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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14338494 No.14338494 [Reply] [Original]

>gf asks if i want anything from chickfila
>tell her just a sandwich and some fries
>she gets here
>look at my fries
>there's only like 10 in there, very obvious someone had been eating them
should i break up with her?

>> No.14338514


>> No.14338949

Yeah, that's a fuckin dick move right there. If she wanted fries she should have gotten an order for herself.

>> No.14338977

Your gf(male) has clearly established herself(himself) as the alpha and you are her(his) bitch

>> No.14339162

She's a fry snatcher, Jerry!
A fry snatcher?
She takes her fry quota from other people.
Fry snatcher!
I can't do this, Jerry. I can't keep losing fries on my every meal like this.
But what about the tickets?
George is getting frustrated!!!

>> No.14339607


>> No.14339619

if you're looking for an out that's a reasonable place to start
will fuck her up good kek

>> No.14339626

if i was your dad i'd straight up shoot you and then shoot myself

>> No.14339643

This nigga is homosexual and his girlfriend is a tranny.

>> No.14339695

My wife does this all of the time.
I stopped asking for fries, just to avoid the anger.

>> No.14339706

Man its a dick move on her part but you should a realized by now EVERY SINGLE CHICK PULLS THIS SHIT and thats why you order TWO sets of fries

>> No.14339712

I love it

>> No.14339724
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>be me
>go get food for me and my gf
>get two things of fries
>munch on hers the way home
>munch on mine so they look even
>sneak a couple extra from hers

I do this every fucking time kek

>> No.14339842

Ur a horrible person n if ur gf does this she's equally bad

>> No.14339915

how fat are you, greedy fuck

>> No.14339935

Women are entitled bitches who think taking other people's stuff is cute.

>> No.14340038

Wait till the morning before she's about to go for her morning dump, quickly grab her forcefully then tie her to the bed with her legs behind her head, eat her ass while saying you're not leaving until she gives you back the fries she stole from last night.

>> No.14340045

You're a fucking filthy degenerate that deserves to be nailed to a cross

>> No.14340530

Dangerously based.

>> No.14340567
File: 291 KB, 825x735, 30728327_10209854495759547_8766785153222574080_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this lmfao

>> No.14340665


>> No.14340782
File: 6 KB, 203x250, 1592665239383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get offered free shit
>I expected more wahhhhh

>> No.14342522

>Aoi poster is a cuck
Checks out

>> No.14342525

you post anime and go to cukfull-A
youre lucky anyone likes you

>> No.14342696

I will never have another gf. Enjoy!

>> No.14342713

what the fuck this thread?

>> No.14342732

if she can't resist eating your fries you can't reasonably expect her to resist another mans dick

>> No.14342768

Elaine: I've been a fry snatcher. What's the big deal?
Jerry: Elaine you don't get between a man and his fries!
Kramer enters
Jerry: Kramer George's new girlfriend is a fry snatcher.
Kramer seizes in shock

>> No.14342774

Am I on reddit?

>> No.14342790

anon if you can't appreciate jewfeld quotes your life is sad. lighten up

>> No.14342802
File: 69 KB, 412x471, Noooooooo+not+the+heckin+rebuttal+nooooooooooooooo+not+the+flipping+argumentarino+_39c87813b23e7e6e04076f2a61e25695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon if you can't appreciate jewfeld quotes your life is sad. lighten up

>> No.14342815

Boy you're really trying hard to fit in, aren't you :)

>> No.14342820

Does it matter anymore?

>> No.14342823

Kramer: she's a nigger! she's a fry nigger!

>> No.14342828
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1579799877583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boy you're really trying hard to fit in, aren't you :)

>> No.14342856

my wife does this. makes me feel good about jizzing in her coffee

>> No.14342861
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>> No.14342931

honestly its just me being petty because she's such a whiney bitch if I don't immediately drop everything I'm doing to go get dinner.

dumb bitch, you have a car, you can drive to mcdonalds too. why do i need to stop what i'm doing to go pick you up food when I'm not even hungry? you bet your ass i'm going to eat some of your fries and "accidentally" shove it up your ass tonight.

>> No.14342990

Beat the fuck outta her faggot

>> No.14342998

Unironically yes. That is extremely disrespectful.

>> No.14343013

She should be broken by the wheel.

>> No.14343702

Woah, did they really use language like that in Friends? The 80s must have been so weird.

>> No.14343895
File: 46 KB, 582x582, 1592549949363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're gonna monch on my dick just as many times as you monched on my fries

>> No.14345141

>thats why you order TWO sets of fries

this wtf, it's basic shit

women always pick at your food because they think it doesn't "count" toward their daily calories, so you just order double what you'd normally get

>> No.14345168

Hey, uh, if Larry David is reading this, I think you should approve that script. It's getting real interesting and I like the jokes because I can relate to that situation.

>> No.14345176

>GF is vegetarian
>orders Indian
>gets the wrong order of chicken curry
>it's all mine