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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14369548 No.14369548 [Reply] [Original]

General preppper thread and what do you guys recommend I hoard next?

>> No.14369552
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>> No.14369560

>bottled water

>> No.14369561
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>> No.14369569

I have water filters too friend.

>> No.14369603

>His shitty country has logistics problems
>His shitty country hasn't eradicated the virus
Lmaoing at your life

>> No.14369925

Where are you from?
Better than living in Mexico lol that's where I originally hail from.

>> No.14369939
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>plastics and PBA-lined cans

>> No.14369985
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>> No.14369997

>only 165 gallons
Hope you live alone. Also, that's going to have aluminum and barium in it from the geoengineering operations, among other things.

>> No.14370053

You have to go back, spic

>> No.14370099
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Reminder that peanut butter never goes bad. You can also basically live on a jar of peanut butter a day. There's plenty of calories and protein in one jar. You won't find a cheaper or more compact form of ration.

>> No.14370189

>Who here is ready for the upcoming food shortages in the U.S
lol every fucking year they get a couple more of you, and it still hasn't happened since what, the 50s? but you'll still be deluded that "we're due"

>> No.14370278

If there wasn't a massive food shortage during the first steps of covid (there was a lot of shit missing but there was still a fuck ton of food) we will never have true food shortages

>> No.14370285

A food shortage is not the same thing as a supply chain disruption.

>> No.14370292
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>> No.14370299

Invest in flour. When everyone is under lockdown again, you can establish a blackmarket for flour. You can even go further with your profit margins if you cut it with chalk.

>> No.14370300
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>what do you guys recommend I hoard next?
ammo and medical supplies

>> No.14370302

tasty looking banana

>> No.14370342

My state is generally doing well right now, and I don’t see a food shortage in the foreseeable future. I bough multiple bags of rice and oatmeal before the pandemic, and still have some of that left. Also, water is a fucking waste to buy.

>> No.14370345

Some states like Utah restrict the amount of rainwater collection barrels you can have before you're legally required to register with the local water supply authority.

>> No.14370346


>> No.14370381
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>Upcoming food shortages in the US.

>> No.14370396

>pandemic shuts down the nation for months
>shelves still stocked nationwide
Preppers have been so eternally BTFO, anyone who still does it is just coping
>b-but what if
What if what? You won’t survive anything catastrophic enough to destroy the country

>> No.14370399

Doomers been saying its gonna happen any week now and just keeps getting pushed back.

>> No.14370832
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NZ reporting. We've had 0 cases for over a month now.
Also we have brains so we never had issues with panic buying depleting stocks. At worst, back in lockdown in April there was 1 or 2 days where it was hard to buy dry pasta, but that was about it.

>> No.14370887

A jar a day, huh? Enjoy your bowel obstruction the first week of the apocalypse.

>> No.14370900

Two more weeks bro

>> No.14370944

>Testing per million is way up compared to other countries
>fatalities holding steady
>disease so fatal that the vast majority of people never even show symptoms.

Anything to try and help the blue party seize power again though I suppose!

>> No.14370952


>> No.14370984

A dozen packs of Oreos and 6 boxes of Mountain Dew.

>> No.14371133

I make 70,000k+ after taxes per year..but if that means I should reduce myself to the status of an indio like yourself then so be it... wtf I hate blumpf now

>> No.14371136

The original said 50k so you're just proving it even more right lmao

>> No.14371137


>> No.14371143

You got all of that from having an American flag in my closet? God forbid I show allegiance to the country that has provided me with way more opportunities and free money (scholarships for school) than my native homeland.

>> No.14371147

Quiet incel

>> No.14371154

Nah it was mostly the self hating spic thing it's also just bants so simmer down hombre

>> No.14371169

I don't live in usa, does that count?

>> No.14371174

USA supplies most of the world's food, so that just makes your situation more tenuous.

>> No.14371228

usually the food in my country is exported to usa

>> No.14371241

Does ammo ever go bad? I've got a shitload of shotgun shells

>> No.14371245

Yes actually. Don't have the scientific explanation but they do "go bad" after years especially if they're stored in less than ideal conditions.

>> No.14371246

seethe, mutt.

>> No.14371301

well shit...how long do they normally last?
They are stored in the house in a closet at ambient temps the house is kept normally from 65 to 78 F.

>> No.14371313

I meant to say in my post we're talking years and years, decades even. Long as your storage is a decent steady temp and not humid you really have nothing to worry about.

>> No.14371439

The main component of smokeless powder is nitrocellulose. It isn't very stable and will deteriorate over time. This can eventually cause it to auto-ignite.
To prevent this, stabilizing compounds are added to the mixture. These significantly increase the shelf life. Places storing large amounts of ammunition will also test the amount of stabilizer to monitor the depletion.
Modern smokeless powder is generally chemically stable for at least 20 years. The exact amount of time depends on the storage conditions.

>> No.14371467

Point taken my guy. But what's wrong with loving American culture while being a spic?

>> No.14371479
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I thought hoarding guns was the American way to prepare for a crisis

>> No.14371578 [DELETED] 

Because American culture excludes you And doesn’t want you around spic

>> No.14371610

need some bleach, med supplies, and plant seed

>> No.14371849

> rent free

>> No.14371856

Shit. I better kill a bunch of schoolkids so my older ammo doesn't go to waste.

>> No.14371890

I keep a few months of rice and beans anyhow. Which I eat regularly. I should start storing a few months of food for my chickens. I usually only keep a months worth for them.

>> No.14372507

there is a good chance all your ammo is expired, but i'm a nice guy and i'll take it all off your hands for free.

>> No.14372570

Rome didn’t fall in a day anon...

>> No.14372581

genuine question

What can I eat that isn’t involved with plastic but stays stable and edible for a long time? Is the only escape grown food and glass jars?

>> No.14372585

>not letting your chickens feed on bugs for a more varied and nutritious diet