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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 205 KB, 1080x1080, grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14347938 No.14347938 [Reply] [Original]

Going to try to grill for the first time today with my 14" tailgate Weber. Come watch me fail and burn shit.

>> No.14347944

I've got the same Weber but in green. Gonna gril out tomorrow when the weather's a bit nicer. She's a good'un. What you grillin?

>> No.14347955
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>live in area completely infested with bears
>can't even grill because nig bears will get into it
>can only ever use camping grill that sucks

>> No.14347961

What you grilling for your first time? Remember, you only get to have your "first time" once so make it memorable!

>> No.14347964

Gay. Grill hot dogs and chicken thighs OP

>> No.14347974

Sounds like this guys hasn't had his "first time" yet. Good suggestions for a beginner grill session though.

>> No.14347980

Let em come, and show them that can't just do whatever they want. If they are encroaching into areas dedicated to humans they need to be dissuaded from infringing. Cook and if they come, penalize them by legally compliant methods.

>> No.14347989

Submerge the coals in a steel pail of water until you do a dump run. If the bears still come, leave a bunch of hot peppers in the water. They won't come back for greasy coals ever again.

>> No.14347993

If you are that remote, couldn't you lay bear traps or shoot near them if they came too close when you're grilling? Anyway you can shake keys to scare a bear away?

>> No.14348015
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Why do you assume you will fail?

Cooking is like 70% instinct 30% technique.

I know you can make some good meatz anon

>> No.14348028
File: 213 KB, 1080x1080, 2020-07-04-10-55-48-750_compress57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I attempted to get the coals going using just a smidge of lighter fluid and news paper. That was ineffective. To not over dose it on fluid I added a bit of food safe wood starter brick. Still had to add a bit more fluid, but did get them to coal up finally. The wood starter works, but it puts out lots of white smoke at first. Probably shouldn't be a cheap ass and just get a coal chimney.
I went the safe route since I'm new and dont have a thermometer. Got a couple fancy made publix hamburger patties and some nice Boars head beef Frank's. Got some nice buns from the bakery as well. I know I'm supposed to use direct method to cook them, but I was thinking about indirect by putting the coals all to one side so I have more control than just evenly super hot. Thoughts? It's small and shallow so I dont see getting to little heat from indirect being an issue. I'm going by the manual and using 30 bricketts.
I know how to cook, but not having direct gaugeable heat control like a stove or oven is new to me. I figure it will be decent or fail.

>> No.14348057
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Pic of them getting nice and ashy.

>> No.14348116
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Once they got nice and hot I spreaded them out, put olive oil on my steel grate and plan to let it burn out and attend to it every so often. I know I should use a hotter oil, but it's all I have. I'm seasoning it first in the morning, then grilling in the afternoon when it's not so hot and the sun isn't cancer.

Also should I let my hamburger patties warm up to room temp like steak or is from fridge to grill fine and would help them from cooking too fast?

>> No.14348501

Black bears are big baby bitches, just goad the biggest one of the group and punch it right between it's eyes

>> No.14348710

I highly recommend getting a charcoal chimney. In order to not taste lighter fluid, you essentially have to wait until the coals have completely ashed over. What this means, is when you place your grill grate on top, it's gonna get scorchingly hot and that's why people's food turns into flames. With a charcoal chimney, if you wanted to, you can dump them out when about 3/4 ashed over, and they won't be so hot. It's hard to describe but it's all by feel. Eventually you might can even experiment with lump charcoal.

Personally I start with a cold burger. Not ice cold, but not room temp either. This gives me time for the outside to brown, while the inside remains a bit pink. Keep the lid closed. The more oxygen you give the coals, the hotter they will get. You can adjust the vents to better suit what you're cooking, but on a small grill like that, leave them ALL the way open. Depending on thickness of the burger, you might want to give them a few minutes a side until they get a deep mahogany color. Mahogany does not mean black. You can flip them a few times if one side doesn't quite get the amount of color... but just remember, it sounds obvious but longer they sit on there, the more cooked they get. A couple of minutes could mean the difference between a pink center and grey center.

It will take time to learn the ways of charcoal but generally it's a very enjoyable to cook with. Upgrade to a 22" if you have the space... that way you get a hot and a indirect side. When the food starts to go up in flames you can quickly move it to the indirect side so it doesn't taste like absolute char.

Everything is by feel with charcoal, sometimes your coals might get a little too hot one day not by choice and you will have to compensate.

>> No.14349145

Thank you so much for the advice!
I don't mind if it's well done, just not a dry brick. Its grocery store and dont want to risk getting something during Corona.
>grill grate
Oh yeah, I dont put that on till I'm ready to put on the meat. Just a few minute warm up time, then meat. Makes its easier to set up the coals.
>lump charcoal
Considering how small and shallow it is I probably won't deal with lump much. Seems like it would be too easy to get it too hot. Would like to slow cook very small roast and pork picnics when I get use to grilling though.

>> No.14349254

Did you get mauled by bears you fucking retard? Where is the rest of the grill pics?

>> No.14349280

I literally just bought the same tiny grill, with the bottom vent.

grilling is easy as fuck, barbecue is the real mutha. Hoping I can do some ribs or pork butt on the Smokey Joe. But Yea I'll be breakin her in tonight.

>> No.14349411
File: 98 KB, 1080x1080, 2020-07-04-17-26-48-306_compress55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As soon as I went out to grill Florida thunder storms rolled through. Hopefully can light in 30 minutes. CHILL
>ribs I wouldn't expect to do a slab on that small thing.

>> No.14349493

>living in Florida
Yikes, Texas is way more based

>> No.14349503

I'm not all that remote, I just live sort of on the outskirts of town. My local politicians care more about bears than people, so if I actually shoot one, I'm gonna have a lot of explaining to do. I have a big property, and when I'm outside I'm always wearing a big revolver, and I keep a bb gun with me too. Usually if I pop em with a bb, they don't come back. Last year I left my camping grill outside after using it, and a bear came and destroyed that shit. Bears are the niggers of the animal world.

>> No.14349686
File: 268 KB, 1080x1080, 2020-07-04-18-19-01-157_compress63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back at it. White smoke is just the wood starter. Probably should have used a few mini chunks instead of one, but it'll do.
Minus the covid situation its alright. Don't see a reason to live somewhere else.

>> No.14349697


Why not? Grill big fat juicy steaks and let the bear burn the fuck out of itself trying to mess with the grill after?

>> No.14349763

Gotta get a chimney starter dude. Also recommend 2 zone setup for most situations (Coals only on one half of grill)

>> No.14349911
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They're ready.

>> No.14349917

>feet aren't visible in any of the pics
what the fuck are you doing OP

>> No.14349927

>All Natural
Mechanically compressed charcoal dust briquettes.

>> No.14349937

Make a grilled cheese sandwich.

>> No.14349946
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>> No.14349960


>> No.14349987

regular old briquettes are great because they are consistent.
even with pre-made patties, it's still going to be awesome anon

>> No.14349988
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>> No.14350027

I hope it works out well for you, anon.
I just moved to a place where I can have a grill myself but I haven't got around to buying one yet.
Your post serves as a reminder for me to maybe go look for one on Monday. Maybe the goodwill shop has one

>> No.14350058
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>> No.14350061

>royal oak
into the trash it goes

>> No.14350084

Looks tasty, post full burger with crossection

>> No.14350261
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>> No.14350272

It's American thermoplastic. It doesn't melt.

>> No.14350328

Gross, if you aren’t doing bbq chicken thighs why even grill

>> No.14350472
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>> No.14350486
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>> No.14350493

Thermoplastic by definition melts you retarded nigger.

>> No.14350500
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>> No.14350509
File: 84 KB, 1080x1080, 2020-07-04-20-19-31-349_compress90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14350513


>> No.14350562

Are you like a real life cowboy

>> No.14350569

Do you live in Broward? That pic looks familiar.

>> No.14350765

Waiting for them to get white is a meme. Start cooking while they are flaming

>> No.14350778

Can you just use these as little campfires and throw hardwood in them? Or is that illegal? Thinking about getting one.

>> No.14350885
File: 86 KB, 1080x1080, 2020-07-04-20-25-28-069_compress67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the delay, did some fireworks. They sadly came our more under cooked. These were mixed with bacon and fried onions. I ended up with marbled done-ness. It was a weird mix of being well done and bits of under cook red. I didn't like how thicc the patty was; cause of the mixins. I'll just get plain one next time. I ate one half, but chickened out and through the other half away cause it just had too much raw bits in it. Hot dogs were great.
Wish you luck on your search. Make sure you do your research.
I wanted something that didn't have additives and wasn't expensive. These worked well honestly.
Exactly. Wanted that considering how small the grill is and I'm new.

>pre made
They are the fresh made publix patties. They are at least not shitty bubba burgers.
American cheese has its purpose. Burgers is one. I got the good Boars head stuff. Fuck Kraft.
Dont have a thermometer, and wanted something less difficult to fuck up.
The heat is more predictable when a ashy. Plus I used lighter fluid.
Only thing I can think of is how high a heat they are rated for verse how hot wood is.

>> No.14350895
File: 67 KB, 1080x1080, 2020-07-04-20-37-24-230_compress43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better picture. If it was more pinky I'd finish it, but its more red than I'd like. Feel free to call me a wuss.
Will do. Also I did two zones.

>> No.14350903
File: 96 KB, 1080x1080, 2020-07-04-20-46-35-056_compress15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Washed it down with this. Smooth, sweet, and malty.

>> No.14350909
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Thanks for reading

>> No.14352159


>> No.14352175

"High-performance thermoplastics, also known as high-temperature thermoplastics, have melting points between 6500 and 7250 F which is up to 100% more than standard engineering thermoplastics."

If your grill can hit these temperatures, I'd be amazed. Retard.

>> No.14352426

Shoot the fuckers. Grill bear meat

>> No.14352440

is this a joke? there's nowhere near enough coals

>> No.14352618
File: 107 KB, 600x800, AWalkaboutgrill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're looking to just do some patio/porch grilling for relatively cheap, I highly recommend one of these. They're either called an Americana or Aussie Walk-About. Pretty much your standard clamshell design. However, what really makes this one shine is the ash pan it comes with. Nice durable steel pan that will keep the bottom of your grill from burning out. Sometimes when I want the heat closer to the grill, I'll put some bricks under the pan. I've had $300 smoker grills that haven't lasted as long as this little thing.

>> No.14352760

I'll keep today in mind. I think I've seen similar ones in Walmart.
It's a small grill, and its hotter than it looks. Just four a couple burgers and hot dogs. Put in the amount the manual said to which is 30.

>> No.14353270

>similar ones in Walmart
thats where I got mine. that steel tray makes a world of difference compared to letting coals burn on the bottom.

>> No.14353863

Just pay attention. You'll be fine.

>> No.14353874

sounds mean, but I like your thread

>> No.14353971

The weber grill is the ultimate, you can grill on ot, bbq on and even smoke on it. These faggots buying these $2000 pellet smokers are pussies. Google snake method, it will change your grilling life. I can run a snake for 12 hours with a consistent heat in the low 200's, good God you can turn ribs in to meat jolly ranchers. I know there nicer grills but honestly you can get the same, if not better results off a cheap weber kettle, the consistency at which it will burn charcoal is unmatched by the most expensive grills.

>> No.14354026
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That's a few too many zeros there my guy

>> No.14354575

>letting coals burn on the bottom
Like without being on a bottom grate?
Thank you desu.
Out of all the grills my dad had, Weber's always seemed consistant and lasted for a long time. Even being on the coast it didn't rust up.

>> No.14354640


>> No.14354706

Little girls dollies are not made from thermoplastic.

>> No.14355280

>dont have a thermometer.
Good, fuck that shit.

>> No.14355282

>while the inside remains a bit pink.
Yeah, never do this

>> No.14355294

It would be nice for poultry. Especially being new and not knowing full proof cook times.

>> No.14355304

you may be overthinking this......

>> No.14355330

That's my speciality. Kinda feel better about gauging the heat coming off the coals. That and having a hot and cool side helps I noticed.

>> No.14355341

Cool thread anon. Kudos

>> No.14355347


My old chargriller rusted out after a few years. I got a weber kettle with intentions of using it to grill and a traeger or similar for smoking. Fuck it, that weber and snake method works perfectly fine. Needs a bit of baby sitting but gets super nice deep smoke rings and good bark.

>> No.14355355

You do you, I just don't see the point. Stab into it, and if the juices are clear you're good. Or cut one open and have a look when you think they're ready.

>> No.14355603
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Pulled a broken propane grill out of the garbage today, filled it with charcoal and #grilled some emeffing TRASH BURGERS

>> No.14355712
File: 3.47 MB, 2765x3686, IMG_20200705_150128967_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it I just realized I didn't bring my grill in and it's downpouring.
Grilled up some teriyaki chicken thighs earlier today on some charcoal.
Charcoal chimney is a must. Load it up, put some newspapers in the bottom, light it and fuck off for 20 minutes and you got coals.
A decent instant read thermometer is $15 and doesn't require you to guess whether your chicken's up to temp or not. If you wanna be a retard, go ahead, but telling a newbie to not use one is bad advice. Don't fuck around with poultry.

>> No.14356416

>have melting points between 6500 and 7250 F
That's pretty fucking impressive. Steel fucking boils by 6500F. Tantalum hafnium carbide is believed to have the highest melting point of anything on Earth at 7,214F. How do you manufacture something from thermoplastics that don't melt until they get hotter than that? Wouldn't they melt the molds?

>> No.14357075


>> No.14357170


Rent free.

>> No.14357186

Just use an old manhole cover on a ring of rocks with openings on 2 sides for adding fuel and airflow. sheesh. Also if you have 40 acres you can shoot WHATEVER you want WHENEVER you want hunting season or not. Just not endangered shit.

>> No.14357200

ITT: pathetic incompetent shitty grilling

>> No.14357213

And mortgage free. Completely own my house. You?

>> No.14357352

Looks tasty man. And yeah, I don't mess around with poultry.

>> No.14357362

>Don't fuck around with poultry.
If you can tell when chicken is cooked in a kitchen you can tell when it's cooked on a bbq. If you can't tell when chicken is cooked you're a retard.

>> No.14357596
File: 77 KB, 1156x649, BYYYYEEE BYE BYE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>negative incels shitting on anything that's being posted by people that actually do things
>never post a picture of their own work
your opinion doesn't matter tho.

>> No.14357623

>your opinion doesn't matter abloo bloo
>posts upset reply

who cares lmao. go clean your vagina and then learn to grill properly then post pics of clean vagina and grill

>> No.14357701
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>> No.14357715

Some people don't have the "luxury" of chlorinated chicken.

>> No.14357731
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You must be miserable to be around irl.

>> No.14358016

Vaginas are self cleaning

>> No.14358025

chlorinated chicken is illegal where I live. Cope more. If you need a thermometer to cook chicken, you can't cook.

>> No.14358151

He said "cope". How sad.
I never mentioned a thermometer.
Chicken is cooked when the juices run clear.

>> No.14358438

I bought one of these because it was $30 on clearance at Ace and I thought "what the hell save some wear and tear on the big Weber kettle".

First time I used it the hooks for the grate literally melted. Didn't even make it a week before it was in the landfill.

>> No.14358496
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I sense a disturbing amount of people here who haven't yet taken the #GRILLPILL
It is a most unforunate concept

>> No.14358555

>others saying you need a thermometer to cooke chicken
>I argue that you don't and you check the juices
>you come along
>cHlOrInAtEd ChIcKeN
>dIdNt mEnTiOn tHeRmOmETeR
Neck yourself you deranged tranny

>> No.14358681

Have you sought therapy? You sound like someone about to go on a murder spree.

>> No.14358696

>reddit memes

>> No.14359704
File: 13 KB, 644x800, d90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot to post the soyboy wojak

Here, let me help you with that bro

>> No.14359721

>kym default filename

>> No.14359801

>Like without being on a bottom grate?
some cheaper grills dont have a bottom grate. then there's the issue of smaller coals and hot ash falling to the bottom through a grate.

>> No.14359815

thermometers are a godsend when grilling chicken breast. everyone hates on chicken breast for being dry and for good reason. dipshits like you that don't check temps to get them just right.

>> No.14359832

your chicken is dry, just like your personality.

>> No.14359839

>hooks for the grate literally melted
wtf? I've put mine through hell and its still going.
thermite is not a recommended charcoal starter, fyi

>> No.14359874

>reddit memes

>> No.14359995

Gatekeep more. There's nothing wrong with using a thermometer to cook chicken or anything else to perfection. Now fuck off.

>> No.14360132

Newspaper's fine for starting a chimney, but I always use a piece o egg carton filled with old cooking oil. Gets it going much faster with much less ash.

>> No.14360212

tranny btfo

>> No.14360220

Nah, I cook chicken to perfection. But then I'm not a retard.

>> No.14360226

Nothing wrong with dry wit, wetty.
Seething cooklet

>> No.14360410

hey don't project your mental issues onto me

>> No.14360415

i hav the same one anon! woo!

>> No.14360462
