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14362693 No.14362693 [Reply] [Original]

Summer's here and round these parts you can rest assured that on any given doorstep or windowsill theres a jug of suntea a'brewin. Most gentlefolk will swear by orange pekoe with a cuppa sugar mixed in it but i find that the heat of summer is no match for a glass of tea-flavored sugar water
let me repeat that
>tea-flavored sugar water
yep, thats all sweet tea is. its a caloric concoction that fails to satiate any thirst on a tepid summers eve.

That's why I prefer unsweetened tea. this is tea flavored water
>tea flavored water
this quenches a thirst on any day that summer throws at you. 100, 110? no sweat here.

orange pekoe? naw son, throw that out the window with the bag of sugar and let the joggers have at it. green tea is best, complex and robust with a gentle flavor that compliments any meal, snack or thirst.

Unsweetened green tea is truly the patricians choice. Joggers like tea with 2-3 cups of sugar in it, no wonder they all have the beedus. just keep it simple this summer and your body will thank you.

green tea has plenty of antioxidents and flavinoids that will detoxify and nourish your inner chakras as well as the immune system. try gettin that from your brown sugar water, no way, aint happenin. get with the plan, make it happen.


>> No.14362702
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drinking sweetened beverages is for amerilards

>> No.14362737
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There's so much about your post that screams "bait", but the iced tea divide is a real issue.

>> No.14362748
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interesting enough, there is a demand for sweetened tea depending on region. some regions will have a high demand and these also correspond with the fatness belt down south. people across the world over enjoy a sugary beverage, its just human nature, we all have sugar taste receptors built into to our mouths just for this.
youre just a pessimist and also a staunch skeptic, which i agree with. its good to know everyones angle because you can never be too sure what hidden meanings, subtext or innuendo lurks about.
there is no debate