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14354204 No.14354204 [Reply] [Original]

itt: kryptonite

>> No.14354213

Another outstanding American thread

>> No.14354230

Go make a monkey soup thread or whatever it is that you're into then

>> No.14354234


based retard

>> No.14354239
File: 252 KB, 1000x1000, 39680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all threads are american threads, peasant

I'm not proud of this, but pic related, if I'm drunk and at a gas station, these will inevitably be bought

>> No.14354243
File: 210 KB, 334x483, crackflavored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14354258

that looks nasty as fuck

i would try them

yes these are another isotope of kryptonite for me

>> No.14354266

Wish they were hotter, flaming hots are great but I like the cheese flavor

>> No.14354273

The buffalo ones are superior. In my experience, only little bitches prefer honey mustard.

>> No.14354296

Only very little bitches prefer buffalo, making you the tinier bitch

>> No.14354367
File: 135 KB, 751x1500, 81+oFQFMyLL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got at least three of these bad boys in my fridge rn. Probs gonna devour one later tonight once im a few more beers deep.

>> No.14354414 [DELETED] 

So do you shove those up your add before you get drunk or after?

>> No.14354427

so do you shove those up your ass before you get drunk or after?

>> No.14354432


>> No.14354436

They suck

>> No.14354469

You know what? I think you suck.

>> No.14354473

He's got a point.
Snyders is too oily.

>> No.14354490

die of covid, american

>> No.14354498
File: 10 KB, 326x250, OIP.t_xkcraqFmfi6M2nbn5tmgAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the McChicken

t. yurofag

>> No.14354515

they're amazing when you're drunk, we can agree

>> No.14355497

everybody knows the Pennsylvania dutch reside in the Uk, Americans are retarded

>> No.14355520

These used to be my kryptonite. I think I actually overdosed them to the point that I just can't eat them anymore. I don't know how/why that happened. I bought a bag on sale a few weeks back, ate a small handful and they've just been sitting untouched since then.
What makes tastes change anons?

>> No.14355617

The biscuit is lacking in flavor and the honey mustard is overpowering and too sweet

>> No.14357735

Hot Buffalo Wings is the superior Snyder's flavor.

>> No.14357752

I eat a 150g bag of sunflower seeds everyday
I'm amazed I don't have health problems despite sodium intake

>> No.14357778

Used to be called the Hot Momma, guess that was too offensive.

>> No.14357808

I'm really worried these have been discontinued. None of the grocery stores or 7-11s near me carry these anymore. Or salsa verde Doritos, which are my other favorite chip.

>> No.14357822
File: 61 KB, 800x450, PUDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pineapple upside-down cake is my kryptonite. It sucks too because I got suckered by the corona meme and stocked up on food incase there was shortages and now I have all the ingredients to make hundreds a pineapple upside-down cake sans the cherries in my pantry and the temptation is always there.

>> No.14358137

why are you eating dog treats

>> No.14358163

Not to mention oily as fuck.

>> No.14358341

Bugles filled with bacon cheddar easy cheese

>> No.14358624

>cracker version and not pretzel
Shit taste

>> No.14360049

because i am a drunk
the pretzel only come in cheese pizza flavor, they lack the pepperoni tang I crave

>> No.14360069

Actually the ones I get from the dollar isle are called Hot Mamas. Didn't even realize that. I just googled van holten's hot pickle. Even has the pick of some boujee ass hoe ass skanky ass pickle on the front.

>> No.14360075
File: 3.63 MB, 2400x2400, spears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14360094

Honey Mustard and Onion has always been one of my favorites. Cheddar Cheese is pretty good too.

Their new "seasoned sticks" (basically the Snyder's version of Dot's Homestyle Pretzels) are pure kino though.