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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14378118 No.14378118 [Reply] [Original]

What are your /pleb/ food opinions or tastes?

I'll start: I generally prefer white meat chicken to dark.

>> No.14378125

I prefer fired turkey to all other turkey, And I still like pizza hut

>> No.14378128

Disdain for seafood.

>> No.14378139
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Why don't you love me senpai?

>> No.14378147

Ketchup tastes good on a lot of things

>> No.14378149

I still hate mustard

>> No.14378152

I cut the fat off my meat

>> No.14378155


How much have you tried? I've successfully converted a couple of Midwesterners who grew up never eating seafood and thought they hated it. They're all about shrimp, crabs, and salmon now.

>> No.14378161


All of it? I don't like when big hunks of fat are still on a cooked steak, but I'm not going to freak out if there's a little still on there.

>> No.14378187

I can't stand the texture at all. Even the thinnest bits of it I have to slice off.

>> No.14378245
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the best sushi roll is spicy tuna using that paste/mash shit with the tempura bits in it

>> No.14378248

Slamon > tuna

>> No.14378259

possibly. don't know. usually spicy salmon roll will have intact cuts of fish. if there is a salmon equivalent of what i'm talking about, then i'm good to go with that. problem is i wouldn't risk ordering it if i already know they are using the paste shit for their tuna rolls

>> No.14378272
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how relevant

>> No.14378291

I just love chicken, all varieties from grilled to fried to cooked :D

Tasted turkey a few times and it is really good but my gf don't like it.

>> No.14378304

I just love sushi too, salmon, tuna, avocado ...

Not shrimp tuna though although i like shrimp sandwiches.

>> No.14378362

I can't stand avocado but I love guac
I hate myself for this but I can't get over it

>> No.14378364

Sometimes I prefer imitation crab to real crab.

>> No.14378365


>> No.14378376
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I was a poor kid raised by a box of blue mac and cheese. To this day, I judge others based on the boxed shit. Turns out, I'm picky about wasting money or calories on Mac if it's not good.

>> No.14378377

Also, if given the choice, I’ll take cod and chips over halibut and chips.

>> No.14378381

imitation crab makes better california rolls

>> No.14378395

Yes. Big fan of eel too

>> No.14378414
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hell yeah dude
barbecue eel with the seaweed wrap on a bed of rice
it's cooked. and they put the sauce on it. that's the other one i love. these elaborate $20 bites of just bullshit do nothing for me and i've tried them. pointless

>> No.14378450
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i absolutely relish devouring the flesh of my fallen enemies

>> No.14378466
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humanity has gone too far

>> No.14378472
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homemade stock is rarely worth the effort and stock concentrate is acceptable in most situations. Marco is unironically based

>> No.14378658

I don't eat any kind of raw meat.

>> No.14379131

You're missing out

>> No.14379228

...on parasites and diarrhea.

>> No.14380406
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My tap water tastes like absolute shit, and the water that comes from my fridge tastes the exact same.

Will boiling it make it taste any better? Or is that just for purification purposes that are health-wise?

>> No.14380446
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Boy do I have some water filters to sell you

>> No.14380476
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I feel you man, eel is fucking fantastic.

>> No.14380481

I'm with you, OP. I don't give a shit what other's say, Breast Meat Best Meat.

>> No.14380485

Get a brita or whatever brand you want. take care of that shit.

>> No.14380492

sulphur, chlorine, salt, what do you mean?
If chlorine, it'll offgass by itself at room temp
if chloramine, you'll have to boil it off
if sulphur, a drop of dilute bleach solution may take care of it

>> No.14380506

I like both, each is it's own unique variant. I usually get both together, and probably an unagi roll.

>> No.14380511

Pineapple doesnt belong on pizza

>> No.14380513


I like A1 sauce on steak

>> No.14380741

>Eat the sea bugs, goy

>> No.14380763


>> No.14380779

I retch at the smell of mustard. Its absolutely vile to my palate.

Which is strange because if its mixed as an ingredient its mostly fine to me.

>> No.14380791

Me too, I love barbecue sauce but can't stand mustard on its own

>> No.14380792

I put ranch on so much shit, but it goes exceptionally well with fries and other savory foods.

>> No.14380882

This isn't even pleb tier. Most home cooks fuck their stocks/broth, either not enough meat/bones to water ratio, can't brown them for shit for brown stocks, boil them too hard so they emulsify the fat into the stock(excluding tonkatsu-esque stocks), cook them too short/too long, don't add aromatics at the right time etc.

And even when you get everything right, the good stock pots are ~ 70-80% as good. It makes a big difference when you're making something like a concentrated jus that is almost 100% dependent on good stock that isn't oversalted like instant stock, but for most day-day use, canned or stock concentrates are fine, especially if you use the better quality shit.

>> No.14380894

I prefer shitty jacks frozen supreme za’s to most others

>> No.14381033

I prefer my food PLAIN
hamburgers and hot dogs and burritos without condiments
chicken strips or fries without dipping sauce
pizza without any toppings

>> No.14381046

>pizza without any toppings
you just eat bread with sauce?

>> No.14381049

Nobody said that schizo

>> No.14381059

cheese pizza
I don't like pepperoni or olives or pineapples or peppers or any other shit on my 'za

>> No.14381063

Campbell's tomato soup is pretty good

>> No.14381189


I'm with you anon. I also don't like dipping sauce for my French fries. Just let me enjoy the potatoes

>> No.14381463

>don't like stuff that spent its life marinading in the world's toilet bowl
>this is now mental illness

>> No.14381538
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But white meat chicken is objectively better than dark meat. Dark meat is absolutely plebian.

>> No.14381573

I don't care for black pepper.

>> No.14381584

Wait pepper comes in non black?

>> No.14381593
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>> No.14381610

I prefer cheap and "shitty" food compared to quality ingredients except for meat. I love the cheapest frozen beef patties and cheap chicken nuggets

>> No.14381618

What effort? Walking away and letting it simmer for a few hours is one of the easiest things I do.

>> No.14381644

I grew up poor and as such prefer some canned vegetables over fresh or frozen varieties. Peas and green beans are the big ones I would rather have canned. Also I can't fucking stand mushrooms or cooked carrots.

>> No.14381711


imagine being this tastelet

>> No.14381737

I love tinned mushrooms and cheap microwave rice and shit other people here don't like, like those bagged pork crackle snacks. Idk maybe it's not weird

>> No.14381751

I much prefer "overcooked" pasta to al dente

>> No.14381850

I feel you. People treat you like a lesser human being if you don’t eat the McDonalds dipping sauces with your nuggets, it’s weird.
I have an aversion to most condiments. Ketchup, mustard, mayo, relish, ranch, they all disgust me. The only thing I’m not with you on is pizza. Sausage, bacon, meatballs, chicken, peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, ham are all good toppings

>> No.14382058

the line that goes down the middle of a toastie is one of the most delicious things i've ever eaten

>> No.14382083

I have a fatal attraction to those Jack in the Box tacos.

Also I cannot stand the tastes of coffee, salmon, or alcohol.

>> No.14382194

Corn is fucking disgusting. It's sweet so why the fuck is everyone eating it with savory foods?
Would you eat fucking prunes with brisket? So why the fuck is corn a popular side dish or is treated as is?

Fuck corn. The only acceptable usage should be corn bread, as it is made to be sweet.

>> No.14382197

Prunes with brisket actually sounds great

>> No.14382217

No it doesn't

>> No.14382225

Mayonnaise is great, I could eat it with anything that's not sweet

>> No.14382409

I would 100% be okay surviving on nothing but various curries over rice

that and you will never convince me that pan fried spam and bush's bbq beans aren't fucking goat

>> No.14383115


not my favorite but those shits are definitely really good

>> No.14383124

Based and early 2000's skaterpilled

>> No.14383737

You can get white pepper, it's slightly less spicy but really it's mostly used for aesthetic reasons, they're both made from the same plant but prepared differently, white pepper needs to mature longer before being picked then has a more complex preparation so it's more expensive.

>> No.14383789

I don'y know what white or dark meat is. I m not american so maybe it's something different in my language.

>> No.14383794

You like fish cakes just like several billion people. The name “imitation crab meat” is really an unfortunate artifact of the 70s/80s and you should experiment with other fish cakes as well, you’ll probably like a lot of them, as I do.

>> No.14383798


>> No.14383800

to be absolutely honest, a proper chicken breast beats thighs every time.
It's just that the mayos are generally pretty trash at cooking so they have no idea how to make a chicken breast taste good. The result is that thighs are harder to mess up so most people prefer them.

>> No.14383812

white = breast and wings
dark = legs

Americans say white/dark because the puritans thought saying 'breast' was rude.

>> No.14383821

If you own or long term rent, just install a reverse osmosis 4 stage filter tap. It’s about $250 and not too difficult to install, and if you rent your landlord may be ok with it. Best thing I ever did.

>> No.14383824

Thanks bro

>> No.14383830

White pepper has a very different flavor profile than black pepper. Additionally, white pepper grinds much finer than black.

>> No.14383895
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>not even fast

>> No.14383923

yeah those sauces are just sugar and oil
I'll do mayo in a ham/egg/tuna salad but other than that I won't do it. The sight of mayo is revolting.
I only put WP in mashers
There's also pink peppercorns, which are nice and pretty, and green peppercorns which come in a can

>> No.14384041


Get a zerowater filter before you install anything expensive.

>> No.14384081


Mac and cheese that is better than the boxed stuff is so easy but for some reason a big portion of the population loves to fuck it up by adding stupid bullshit to it, or by mixing like 4 fancy cheeses together. Basic ass mac and cheese cooked with only cheddar cheese is so much better than like 90% of the fancy bullshit that people try to make.