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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14354465 No.14354465 [Reply] [Original]

why is it that freshly caught fish is meme’d so hard against?
>muh bacteria
>muh poisoning
as if people hadn’t cooked trout and salmon within seconds after catching it out of a river? This whole argument seems nonsensical to me; as long as you are able to cook your fish, I don’t see the issue. In fact, it would be really hard to beat freshly caught salmon, cooked over an open fire, then drizzle on teriyaki sauce. I feel like the only legitimate argument people could have against it would be that it depletes the number of fish in the river, but bears and other wildlife are consuming fish in metric tons per year, not to mention the millions of fish that do survive being caught, and make it to the ocean.

>> No.14354479

10 pounds

>> No.14354483

Modern fish have been mutated by toxic waste, sad but true. It's only 100 percent safe to eat fish grown in sterile fishlabs.

>> No.14354492

x = 10 + 0.5x
0.5x = 10
x = 20

Suck my cock.

>> No.14354501

N = (x/2) + 10
How is that I image hard? We're missing the value of the fish.

>> No.14354512

>We're missing the value of the fish.
They tell you the value as a function, retard.

>> No.14354527

Nope. You can't assume that. Or, if you want to assume that, show your work.

>> No.14354534

itt: people arguing over middle school math

>> No.14354542 [DELETED] 
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I don't eat slimy noxious diversity food full of bones and guts and eyeballs because I do not live in a third world country or support open borders.

>> No.14354543

Let x be the weight of the fish. The weight of the fish is equal to 10lbs plus half its weight. It doesn't matter if the weight of the fish is in pounds, kilogrammes, or fucking dicks on rye toast. x equals 10lbs plus 0.5x. Therefore, x equals 20lbs.


>> No.14354550 [DELETED] 
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Hello, mentally-ill poster.

>> No.14354569

Anon, the math wasn't what I was assuming, the proof I required was that you could trust the one line of text in an image for giving you variables, which you can't since it's using fuzzy language.

>> No.14354587

I don't see where the language is "fuzzy".
>You catch a fish that weighs (x)
Where (x) is
>(10 pounds) more than half its (weight (x))
>What does the fish weigh?
Essentially, solve for x. Very basic.

>> No.14354594
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the jew fears the freshwater fisherman

>> No.14354644

Autism-chan, you're assuming you have all the information, which is a starting fallacy. There are two variables, X, which is the weight of the fish, and N which is (x/2)+10. Can you solve it your way? Probably, but it only works in one specific tangible situation where you assume the value of a variable rather than creating an equation that is universally applicable. You're assuming linear logic, the fish has a weight as a definite concept, where I'm assuming quantum logic where the weight of the fish is always contingent on the logic we're presented with.

>> No.14354663

>weighs 10 pounds
Why would I weigh something in currency?

>> No.14354668

It weighs potato

>> No.14354682

x equals N, you goddamn cocksucking piece of shit. This is clearly stated. Bringing in external factors muddies the issue unnecessarily. When a question is asked carte-blanche, it's answer carte-blanche.
I'm going to have an aneurysm one of these days.

>> No.14354688

Ironic you called him autistic

>> No.14354696

It's a broad term. This faggot is just being a very annoying type of autistic.

>> No.14354705


nigga, N = x

>> No.14354713

>weight of the fish is always contingent on the logic we're presented with
this is precisely why the fish weighs 20lbs, as we are told that it weighs 10lbs more than half of its weight, it cannot weigh anything else for this statement to be true.

>> No.14354726

Then N + your girlfriend = sad frozen tv dinner

>> No.14354747

>but bears and other wildlife are consuming fish in metric tons per year
Yes let’s consume all of the fish so we can starve out those god damn bears and other wildlife, what could possibly be the consequence?

>> No.14354749

We wouldn't have anymore bear meat to eat

>> No.14354761

Plus the Chinese wouldn't have any more bear gallbladders for treating alcoholism.

>> No.14354832

itt: retards
the fish could weigh ANY amount. guess what? 300 pounds? 200 pounds? 4,000,000 pounds? It would weigh half of that plus 10

>> No.14354837

try that with 5 pounds genius

>> No.14354843

>5 pounds

if anything the bears are consuming all of our fish treehugger

>> No.14354845

Oh those wacky Chinese they are crazy with their home remedies. Tiger penis cure erectile disfunction. Rhino horn curescancer. Elephant trunk cures dementia etc

>> No.14354849 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14354883

Well, in all fairness, the superstition did lead to the discovery of a unique bile acid which helped treat certain gallbladder and liver issues common in alcoholics. However, even the production of an equivalent synthetic alternative hasn't stopped poaching of bears in the PRC.

>> No.14354909

If it weighed 300lbs, then for the initial statement to be true, 160 (10 plus half of 300) would have to be equal to 300. The only way for a fish to weigh 10lbs more than half its weight is when the fish weighs 20lbs

>> No.14354943

But who was the person to discover this? Trial and error? Hey that random organ there, lets try that to fix my grandpa's liver

>> No.14354955

the same concept could be applied to food and cooking - trial and error. ancient people were smarter than you think

>> No.14354961

you can assume that because they’re stating it as one of the parameters.

>> No.14354967
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>this entire post

>> No.14354981

Yea but alot of them ate stuff that ended up killing them

>> No.14355020

all it would take is for them to eat one piece/cut that is bad for you, for them to reasonably assume that particular piece is not suitable for consumption.

>> No.14355035

based retard

>> No.14355042
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This has to be bait

>> No.14356075

I know this is ironic but they do a lot more than that, they’re like giant rats so you can guarantee they destroy lots of things and move lots of things around and eat lots of fruits so they can shit out the seeds all over the place. It’s

>> No.14356127
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>quantum logic

someone told me this board was full of drunks

>> No.14356237

>quantum logic
It's called fucking algebra you retard

>> No.14356283

They're cooler than rats though, so we give them a pass.

>> No.14356312

>x = 10 + 0.5x
>0.5x = 10
That's not how math works.

>> No.14356319

he subtracted .5x from both sides tardboy

>> No.14356338

Stay in school, fucko.

>> No.14356350

what is 1 - 0.5 you fucking nonce

>> No.14356376

0.5x/0.5 = 10/0.5
x = 20

>> No.14356382

Are you trolling, or are you seriously retarded?

>> No.14356395

Never heard anyone argue against eating freshly caught fish in my entire life. Who do you know who says it's bad/inadvisable?

>> No.14356396

There is no way this isn't bait, I refuse to believe it.

>> No.14356403

It's 10 right?

>> No.14356404

the ball is in your court to explain why algebra doesn't real, nigger

>> No.14356406 [DELETED] 


You are the one who is trolling.

>> No.14356409

Where X = weight

X = 0.5X + 10
X - 10 = 0.5X
-10 = -0.5X
10 = 0.5X
20 = X

The weight is 20

>> No.14356414


I know this is a troll but I'm gonna spell it out extra slow for people who cannot into decimals:

x = x/2 + 10
x - x/2 = 10
x*(1-1/2) =10
x*(1/2) = 10
x/2 = 10
2*(x/2) = 10*2
x = 20

>> No.14357145

I’ve already explained it. Either provide proof to refute my claim or fuck off

>> No.14357210

Parasites. You have to cook the fish to a degree that might make it unappetizing for some. Blast freezing makes it safer to eat fish that's not quite as overcooked.

>> No.14357214

Don't forget about stuff like SSRIs and other medicine.

>> No.14357225

Where is it meme'd against you fucking schizo?

Lots of fresh water bodies have consumption limits but that's the only thing. And that's stopping you from getting lead poisoning and mercury poisoining.

>> No.14357231

>I’ve already explained it

>> No.14357310


>> No.14357335
File: 7 KB, 752x416, advanced-mathematics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can solve this with basic logic, you don't even need to know any math beyond primary school level arithmetic:

If a fish weighs 10 lbs more than half its weight, then those 10lbs must make up for the other half of its weight. Therefore, it can only be 20lbs.

>> No.14357383

Weigh it in rocks instead.

>> No.14358490

it's 10 inches long

>> No.14360073
File: 1.00 MB, 2100x1575, 2B64A623-3EC2-4874-91B6-0E399E5EA506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/out/ reporting in, fresh never frozen fish just tastes better

>> No.14360081

Algebra is just a language to express logic.

>> No.14360111


>> No.14360167

For this it's easier to express your logic in english than in algebra, at least in my opinion.

>> No.14360391

>catching fish with your grill on the boat only to take it home to have it cook the fish as well
What a day

>> No.14360420

>fucking dicks on rye toast

I’m laughing for real right now