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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14354104 No.14354104 [Reply] [Original]

Stop smoking /ck/

>> No.14354111

Damn, those must be some good cigarettes to fetch such a price! Grab me a pack!

>> No.14354119

Australia liquor and tobacco taxes are goofy. It's why their natives have a reputation for huffing petrol instead of drinking themselves to death while selling off-brand cigarettes.

>> No.14354123

I thought all cig packs being black was just an EU thing, but Australia does it too?

>> No.14354125

>6$ ground beef
Even in yurop that is enough for a pack.
How expensive are cigs in Australia ffs?

>> No.14354128
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>> No.14354131

I don't smoke and even I know thats bullshit

>> No.14354136

ciggy butt brain

>> No.14354140

49 dollars for marlboro golds

>> No.14354160

whats stopping people from growing tobacco in their backyard?

>> No.14354165

The fta

>> No.14354169

People who don't want to be Waco'd

>> No.14354177

wtf why do Australians talk about how their country is a wonderful place when the government is incredibly oppressive?

>> No.14354195

Watch Border Security Australia Frontline
Their laws on self grown tobacco are beyond fucking ridiculous

>> No.14354199

don't you think it's funny how vegemite is basically the black gooey secretion of a cancerous smoker's lung

>> No.14354201

Yeah, Australia did it first and way more strict as well.

>> No.14354202

the government protects their tobacco monopoly with brutal force

>> No.14354206
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We also had the generic packaging thing pushed here in Canada. They decided on a plain brown with white uniform text. I smoke so little that I think I still have a package of DuMs in my car with the classic label.
I still like the American labelling with the massive SMOKING KILLS label like they're fucking bragging about it. Beats the hell out of our "we walked around intensive care snapping pictures of poor people to gross you out" labels.

>> No.14354216

Australia's pretty par for the course as far as shitty legislation goes.

>> No.14354260
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Speaking of DuMs, I just remembered this absolute troll they put out when the package laws went into effect. Tobacco companies don't give a shit about the new laws. The only downside is that asking for a pack of DuMaurier reds might not make any sense to a cashier that doesn't smoke.

>> No.14354280

Are we supposed to be impressed that a $10 packet of cigarettes costs $40 in Australia because of $30 in taxes?

>> No.14354306
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wtf...even considering that those are Australian dollars, how is anybody still smoking in Australia?

Are there way cheaper alternatives, or what are poorfags even smoking in Australia?

>> No.14354323

If governments want to stop smokers from clogging the health system to the extent that they don't allow the manufacturers to package them how they please, why don't they just straight up outlaw tobacco? I mean, it's essentially an illegal stranglehold they're putting the companies into just because they don't like a certain product that the free market otherwise seems to love.
At least in America they just restricted TV and print ads, the packaging is still fun to look at and enough to get you intrigued.

>> No.14354330

There aren't any alternatives, and rolled tobacco is taxed comparably that there's virtually no cost saving in rolling your own. It's the same with alcohol as well, an average beer costs $5 by itself, because of tax.

>> No.14354333

Back in 2016 before the new tax laws, they were still $25 dollarydoos. There was a huge rise in chop chop sales as the taxes rolled in, but some people just pay the $40-$50 price for proper cigs.


>> No.14354345

>the people's republic of australia

>> No.14354351

muh freedoms, muh tax bucks, muh jobs.

>> No.14354352

The PRC is the the world's largest producer and consumer of cigarettes, cunt.

>> No.14354354
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what about mouth fedoras? or do they tax nicotine itself?

>> No.14354364
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At face value it's a reasonable sounding policy for those that crave state intervention in their lives until you realise that a) the health care system coped just fine when there were even more smokers around before the tax reform, and b) despite revenue doubling from cigarettes, funding for the health care sector is the lowest it's been in decades, so that money isn't being reinvested to care for "the drains"

>> No.14354376

Technically speaking, ecigs with nicotine are illegal in Australia except for the old-style inhaler "quit smoking" aids.

>> No.14354423

>Australia is goofy

>> No.14354441

You try to be normal when you grow up having to tether yourself to the ground and live in constant fear of errant boomerangs.

>> No.14354453

I mean, surely at that point there's just a thriving cig smuggling industry

>> No.14354461

Stop smoking, we love you
Stop smoking, we love you
And we don't want you to die

>> No.14354472

Chop chop is big, which is why they crack down hard on illegal tobacco farms. They're also pretty serious about anyone trying to sneak a tonne of packs into the country in their luggage.

>> No.14354491

Kek, no wonder why australians turn into shitposting for their source of dopamine.

>> No.14354504

Stop trying to take away the things in life that people use to get through life.
Nicotine, alcohol, pot, drugs, whatever.
People need these things or the retarded amount of stress that is put upon people in modern society will drive people insane.

>> No.14354658

I quit four years ago tomorrow. I almost forgot my quit date was coming up, thanks.

>> No.14355008

die, die, die my darling
don't utter a single word
die, die, die my darling
just shut your pretty mouth

>> No.14355023

I enjoy the taste of tobacco smoke, it's nice to puff
I'm not sure why one would inhale it though

>> No.14356084

jesus its probably cheaper to hop on a plane to an asian country, buy some cartons and fly back

>> No.14356095

I really hate these taxes. Apparently in New Zealand a 50 gram of rolling tobacco should cost $5 but instead it's something like $80, all because the government is a thief.

>> No.14356104

I'll be seeing you

>> No.14356112

It takes 3 years for a tobacco plant to move from planting to harvesting (compare to about 6 months for cannabis). Then you have to know how to roast it & break it down. Too arduous.

>> No.14356113

They aim to eventually ban it entirely, so they're not really in it for the tax revenue.

>> No.14356123

Imagine (just IMAGINE) being a smokecuck. Wasting all your hard-earned money to line Mr. Smokeberg's pockets while earning yourself some cancer in the process. Truly, smokers are the lowest of the low. They're barely lifeforms.

>> No.14356124

I quit about a week ago, this thread is making me want a cig tho. I smoked for 16 years.

>> No.14356282

When cigs start going for 20 dollars cdn a pack around here, the street got flooded with off brand reservation smokes. They're dirty I tell ya but they're like 3.50 a pack... Everyone smokes them now.

>> No.14356467

>not killing government officials who set foot on your property


>> No.14356477

I don’t want to pay for retards who OD

>> No.14356491

They've been so pacified by the government that they could probably make castrations mandatory and Australians would say it's a good thing

>> No.14356507


>> No.14356512

Average white liberals are all about snipping their nuts because Africans cant stop having 10 kids a family

>> No.14356609

Smoke smoke smoke that cigarette
Puff puff puff
And if you smoke yourself to death
Tell St Peter at the Golden Gate
That you hate to make him wait
But you just gotta have another cigarette

>> No.14356630

>they're not really in it for the tax revenue.
>smoking rates are barely down despite massive tax hikes
They're in it for the money.

>> No.14356739

>most of it is just shitty carbs and sugar
yeah i'm just gonna go with the cigs.

>> No.14356772
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> Barely down

>> No.14356782
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>1920 to 2010
>tax hikes were 2010 onward

>> No.14356837

Not to mention that dieing of lung cancer in your 50's, is a hell of a lot cheaper than collecting pension for decades and slowly dieing of some chronic illness in a government care home.

>> No.14356985

Because that's how you get gang activity

>> No.14357019

>$48.50 for a pack of Marlboro
Dosent that open up for more drug dealer crime?

>> No.14357039

It's more a case of tax after tax being layered on to discourage people from smoking. By which I actually mean, greedy gubbermint.

>> No.14357046

this. they should not tax cigs. instead they should support it. it is a net profit to the healthcare system.

>> No.14357070

Yeah the liquor tax is disgusting to me because I have to pay the dues on the liquors I distill myself.
Not even selling them, just for gifts and celebrations.

I have to pay the government $100 each tax season to fuck off.

>> No.14357081

What are you talking about? I live in the EU and our cig packs aren't black

>> No.14357104

He might mean the UK, I think they have something similar. I miss being in Europe and paying 5 euro for a pack of Lucky Strikes though, damn.

>> No.14357109

Australia really be upside down if a pack of cigarettes costs so much

>> No.14357116

I'm in the UK, but I found a shop run by Greeks and they sell me tax free cigs

>> No.14357141


Holy shit. I paid like $6.50 for a pack of cowboy killers here in Tennessee and felt like I was getting jewed. I took enough Agriculture classes in college to know that a pack of cigs would be like fifty cents if you took off all the taxes.

>> No.14357202

>49 dollars for marlboro golds
how is any middle class person still smoking in australia?

>> No.14357208
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That's why I keep cartons of cigarettes around even though I don't smoke. When the world ends, my paper money won't do any good but a pack of smokes can net me quite a bit of food.

alcohol also serves this purpose but I have a bad habit of drinking it before the world ends. anyway, you can have this advice for free because I know you're all a bunch of motherfucking retards who desperately need any help you can get.

>> No.14357229

Minimum wage is $20-odd an hour.

>> No.14357542

>By which I actually mean, greedy gubbermint.

That money goes back into educations, infrastructure, transport, social services etc. Far better than if it went to greedy fag corporations who make money of you willfully damaging your health and then costing the rest of us by using our health services for your shitty choices.

>> No.14357552

Where I live the most expensive cigs are about 3 dollars. Good ones start at 1.5. I can buy only one burger or a beer for that much. Most people would rather smoke a cig than buy dessert, lol

>> No.14357580

Pretty sure they are illegal in taz

>> No.14357583

smokes go stale though

>> No.14357702

Fucking this.
>b-but it makes me look cool!!
enjoy your tar lungs kiddo

>> No.14357750
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Video games have gone up $40-$50 dollars because of tariffs and taxes. Fuck social services and education. I want my vidya.

>> No.14357758

I have to stare at a picture of a fetus every time I have to smoke, I stand 0 chances of miscarriage as far as I'm aware

>> No.14357763

No guns

>> No.14357793

>that money goes to druggies and chugs (or in Australia's case, abos)

>> No.14357801

Pack of cigs is like 50 bucks.

>> No.14357803
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Cigarettes are obviously criminally overpriced.

I did quit smoking over a decade ago, though. Probably one of the smartest things I've done with my life.

>> No.14357809

That's cute. You think the State would just let someone grow a plant on their own property?

>> No.14357837

Anglo descended countries are so vile. I wish the world would stop trying to learn English so that this bullshit stops spreading.

>> No.14357846


Just use a VPN and buy digital copies.

>> No.14357965

How much does a loaf of bread cost?
Then use homemade explosives or a bucket full of tarantulas ir something. You're australian you have that shit in your back yard.

>> No.14358070

Keeping tobacco around might work

>> No.14358859

Alcoholics, the NWO and anyone else that want alternative money will take the booze from you by force.
The only thing of value that people will be too chicken-shit to take from you is semi auto weapons.

>> No.14358879


>> No.14358881

Decade old booze is okay
Old tobacco is no.

>> No.14358891

>paying for video games

>> No.14358956

I live in Canada and everyone I know who smokes regularly has a chinese or indian friend who has relatives that bring cartons upon cartons of cigs back. They sell them at corner stores if you know how to ask. (Only observed this in Richmond.)
effectively chinese people live in a different society in some countries. We even have chinese-only uber.

>> No.14358976
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Same in Canada. It's ridiculous. Fuck this place.

>> No.14358987

Holy shit lmao I thought the UK was bad. At least we can grow our own.

>> No.14358996

I pay $5 for Xbox360 and PS3 games at thrift stores. Modern gaming is shit anyways.

>> No.14359031
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Steve would like a word with you

>> No.14359043

Anything newer than Gamecube is too new for me, and even then I still don't feel like I'm really having fun unless it's NES or Amiga.

>> No.14359090

Weapons grade autism.

>> No.14359767

Better solution: any health issues that can be traced back to smoking or caused by it you pay for your own pocket, no free healthcare for you (excludes United Statistians if course)