stems from mental illness

>> No.14382532

Yeah, that's not a good piece of advice. It's very easy to overeat while drinking. One should eat either several hours before drinking, or several hours afterwards.

>> No.14382591

i drink 4 shots every night i gotta cut down my drinking

>> No.14382664

I drink that in 6 hours

>> No.14382673

every time i get drunk my heart pounds in my chest and i think i'm going to die

should i stop drinking /ck/

>> No.14382684

just drink more ;)

>> No.14382766

The idea with the absurdly exaggerated dietary warnings, whether for things like alcohol, or fatty foods, or sugars, or whatever is that the author knows nobody is actually going to follow the guidelines.

It's basic human psychology that people will look at recommended amounts of consumption and say to themselves that a little bit more than that wouldn't be so bad. So if a nutritional scientist wants people to drink no more than two alcoholic beverages per day, he'll tell them that they can only have one a day.

>> No.14382769

6-8 shots a day for the last 3 years

>> No.14382775

Thank you for explaining this.

>> No.14382778

>one drink of distilled alcohol 43mL
>one fifth of alcohol is 750mL
>typically drink a fifth when I drink, roughly 3 times a week
>one fifth is about 17 drinks according to this
>a healthy amount is 15 per week, not 17x3 per week
Uh someone please tell me I fucked up the metric shit because I'm a burger. I didn't even think I was that bad.

>> No.14382788

Puritanical dude weed posters are pathetic lmao

>> No.14382921

I'm at zero units 7 days a week

>> No.14382926

only reason to drink is to get drunk. other then this is fucking stupid.

>> No.14382928

Are you a girl or some shit? Fucking hell that's a sad effort.

>> No.14383240

Why do I occasionally have a slight throbbing pain on my right side under the ribs? I only get drunk twice or thrice a week.

>> No.14383296


I just find it refreshing/relaxing. I enjoy the taste of a cold beer too. And I drink so infrequently 1-2 beers gets me just the right amount of buzzed for a little bit.

>> No.14383299

I only drink alc when i'm out with friends or with family/gf
which is to say maybe once every 2 weeks, TOPS.

>> No.14383308

>no more than 14 units per week
7 units per week, I'm safe
>3 spread out over three days or more
Three days exactly, so it's fine
>at least two alcohol free days per week
... help?

>> No.14383336

Seems way too complicated, like people who need to restrict their diets to some complicated extreme because they have no willpower or moderation.
Simply get your work done during the week then get blasted on the weekend, easy as that.

>> No.14383338

ive had 9 tonight
12 yesterday

>> No.14383342

That's worse for you than drinking a little bit every day.

>> No.14383344

>insanely long heat wave going on in my city
>search a grocery store for cold drinks
>flavorless tonic water, pressed juice, soda with 9 billion grams of sugar, and cold beer

Gee, I wonder which one I'll pick regardless of health consequences? Hmmmmm

>> No.14383574

It's basically the Weight Watchers points system of alcoholism.

>> No.14383601
File: 228 KB, 1300x956, safe-drinking-advice-label-showing-alcohol-units-recommended-by-the-CY76TT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. That's actually pretty cool.

>> No.14383623
File: 69 KB, 700x397, NIH_standard_drink_comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tl/dr you have to do a bunch of ugly math because one pint of session ale is not the same alcohol amount as one pint of eisbock.

>> No.14383642

I've been drinking heavily for like 3 months. Do I need to tamper or am I able to just go cold turkey without major withdrawals and fear of rekindling? I keep trying to lower the amount but haven't had much luck.

>> No.14384066

assuming you aren't trolling, 3 months is nowhere near long enough to gain an addiction.

>> No.14384098
File: 43 KB, 950x643, hatlikewo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink a quart of whiskey a week

>> No.14384113
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so if I drink 8 beers im already at 24 units? been daily drinking at least 6-8 beers since 10 years.this charrt is gay

>> No.14384117

By modern scientific standards you're an alcoholic if you had alcohol for more than 3 days in a row.

>> No.14384154

I had already quit entirely but got back on. I am on a break now and haven't taken it for a bit. What you posted is so accurate tho.. I was screaming my head off the other day.

I am more careful with the addy now. I don't take it on consecutive days.

>> No.14384396

That’s not too hard, 2 beers every day and if you skip a day you get two more beers.

>> No.14384772

It's easy to make your own until they ban sugar, retard.

>> No.14384787

12oz of 5% =
5oz of 12% =
1.5oz of 40%

all = 1 DRINK

how a pint of beer is 3 units and you can only have 4 pints throughout a week is baffling

>> No.14384788

Whatchu kno bout dat

>> No.14384794

I assume he's talking about the good stuff.

>> No.14384810

It hasn't happened lately but I've had seizures from withdrawal several times in the past. I drink a lot.

>> No.14384956


>> No.14385070

you don't have to drink any of that nigga don't you have a water filter?

>> No.14385643

If you don't get the joke, you might be a newfag.

>> No.14385661

Not exact but it's kind of a long story. I'm more worried about rekindling. I don't want to stop to give myself a break, drink again and fuck myself up.

>> No.14385676

Probably about 22 units today. Ordered some fried chicken delivery just now. Maybe 25 units last night

>> No.14385846
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Going to hit 21 in a few weeks, what's the best tasting type of drink for cheap?

>> No.14385848

Red wine.

>> No.14385892
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Prolly tons.
Also checked

>> No.14386022

It's to do with how you feel.
I am not a big drinker so I really just enjoy 1 or 2 beers with dinner when I'm out and rarely drink at home but have 20+ beers in the fridge and 4 bottles of hard liquor for cocktails if I want them.
On the other hand I don't ever buy multiple packs of potato chips or large boxes of ice cream and chocolate biscuits because I used to be a fat fuck and if I do buy them they are all eaten the same day in 1 or 2 sittings so I just buy a single serving of snack food about 2 times a week.
My brother gets a bottle of whisky and drinks it all in 2 days so he rarely buys it.

>> No.14386041

They did that before you fucking moron.
It was called the prohibition.

>> No.14386047


Nigga I drink at least a fifth of vodka every day.

>> No.14386060

I can't wait until all of the /ck/ alcoholic shitposters die. You're almost there anon keep on drinking.

>> No.14386062


40 year old women know this the best. Boxed wine is where it is at for cheap but tasty alcohol.

>> No.14386121
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I was drinking 3 - 4 bottles of wine per weekend (always remained sober on Monday through Thursday), so I decided to go sober for the month of July.

Haven't had a drink since June 29th. But I will drink once August gets here.

>> No.14386142

This is the stupidest shit i ever seen on this site. Its also dead wrong

>> No.14386171

>t. I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.