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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 826x620, italian sub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14349564 No.14349564 [Reply] [Original]

In America, name a more working class and humble food item then the italian sub. You can't.

>> No.14349573

I remember when subway first came to my town and everyone was confused what a "sub sandwich" was.

>> No.14349579

Sub, hoagie, grinder....all different names for the same thing based on your region.

Also subway italian subs are shit.if you live in the northeast just go to a local deli.

>> No.14349580

Hot dog

>> No.14349592

Neither fill you up like a proper italian.

>> No.14349598
File: 224 KB, 1500x1125, 20190221-shrimp-poboys-vicky-wasik-25-1500x1125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shrimp Po-Boy.

>> No.14349602

I don't live in the northeast, I live in the south. We didn't know what any of those things were, closest thing we had were po'boys.

>> No.14349608

There is nothing more humble and working class than a hot dog. It's as low tier and unpretentious as you can get which is the subject of this thread.

>> No.14349609

How expensive? Above $10 and we talking too rich here.

>> No.14349614

Its phallic in shape and wall street finance workers eat them during lunch.

>> No.14349625

Stop moving goalposts, you retard. Your thread is shit when stuff like burgers and hotdogs easy beat the Italian sub from a working class and humble standpoint. You should have said name a food item then fills you up better for cheap or some shit.

>> No.14349627

Just finished one not even a secobd ago. God bless America.

>> No.14349631

Also I realize that I'm typing like a moron. I'm drunk and your thread still sucks fuck you

>> No.14349638

Do me a favor, shove some hotdogs down your throat and tell your mom how she should be proud of having a faggot of a son.

>> No.14349646

You do realize that po' boys were first eaten because you didn't have to pay anything for em, right?

>> No.14349657

Didn't have to pay? Why were they free? What was the catch? Was this back when people viewed lobsters and shrimp as peasant food?

>> No.14349669

You can't get a proper Italian sub in this town we have a Subway but they suck.

>> No.14349683

>Was this back when people viewed lobsters and shrimp as peasant food?
Yes. It was the people that worked the shrimp boats in louisiana. The reason it's traditionally served with lettuce and maters on a roll is because bread was the only thing they had to buy as they had mater and lettuce plants at home.

>> No.14349685
File: 37 KB, 625x469, 20100723-in-n-out-primary-thumb-625xauto-101967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Double Double, Animal style of course

>> No.14349687

The south never had sandwiches that weren't in sliced white bread?

>> No.14349716

bologna sandwich. no salt. no pepper. no condiments. no toppings.

>> No.14349747

I prefer grinder because i enjoy gay sex

>> No.14349748

Thats something a divorced man can afford to eat.

>> No.14349757

Depends on where you are at. Down south, you can a full sized one for $5-7 bucks in a lot of places. Up north, it can be closer to $8-10ish.

>> No.14349781
File: 45 KB, 600x411, 15APPE1-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roast beef sandwich made from the leftover roast your wife or mom made for dinner the night before.

>> No.14349800

The south didn't really have sliced white bread, either. We just didn't have that vernacular nor the cognition of what a "sub sandwich" entailed.

>> No.14349809

Philly cheese steak

There are too many to list really. OP is a big faggot

>> No.14349811
File: 90 KB, 780x520, fresh-tomato-and-mayo-sandwich-summer-780x520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like a little baby. Watch this:

>> No.14349812

This actually intriguing to me. I learned something new today. So was the po boy only a thing in Lousiana because of the french culture? Did the rest of the south have no clue what bread was?

>> No.14349826

I always think of construction workers when I think of a sub sandwich.

>> No.14349827

OP is based. Someone should put a cigarette out on your eyes.

>> No.14349831

Are you his gay lover or something, you faggot?

>> No.14349837

No, I want to be YOUR gay lover.

>> No.14349842

Imagine getting mad on a Chinese piss bottle forum because someone called OP a faggot. Imagine being you LMFAO. What an American.

>> No.14349849

We had simple breads (mostly cornbread and biscuits, hardtack as well) but loaves of bread really only came into prominence maybe after WWII. this was before I was born though, so I can't say for certain. Also po boys popped up mostly just because of circumstance, I don't think they're directly related to the cajuns being descended from the french. It became popular for the same reason that shrimp & grits became popular: because it was good and cheap and didn't take rocket science to make.

>> No.14349851

Reported to the local London authorities for a hate crime.

>> No.14349855

>Did the rest of the south have no clue what bread was
I don't know for certain, but most southern bread like recipes don't have yeast in them. I'm thinking biscuits, cornbread, soda bread. Those don't make for great sandwich breads. I think yeast rolls are southern, but yeah, I guess the idea of sandwich wasn't big there. Didn't that idea mainly come over as a Jew thing with delis?

>> No.14349858
File: 1.71 MB, 270x138, 1483546052476.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please don't call OP a faggot plz WAHHH
t. you

>> No.14349869

I would love to kiss you and allow you to pleasure me :3

>> No.14349882

Jews dont eat breads with yeast in them, or is that only during passover? I forget, but I thought sandwiches were created in Britain.

>> No.14349891

I don't know Jew stuff, but I seems like the culture of sandwiches started in NY with Deli Sandwiches.

>> No.14349892

can you teach me to gay sex

>> No.14349897
File: 59 KB, 720x484, McChicken-Sandwich-from-McDonalds.jpg.optimal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The McChicken sandwich. Esp when you get 3 packets of sauce for free.

>> No.14349904

Jew sandwiches in delis are usually on sliced rye or bagels. Subs/hoagies are not something you see with jewish meats on them.

>> No.14349910

Are you a top or bottom?

>> No.14349926


>> No.14349931

Wouldn't they take turns?

>> No.14349932

We will find out soon enough :3

>> No.14349936

I thought in gay sex the guy with the bigger dick is the top? It would be weird to have a guy with a 9inch dick getting topped by a 4 inch guy.

>> No.14350225
File: 155 KB, 750x422, BB5A68E6-D4D9-4F4C-815F-33ABBB196225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meatloaf sandwich

>> No.14350632
File: 74 KB, 826x620, 1358448786881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pasty

>> No.14350715

Grilled cheese sandwich

>> No.14350739

Fuck of c*lifornian

Don’t you have a street to shit in?

>> No.14350860

how old are you

>> No.14350896


>> No.14351493

Ah yes, pies with meat.

>> No.14351501

Please stop eating Subway. It should literally be your last resort like you will fucking collapse on the ground if you do not get one of their sandwiches. It is horrible awful food and everyone that works there hates their job.

>> No.14351530

Big Mac easily.

>> No.14351532
File: 48 KB, 365x274, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14351563
File: 917 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20191206-114532_DoorDash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, it's not that bad.

>> No.14351574

Hot dogs
Grilled cheese