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14358266 No.14358266 [Reply] [Original]

Do vegans eat honey?

>> No.14358268

nope they get to treat themselves to agave nectar

>> No.14358271

Do bears shit in the woods?

>> No.14358272

Is semen vegan?

>> No.14358311

If you just suck on a sausage and tug on it for several minutes but dont actually eat it you're still a vegetarian right?

>> No.14358318

Sometimes bees suffocate when they're gassed

>> No.14358359

Depends how you get it. Are you raping the cum out of someone? No? Then it's fine. You're not exploiting or harming someone to get it.

What about jerking off a horse you might ask.
Animals have no agency, so it's exploitation and without consent.

>> No.14358384

Sometimes people to, mwaaa
- Goebels

>> No.14358390

But that's literally how animals fug, rape and consent doesn't exist in the animal world

>> No.14358413

Goebels, please stop blowing kisses at me, it's making me uncomfortable.

>> No.14358590

I was vegan for a while and dated another vegan chick and I was making tea for her and asked her if she wanted honey in it.

She reacted as if I had offered her a baconator cheeseburger or some chinese poodle dumplings. Found out the hard way that no vegans don't eat honey, and they treat the smallest miss-step or indiscretion the same as world-ending calamities so that's when i stopped being vegan.

>> No.14358678

>Found out the hard way that no vegans don't eat honey, and they treat the smallest miss-step or indiscretion the same as world-ending calamities so that's when i stopped being vegan.
she sounds like a huge bitch. imagine if she just said "no, honey isnt vegan" and ended it there instead of chimping out. i actually wish that people who overreact to stuff like this would be executed.
they add nothing useful to the world

>> No.14358680

Oh, so it's fine to jerk off a horse's dick? Do you fuck horses, anon? It's fine. We all have weird fetishes here.

>> No.14358686

i used to grip my horses penis, but i never jacked it off

>> No.14358691

I once got lectured by a vegan girl why honey is bad because it kills bees, while she was sitting on a leather couch

of course that's a retarded stance because bee keeping for honey is the only thing stopping bees from going extinct

>> No.14358706

cant harvest almonds without industrialized bee pollination. chequemate vegans

>> No.14358708

And now you know the dirty secret: Vegans actually would prefer animals die.

>> No.14358726

All members of PETA are vegan did you not know this?

>> No.14358731

I mean realistically, as long as you're not harming the animal what is wrong with it?

>> No.14358753

This is comon practice, for getting juices from premium steeds and bulls to incubate females.

>> No.14358774

>And now you know the dirty secret: Vegans actually would prefer animals die.
did you reply to the wrong post or you're having a stroke or what, what you wrote there is completely unrelated to my post

>> No.14358805

Honeybees (and wasps, and bumbles) are invasive pests that are decimating our native bee populations, which our native plant life depends on for pollination. Fuck honey.

>> No.14358815

Even if the honeybees are invasive, aren't they accomplishing the same thing as our native bee populations in terms of pollination?

>> No.14358819

You said:
>of course that's a retarded stance because bee keeping for honey is the only thing stopping bees from going extinct
And I said:
>And now you know the dirty secret: Vegans actually would prefer animals die.
Seems pretty well related to me. Honey farming is what's keeping bees alive, but vegans would rather they die out than be "enslaved" to produce honey, regardless of the negative impact that would have on the ecosystem at large (since kept honeybees pollinate hundreds of square miles of flowers and not just the farmer's one field).

>> No.14358835

Did you know that lots of vegans eat honey and everybody above this post is retarded?

>> No.14358844

he's a dumbass because he's talking about Africanized honey bees which is a hybrid that was made because honey bees were going extinct.

>> No.14358860

Oh I see. Those are only present in a few places around the country though, right? I know there was a panic about them a while back, but it inevitably didn't go anywhere as I recall.

>> No.14358885

the Africanized bees were attacking and taking over native honey bee populations and I think they did away with all of the Africanized hives

>> No.14358899
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why are vegans like this bros

>> No.14358922

if you ever want a good time bring up the honey question among two vegans and watch them go at it

>> No.14358924

the hybrid bees actually produce way more honey despite their aggression, that was the whole idea in the first place

>> No.14358937

That's right up there with asking who had deeper lyrics Tupac or Outkast?

>> No.14358940

>Did you know that lots of vegans eat honey
Fake vegans, maybe.

>> No.14359008

no but ducks rape chickens to death.

>> No.14359092

>Vegans think they care about animal's well being but then they eat all of the animals food
At least meat eaters give animals a quick dignified death, vegans would see animals starve to death.

>> No.14359306

Vegans are cunts, glad you saw the light. 99.99% of vegans jump on the diet so they can feel some kind of moral superiority over everyone else. Total fucking dickheads.

>> No.14359330

Technically, it's cannibalism.
I dated a vegan cannibal.

>> No.14359506

No, I'm just not American. The bees that are native to my country are small, black, solitary, and do not produce honey.

>> No.14360484

i like my women the way i like my bees: small, black, solitary and do not produce honey.

>> No.14360503

So if vegans are anti honey but they drink almond milk all day, that means they are exploiting bees as slaves to work their almond farms.
I guess this surprises no one ITT.
Fucking vegan hypocrisy knows no bounds.

>> No.14360509

Wasp honey sucks bro, LMAOING at your life kid.

>> No.14360680

bees pollinate things voluntarily.

>> No.14360760

This, bees and other bugs get on plants because they pollinate them. It has nothing to do with veganism.

>> No.14360766

They have been tricked into pollinating what their cruel masters demand. No one asked the bee where it wanted to make a hive, they truck the hives around!
You are both bee-slavery enablers. I bet you both claim veganism.

>> No.14360780

True vegans eat only wild-pollinated plants, or plants that don't require pollination from insects.

>> No.14360786

Would vegans eat afterbirth? It's animal meat but isn't the result of animal suffering

>> No.14360796

do vegan chicks swallow?

>> No.14360818

only once. then they aren't vegan anymore.
it's called popping a vegan's neck cherry.

>> No.14360838

Who cares?

>> No.14360848

I haven't seen any vegans post in this thread. I've been lurking with bemusement. You guys are like this, not us.

>> No.14360861 [DELETED] 

>I haven't seen any vegans post in this thread
>You guys are like this, not us

>> No.14360871


How is this even a debate?

>> No.14360929

You know the most real secret of veganism?
You can have a cheat day and eat meat anytime you want. You just decide to become vegan again afterwards.
You can be vegan, then not-vegan, then vegan again, over and over even in just one day!
All you have to do, is change your mind, then change it back again. Wa la! No drawbacks either, what are vegans going to do, call the cops?
I'm vegan all the time that I'm not eating meat.

>> No.14361075

Can you really eat the honey comb?

>> No.14361212

>that's when i stopped being vegan.

Imagine compromising your values because someone with those values was annoying. Absolutely spineless

>> No.14361217

Some native flowers aren't well suited to honey bees think

>> No.14361222

>so they can feel some kind of moral superiority over everyone else. Total fucking dickheads.

Do you not see the hypocrisy?

>> No.14361227

>Wa la

>> No.14361234 [DELETED] 

Welcome to /ck/ Enjoy your time here.

-t. knows it's spelled "viola", the joke/your head.

>> No.14361245

So...flies with stingers?

>> No.14361446

Horse testicle tits?

>> No.14361451

>Wa la!
fucking kek

>> No.14361606
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People who asked this also liked:
>is yeast vegan?
>are mushrooms vegan?
>is sourdough vegan?
>is plankton vegan?

>> No.14361611

Like dropping a coin at a Bar Mitzvah

>> No.14361687

No because those nutrients are for the mother that gave birth, that animal deserves first dibs on her own afterbirth.

>> No.14362152
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No but they will gladly exploit, torture and kill billions of them for almonds.


>> No.14362241

most americans dont eat honey, we eat honey-flavored inverted sugar

>> No.14362247

real vegans dont eat squashes for the same reason

>> No.14363000

Of course vegans eat honey.

I'm vegan and I even eat fish, burgers, & chicken 4x - 5x a week. no biggie

>> No.14363040

did she eat almonds?

>> No.14363088

It's a cult

>> No.14363169

They worship the death of whites and endless devotion to wipe out all cultures with only degenerates and trannies remaining.

>> No.14363277
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>> No.14363302

What would an afterbirth industry look like?

>> No.14363505

>I haven't seen any vegans post in this thread.
This. It's just people who are mad at imaginary and hypothetical vegans.

>> No.14363512

>I'm vegan and I even eat fish, burgers, & chicken 4x - 5x a week. no biggie

I'm white, but when I apply to colleges and jobs, I'm "black."

>> No.14363521
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>pregnancy and childbirth aren't suffering

>> No.14363649

>he doesn't know about the vegan police
be very careful anon

>> No.14363685

>animals have no agency
>but also you can't eat them because they're equal to humans
*indifferent chewing sounds*

>> No.14363724

>I'm white, but when I apply to colleges and jobs, I'm "black."
i do this and i'm asian. gotta even the playing field from all the liberal racists. fuck you white liberals and your Politically Correct Racism.

>> No.14363796


>> No.14363803
File: 2.89 MB, 300x300, Vegan Pulled Pork Sandwiches (Reaction).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almonds kill more bees every year than honey kills in a decade

>> No.14363983

Explain it to me. Anon doesn't seem to be claiming any moral superiority, just calling someone a dickhead.

>> No.14364149

>because they're equal to humans
No, because they're sentient, feel pain, and have emotions.

>> No.14364265
File: 88 KB, 560x375, accidental deaths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do the trillions of animals that die for plant agriculture to feed vegans so idk what your point is. A single pasture raised, grass finished cow can feed me for 3 years. Nothing but the cow has to die for that. How many sentient beings have to die to protect your precious vegan food for a year?

>> No.14364319

take your meds

>> No.14364326

not a vegan but i cant eat pork anymore. this doesnt look half bad. could probably be willing to try this but with actual bbq sauce and chicken stock

>> No.14364330
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>Vegans want animals to go extinct to save them

>> No.14364335

I feel like every time somebody says it taste JUST like the real thing, it doesn't at all taste just like the real thing.

>> No.14365286
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>This fucking meme argument again.
You're a fucking embarrassment.

>> No.14365307

Every fucking time.

>> No.14365353

They are only talking about harvest deaths. Not about the deaths that occur with pesticides and other forms of pest control. Never mind the fertilizer runoff deaths caused by shitty overworked soil.
How were these numbers even determined?

>> No.14365385

o shit that sounds a lot like a religion now

>> No.14365389

Usually no.
Some will justify it by saying bees aren't animals and can't be exploited/be forced to make honey against their will

>> No.14365456

who gives a fuck

>> No.14365952
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>> No.14365981

what if the horse enjoys it

>> No.14366103

Strictly speaking you could provide the same chart and name it number of animals born to produce... and claim that a plant diet minimizes animal life and is therefore unethical.
Arguing otherwise is the same argument as pro choice. life isn't worth its suffering, kill babies.

>> No.14366183
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>mfw my gfs sister is vegan and my gf is vegetarian
>mfw my gf adds non vegan ingredients every time she cooks for her sister
>mfw I add non vegetarian ingredients every time I cook for my gf
>mfw I have no face

>> No.14366928
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No, stop making up shit.

>> No.14366933


>> No.14366940

What the fuck are you talking about? The goal is to minimize animal suffering, not to maximize the number of cattle that exist. We already have billions of those being tormented their entire lives just to be killed.

To minimize animal suffering, you shouldn't let them get born for factory production or just to end up cutting their lives short for you to eat.

>> No.14367024

>no vegans don't eat honey
so they all eat it?

>> No.14367049

t. child molester

>> No.14367079

Whatever. This chart only is referring to factory farms and industrial crop monocultures, of which I support neither. I grow my own food and raise my own livestock, with a plan to start hunting/fishing in the near future.

Crop monocultures are disgusting like a massive feedlot, devoid of all life except one species, and ruins the land. There is no ethical solution you can buy in a supermarket. You have to produce your own food.

>> No.14367115

What do you think the animals eat?

>> No.14367130

Serious question, would vegans eat reclaimed meat you obtained from dumpster diving? Do they just refuse all animal product or is it fine if it was salvaged from getting destroyed pointlessly? Or depends on the person?

>> No.14367153

Depends on how they are raised.

A conventionally raised animal eats cash crops, sometimes in whole forms, sometimes as a byproduct of ethanol, seed oils, or other food/industrial processing byproducts that are inedible to humans. Sometimes they will eat crop residue as well, since cattle and hogs can eat the corn cob, stalk, leaves, etc.

I don't approve of this processed kibble diet for animals (or humans) and believe that you can raise animals without it, as there are farms that prove this.

I have seen cattle/domestic ruminants/herbivores that are on grass and pasture their whole lives (which actually makes them healthier and not need antibiotics caused by acidosis from a diet high in grains). Traditionally hogs and chickens were only fed supplemental grains like cracked corn, and the rest was fed to them in the form of food scraps or compost.

I'm brand new to livestock, but even my animals are only fed a small amount of organic feed per day while I work on reformatting my pasture to have more forage crops instead of just being the monoculture lawn it once was. They are on rotating pasture and are regularly encouraged to forage during the day as well as help me with pest control on my garden (Japanese beetle season, but it has been kind of a good thing! Though now I'm finding less and less of them)

My ultimate goal is to not buy feed at all, first because I am cheap, and if I don't have to spend the money I wont. Second because I want these animals to eat a natural diet. I want that wild game flavor but with the benefits of a fat domestic animal.

>> No.14367159

only if the guy consents to you eating it

>> No.14367162

Rob Greenfield dumpster dives and eats roadkill. But he's not vegan. He's plant based, but less and less everyday.
Most vegans ban all meat from their religion. As they are still convinced animal products are unhealthy. Even though all of them are less healthy than their meat eating counterparts.

>> No.14367185
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>> No.14367211

ethical veganism is a joke and by far the weakest argument you can make for veganism

dietary veganism or 'lifestyle' veganism is more justifiable AND makes you come off as less of a sanctimonious dickbag, which is a bit important if you're trying to convince people of something

>> No.14367222

Depends on the person. I think most vegans wouldn't have a moral issue with stuff like dumpster diving and eating roadkill as it doesn't contribute to animal suffering, but at the same time most vegans wouldn't do it themselves simply because it's kind of gross.

>> No.14367317

The only way to end all suffering is to ensure that all life does not continue.

>> No.14367359

End all suffering=end all joy

>> No.14367360

That's... literally the end result of mass veganism. What do you think happens to chickens and cows when they stop being farmed?

>> No.14367375

No honey.

>> No.14367394

>ethical veganism is a joke
It's not. If you can live your life without using animals, it's morally better than using the animals. I'm not sure why it gets people so angry. Is it because you and I are worse people ethically than vegans? I know, the more I eat meat, the more it's ethically wrong because the more animals have to be grown in shitty conditions where the animals have a shitty short life and then killed so I can get a little more pleasure from eating. But I don't get angry about veganism. That's just stupid and useless.

People also are conscient beings. You can always change the way you treat other people and animals. That's what ethics and morals IS. Nothing to do with being sanctimonious digbacks. That's just all in your head because you are angry because you know deep down you are morally a worse person. Just like me.

>> No.14367423
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Where is it written in the lawbooks that livestock has to be raised in shitty conditions?
Does pic related look shitty?
I mean, I'm sure you've seen pictures and videos of livestock animals living clean, beautiful lives and are clearly expressing joy. Do you think those are ALL shot at farm sanctuaries?
Yes, animals are abused. Yes, livestock is abused. But you don't have to support feedlot beef or cafo chicken or pork. You can go out, meet farmers, go tour their facilities, ask questions, and if they meet your standards of ethics you can support them.

Farms are very much like fingerprints, as much as oil baron oligarchs, trillionares and Monsanto want to change that, this is how it's always been. You can't buy ethics at a supermarket. You just can't.

>> No.14367427

I'm pretty fucking sure it's not black and white and there wouldn't be "end result" where cows and chickens would go extinct. People would still eat meat if most of the people were vegans. That's retarded what you are proposing. Not 100 percent would be vegan. So cows and chickens would not get extinct. Even if 100 percent were vegan we could help cows and chickens not to go extinct. We don't need to eat them to save them. Just like we don't need to eat pandas or other endangered species to save them.

>> No.14367624

You didn't answer the question.

Everyone becomes vegan. Every farmer stops raising cows and chickens, as now there's no money in doing so. What happens to the cows and chickens?

>> No.14367912

Not him but
Cows could easily be used to replace the eurasian auroch, which went extinct many years ago and cows are the direct ancestors of. Chickens could be introduced into areas where native fowls have been killed off.

>> No.14367925

The vast majority of bee species do not form a colony/hive. The species that do, however, pollinate exponentially more than those that don't.

>t. Beekeeper

>> No.14368073

And chickens lay eggs voluntarily but vegans aren't allowed to eat them for some reason

>> No.14368114
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Question: How are you going to get everyone to become vegan when most vegans can't even stay vegan for 5 years?

>> No.14368121

none of this is true. Why would you even believe such obviously flawed statement? Are you just parotting the last sermon of your guru?

>> No.14368133

The former requires mass genetic engineering, which vegans aren't allowed to do. If you were to just release cows into the wild, they'd die out. The latter would have similar ends, resulting in large numbers of dead chickens. Both of these require huge amounts of territory that is frankly never going to be politically feasible (Germany is bulldozing its forests to mine coal, and you're suggesting they give up half their country for cow preserves).

In both cases, what you're effectively suggesting is to turn them into zoo animals, which vegans also aren't allowed to do. More importantly, you're suggesting a drastic reduction of the population to solely the level necessary for use in zoos, which is a few hundred animals above extinction.

So yes, the end result of veganism is the extinction of many species of animals.

>> No.14368342
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Yeah, you gotta wonder why that could be.

>> No.14368417

>eating an unfertilized egg is the same as eating a baby chick
Nice false equivalence there. Chickens lay eggs whether or not there's a rooster around, and if there is no rooster around to fertilize it then that egg will just sit there and decay. There is literally no suffering involved in the eating of an egg. Most vegans aren't against the concept of pets, yet if you keep a chicken as a pet and eat the eggs it shits out and which will never be inseminated then somehow you're a monster?

>> No.14368459


I believe it depends on the vegan, some will and some won't.

I think that the general consensus is that they don't, since most just go with not eating anything produced by/taken from animals.

>> No.14368505

>>eating an unfertilized egg is the same as eating a baby chick
Retard, nobody's eating baby chicks on a large scale. The machine is for grinding male baby chicks that are a waste product because they won't grow up to be egg-laying hens. For every female hen a male chicken hatches, and in the case of breeds kept specifically for egg laying most of those male chickens are killed right after hatching to maximize profit, as the egg-laying breeds don't grow large enough or fast enough for meat production. Both egg providers and people who breed egg-laying hens as pets do it. It's not like businesses will just keep wasting money on caring for and feeding the useless chickens that will never bring any profit for years until they die a natural death.

>> No.14368509

No, they only eat knuckle sandwiches.

>> No.14368868
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Some more bullshit from industrial ag. I have unsexed birds and no way in hell would I waste that good meat. In fact, I have a plan to learn how to make capon, which is worth way more than your run of the mill Frankenstein cornish cross. Get eggs from a small, local source, or raise your own chickens and you don't have to support pet food production. Well, those chicks either become pet food or organic fertilizer for your vegan crops ;)

>> No.14368903

Veganism is about trying to do less harm. Its not just almonds. You can say the same thing about compost that animals shit or die in it and plants use it for source therefore bla bla. Its not about not eating animal products

>> No.14368944
File: 85 KB, 780x520, 1288234_thebiggestlittlefarm_480344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it really is about doing less harm, how come more vegans aren't pushing for homesteading and self sustainability? Clearly industrial agriculture is harmful, and to reduce overall harm from industrial agriculture is to reduce humanities dependence on it. Someone growing their own foods can go by their own code of ethics. Whereas someone trying to make big money off an animal or a crop will cut corners, and the first corner usually cut is welfare. If vegans want to optimize their harm reduction, they need to understand you can't buy an ethical diet at the supermarket.

>> No.14368970

semen can't consent so it is not vegan.

>> No.14369000

because it's hard enough to become and stay vegan for most people, and ss / homesteading is an even bigger adjustment.

I think a lot of vegans do advocate for that type of living though.

>> No.14369010

damn, so taking an Uber ride with leather seats isn't vegan?

>> No.14369011

maybe but in actuality they're just fucking retarded

>> No.14369016

Homesteading is way easier than vegansim. I should know, I'm an ex vegetarian homesteader. If you want to do good to yourself, the animals, and the environment, learning how to produce your own food is a great step in the right direction.

>> No.14369031

thank you for weighing in

>> No.14370489

Some do but they have the perspective to understand that without bees we would suffer total food collapse. There's nothing wrong with buying it from people who are trying to keep to species alive.

>> No.14370496
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>> No.14372050
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Yep! Exactly! However, the pig area might be on the small side though, pigs can be very destructive so with a space that small I might only allow them to silvopasutre when the land needs it and have the 2 hogs spend the majority of their time in an outdoor pen with shade structures and a wading area. With a piece of land that small I would just have duck silvopasture there and high value trees and shrubs (fruit, nut, maple, high value wood, etc), and maybe have a second pond (not for ducks, but if it accumulated too much duckweed I would scoop it and feed it to my ducks, who inhale that stuff). The pond in this picture would get really dirty really quick even with only 12 ducks, great water for sourcing nitrogen rich fertilizer but not much else. I am going to keep pigs and hopefully one day cattle. But keep in mind I also have control of many acres (eventually 400, hopefully more).

I recommend young city folk looking for already established farmers who are getting on in years and don't have any heirs to their business. Many will gladly accept whatever help they can get, and a typical cash crop monoculture farm can sometimes be several thousand acres. Usually these farmers will have a few acres of lawn they are doing nothing with that you can start up your homestead. If you can make good money and good food on that tiny piece of land at minimal cost you will probably peak the older farmers interest, and he/she might retire a few acres of the grain monocrop for you do regenerative ag on (possibly more, depending on the farmer and how successful you are at selling your product).

Sure there are tons of farmers that don't want help and don't want change. But not everyone is the same. Either way, you don't have to be rich to start up, you just have to be determined and educate yourself.